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Ejercicios gramar verb tenses.

Estefanía Ceballos López.


Clara Inés Morales.

I E Rafael Uribe Uribe.


Word Fill in the Blank Worksheet 4

Complete cada oración con una palabra de la lista.

dinámica elegante obstinado desfavorable

deshonesto obediente irresponsable audaz

tolerancia impaciente

1. I don't expect him to change his mind because I know he is very ----.

2. If you want to shop for the latest fashions or expensive souvenirs in New
York City, go to Fifth Avenue. It is full of ---- shops.

3. Our teacher is a(n) ---- person, so she easily captivates the interest and
attention of the students while she is teaching.

4. My father gets angry with us whenever we make a mistake. He has no ----

for mistakes.

5. Teachers like ---- students who never break their rules.


6. We couldn't see the meteor shower last night because of the ---- weather
7. You should wait for your turn. You'd better not be so ----.

8. Tom is so ----; he never does his homework and never keeps to his

9. Sarven is so ---- that he sometimes puts his life at risk.


10. Mrs. Smith always tells her daughter not to marry a (n) ---- man, who lies
and cheats.
Prueba de práctica de gramática inglesa 9.

Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences .

1. Nowadays, it......that the Vikings.... the Americas about 500 years before
Columbus' arrival there in 1492.

B) is believed / had reached.

2. ....... moment I have ever experienced was when I saw my 1-year-old son
sitting on the windowsill of our flat on the third floor.

D) The most terrifying.

3. Sandy got married when she was .... 16, and now, at the age of 36, she is ......a

D) barely / already.

4. John failed his exams because he was always out with his friends when

A) should have been studying.

5. Before she got that new job, Eda...... lots of good books, but now she just
doesn't have the time.
C) used to read

6. The man......briefcase is currently on fire is the same man......I argued with at

the post office last week.

D) whose / who.

7.  .......on a chair every day, I am not used......, and so my leg muscles get sore
when I do.

B) Having been sitting / to standing

8. .......$100 for my US visa application, I was upset......that I'd been rejected for
unspecified reasons.

C) Having paid / to discover

9. Mr. Berry feels that the world today is was during his childhood.

D) as safe as

10. As she watched......get in the car and drive away, Miranda knew
would never be the same again.

E) him / her

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