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Environmental accounting: Emergy, systems

ecology, and ecological modelling


Impact Factor: 2.32 · DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.10.007


3 105


Pier Paolo Franzese Mark Brown

Parthenope University of Naples University of Florida


Sergio Ulgiati
Parthenope University of Naples


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Pier Paolo Franzese
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Ecological Modelling 271 (2014) 1–3

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Environmental accounting: Emergy, systems ecology, and ecological modelling

1. Environmental accounting: the need for an integrated 2. Integrating environmental accounting with ecological
perspective and climate change modelling

The environmental performance and sustainability of human- Environmental accounting can be usefully integrated with eco-
dominated systems supported by both natural and human-driven logical and climate change modelling to provide solid scientific
flows can be explored by analysing different aspects: the envi- information in support of policy makers committed to develop
ronmental sustainability, the economic profitability, and the social plans and targets for the sustainable management of natural
desirability, all relevant to achieve a comprehensive understanding resources and, ultimately, for the sustainable development of
of the system under investigation. human societies. When environmental accounting is employed
Energy analysis can provide a valuable perspective on the within the framework of environmental impact assessment and cli-
demand for commercial energy as well as the energy returned mate change modelling, the analysis should embrace the changes
on energy invested (Cleveland et al., 1984; Herendeen, 2004). that human-induced ecosystem perturbations cause to biogeo-
The Emergy Synthesis method entails a donor-side viewpoint and physical factors and global biogeochemical cycles (Hallgren et al.,
expands the system boundary to the whole biosphere by account- 2013; Bonan, 2008). These changes can be quantified through
ing for the global environmental support to systems and processes empirical measurements (either in situ or from satellite observa-
(Odum, 1988, 1996). Emergy accounting therefore considers free tions) or by means of a modelling approach (Lee et al., 2011; Bright
renewable inputs, matter and energy flows as well as direct and et al., 2013). Successful examples in this direction are given by the
indirect labour flows not in terms of the benefits that humans can formulation of site-specific characterization factors (e.g., the global
extract from them but rather in terms of the work performed by warming potential, GWP) for biogenic CO2 emissions from biomass
the biosphere to make them available (Brown and Ulgiati, 2004). combustion, where both temporary changes in atmospheric CO2
Other environmental accounting methods adopt a cost of pro- concentration and albedo effects are taken into account (Cherubini
duction point of view and show so-called environmental footprints, et al., 2012; Guest et al., 2013). Ultimately, analysts working with
i.e. the amounts of land, matter, and water required by a given pro- different methods of environmental accounting and impact assess-
cess or the amount of carbon and other greenhouse gases released ment have the opportunity to perform a joint effort to promote the
per unit product (Buonocore et al., 2012; Franzese et al., 2013; adoption of metrics that better support the setting of global policy
Hoekstra, 2009; Häyhä et al., 2011; Steen-Olsen et al., 2012). targets, as it is for instance the case of temperature-based metrics
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has an important role in assess- in relation to the commitment to limit global warming (Cherubini
ing the environmental impacts of producing goods and services, et al., 2013; Smith et al., 2012).
avoiding the shortcomings related to the narrow perspective of Some of the articles presented in this issue show how emergy
short-term benefits and impacts. LCA can be extended to also accounting can be usefully employed to investigate systems at
include the indirect contribution of economic inputs, which typ- different spatial and temporal scales, from specific production sys-
ically fall outside the boundary of conventional analyses, by means tems, to cities, to large scale systems and global biogeochemical
of hybrid approaches based on input–output analysis (Finnveden cycles, thus supporting the assessment of temporal changes and
et al., 2009; Strømman et al., 2006, 2009). Finally, other tools like future targets vital in the framework of climate change research
geographical information systems (GIS) are useful to map and allo- and policy.
cate resource supply, use, and impacts on reference territories
(Sacchelli et al., 2013). 3. Goal of this special issue
All these perspectives, theories and methods should not be con-
sidered as alternative to each other but instead complementary The main goal of this special issue is to present a set of articles
and all necessary to fully investigate processes and systems across showing the state of the art and some theoretical and procedural
multiple scales of analysis. This is particularly important when advancement in emergy theory and accounting, emphasizing the
dealing with systems supported by natural resources and integrat- potential for integration between the emergy synthesis method and
ing human-managed ecosystems and technologies playing a crucial other methodological approaches for environmental accounting,
role for human well-being. environmental impact assessment, and ecological modelling.

0304-3800/$ – see front matter © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.
2 Editorial / Ecological Modelling 271 (2014) 1–3

4. Papers presented in the special issue Watanabe and Ortega (2013), considering the importance of
climate change, freshwater scarcity, soil erosion and other envi-
The papers gathered in this special issue were presented at the ronmental issues, present a model that simulates the impact of
7th Biennial Emergy Research Conference, a biennial conference land-use change on the ecosystem services related to water and
providing a venue and forum for meaningful discussion expressly carbon biogeochemical processes in the Taquarizinho river basin
dedicated to theory, principles, and applications of the emergy (Brazil).
methodology. Ghisellini et al. (2013) assess the environmental performance
The papers explore different aspects of emergy theory and of the Italian agricultural system over a time series of 25 years
methodology, among which: a) the possible integration of emergy coupling emergy accounting method and decomposition analy-
and other environmental accounting methods; b) the integrated sis technique, thus identifying the major drivers of performance
use of emergy accounting and ecological modelling, with particu- changes to be used as the basis for future policy scenarios.
lar reference to urban metabolism, climate and land use change, Morandi et al. (2013) propose an innovative approach to the
and ecosystem services assessment; c) the use of conventional evaluation of the main emergy flows entering a system using set
and innovative modelling techniques for spatial analysis, emergy theory.
inputs and conversion factors calculation, and uncertainty assess-
ment. 5. Concluding remarks
Raugei et al. (2013) explore obstacles and potential added value
of integrating emergy into LCA, highlighting how emergy could The Guest Editors hope that this volume will boost a construc-
be used as a valuable complement, rather than an alternative, to tive and collaborative interaction among the analysts committed to
existing life cycle impact assessment metrics. integration and synergic use of different methods of environmental
Buonocore et al. (2013) propose a multi-method approach to accounting.
environmental accounting by performing an assessment encom-
passing material, energy, and emergy demand as well as relevant
emissions to explore the environmental performance and sustain- Acknowledgements
ability of forestry operations.
Lee (2013), starting from the observation that pulsing is preva- A special thank is due to all the reviewers who contributed their
lent in nature, investigates the relation between frequency and time and valuable effort. Without their work and scientific support
pulsing of resource flows and power output maximization in a this special issue would not have been possible.
Campbell et al. (2013) calculate specific emergies of the global References
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annual albedo in managed boreal forests of interior Norway. Clim. Change 120
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Hudson and Tilley (2013) propose the use of Monte Carlo simu- assessment perspective. Energy 37, 69–78.
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Editorial / Ecological Modelling 271 (2014) 1–3 3

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Liu, G., Yang, Z., Chen, B., Ulgiati, S., 2013. Emergy-based dynamic mechanisms of
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evaluation of renewable resource flows: a case study of Campania Region, Italy. of Science and Technology, Norway
Ecol. Model., this volume.
Morandi, F., Campbell, D.E., Bastianoni, S., 2013. Set theory applied to uniquely define Mark T. Brown
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Department of Environmental Engineering Science,
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Patterson, M., 2013. Evaluation of matrix algebra methods for calculating transfor- Department of Science and Technology, Parthenope
mities from ecological and economic network data. Ecol. Model., this volume.
University of Naples, Italy
Raugei, M., Rugani, B., Benetto, E., Ingwersene, W.W., 2013. Integrating emergy into
LCA: potential added value and lingering obstacles. Ecol. Model., this volume.
Reiss, K.C., Hernandez, E., Brown, M.T., 2013. Application of the landscape devel- ∗ Corresponding
opment intensity (LDI) index in wetland mitigation banking. Ecol. Model., this E-mail addresses:
Sacchelli, S., De Meo, I., Paletto, A., 2013. Bioenergy production and forest multifunc- (P.P. Franzese), (M.T. Brown),
tionality: a trade-off analysis using multiscale GIS model in a case study in Italy. (S. Ulgiati)
Appl. Energy 104, 10–20.
Smith, S.M., Lowe, J.A., Bowerman, N.H.A., Gohar, L.K., Huntingford, C., Allen, M.R.,
2012. Equivalence of greenhouse-gas emissions for peak temperature limits.
Nat. Clim. Change 2, 535–538.

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