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Newbie - Who is that?


A: 那個女孩兒是誰?
nà ge nü
ǔháir shı̀ shéi?
Who is that girl?

B: 她嗎?
tā ma?

A: 對。真漂亮!
duı̀. zhēn piàoliang!
Yes. She’s really beautiful!

B: 她是我女朋友。
tā shı̀ wǒ nü
She is my girlfriend.

Key Vocabulary

那 nà that

女孩兒 nü
ǔháir girl

是 shı̀ to be

誰 shéi who

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008

c Praxis Language Ltd.
她 tā she

對 duı̀ correct

真 zhēn really

漂亮 piàoliang beautiful

女朋友 nü
ǔpéngyou girlfriend

Supplementary Vocabulary

他 tā he

這 zhè this

男孩兒 nánháir boy

男朋友 nánpéngyou boyfriend

帥 shuài handsome

朋友 péngyou friend

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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