LeadManager182 UserGuide-SMS

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2 LeadManager User Guide

Release Date: April 16, 2018
Advanced SMS Text Messaging.......................................................................................................... 2
New Text Messages Window on All Pages ............................................................................... 3
Send Text Message Option on Lead Add/Edit......................................................................... 5
Send Text Message Option on Lead Views ............................................................................... 6
Calendar Event SMS Reminder to Lead ..................................................................................... 6
Timezone Protect ............................................................................................................................... 8
Archive SMS Messages .................................................................................................................. 10
SMS Messages no Longer Logged as Actions ........................................................................ 11
SMS Reply Notification .................................................................................................................. 11
Modified SMS Logging ................................................................................................................... 12

Advanced SMS Text Messaging

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Velocify now provides a new advanced SMS text messaging feature in 18.2 LeadManager that
includes the following enhancements for clients who have SMS Messaging enabled on their
• Automated SMS:
• Bulk texting (new: short code/opt-in)
• Individual texting (long code/individual texts)
• New: SMS Messenger Window
• Delivers direct rep to lead text messaging and more instant access for prospect
to communicate with rep, by keeping the workflow within their main screen
• Seamlessly integrated click-to-text window pops up within LeadManager Priority
View. Personalized by sales rep, not spam texting.
• SMS Activity Logging/Reporting
• “Try Before You Buy” model
• Unlimited Texting (part of Unlimited Communications Package):
• Unlimited Mobile Number Validation

New Text Messages Window on All Pages

A window is now available at the bottom of every Velocify page for you to conduct text message
conversations with your leads. Text messages that you have sent to leads or received from leads
are also listed in the window. You can click a conversation in the list to view it and reply.

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You can also open a new chat window for a specific lead by clicking the SMS icon for the lead.

Send Text Message Option on Lead Add/Edit

You can also open a new SMS window for a specific lead from the Lead Details screen by clicking
the Options button, and then clicking Send SMS Message. Clicking this option opens a new SMS
conversation with a lead in the messenger window.

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Send Text Message Option on Lead Views
The Send SMS Messages icon has been added to the following lead view pages:
• Normal View
• Priority View
• Prospect View
• “Manage Leads” from report results
Clicking this icon opens a new SMS conversation with a lead in the messenger window.

Calendar Event SMS Reminder to Lead

A new option has been added to the Add/Edit Calendar Event page in the reminder section so
you can send an SMS reminder to the lead. You can select how far in advance (relative to event
start time) you want an SMS to be sent. You will be prevented from selecting a time that does
not meet the allowed time range in SMS timezone protect as configured by your administrator.
The content of the reminder message is controlled by the administrator as well.

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Timezone Protect
Velocify now offers timezone protect which enables your administrator to prevent you from
sending text messages to leads outside of a specific time range (based on the lead’s timezone).
The administrator will determine when text messages can and cannot be sent to a lead. If you
attempt to send a text message to a lead outside of the configured time range, you will be
alerted that the lead is outside of timezone protect range and you will be prevented from
composing and sending the text message.

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Your administrator can enable you to override the configured timezone protect range. If you are
granted this permission, you will still be alerted that you are sending a message outside of the
timezone protect range, but you will be permitted to compose and send the message.

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Archive SMS Messages
When you have a message listed in the message window that is no longer a priority, you can
archive the message (and remove it from this list) by clicking the Archive icon.

You can always retrieve this conversation later if you like. Text messages with the lead are
stored in the History table on the Lead Details window. Select the SMS option to view these

In addition, in the message window, you can start a new conversation, and then type the name
of the lead in the To: field. The archived message will display. Click the message to open it and
view and reply as needed.

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SMS Messages no Longer Logged as Actions
SMS activity will no longer be logged as actions. All SMS activity is now logged on the Lead
Add/Edit page in the History section under the SMS radio button.

SMS Reply Notification

If a lead sends an SMS reply to their assigned user when the user is not logged into Velocify,
then the following email notification will be sent to the user:
Email From: p{leadphone}@txt.securesend.org
Email To: {User.Email}
Email Subject: Velocify SMS Reply Received
Email Body:
Unread message in Velocify:
{SMS Last Received}
{Lead Full Name}
{Lead email address}
Click here to log into Velocify or reply to this email to respond. If you are no longer the
assigned user, your reply will not send.
A Click here link is also provided in the email, which takes the user to that lead's Add/Edit page.
(You will be prompted to log in before being taken to the Add/Edit page.) The messenger at the
bottom of the screen then opens to that lead's conversation.

This same email will be used if an SMS template sends to a phone number that is not a Primary
Contact phone number. In that case, no SMS activity will appear in the window and all
correspondence for the user to the phone number will be through this email.

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Modified SMS Logging
A new radio button has been added to the History section of the Lead Add/Edit page called
“SMS Marketing.” This shows the conversation history between the user and the lead. The SMS
exchange will no longer appear in the Actions and Actions & Logs radio button as action entries.
Outbound messages (coming from the user sending to the lead) will have a white background.
Inbound messages (coming from the lead to the user) will have a blue background.

The format of the log entry for an outbound message is:

• From: Agent name – hover to see the phone number it was sent from
• To: Lead phone field name – hover to see the actual phone number sent to
• Body: Body of message sent
• Date: Date/Time of message sent
• Status: Message sending status
The format of the log entry for an inbound message is:
• From: Lead phone field name – hover to see the actual phone number sent to
• To: Agent name – hover to see the phone number it was sent from
• Body: Body of message sent
• Date: Date/Time of message sent
• Status: Message sending status
Available statuses are:
• Delivered – checkmark. This means that the message was sent and delivered
• Error – triangle with exclamation point. This means that an error occurred when
sending or receiving the message. Hover over the symbol to see what the error was.
• Queued – arrow pointing right. This means that the message is scheduled to send, but
has not yet.
• Accepted – up carrot. This means that the lead phone number has been confirmed as a
valid SMS phone number.

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