Newbie - Weekend Plans: N I ZH Oum 'O G 'Anm A? What Are You Up To This Weekend?

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Newbie - Weekend Plans (A)

A: 你周末幹嗎?
nı̌ zhōumò gànmá?
What are you up to this weekend?

B: 逛街。你呢?
guàngjiē. nı̌ ne?
Shopping. You?

A: 不知道。
bù zhı̄dào.
I’m not sure.

B: 啊?

Key Vocabulary

你 nı̌ you

周末 zhōumò weekend

幹嗎 gànmá what’s up

逛街 guàngjiē to shop

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008

c Praxis Language Ltd.
你呢 nı̌ ne how about you

不 bù not

知道 zhı̄dào to know

Supplementary Vocabulary

打算 dǎsuàn to plan

星期六 xı̄ngqı̄liù Saturday

星期天 xı̄ngqı̄tiān Sunday

一起 yı̄qı̌ together

無聊 wúliáo boring

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2008

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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