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NAME: Johnatan Valla

LEVEL: 4° “A” CODE: 2073


Use as many as possible expressions to invent a fantastic story.

Last month I met my friend, in which we talked about many things and spent a blank
night, we talked about the yellow press that they published about politicians, that news
affects the political career, he said, but from my point of view is the opposite because in
this way some politicians would resign their position for their mismanagement, I asked
him if in the future he would like his children to live the same as us, He was left blank
when I asked him about it, because we know that we are going through a very critical
time, he replied that he saw black that this whole situation changes, because of the way
the yellow press exhibits politicians, after that discussion I asked him about the girl we
looked at in the supermarket in the morning, He with a laugh told me that the girl turned
red when he looked at him was one day, to share wonderful ideas with him since he had
not seen him since we finished the computer course, where that the days we lived a
dumb rose.

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