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Newbie - He’s Not In (A)

A: 喂?

B: 你好,馬先生在嗎?
nı̌hǎo, Mǎ xiānsheng zài ma?
Hello. Is Mr. Ma in?

A: 對不起,他不在。
duı̀buqı̌, tā bù zài.
Sorry. He is not in.

B: 好吧。
hǎo ba.
That’s OK.

Key Vocabulary

喂 wéi hello

先生 xiānsheng Mr.

在 zài to be in

對不起 duı̀buqı̌ sorry

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008

c Praxis Language Ltd.
不 bù not

好吧 hǎo ba all right

Supplementary Vocabulary

找 zhǎo to look for

誰 shéi who

出去 chūqù to go out

什麼時候 shénme shı́hou when

回來 huı́lái to return

等一下 děng yı̄xià wait a moment

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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