Surgery 4.0 2017

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Innov Surg Sci 2017; 2(3): 105–108


Hubertus Feußner and Adrian Park

Surgery 4.0: the natural culmination of the

industrial revolution? with each other via the Internet of Things (IoT) or the
Internet of People (IoP).

Introduction 2. Information transparency: The ability of information

systems to create a virtual copy of a physical world by
digital models with sensor data. The very dense net of
The topic of this issue of Innovative Surgical Sciences (ISS)
information is available for all stakeholders. A huge
is “Surgery 4.0”. The term and its meaning are as yet unfa-
amount of raw data have to be collected and inter-
miliar to most surgeons. It was, to our knowledge, coined
preted in a higher context.
in 2016 [1] and was used to describe a vital development in
3. Technical assistance: Decision-making has to be
surgery, which could conceivably become as disruptive as
facilitated by preparing all necessary information.
the current trend toward economic and industrial digitali-
Humans have to decide all necessary preconditions
zation. To make the parallels and contrasts more evident,
(information) that have already been provided.
a reflection on the Fourth Industrial Revolution is helpful.
4. Decentralized decisions: The ability of lower-level
The global economy is assumed to move forward to
systems to make decisions on their own and to per-
the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Commonly, the mecha-
form their tasks as autonomously as possible. Only
nization of production using water and steam power is
in the case of exceptions and/or conflicting goals are
considered to have driven the First Industrial Revolu-
tasks to be escalated to a higher level.
tion. The next “revolutionary” impact on industrial pro-
ductivity came from mass production facilitated by the
Autonomous decision-making by mechatronic support
availability of electrical energy and improved workflow
devices is the real disruptive element of Industry 4.0.
organization (assembly line, etc.). This was followed by
Humans will need to be confident that machines are able
the Third Industrial Revolution, which is characterized by
to act and react reasonably, reliably, and as fast and as
the use of information technology (IT) and robots to auto-
safely as a human worker.
mate production.
There are, however, some necessary preconditions for
Today, a systematic transformation of industrial pro-
this vision to become reality.
duction is under way, which can be grossly defined as
1. The IoT must support direct communication or dia-
the comprehensive computerization of manufacturing
logue with the technical equipment. If one device
(Figure 1).
alters its functionality, the whole technical environ-
The vision is some type of self-organizing or autono-
ment is informed.
mous production: the factory with its production lines
2. Data/information must be provided wherever it is
“understands” what has to be produced and autono-
needed in real-time and by a high-quality, reliable
mously carries out all necessary steps and adjustments.
service (5G telecommunication).
This strategy, originally propagated by the German Gov-
ernment as the Industry 4.0 initiative, is evidenced in the
customization of products under the condition of highly
flexibilized production. This highly automated techno- Surgery and the 4.0 development
logy is enabled by the introduction of methods of self-­
optimization, self-configuration, self-diagnosis, cognition What then has all this to do with surgery? Some context in
and intelligent support of the few human beings who are the form of a brief review of modern surgical history may
still required to master this complex process. The main be helpful.
pillars are as follows: The beginning of scientific surgery dates back about
1. Interoperability: The ability of machines, devices, 150 years. Retrospectively, this comparatively short period
sensors, and people to connect and communicate of time can be subdivided into three different eras. In the
Open Access. © 2017 Feußner H., Park A., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
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106      Feußner and Park: Surgery 4.0: the natural culmination of the industrial revolution?

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

Mechanization, Mass production Automation by Cyber physical

supported by with assembly combining IT systems and the
water and lines supported and electronics internet of
steam power by electricity things

Figure 1: Industry 4.0 attempts to describe the transformation process of industrial production from passive automated production to an
active, cognitive support of the production process.

beginning, surgeons learned to master the specific chal- We are now arguably on the threshold of a new era.
lenges of the different anatomical regions – beginning with This does not mean that further advances in reconstruc-
the abdomen and ending with the brain. In the next phase, tion (phase II) or trauma reduction (phase III) should
surgery was not any longer confined to resection/amputa- no longer be pursued, but the innovative impact comes
tion, but the focus was now laid on substituting deficits. now from another discipline: information/digitalization
Destroyed joints were replaced by artificial implants, and (Figure 2).
functional reservoirs were developed to accommodate for Although surgery is often considered a manual or
the roles of the stomach or rectum, for example, after their technical discipline, it will not remain unaffected by
resection. The ultimate highlight of the era was the trans- the general trend toward the information age develop-
plantation of whole organs (the heart, liver, kidneys, etc.). ment. This issue of ISS is thus dedicated to the question
The trend today is to further minimize the surgical of surgery in the information age. The sum of these rel-
trauma – collateral damage to other organs, functional evant issues is covered by the term “Surgery 4.0”. The aim
impairment, and pain due to the operative intervention. of this volume of ISS is to present to the surgical reader
This third era of surgery started with the introduction of the “hows and whys” of new technologies and method-
laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopy was, however, only the ologies, such as the IoT, process modeling, cooperative
beginning of a broad development in many medical disci- learning machines, and new approaches to the generation
plines toward minimally invasive therapy. of knowledge that will affect surgery – all with the aim to

1900 1950 2000 2050

Mastering of the anatomy Reconstructive surgery, Reducing the trauma Digitalization of
transplantation of the access surgery

Figure 2: Is surgery entering a new era of development right now?

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Feußner and Park: Surgery 4.0: the natural culmination of the industrial revolution?      107

improve the quality, efficiency, and outcomes of surgical must lead this exploration and evaluation as the strongest
care. Surgery 4.0  might be the chance to master the dif- (and ultimate) advocates for our patients. We are obliged
ficult situation we are currently in Figure 3. to contribute our specific domain knowledge. We are the
The surgical community should then strive for famili- experts, and as thought leaders, we must be the ones to
arity with this new domain and an awareness of the wealth develop the patient models and surgical models that will
of new opportunities that will result from it. form the basis of model-based surgery.
In this issue, the theoretical background of Surgery For many of us, the term “surgical model” or “model-
4.0 is outlined by Vedula and Hager [2] in their paper based surgery” may be foreign or seem obscure. The fol-
“Surgical data science: the new knowledge domain”. lowing paper facilitates a better understanding.
They posited compellingly that future transformation Neumuth explained that a “surgical model” is an evi-
in surgical care will be driven by data/information. The dence-based, detailed plan of a particular surgical inter-
key elements on the path toward evidence-based surgery vention with a clear description of the workflow from skin
are new tools to measure, model, and quantify surgi- incision to closure. It not only includes the normal course
cal processes including intraoperative decision-making of an operation but considers potential modifications and
and knowledge extraction. An intelligent collaboration deviations as well. He also explained how to create “surgi-
between care providers and devices/technologies will be cal models” either by a bottom-up or top-down approach
enabled. In addition, they also emphasized the significant [3]. Modern SDS methodologies such as machine learning
impact on surgical education and training. Surgical data will become extremely helpful to establish “model-based
science (SDS) not only enables objective computer-aided surgery”. However, even the most advanced computer
skill evaluation but also automated coaching. They con- technology cannot substitute for surgical expertise – a
cluded, “As surgery continues to evolve through advances clarion call for the surgical community to engage and sci-
in technology that enhance delivery of surgical care, SDS entifically collaborate in the development of Surgery 4.0.
represents a new knowledge domain to engineer surgical Stauder et al. [4] provided an insight into a practical
care of the future”. application of SDS: the systematic utilization of future
Each of us – particularly those who have not thought smart intraoperative assistance systems.
much about future scientific developments in surgery – The reader is introduced to new computer science
needs to start paying attention. If “engineering of surgical tools that enable the machine to understand workflow. It
care” is a remotely viable prospect, then we, the surgeons, is anticipated that surgeons will be supported by active,
cooperative support systems in the foreseeable future.
Finally, Kenngott et  al. [5] envisioned the scenario
where Surgery 4.0 comes together in a truly comprehen-
sive manner.
Starting with the integrated “cognitive” operating
room, previously described by Stauder et al., as the “core
of cognitive surgery”, they enlarged the vision by giving
Routine an overview of the additional preoperative and postop-
availability of
large amounts of
Need to maximize
quality and value
erative applications of “cognitive surgery”. They analyzed
complex of surgical care the possibilities of new intelligent devices and software
unstructured data
across the entire patient treatment cycle culminating in
the evolution of an “intelligent hospital”. This “Hospi-
tal 4.0” uses technology to bridge the divides between IT
infrastructure, medical devices, medical personnel, and
patients. They concluded, “the Hospital 4.0  will be an
intelligent system, which gives the right information, at
Advances in analytical and
therapeutic techniques
the right time, at the right place to the individual stake-
holder and, thereby, helps to decrease complications and
improve clinical processes as well as patient outcome”.
We believe that this outline describes the goal for
which surgeons must strive.
Figure 3: Key elements of surgery of today and tomorrow: Surgery 4.0 To complete the issue, Karpeh and Bryczkowski [6]
may become the lever to handle these challenges. emphasized a particular facet of Surgery 4.0, requiring

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108      Feußner and Park: Surgery 4.0: the natural culmination of the industrial revolution?

attention, namely the practical use of digital communi- References

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dence-based, safer, and easier, all with the goal of a better
outcome and experience for the patient.
Corresponding author: Hubertus Feußner, Klinikum rechts der Isar,
Klinik und Poliklinik für Chirurgie, Technische Universität München,
Author Statement Ismaninger Straße 22, 81675 Munich, Germany,
Research funding: Author states no funding involved. E-mail:
Conflict of interest: Author states no conflict of interest. Adrian Park: Anne Arundel Medical Center, Annapolis, Maryland

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