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Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University

Department of the English Language and Methods of its Teaching

Examination Requirements in THEORY of ENGLISH PHONETICS

Semester 6, Spring 2019
Instructor: Viktoriia Yu. Kochubei
The students are to prove that their knowledge of the theory of English phonetics meets the
curriculum requirements by way of
1) oral presentation of two theoretical issues (see: A. Topic areas) and
2) coping with a practical assignment in writing, (see: B. Kinds of practical assignment).
3) compiling a glossary of 50 terms for a selection of topics ( see: C. A list of topics which are to be
supplemented with a glossary compiled by the student).
A. Topic Areas
1. Pronunciation as a way of materializing of the spoken form of language.
2. The sound structure of language and ways of its analysis and description: the segmental
component and the syllabic structure of the language.
3. The sound structure of language and ways of its analysis and description: lexical stress
and intonation.
4. Units of language vs. speech.
5. Pronunciation varieties/accents and standards of pronunciation. Pronunciation norm and its
6. Major accents of English.
7. Major social shapes of English as a foreign language and a lingua franca.
8. Describing/comparing accents: Segmental dimensions of accent.
9. Describing/comparing accents: Prosodic dimensions of an accent.
10. RP/BBC English: its socio-historical survey and major sources of reference. Estuary English.
11. Pronunciation features of RP/BBC English.
12. Cockney as an example of a broad accent of English.
13. American English pronunciation: its socio-historical survey, segmental, structural and
selectional disctions.
14. Chief differences between RP and GenAm (segmental level, word stress, intonation).
15. Phonetic features of General American pronunciation.
16. Australian English accent.
17. Pronunciation features of Canadian and New Zealand English.
18. Vowels and consonants as articulatory units and the problem of their articulatory classification.
19. The articulatory classification of the English consonants
20. The articulatory classification of the English vowels.
21. Aspects of speech sounds.
22. The main aspects and functions of the phoneme.
23. The problem of the syllable in English: its definition, functions, types.
24. Rules of phonetic syllable division in English. Division into syllabographs.
25. Word stress/lexical stress in English: its nature, types, functions and tendencies.
26. Basic word stress patterns in two- and three- and polysyllabic words in English.
27. Basic rules of stressing compound words.
28. The notion of prosody and intonation as a complex unity of prosodic features.
29. The pitch component of English intonation.
30. The tone unit as the minimal unit of intonation description.
31. Sentence (utterance-level) stress.
32. Basic sound-letter correspondences in English (vowels).

B. Kinds of a practical assignment

1. Transcribe the words, give their pronunciation variants and explain the tendencies
governing their pronunciation.
2. Indicate the differences in the pronunciation of given words in different accents (RP,
General American, Australian English)
3. Draw a table illustrating the articulatory classification of the English vowel /consonant
4. Divide the given words into phonetic syllables, syllabographs.
5. Define the accentual patterns of the following words.
6. Define different types of sentence stress and cases of de-accentuation in a given text.
7. Define the communicative types of sentences and identify the nuclear tones according to
the indicated attitudes.
8. Transcribe a passage from the text identifying and explaining coarticulatory phenomena.
9. Draw a table illustrating basic sound-letter correspondences in English.

C. A List of topics for compiling a glossary

1. Phonic substance of English and ways of its analysis and description.
2. Accents of English.
3. Syllable.
4. Word stress.
5. Prosody.


Oral answers average grade - max.5;

Attendance, preparation for seminars, participation - max.5;
Glossary of terms, average grade - max.5;
Continuous testing, average grade - max.5;
Module Paper Grades (Module Paper 1+ Module Paper 2) - max 20+20;
Continuous assessment average grade - max. 60.
Exam - max. 40.:
Theoretical question 1 - max.10;
Theoretical question 2 - max.10;
Practical assignment - max.10;
Glossary of terms - max.10.
Total – 100.

Середньозва Відвідування, Глосарій Тестування Оцінки за Бали за Бали, Сума

жена оцінка підготовка, на заняттях модульні роботу отримані балів за
за усні активна роботи протягом на всі види
відповіді участь в семестру екзамені навчальн
семінарі ої
5 5 5 5 20+20 60 40 100

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