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Evidence: A world of images

Bread bread and wine wine


Bread bread and wine wine means that each thing must be called by its name.


 invokes openness and the need to speak clearly about things

 The longer it takes for a person to approach things by name and with
openness, the more difficult situations will develop.
Create fame and go to sleep


create fame and go to sleep ”is a way of saying that once you create a certain
reputation, that reputation will come before you and it will take time and effort to
change it again.


 If you have worked hard to be a good professional and people respect and
value your work, after a while you won't need to try it anymore. When in
Rome, do as the Romans; if you apply that you should be unnoticed

Treating people badly after a while is going to be difficult to change people's choice
because you already built a reputation.
The river sounds, water carries


Explain that a fact can be deduced from any clue. It is applied in particular to
affirm of any rumor that it has some foundation.
You can get better service if you complain about something. If you wait
patiently, no one's going to help you.


He flatly denies it, but, as the saying goes, when the river sounds, water
He categorically denies it, but as the saying goes, where there's smoke
there's fire / there's no smoke without fire

From saying to doing there is a long way


Sometimes there is a great distance between what you say and what you do, so it
is advisable not to trust promises that may not be kept.


in political campaigns, which politicians take advantage of to give their best

speech by promising and offering hundreds of benefits to the people to

The attention of citizens and secure their vote, but that over time the
proposals offered are different from the reality of the acts.
 Whoever has a mouth is wrong


It teaches that all people are subject to making speech errors and therefore it is
justified that they be excused.


Whoever has a mouth is wrong "," He who has a mouth is wrong, and if not, his
mouth is silent

He who has a mouth is wrong, and if not, he keeps his mouth shut and also runs
wild. "
 He who kills iron, dies iron


He who kills iron, dies iron”implies that everyone receives the treatment they
deserve according to their actions.


It is particularly used when one person has done harm against another, and then
life puts him in an equivalent situation.

Popular wisdom understands the principle of reciprocity or cause and effect.

A good listener a few words”


A good listener a few words”is a popular saying that means that an intelligent
person does not need too detailed an explanation to understand what is being said.


If the interlocutor wants to make the other person understand that he is talking too
much or that he has already understood and does not need further explanations,
he can simply respond: "to a good listener, few words".

As a positive connotation, it can be used to refer to a meeting or conversation with

someone who was simple and successful. For example: —how did your meeting
with your boss go? -A good listener few words. Sara is always speaking bad
He who sows winds, reaps storms


Warns that all our actions in life generate consequences


Good planting always brings good results. For this reason, this popular sentence
also has the idea of reward, which in fact exists in an antonym proverb: "he who
sows well, reaps well."

This proverb is used above all to remind us that if we do wrong in our lives and if
we do wrong to others, when we need them, they will not be there.

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