Journal of Cleaner Production: Xiaolong Wang, Yuanquan Chen, Peng Sui, Wangsheng Gao, Feng Qin, Xia Wu, Jing Xiong

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Journal of Cleaner Production 65 (2014) 234e245

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Efficiency and sustainability analysis of biogas and electricity

production from a large-scale biogas project in China: an emergy
evaluation based on LCA
Xiaolong Wang, Yuanquan Chen 1, Peng Sui, Wangsheng Gao*, Feng Qin, Xia Wu,
Jing Xiong
College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Biogas, which plays an important role in energy production and environmental protection, is developing
Received 28 April 2013 at a large-scale in China to accommodate the modernization and fast pace that the Chinese agricultural
Received in revised form sector has experienced over the last decade due to the rapid development of large-scale farms and
25 August 2013
stockbreeding in recent years. This study introduced life cycle assessment (LCA) into emergy evaluation
Accepted 1 September 2013
Available online 11 September 2013
to analyze each production step of a large-scale biogas project in China and to compare the economic and
ecological performance of the biogas production system (BPS) and biogas plus electricity production
system (BEPS) of a project. Our findings indicated that the energy return rate of biogas production system
Emergy evaluation
was lower than that of traditional energy production system currently. Emergy efficiency of the large-
Large-scale biogas project scale biogas project was 77.9e95.6% higher than that of the small-scale biogas project. The emission
Efficiency mitigation intensity was also 125.7e172.7 times higher for the large-scale plant than for the small-scale
Sustainability plant. The sustainability of the large-scale biogas project was 1.16e11.87 times higher than that of other
China renewable energy production systems, but 66.0e74.4% lower than that of the small-scale biogas project
due to an insufficient amount of raw material inputs and the higher cost of equipment investment in
anaerobic fermentation and electricity generation steps. Moreover, the economic and ecological per-
formance of BEPS was worse than that of BPS. We suggested that the sustainability of the large-scale
biogas project would be improved by measures: first, providing a suitable quantity and ratio of raw
materials; second, reducing the equipment investment of fermentation and the generator; third, using
the electricity from the biogas system.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction developed rapidly and globally, and is playing an increasingly

important role in energy production and environmental protection.
At present, one of the ongoing challenges facing human society China is one of the world’s largest energy consumers and the
is to continue to provide energy in usable forms such as electricity second largest greenhouse gas emitter. China imported 1.63  108 t
and gasoline while fossil fuel reserves are declining, populations of crude oil in 2007, and the country’s dependency on foreign oil
are growing, and concerns about global warming are increasing reached to 46.6% in the same year (Zhang et al., 2009). In vast rural
(Ciotola et al., 2011; Omer, 2008). Under these circumstances, the areas of China, the lower efficiency of energy utilization and higher
utilization of renewable energy resources has become a global discharges of agricultural waste have become major local charac-
strategy for sustainable energy use, which is of particular impor- teristics due to the lower level of agricultural modernization and
tance for coping with the increasing stress from the energy crisis social development. For example, China’s poultry and livestock
and global warming (Chen and Chen, 2012; Sorda et al., 2010). As an manure reached about 3.97  109 t in 2007 (Zhang et al., 2009),
effective method to generate renewable energy, biogas is being while the majority of this was not reasonably used but rather dis-
charged into rivers, resulting in water pollution and greenhouse gas
emissions. Only the manure from pigs, cattle, and sheep discharged
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ86 1062731163.
a chemical oxygen demand (COD) amounting to approximately 69
E-mail addresses:, (W. Gao). million tons each yearda quantity five times that of industrial
The author contributed equally to this study. emissions in China (Li et al., 2010). As a large agricultural country,

0959-6526/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 65 (2014) 234e245 235

solving these waste issues has become important to sustain eco- assessed the efficiency and sustainability of the Four in One
nomic growth and the harmonious coexistence of humans and the ecological economic system for peach production system (FIOPPS)
environment. Therefore, the development of a biogas project will in a solar greenhouse in China, in which an 8 m3 biogas project was
provide an inevitable option for renewable energy production and utilized as the connection between peach and pig production.
agricultural waste treatment in China. However, after reviewing these published papers, we found that
In recent years, biogas projects have developed rapidly in China. some problems remain that must be addressed for the comprehen-
Reportedly, the quantity of small-scale biogas digesters has sive evaluation of biogas projects in China. First, the studies pub-
increased from approximately 1.8Eþ9 m3 in 1996 to 1.0Eþ10 m3 in lished were all concentrated on small-scale biogas and no evaluation
2007, while the number of large and medium-scale biogas projects of large-scale biogas had been conducted. China in particular has
has increased from approximately 1.2Eþ11 m3 in 1996 to experienced the rapid development of large-scale farms and stock-
6.0Eþ12 m3 in 2007 (Zhang et al., 2009). The number of biogas breeding in recent years, and biogas projects are gradually devel-
projects has increased rapidly over the last decade due to the oping at larger scales to accommodate the rapid modernization that
implementation of a series of new policies in China. The rapid the Chinese agricultural sector has experienced over the last decade.
development of biogas also promotes the creation of many sus- According to the data reported, the total digester capacity of medium
tainable agricultural modes including the “biogas-linked agro- and large-scale biogas increased from 1.36Eþ05 m3 in 1996 to
system (BLAS)” (Chen and Chen, 2012), “Four in One” (Wei et al., 7.32Eþ06 m3 in 2010 (Yang et al., 2012). Consequently, analyzing
2009) and “pigebiogasefruit” (Chen et al., 2012), in which large-scale biogas projects in China has become necessary using an
planting and stockbreeding are connected to achieve improved emergy evaluation of the economic and ecological aspects. Second,
economic and ecological benefits. In fact, the incorporation of most of the papers treated the subject biogas project and the agri-
biogas projects into agricultural systems has at least four advan- cultural system around it as a whole, and viewed the biogas project
tages: a comparatively clean biogas fuel for electricity and heating; as a mere subsystem (Chen and Chen, 2012; Wei et al., 2009). And a
the disposal of agricultural waste; biogas residue, and slurry to be detailed analysis of each step involved in the process of biogas or
used in farmland as fertilizer; and a reduction in greenhouse gas electricity production in terms of emergy consumption and envi-
emissions. ronmental pressure had not been conducted. To improve emergy
Some scholars have carried out relevant research analyzing efficiency and the sustainability of biogas systems in the next stage,
biogas projects and the ecosystem effects using various methods these issues need to be resolved. Third, biogas projects have three
such as benefitecost economic analysis (Amigun and Blottnitz, functions from the energy production perspective, including the
2007; Murphya et al., 2004; Trendewicz and Braun, 2013; production of biogas, organic fertilizer, and electricity. Only one pa-
Yoshizaki et al., 2013) and environmental impaction evaluation per to date had compared biogas and the electricity production of
(Börjesson and Berglund, 2006, 2007; Patterson et al., 2011; Poeschl biogas projects (Ciotola et al., 2011); however, a study analyzing the
et al., 2012a,b). However, a consensus has not yet been reached production results of biogas projects in China remains to be con-
regarding a generally accepted way to describe and determine the ducted. Presently, the percentage of biogas projects used to generate
sustainability of such projects, and each method mentioned above electricity in China is only 3% (Chen et al., 2012), which is far lower
offers a specific insight into “upstream” or “downstream” impacts than that of developed countries, so comprehensively evaluating
of a product or industry (Chen and Chen, 2012; Ulgiati et al., 2006). biogas and electricity production is important to further develop
Compared to the above-mentioned methods, emergy analysis is an biogas projects in China.
effective means to analyze biogas projects from the perspective of Based on the considerations above, we analyzed a 1000 m3
economic and ecological benefits. Emergy evaluation was first large-scale biogas project in Jingxian County of North China. Ac-
developed by Odum in the 1980s, and creatively combines the cording to the existing standards of classifying biogas size, this
fields of energetics and systems ecology. The method addresses the plant was considered to be representative of a large-scale biogas
weakness of traditional energy analysis and expresses different project in China. We evaluated it in terms of life cycle analysis
forms of energy using a common physical basis, namely, solar (LCA), dividing the emergy input of whole progress into four steps
emergy. Moreover, it takes into consideration the aspects such as including raw material pretreatment, anaerobic fermentation,
natural resources, labor and ecosystem services that are generally solideliquid separation, and electricity generation. On this basis,
left uncalculated by other evaluation methods. Therefore, emergy we compared the economic and ecological performance of biogas
theory conceivably can provide valuable information for a better and electricity production in this project. According to the results,
understanding of the sustainability of a biogas system in a bio- we provide discussion on how to improve the efficiency and sus-
physical context (Chen and Chen, 2012). tainability of these large-scale biogas projects in China.
A few previous studies have assessed biogas projects via the
emergy method. These evaluations focused mainly on two aspects, 2. Method
particularly the evaluation of biogas projects (Ciotola et al., 2011;
Zhou et al., 2010) and the integrated evaluation of sustainable 2.1. Study sites
agricultural modes with biogas as the link, such as in the Four in
One and BLAS modes (Chen and Chen, 2012; Wei et al., 2009). More In this study, we choose to evaluate a 1000 m3 large-scale biogas
of the latter have been performed than the former. Ciotola et al. project, located on a farm (Jinglong Company) in Jingxian County
(2011) analyzed a small-scale biogas production and electricity (37 58 0 N, 115 990 E) of Hebei Province, China. The area has a
generation system in Costa Rica using the emergy method and temperate semiarid monsoon climate with mean annual temper-
found that the emergy efficiency and sustainability of electricity ature 12.5  C and precipitation of 554 mm. This farm is character-
generation were lower than those of biogas production. Zhou et al. ized by larger-scale stock raising and crop production. As a
(2010) evaluated a biogas project in China, which comprised connection between planting and breeding, the large-scale biogas
200 m3 and 500 m3 biogas projects, and analyzed their market project on this farm treats manure from pigs to generate biogas,
value and emergy monetary value. Chen and Chen (2012) provided biogas slurry, biogas residue, and electricity for use on the farm.
an overview of the economic and environmental performance of According to the objective of this study, the biogas project is viewed
the BLAS in China by focusing on efficiency, emission mitigation, as two systems: one is a biogas production system (BPS) and the
and sustainability from a regional perspective. Wei et al. (2009) other is a biogas plus electricity production system (BEPS).
236 X. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 65 (2014) 234e245

The biogas project was constructed in 2011, and a detailed According to the evaluation procedure developed by Odum
technical flowchart of it is shown in Fig. 1. A total of 3.9 t/day of pig (1996), the first step in emergy evaluation is designing an energy
manure from the farm entered the pretreatment room by ma- flow diagram of the system to identify all aspects, their relation-
chine, after which the manure was diluted with 22.5 m3/day of ships, and categories. In this study, we divided the production
water in the inverse flow of biogas slurry. The treated raw mate- process of BEPS into four steps including raw material treatment,
rials were then transported to the anaerobic fermentation tank, anaerobic fermentation, solideliquid separation, and electricity
which uses a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) anaerobic generation based on the life cycle of biogas and electricity pro-
integration technology. The anaerobic reactor produced an duction, while the production process of BPS was characterized
average of 700 m3 biogas every day. A portion of the biogas was without the step of electricity generation (Figs. 2 and 3). The second
treated by the dehydrator and desulphurizer and then used in a step is to organize the different inputs in emergy evaluation tables
120 kW generation set to produce electricity totaling 729 kWh/ (Tables 2 and 3) and to convert all components of the system into
day. At the same time, the mixture of biogas slurry and residue emergy by multiplying by transformity factors, which in this study
flow from the anaerobic fermentation tank was separated into were mostly derived from previous literatures and relative to the
biogas slurry and residue by the solideliquid separator, which was 15.83  1024 sej/year baseline. Therefore, all calculated trans-
then used as the organic fertilizer for crop production. In light of formities, beginning with the previously used 9.44  1024 sej/year
the biogas project-adopted CSTR anaerobic integration technol- standard, were multiplied by 1.68 (Odum et al., 2000). Moreover,
ogy, the waste heat produced in the electricity generation was note that in the emergy evaluation, rain and wind are considered to
used to provide the temperature demand of anaerobic fermen- be coproducts of sunlight, and only the item with the highest value
tation and pretreatment of the raw materials. The biogas project is accounted for in the total amount of emergy to avoid double
ran all 365 days of the year. counting (Odum, 1996). The third step is to aggregate all emergy
flows and to analyze the structure of emergy inputs to a system
2.2. Emergy evaluation (Tables 4 and 5). The fourth step is the benefits analysis of the
biogas project (Table 6), and the last step is to calculate emergy
Emergy is defined as the quantity of solar energy directly or indices to evaluate the system (Table 7). According to the results,
indirectly necessary to support a given system and its level of or- enhancements can be made to improve the system’s development.
ganization (Odum, 1996). The definition is different from the gen- The two drawings in Figs. 2 and 3 display the energy system
eral concept of “energy” representing “the energy memory” or the diagrams of BPS and BEPS, respectively, according to the energy
total historical energy embodied in any substances (Chen and Chen, system symbols suggested by Odum (1996). The chosen system
2012). Following the laws of ecology and thermodynamics, energy boundaries and the energy sources driving the processes are shown
flows converge at each lower step to make fewer flows at higher in the picture. The energy driving systems are classified into three
steps, and the energy hierarchy evolves (Liu and Chen, 2007). As aspects according to their source: local renewable energy (R)
this occurs, the energy quantity decreases and the energy quality shown on the left-hand side of the diagram, local nonrenewable
increases. To reflect the varied hierarchy and quality of different energy (N) shown in the diagram, and purchased energies (P)
types of energy in the system, an important parameter named shown on the top, which include nonrenewable purchased energy
“transformity” was introduced, which refers to the emergy needed (PN) and renewable purchased energy (PR). The yield (Y) is shown
to obtain 1 joule or gram of a product or service. A higher value of on the right-hand side of the diagram. Some emergy indices were
transformity indicates a higher energy quality and hierarchy, while evaluated according to the classification of energy input. Brief de-
all inputs to the system including nature, economics, and infor- scriptions of the emergy indices are given in Table 1.
mation can be calculated in terms of solar emjoules (sej) using the
suitable transformities (expressed in sej/J or sej/g) such that 2.3. Data source
different qualities of energy can be accounted and compared on the
same basis. Presently, emergy evaluation has been widely accepted All of the raw data were surveyed from the biogas project of the
as a useful tool for environmental accounting and system evalua- Jinglong Company over the period from June to November 2012. The
tion (Lima et al., 2012; Liu and Chen, 2007; Zhang et al., 2012). A emergy of renewable natural resources including solar radiation,
more comprehensive description of the concept, principles, and wind, and rainfall, were obtained from the China Meteorological
applications of the methodology can be found in Odum (1996). Data Sharing Service System (;

Fig. 1. Technical flow chart of the biogas project.

X. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 65 (2014) 234e245 237

Fig. 2. Energy flow diagram of the biogas project without electricity generation.

accessed on 24 April 2012). Equipment, construction, and machinery manure input for both BPS and BEPS was 3.27Eþ17 sej and
used in the biogas project were converted to annual flows based on accounted for 37% and 43%, respectively, of the total emergy inputs,
their expected life length, which was estimated at 20 years for making up the largest single input. The chemical energy of rain
equipment and construction, and 10 years for machinery. The ex- contributed 1.18Eþ14 sej to both of the two systems and repre-
change rate between Chinese renminbi (RMB) and U.S. dollars (USD) sented less than 1%. As a nonrenewable resource in the area, the
used in the paper was 6.22 in 2012. Data on the energy content of emergy input from groundwater was 1.03Eþ16 sej and accounted
every material was accounted for using the energy coefficient from for 1% of the energy in both BPS and BEPS, and was used to dilute
Chen (2011) and the formula from Odum (1996). Moreover, the the solid manure.
benefits of reductions in greenhouse gases from this large-scale Moreover, as shown in Fig. 4, purchased resources were very
biogas project were estimated based on data from Zhang et al. important for this large-scale biogas project as it was a kind of
(2008). The details of raw data calculation procedures are shown engineering project and needed a large amount of economic
in the Appendix A. feedback energy to support it. As the only renewable purchased
resource, labor inputs were 6.66Eþ16 sej and 8.84Eþ16 sej and
3. Results accounted for 9% and 10% of the inputs to BPS and BEPS, respec-
tively, making up the second highest item of renewable resources.
3.1. Analysis of emergy input structure Additionally, of the nonrenewable purchased resources, equipment
emergy input for the BPS and BEPS contributed 19% and 23%,
3.1.1. General analysis for the BPS and BEPS respectively, of the total emergy input. Service inputs, including
As shown in Tables 4 and 5, the total emergy input of the BPS fees for design and installation, accounted for 10% and 12%,
and BEPS were 7.60Eþ17 sej/year and 8.76Eþ17 sej/year, respec- respectively, of the inputs. Because electric generators and related
tively. Local resources accounted for 44.4% and 39.7% of the total devices and services were required for electricity production from
emergy inputs for BPS and BEPS, respectively, and the respective the biogas project, the percentage of equipment and service
purchased resources accounted for 55.6% and 61.5%. emergy inputs for BEPS were higher than those for BPS. Construc-
The proportions of all resources used to support the operation of tion investment was also an important part of the total emergy
the large-scale biogas project are shown in Fig. 4. The annual input and accounted for 10% of both the BPS and BEPS. In addition,

Fig. 3. Energy flow diagram of the biogas project with electricity generation.
238 X. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 65 (2014) 234e245

Table 1 electricity input contributed 7% of the total emergy input for both
Expression and description of emergy indices. the BPS and BEPS; it was used to power the mixing beater and was
Emergy index Expression Description bought outside the farm. The percentage of machinery and fuel
Emergy monetary Y/EMR It is an expression of the emergy one
used to transport manure into the pretreatment tank was less than
value (EmRMB) receives in the product for each dollar 1%. Also, the percentage of lubricant emergy input, which was
paid for the product. needed for the electricity generator, was also less than 1%.
Emission EM/Y It measures the net emission mitigation
mitigation (EM) for per unit emergy input.
3.1.2. Emergy analysis of all steps for the BPS and BEPS
intensity (EMI)
Transformity (Tr) Y/E It measures how much emergy is taken Renewable resources used in the biogas project were mainly
to produce one unit of output and could composed of manure and labor. For the production process of the
be used to evaluate the emergy BPS, the renewable resources were primarily input in the raw ma-
efficiency of production.
terial pretreatment step for the input of manure, which accounted
Renewability (R%) 100  (R þ PR)/Y It is a ratio of the renewable inputs
divided by the total emergy of the
for 43% of the total emergy input. Consequently, the raw material
system and measures the source of the pretreatment was the cardinal emergy input step and accounted for
main power to drive the system. 62% of the total emergy input. The labor emergy input was similar in
Emergy yield ratio Y/P It is a ratio of total emergy divided by each step and accounted for 3% of the total emergy input. Nonre-
(EYR) the purchased emergy and measures the
newable resources were mainly composed of construction invest-
ability of a process to make available
local resources by investing outside ment, service, equipment investment, and electricity, of which the
resources. emergy inputs of construction investment and service were almost
Environmental (N þ PN)/(R þ PR) It is a ratio of total nonrenewable evenly distributed among the three production steps. The emergy
loading ratio emergy divided by the total renewable inputs of the equipment investment were mainly input in the
(ELR) emergy and measures the impact to the
environment around the system.
anaerobic fermentation step, contributing 18% of the total emergy
Emergy EYR/ELR The index is a ratio of EYR divided by input. Electricity was also input at the raw material pretreatment
sustainability ELR and can be used to evaluate the step and accounted for 7% of the total emergy input.
index (ESI) sustainability of a system. Compared with the pure biogas production of the BPS, elec-
Note: (1) Em$, R%, EYR, and ELR are derived from Odum (1996); (2) ESI is derived tricity production from biogas had an additional step, i.e., the
from Ulgiati and Brown (1998); (3) EMI is derived from Chen and Chen (2012); (4) E electricity generation step. The emergy input of this step was
means the energy yield of each product; (5) EMR is a ratio of all emergy supporting
1.16Eþ17 sej/year and accounted for 13% of the total emergy input
the economy of a country to its GDP.
for the BEPS. An additional 2.17Eþ16 sej/year of renewable inputs
in the form of labor were also required for this step. The emergy
inputs of construction, equipment, and service were required for

Table 2
Emergy analysis table of large-scale biogas project without electricity generation in China.

Item Description Unit Class Raw data Transformity Emergy (sej) EmRMB (yuan) %

Raw material pretreatment (a)

1 Sun J R 4.32Eþ12 1 0 0 0
2 Rain, geopotential energy J R 1.48Eþ08 4.70Eþ04 0 0 0
3 Rain, chemical energy J R 3.81Eþ09 3.10Eþ04 1.18Eþ14 6.07Eþ01 <1
4 Wind, kinetic energy J R 1.48Eþ09 2.45Eþ03 0 0 0
5 Manure g R 3.37Eþ09 9.70Eþ07 3.27Eþ17 1.68Eþ05 43
6 Groundwater J N 4.02Eþ10 2.55Eþ05 1.03Eþ16 5.27Eþ03 1
7 Fuel for machinery J PN 1.61Eþ10 1.11Eþ05 1.78Eþ15 9.16Eþ02 <1
8 Machinery $ PN 7.50Eþ00 1.21Eþ13 9.08Eþ13 4.67Eþ01 <1
9 Labor J PR 3.06Eþ09 7.56Eþ06 2.32Eþ16 1.19Eþ04 3
10 Electricity J PN 2.06Eþ11 2.69Eþ05 5.55Eþ16 2.85Eþ04 7
11 Construction investment $ PN 1.91Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.31Eþ16 1.19Eþ04 3
12 Equipment investment $ PN 5.87Eþ02 1.21Eþ13 7.10Eþ15 3.65Eþ03 1
13 Service $ PN 2.09Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.53Eþ16 1.30Eþ04 3
Total for raw material pretreatment 4.73Eþ17 2.43Eþ05 62
Anaerobic fermentation (b)
14 Labor J PR 2.87Eþ09 7.56Eþ06 2.17Eþ16 1.12Eþ04 3
15 Desulfurizer kg PN 3.51Eþ02 3.08Eþ12 1.08Eþ15 5.56Eþ02 <1
16 Construction investment $ PN 2.47Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.98Eþ16 1.53Eþ04 4
17 Equipment investment $ PN 1.11Eþ04 1.21Eþ13 1.35Eþ17 6.94Eþ04 18
18 Service $ PN 2.09Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.53Eþ16 1.30Eþ04 3
Total for anaerobic fermentation 2.13Eþ17 1.09Eþ05 28
Y1 Biogas 7.72Eþ12 8.88Eþ04 6.86Eþ17 3.53Eþ05 90
Solideliquid separation (c)
19 Labor J PR 2.87Eþ09 7.56Eþ06 2.17Eþ16 1.12Eþ04 3
20 Construction investment $ PN 1.85Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.24Eþ16 1.15Eþ04 3
21 Equipment investment $ PN 3.62Eþ02 1.21Eþ13 4.38Eþ15 2.25Eþ03 1
22 Service $ PN 2.09Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.53Eþ16 1.30Eþ04 3
Total for solideliquid separation 7.37Eþ16 3.79Eþ04 10
Y2 Biogas slurry 4.23Eþ10 1.80Eþ07 7.60Eþ17 3.91Eþ05 100
Y3 Biogas residue 2.29Eþ12 3.32Eþ05 7.60Eþ17 3.91Eþ05 100
EM 1.32Eþ09g

Transformity references for respective row number: (1)e(4), (7) (10) Odum (1996); (5) Ciotola et al. (2011); (6) Bastianoni and Marchettini (2000); (9), (14), (19) Brandt-
Williams (2002); (15) Zhou et al. (2010); the others Hu et al. (2010).
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 65 (2014) 234e245 239

Table 3
Emergy analysis table of large-scale biogas project with electricity generation in China.

Item Description Unit Class Raw data Transformity Emergy (sej) EmRMB (yuan) %

Raw material pretreatment (a)

1 Sun J R 4.32Eþ12 1 0 0 0
2 Rain, geopotential energy J R 1.48Eþ08 4.70Eþ04 0 0 0
3 Rain, chemical energy J R 3.81Eþ09 3.10Eþ04 1.18Eþ14 6.07Eþ01 <1
4 Wind, kinetic energy J R 1.48Eþ09 2.45Eþ03 0 0 0
5 Manure g R 3.37Eþ09 9.70Eþ07 3.27Eþ17 1.68Eþ05 37
6 Groundwater J N 4.02Eþ10 2.55Eþ05 1.03Eþ16 5.27Eþ03 1
7 Fuel for machinery J PN 1.61Eþ10 1.11Eþ05 1.78Eþ15 9.16Eþ02 <1
8 Machinery $ PN 7.50Eþ00 1.21Eþ13 9.08Eþ13 4.67Eþ01 <1
9 Labor J PR 3.06Eþ09 7.56Eþ06 2.32Eþ16 1.19Eþ04 3
10 Electricity J PN 2.06Eþ11 2.69Eþ05 5.55Eþ16 2.85Eþ04 6
11 Construction investment $ PN 1.91Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.31Eþ16 1.19Eþ04 3
12 Equipment investment $ PN 5.87Eþ02 1.21Eþ13 7.10Eþ15 3.65Eþ03 1
13 Service $ PN 2.09Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.53Eþ16 1.30Eþ04 3
Total for raw material pretreatment 4.73Eþ17 2.43Eþ05 54
Anaerobic fermentation (b)
14 Labor J PR 2.87Eþ09 7.56Eþ06 2.17Eþ16 1.12Eþ04 2
15 Desulfurizer kg PN 3.51Eþ02 3.08Eþ12 1.08Eþ15 5.56Eþ02 <1
16 Construction investment $ PN 2.47Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.98Eþ16 1.53Eþ04 3
17 Equipment investment $ PN 1.11Eþ04 1.21Eþ13 1.35Eþ17 6.94Eþ04 15
18 Service $ PN 2.09Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.53Eþ16 1.30Eþ04 3
Total for anaerobic fermentation 2.13Eþ17 1.09Eþ05 24
Y1 Biogas 5.34Eþ12 1.28Eþ05 6.86Eþ17 3.53Eþ05 78
Solideliquid separation (c)
19 Labor J PR 2.87Eþ09 7.56Eþ06 2.17Eþ16 1.12Eþ04 2
20 Construction investment $ PN 1.85Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.24Eþ16 1.15Eþ04 3
21 Equipment investment $ PN 3.62Eþ02 1.21Eþ13 4.38Eþ15 2.25Eþ03 <1
22 Service $ PN 2.09Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.53Eþ16 1.30Eþ04 3
Total for solideliquid separation 7.37Eþ16 3.79Eþ04 8
Y2 Biogas slurry 4.23Eþ10 1.80Eþ07 7.60Eþ17 3.91Eþ05 87
Y3 Biogas residue 2.29Eþ12 3.32Eþ05 7.60Eþ17 3.91Eþ05 87
Electricity generation (d)
23 Lubricant J PN 1.99Eþ09 1.11Eþ05 2.20Eþ14 1.13Eþ02 <1
24 Labor J PR 2.87Eþ09 7.56Eþ06 2.17Eþ16 1.12Eþ04 2
25 Construction investment $ PN 1.01Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 1.22Eþ16 6.27Eþ03 1
26 Equipment investment $ PN 4.70Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 5.69Eþ16 2.93Eþ04 6
27 Service $ PN 2.09Eþ03 1.21Eþ13 2.53Eþ16 1.30Eþ04 3
Total for electricity generation 1.16Eþ17 5.98Eþ04 13
Y4 Electricity 3.33Eþ12 2.63Eþ05 8.76Eþ17 4.50Eþ05 100
EM 1.11Eþ09g

Transformity references for respective row number: (1)e(4), (7) (10) (23) Odum (1996); (5) Ciotola et al. (2011); (6) Bastianoni and Marchettini (2000); (9), (14), (19) (24)
Brandt-Williams (2002); (15) Zhou et al. (2010); the others Hu et al. (2010).

electricity generation. Note that equipment emergy was the pri- the biogas had not been fully used to generate electricity,
mary input of this step, accounting for 6% of the total emergy 5.34Eþ12 J of biogas remained to be produced every year for BEPS
input. The other three production steps for BEPS had the same with a calculated transformity of 1.28Eþ05 sej/J, while the amount
allocation of resources as BPS with the only difference being a of biogas from BPS was 7.72Eþ12 J with a calculated transformity
changed percentage due to the total emergy input being higher in of 8.88Eþ04 sej/J. At the same time, the 120 kW generator pro-
the former. duced 3.33Eþ12 J/year electricity with a transformity of
2.63Eþ05 sej/J.
3.2. Emergy output analysis
3.3. Economic and ecological economic benefits
The outputs of the biogas project were biogas, biogas slurry,
biogas residue, and electricity. BPS required 7.76Eþ17 sej/year, Results from the detailed economic and ecological economic
while BEPS required 8.76Eþ17 sej/year. The large-scale biogas benefits analysis of the BPS and BEPS systems are shown in Table 6.
project could produce 4.23Eþ10 J biogas slurry and 2.29Eþ12 J
biogas residue each year with resulting transformities of Table 5
1.80Eþ07 sej/J and 3.32Eþ05 sej/J, respectively. Moreover, since Emergy input structure of the BPS and BEPS.

Item Expression Percentage (%)

Table 4
Ratio of local resource to total (RB þ NB)/YB 44.4
Aggregate emergy flows of the BPS and BEPS.
emergy in BPS
Emergy flows (sej/year) BPS BEPS Ratio of local resource to total (RE þ NE)/YE 39.7
emergy in BEPS
Local renewable resource (R) 3.27Eþ17 3.27Eþ17 Ratio of purchased resource to total PB/YB 55.6
Local non-renewable resource (N) 1.03Eþ16 1.03Eþ16 emergy in BPS
Total purchased resource (P) 4.23Eþ17 5.39Eþ17 Ratio of purchased resource to total PE/YE 61.5
Renewable emergy (R) 3.94Eþ17 4.15Eþ17 emergy in BEPS
Non-renewable emergy (N) 3.66Eþ17 4.61Eþ17
Total emergy (Y) 7.60Eþ17 8.76Eþ17 Note: the subscript “B” means biogas production and the “E” means biogas plus
electricity production.
240 X. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 65 (2014) 234e245

Table 6
Benefits analysis of the biogas project.

Item Market value (yuan) EmRMB (yuan)


Biogas 6.65Eþ05 4.60Eþ05 3.53Eþ05 3.53Eþ05

Biogas slurry 4.05Eþ05 4.05Eþ05 3.91Eþ05 3.91Eþ05
Biogas residue 2.61Eþ05 2.61Eþ05 3.91Eþ05 3.91Eþ05
Electricity / 2.13Eþ05 / 4.50Eþ05
Total cost 2.09Eþ05 2.69Eþ05 3.91Eþ05 4.50Eþ05
Total sale 1.33Eþ06 1.34Eþ06 3.91Eþ05 4.50Eþ05
Net benefit 1.12Eþ06 1.07Eþ06 / /

Note: “/”means that the system has not this item.

In general, the BPS system produced 3.69Eþ05 m3/year biogas as

fuel to supply the energy demand of households, and produced
8.11Eþ06 kg/year of biogas slurry and 1.30Eþ06 kg/year of biogas
residue, which was used as an organic fertilizer on farm crops. The
sale prices of biogas, biogas slurry, and residue were respectively
1.8 yuan/m3, 0.2 yuan/kg, and 0.05 yuan/kg. Calculated at these
prices, the total sale of market value in BPS was 1.33Eþ06 yuan/year
and the net benefit was 1.12Eþ06 yuan/year. The ecological eco-
nomic benefit of the BPS, expressed as the emergy monetary value,
was 4.77Eþ05 yuan/year.
For BEPS, 2.6Eþ05 m3/year of biogas was produced to supply
households and 2.6Eþ05 kWh electricity was generated for use on
the farm. Calculating the price of electricity at 0.8 yuan/kWh, the
sale of electricity was valued at 2.13Eþ05 yuan/year. Additionally,
the amounts of biogas slurry and residue were the same as for BPS.
Therefore, the total sale of the market value in BEPS was
1.34Eþ06 yuan/year. The net benefit was calculated as
1.07Eþ06 yuan/year, declining 4.5% compared to the BPS. The
ecological economic benefit of the BEPS expressed by the emergy
monetary value was 5.37Eþ05 yuan/year.

3.4. Emergy-based indices Fig. 4. Resource input structure of the biogas project.

Six emergy indices were calculated for BPS and BEPS (Table 7).
The transformity was 7.56Eþ04 sej/J for BPS and 7.97Eþ04 sej/J for 4. Discussion
BEPS according to the suggested approach to evaluate the system
with coproduction (Bastianoni and Marchettini, 2000). The differ- 4.1. Comparison between the large-scale biogas project and other
ence between them was due to a large number of purchased re- energy production systems
sources input into the electricity generation step of BEPS. The EMI
of BPS (17.37) was higher than that of BEPS (12.67), and the results 4.1.1. Transformity
showed that BPS had a superior emission reduction benefit. The Transformity is the ratio of total emergy required by the system
EYR values of BPS and BEPS were 1.80 and 1.63, respectively, indi- to the energy of each product. It is an effective measure to evaluate
cating that the former could use local resources more efficiently. the emergy efficiency of production (Brown and Ulgiati, 2004): the
Moreover, the value of R% declined from 51.80 to 47.40, and the ELR higher the transformity, the lower the emergy efficiency of pro-
increased from 0.93 to 1.11 for BPS and BEPS, respectively, showing duction. The transformity values of biogas for the BPS and BEPS
that electricity generation raised the environmental pressure of the were 8.88Eþ04 sej/J and 1.28Eþ05 sej/J, respectively, which were
biogas project. The ESI value of BEPS (1.47) was lower than that of 95.6% and 93.7% lower, respectively, than that of the FIOPPS system
BPS (1.93), indicating that the sustainability of the biogas project (2.04Eþ06 sej/J) (Wei et al., 2009) and 93.0% and 89.8%, respec-
decreased due to electricity generation. tively, lower than that of the BLAS system (1.26 þ 06 sej/J) (Chen
and Chen, 2012). These results demonstrated that the emergy ef-
ficiency of biogas production from the large-scale biogas project
Table 7 was higher than that of the small-scale project.
Emergy-based indices for the BPS and BEPS.
The transformity of electricity production from biogas for BEPS
BPS BEPS (2.63Eþ05 sej/J) was 83.5% lower than that of the small-scale
Tr (sej/J) 7.56Eþ04 7.97Eþ04 agricultural digesters in EARTH University in Costa Rica
EMI (g/1010sej) 17.37 12.67 (1.59Eþ06 sej/J) (Ciotola et al., 2011) and 77.9% lower than that of a
R% (%) 51.80 47.40 dairy farm in Italy (1.19Eþ06 sej/J) (Bastianoni and Marchettini,
EYR 1.80 1.63 2000). This means that the emergy efficiency of electricity pro-
ELR 0.93 1.11
ESI 1.93 1.47
duction from the large-scale biogas project was higher than that of
the small-scale project. However, compared with the electricity
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 65 (2014) 234e245 241

production from solar (8.92Eþ04 sej/J) (Paoli et al., 2008) and coal respectively, than that of ethanol production from corn in Italy
power plants (1.60Eþ05 sej/J) (Odum, 1996), the efficiency of (11.31) (Dong et al., 2008), indicating that the operation of the
electricity from biogas was lower, which means that the electricity large-scale biogas project relies on more renewable resources when
production from solar and coal power plants had a higher “energy compared with the two ethanol production systems. Although
return on investment” than the present biogas project. We should, these were all renewable energy production systems, we concluded
however, consider that the electricity produced from biogas in this that producing biogas as alternative energy may be more sustain-
paper did not use all of the biogas produced from the project. As able than ethanol production according to our results. However, the
3.33Eþ12 J electricity was generated from 1.14Eþ05 m3 of biogas in values were 33.8% and 39.5% lower, respectively, than those re-
this project every year, we could simulate the result when all of the ported in the literature by Wei et al. (2009) (78.29), and 21.5% and
biogas from the project was used to generate electricity; the result 28.2% lower, respectively, than the values reported by Ciotola et al.
was that 1.08Eþ13 J electricity was generated from 3.70Eþ05 m3 (2011) (66.00). These results showed that the nonrenewable
biogas with a calculated transformity of 8.13Eþ04 sej/J. This value resource used by the large-scale biogas project was higher than
was lower than electricity from the coal power plant and from solar. that of small-scale projects in that the investment and operating
In particular, the electricity from biogas addressed the problem of costs of the former were much higher than those of the latter. For
CO2 emissions caused by electricity from a coal power plant. example, the 1000 m3 biogas project evaluated here received an
Moreover, we should note that the biogas project represents a investment of 6.48Eþ05 dollars, in which the 49.63% of cost came
system that produces co-products such as biogas slurry and res- from the support of government funding. Undoubtedly, the cost of
idue, in addition to energy production from biogas and electricity, larger-scale biogas projects is very high and thus we also believe
giving it additional benefits over other systems of energy produc- that the development of large-scale biogas projects still requires
tion. In this study, as shown in Table 7, the transformity values of government support.
BPS and BEPS were 7.56Eþ04 sej/J and 7.97Eþ04 sej/J, respectively,
which were calculated by a new approach proposed by Bastianoni 4.1.4. Emergy yield ratio (EYR)
and Marchettini (2000). According to their approach, transformity The EYR index is very useful in analyzing energy production and
was calculated by summing all of the energies of all outputs of exploitation. In general, primary energy sources, such as crude oil,
coproduction and then by dividing the total emergy required by the coal, and natural gas, show values of EYR greater than 5 (Cavalett
system (Cavalett et al., 2006). Because the biogas slurry and residue et al., 2006). Thus the EYR values for the BPS (1.80) and BEPS
were used as organic fertilizer and indirectly reduced the con- (1.63) were lower than those of other energy sources, indicating
sumption of the fossil fuel energy traditionally needed to produce that the performance of renewable energy production from the
chemical fertilizers, the efficiency of energy production by the biogas project was not better than these traditional industries of
biogas project was far higher than that of other energy production energy production in exploiting local resource and contributing to
systems from a macroscopic standpoint. In addition, the trans- economic development. Note, however, that as nonrenewable re-
formity values of the coproducts in this study were lower than the sources such as oil and natural gas become scarcer, the remaining
ones found by Zhou et al. (2010) (2.28Eþ05 sej/J) and Wei et al. amounts become increasingly more expensive and more energy
(2009) (2.06Eþ05 sej/J) but higher than those reported by Ciotola must be used for discovery and extraction (Ciotola et al., 2011; Hall
et al. (2011) (5.09Eþ04 sej/J), indicating that the efficiency of the et al., 2008). Since the 1973 energy crisis, the EYR value has
large-scale biogas project had improved over small-scale projects declined, perhaps 1e2% per year (Odum, 1996). In addition, elec-
in China and but was less efficient than a similar plant in the United tricity production besides the biogas exists for the BEPS and it was a
States. Visibly, the technical level of the biogas project from the relative high-quality energy compared with most fuels. Generating
United States was better than China’s present technology. electricity from fuels used up inputs from the economy so that
electricity had a lower EYR value, about 2.5, such as that of the
4.1.2. Emission mitigation intensity (EMI) electricity from a coal power plant in Texas, USA, at 2.2 (Odum,
Many studies have reported on the benefits of greenhouse gas 1996). Therefore, the performance of the electricity from biogas
reduction from current biogas projects (Rehl and Müller, 2013; would inevitably be better than that from coal in the future
Zhang et al., 2008). However, the relationship between energy ef- considering the exacerbation of the global energy crisis, although
ficiency and emission mitigation has not been considered widely. In the EYR of electricity from biogas was lower than that from tradi-
this study, we introduced the new index (EMI) from Chen and Chen tional power plants currently.
(2012) to evaluate the emission mitigation intensity per unit of
emergy input for a large-scale biogas project in China. The results 4.1.5. Environmental loading ratio (ELR)
gave an EMI value 17.37 g/1010sej for BPS and 12.67 g/1010sej for In general, the ELR values of around 2 or less are indicative of
BEPS, which were 172.7 and 125.7 times higher, respectively, than relatively low environmental impacts (Cavalett et al., 2006). In this
the small-scale biogas projects in China (0.10 g/1010sej) (Chen and study, the ELR of BPS (0.93) and BEPS (1.11) were less than 2,
Chen, 2012). This indicated that the large-scale biogas project had indicating that the renewable energy produced from the biogas
greater reduction benefits in terms of greenhouse gases per unit project had almost no deleterious effects on the environment. In
emergy input. Note that the EMI value calculated in the study only contrast to the ELR of bioethanol from wheat in China (4.05) and
considered the circumstances of substituting coal, crop straw, and from corn in Italy (7.84) (Dong et al., 2008), the renewable energy
firewood with biogas to heat as well as the electricity from a coal production from biogas had lower impacts to the environment.
power plant to that from biogas. If we further considered the However, the value was higher than that from Wei et al. (2009)
reduction benefits from manure disposal and organic fertilizer on (0.28) and from Zhou et al. (2010) (0.15), indicating that the
the farm, the EMI values would be higher, and the question should large-scale biogas project had more environmental impacts than
be studied further with emergy analysis and LCA in the future. small-scale biogas projects in China. Two possible reasons exist.
The construction and operation of the large-scale biogas project
4.1.3. Renewability (R%) needed more nonrenewable resources; moreover, we used the
The R% values of the BPS (51.80) and BEPS (47.40) were 1.61 and monetary investment of construction, equipment, and service to
1.39 times higher, respectively, than that of ethanol production calculate their solar emergy input in the paper, thus these input
from wheat in China (19.81) and 3.58 and 3.19 times higher, items were all regarded as nonrenewable resources. In fact, these
242 X. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 65 (2014) 234e245

kinds of inputs contained the renewable portion. If these inputs biogas production, mainly due to the price of biogas presently being
were separated into different materials including two parts of 1.25 times higher than that of electricity. This situation has resulted
renewable and nonrenewable resources, the ELR value of the large because China has not yet formulated a mandatory bill for the
biogas project would be reduced. purchase of the electricity from renewable resources, and power
companies using various pretexts have refused to buy electricity
4.1.6. Emergy sustainability index (ESI) from biogas with the higher price. This is also why few biogas
The sustainability of an energy system is an important consid- projects for power generation currently exist in China. In contrast,
eration for renewable energy production systems because the the benefits from electricity generation have become the main in-
feasibility of these systems depends on them being more sustain- come of biogas projects in developed countries.
able than other alternatives. In this study, the ESI values for the BPS
and BEPS were 1.93 and 1.47, respectively. By some examples, 4.3. The measures of improvement
Ulgiati and Brown (1998) indicated that systems had vigor and
potential for development when the ESI value is between 1 and 10. According to the analysis and discussion above, we discovered
According to these results, the large-scale biogas project had po- that the large-scale biogas project in China still had some short-
tential for development, and the sustainabilities of the BPS and comings in terms of the sustainability of the system compared to
BEPS were also 5.23 and 1.16 times higher, respectively, than bio- small-scale projects at present. In particular, the sustainability of
ethanol production from wheat in China (0.31), and 11.87 and 8.8 biogas declined when the step of electricity generation was added
times higher, respectively, than that from corn in Italy (0.15) (Dong into the biogas project. Nevertheless, we considered that the
et al., 2008). However, the ESI values of the BPS and BEPS were ecological performance of this biogas project would be improved
66.4% and 74.4% lower, respectively, than that of FIOPPS (5.74) in by some measures of energy regulation according to the analysis of
China (Wei et al., 2009) and 66.0% and 74.1% lower, respectively, each step of biogas production above.
than biogas production (5.67) at EARTH University in Costa Rica For the large-scale biogas project, the primary factor influencing
(Ciotola et al., 2011). the sustainability of the system was the quantity of raw materials
inputted in the pretreatment step. Theoretically, the ability of the
4.2. Comparison between biogas and electricity production from large-scale biogas project to dispose of waste is better than that of
biogas the small-scale biogas project due largely to the bigger pool ca-
pacity and the faster reaction speed. In this study, however, the
The transformity and emergy indices for the BPS and BEPS amount of disposed manure of the 1000 m3 biogas project was
showed that the change from biogas to electricity production 1.42Eþ06 kg/year and was smaller than that of the 700 m3 biogas
resulted in a reduction in the emergy efficiency and sustainability project in Zhou et al. (2010), in which the amount of solid manure
of the system. While this was likely due to the use of nonrenewable was only 6.07Eþ06 kg/year. Obviously, the amount of disposed
resources in the step of electricity generation, the reason was manure from the biogas project in this study was not operating at
perhaps that the energy loss in terms of heat was aggravated 30% in an optimal capacity. Therefore, if we estimated the theoretical
the process of electricity production for the extension of the pro- amount of disposed manure of the 1000 m3 biogas project ac-
duction chain according to the study by Jeong et al. (2009). The cording to the ratio of the disposed manure amount to the volume
result was also consistent with the study of Ciotola et al. (2011), of the 700 m3 biogas project, we would have concluded the theo-
indicating that the ecological performance of electricity generation retical quantity to be 8.67Eþ06 kg/year. To simulate the emergy
from biogas was indeed worse than that of biogas production, evaluation result of the biogas project with the estimated value, we
whether it was large-scale or small-scale and in China or the United used the relative emergy index with an ESI value of 5.20 for BEPS.
States. Comparing the index in the study (ESI ¼ 1.47), the measure
However, we could not simply conclude that the production of improved the sustainability of the biogas project 2.54 times.
biogas is not a worthwhile form of electricity generation from Consequently, raising the amount of raw material input would be
biogas according to the result above. First, electricity is a kind of an effective measure for improving sustainability of the biogas
energy with high-quality and diverse functions such as lighting and project according to a suitable capacity to dispose of agricultural
fuel for motor vehicles, which can obviously not be replaced by waste.
low-quality energy such as biogas. In this study, the large-scale Moreover, some experts have reported that anaerobic fermen-
biogas project was able to provide electricity for the milking of tation with mixed materials was conducive to the stability of gas
cows using machines on this farm. Thus, the electricity generation production (Chen et al., 2010; Li et al., 2011). Currently, the raw
from biogas was very useful for the farm as it decreased the energy material fermented in China is mainly manure from different ani-
input outside the farm and increased the self-sufficiency capacity of mals. The raw material fermented in this study was all pig manure.
system. Second, anaerobic fermentation is a temperature- If the farm contributed different materials to the biogas project, the
dependent process, and constant temperature is a necessary con- emergy efficiency would be improved to some extent.
dition for the yield of biogas. The large-scale biogas project with The amount of nonrenewable resources input into the system
electricity generation was able to use the waste heat from elec- affected the system’s sustainability as well. For the large-scale
tricity generation to satisfy the temperature demand of the raw biogas project in this study, the emergy input of equipment was
material pretreatment and anaerobic fermentation steps as well as undoubtedly the most primary nonrenewable resource and greatly
to reduce the demand for coal in heating and the direct emissions of affected the sustainability of the system. The anaerobic fermenta-
greenhouse gases. Especially in the north of China, biogas projects tion and electricity generation were the main steps with inputs, and
generally stop operations or become heated by coal in winter. The the technical complexity of these two steps led to these results.
biogas project with electricity generation can work under the Therefore, a key measure for the sustainability of the system would
condition of nonrenewable resource reduction and ensure the be to regulate the equipment investment in these two steps. The
continuous production of renewable energy and disposal of agri- CSTR anaerobic integration technology adopted in this study is
cultural waste year-round. widely used in the world at present and the investment of the CSTR
From the perspective of economic benefit, the net benefits of reactor reached 1.85Eþ05 dollars, which accounted for 28.5% of the
electricity generation from biogas were lower than those from total investment in this biogas project. If the price of a reactor
X. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 65 (2014) 234e245 243

declined with the development of relative technology in the future between the punishment and reward treatments when group
in China, then the direct or indirect emergy input of equipment in membership did not change but the reward treatment showed
the fermentation step would be reduced and hence improve the stronger endgame effects and that punishment was much more
sustainability of large-scale biogas projects in China. Also, the effective than reward when group membership changed randomly
expensive generator resulted in the enhancement of emergy input between rounds. Visibly, the appropriate punishment, reward and
in the electricity generation step for the BEPS. Lansing et al. (2008) recommendation are the three effective methods to promote the
reported that a 15 kW generator would cost $25,000 less than a cooperation between the state and factories and to resolve the
40 kW generator and would perform more efficiently than the dilemma of the large-scale biogas project development in China.
larger generator for the relatively small amount of daily biogas For the state, the key point of cooperation is that whether the
produced (Ciotola et al., 2011; Lansing et al., 2008). Therefore, government can provide rational policies and laws to improve
choosing a more appropriately sized generator according to the the price of renewable energy and promote factories to build
demand of the farm is important, which would be helpful for the large-scale biogas projects. At the same time, the state should
emergy efficiency and sustainability of BEPS. also encourage farmers to use renewable energy by providing
Last but not the least, electricity in the pretreatment step of this allowances as well. Moreover, to strengthen the punishment of
biogas project was also a primary input of nonrenewable resources. discharge of agricultural waste will also promote factories to
If the consumption of electricity resulting from the coal power develop biogas. By cooperating with factories to develop the
plant in this step could be replaced by the power resulting from large-scale biogas project, the national energy structure will be
electricity generation of the biogas project itself, then the ESI value improved and the environmental pressure will be reduced in
of the system would be 2.95 by simulation and calculation, and the China. Also, cooperation can help factories to avoid punishments,
sustainability of BEPS would be improved by 19.9% compared to the to extend the industrial chain and to increase benefits from
present ESI (2.46). renewable energy production. The cooperation between the two
sides on large-scale biogas projects will protect national energy
4.4. The game between the state and factories on large-scale biogas security and the sustainability of economic development. It
projects in China causes the state and factories to both acquire more interest and
to adopt “coevolution” as well.
Compared with small-scale biogas projects, large-scale biogas
projects have a higher capacity to treat agricultural waste and 5. Conclusion
produce renewable energy. However, the “energy return” of the
biogas project is lower than that of traditional energy such as coal, With the energy crisis going worse and globe warming at
natural gas and petroleum. Rather, the costs of biogas and elec- alarming rate, it seems inevitable to ascertain a renewable and
tricity from biogas are higher than that of traditional energy and clean energy production systems. Biogas projects are indispensable
demand higher investments and technology of large-scale biogas part of such systems. In the current study, the concept of LCA was
production. Therefore, farmers do not have incentives to use the introduced into the emergy evaluation to analyze the economic and
biogas as fuel and electric power enterprises have not been willing ecological performance of a large-scale biogas project in China. We
to purchase the electricity from biogas. This situation further re- evaluated the efficiency and sustainability of the large-scale project
sults in the waste of large amounts of renewable energy and the and factors affecting the performance of the system were recorded.
weak incentives of factories to generate electricity from biogas. The result indicated that the large-scale biogas project was a
Many factories are not willing to build large-scale biogas projects if renewable energy source with improved emergy efficiency and
they will not get subsidized by the state. In fact, the relationship sustainability. Nevertheless, the “energy return” of biogas and
between the state and factories on the development of large-scale electricity from biogas production systems was lower than the
biogas project in China can be described with the prisoner’s traditional coal and natural gas power plants at present, but un-
dilemma. The game promises a defecting individual the highest doubtedly, it would show more advantages in the future due to the
fitness if facing a cooperator (Perc and Szolnoki, 2010). Because the increasingly exhausting fossil energy. Our study findings edged the
cost of government and the investment of factories both will be biogas system over traditional energy sources in terms of the total
reduced if they do not cooperate to develop the large-scale biogas energy yield plus indirect energy conservation after noting the
project in China. In the short term, this will possibly be good for the biogas co-products, namely, biogas slurry and residue. Moreover,
state and factories. the sustainability of biogas system is higher than that of other
In the long term, however, biogas and electricity from biogas, as renewable energy such as ethanol from corn.
the renewable energy, play important roles in regulating the energy Our research data showed that large scale biogas project had
structure in China. According to the demand and plan of the better emergy efficiency and emission mitigation intensity; how-
“Renewable Energy Law” and relevant polices in China, the per- ever, its sustainability was lower than that of small-scale biogas. We
centage of non-fossil energy should be 15% in energy consumption concluded that the principal factors affecting the sustainability of
by 2020. Consequently, the interest in renewable energy such as the large-scale biogas project were the scarcity of raw material in
biogas and electricity from biogas between the state and factories the pretreatment step and the involvement of costly equipment in
has not reached a consensus. To some content, it is a public goods the anaerobic fermentation and electricity generation steps.
game between the Chinese government and factories as well. Therefore, we suggested that three measures on the basis of our
At present, many papers have studied the question of the public findings possibly solved the problem. Firstly, an appropriate
goods game with evolutionary games, concerning which factors amount and ratio of raw material would be helpful in improving the
contribute to unfavorable outcomes (Santos et al., 2008; Brede and De sustainability of the large-scale biogas project making it cost
Vries, 2010; Perc et al., 2013). Dercole et al. (2013) used models to worthy. Secondly, the sustainability of the system would be
show that over-punishing was not necessary to fix cooperation in ameliorated by using the electricity from the biogas system. Finally,
voluntary public goods games. Yang et al. (2013) indicated that if the development of technology and the reduction of the equipment
group quality was appropriate for recommendation, cooperation and investment of fermentation and the generator in China would
recommendation could simultaneously emerge. Choi and Ahn (2013) enhance the efficiency and sustainability of large-scale biogas
also showed that the level of cooperation was indistinguishable projects.
244 X. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 65 (2014) 234e245

On this basis, we compared the performance of biogas and 9. Labor: Average quantity ¼ 2.43Eþ02 days/year. Daily working
electricity production of this project. The study indicated that the time is 8 h. Conversion ¼ 1.26Eþ07 J/day (Chen, 2011). Energy
economic and ecological benefit of electricity generation from (J) ¼ 2.43Eþ02 days/year  1.26Eþ07 J/day ¼ 3.06Eþ09 J/year.
biogas was indeed meagre than current biogas production. How- 10. Electricity: Average quantity ¼ 1.65Eþ04 kWh/year.
ever, electricity is a kind of high-quality energy which has diverse Conversion ¼ 1.25Eþ07 J/kWh (Chen, 2011). Energy
functions, and the waste heat from electricity generation can be (J) ¼ 1.65Eþ04 kWh/year  1.25Eþ07 J/kWh ¼ 2.06Eþ11 J/year.
used to satisfy the temperature demand of the operation of biogas 11. Construction investment: Average quantity ¼ 1.91Eþ03 $/year.
project in winter. Therefore, whether or not the conversion from 12. Equipment investment: Average quantity ¼ 5.87Eþ02 $/year.
biogas to electricity needs to be decided based on the demand of 13. Service: Average quantity ¼ 2.09Eþ03 $/year.
the system. b Anaerobic fermentation
In a nutshell, biogas project in China is turning toward large- 14. Labor: Average quantity ¼ 2.28Eþ02 days/year. Daily working
scale projects to accommodate agricultural modernization. The time is 8 h. Conversion ¼ 1.26Eþ07 J/day (Chen, 2011). Energy
development of large-scale biogas projects is in fact a public goods (J) ¼ 2.28Eþ02 days/year  1.26Eþ07 J/day ¼ 2.87Eþ09 J/year.
game between the Chinese government and factories. The coop- 15. Desulfurizer: Average quantity ¼ 3.51Eþ02 kg/year.
eration between these two sides will play a crucial role in national 16. Construction investment: Average quantity ¼ 2.47Eþ03 $/year.
energy security, environmental protection, and the factories’ 17. Equipment investment: Average quantity ¼ 1.11Eþ04 $/year.
development. With the increased demand of renewable energy and 18. Service: Average quantity ¼ 2.09Eþ03 $/year.
the development of large-scale farms, large-scale biogas projects c Solideliquid separation
will play a leading role in China. Consequently, a broad prospect 19. Labor: Average quantity ¼ 2.28Eþ02 days/year. Daily working
exists for the development of large-scale biogas projects in China. time is 8 h. Conversion ¼ 1.26Eþ07 J/day (Chen, 2011). Energy
(J) ¼ 2.28Eþ02 days/year  1.26Eþ07 J/day ¼ 2.87Eþ09 J/year.
20. Construction investment: Average quantity ¼ 1.85Eþ03 $/year.
21. Equipment investment: Average quantity ¼ 3.62Eþ02 $/year.
22. Service: Average quantity ¼ 2.09Eþ03 $/year.
This study was supported by the National Key Technology R&D
d Electricity generation
Program of the People’s Republic of China (Project numbers
23. Lubricant: Average quantity ¼ 4.51Eþ01 kg/year.
2011BAD16B15 and 2012BAD14B03). We thank anonymous re-
Conversion ¼ 4.40Eþ07 J/kg (Chen, 2011). Energy
viewers and editors for very helpful comments and suggestion of
(J) ¼ 4.51Eþ01 kg/year  4.40Eþ07 J/kg ¼ 1.99Eþ09 J/year.
the manuscript.
24. Labor: Average quantity ¼ 2.28Eþ02 days/year. Daily working
time is 8 h. Conversion ¼ 1.26Eþ07 J/day (Chen, 2011). Energy
Appendix A (J) ¼ 2.28Eþ02 days/year  1.26Eþ07 J/day ¼ 2.87Eþ09 J/year.
25. Construction investment: Average quantity ¼ 1.01Eþ03 $/year.
Calculations and references to Table 3. 26. Equipment investment: Average quantity ¼ 4.70Eþ03 $/year.
27. Service: Average quantity ¼ 2.09Eþ03 $/year.
There are no calculations about the raw data in Table 2 as the EM:
each input item of first three steps of it are the same to the ones in
Table 3. And all “land area” in the Appendix A corresponds to the The amount of biogas to generate electricity from large-scale
area where the large-scale biogas project are placed. biogas project was 1.53Eþ07 m3 in 2005, reducing emissions of
CO2 2.66Eþ07 kg; and 3.25Eþ08 m3 biogas was used to heat,
a. Raw material pretreatment reducing emissions of CO2 1.16Eþ09 kg (Zhang et al., 2008).
1. Sun: Isolation ¼ 5.06Eþ9 J/m2/year. Albedo ¼ 20% (Hu et al., Estimating based on the data: The amount of emission mitiga-
2010). Land area ¼ 1067 m2. Energy (J) ¼ 5.06Eþ9 J/m2/ tion of CO2 for electricity generation from biogas was 2.66Eþ07 kg/
year  (1e20%)  1067 m2 ¼ 4.32Eþ12 J/year. 1.53Eþ07 m3 ¼ 1.74 kg/m3; the amount of emission mitigation of
2. Rain, geopotential energy: Average elevation ¼ 19.55 m. Land CO2 for heat from biogas was 1.16Eþ09 kg/3.25Eþ08 m3 ¼ 3.57 kg/
area ¼ 1067 m2. Rainfall ¼ 723 mm/year. m3. Therefore, the amount of emission mitigation of CO2 for BPS
Conversion ¼ 1000 kg/m3. Gravity ¼ 9.8 m/s2. Energy was 369562.5 m3/year  3.57 kg/m3 ¼ 1.32Eþ09 g/year. The
(J) ¼ 19.55 m  0.723 m/year  1067 m2  1000 kg/m3  9.8 m/ amount of emission mitigation of CO2 for BEPS was 255500 m3/
s2 ¼ 1.48Eþ08 J/year. year  3.57 kg/m3 þ 11,4062.5 m3/year  1.74 kg/m3 ¼ 1.11Eþ09 g/
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