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Fibre-grating sensors for the measurement of physiological pulsations

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2013 Phys. Scr. 2013 014022


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Phys. Scr. T157 (2013) 014022 (4pp) doi:10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T157/014022

Fibre-grating sensors for the

measurement of physiological pulsations
M D Petrović1 , A Daničić1 , V Atanasoski2 , S Radosavljević2 ,
V Prodanović2 , N Miljković2,3 , J Petrović1 , D Petrović4 , B Bojović1 ,
Lj Hadžievski1 , T Allsop5 , G Lloyd6 and D J Webb5
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Mike Petrovica Alasa,
11001 Belgrade, Serbia
School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra,
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tecnalia Serbia Ltd, Vladetina, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK
Moog Insensys Ltd, Ocean House, Whittle Avenue Segensworth West, Fareham PO15 5SX, UK

Received 25 August 2012

Accepted for publication 12 December 2012
Published 15 November 2013
Online at

Mechanical physiological pulsations are movements of a body surface incited by the
movements of muscles in organs inside the body. Here we demonstrate the use of long-period
grating sensors in the detection of cardio-vascular pulsations (CVP), in particular apex and
carotid pulsations. To calibrate the sensors, we use a mechanical tool designed specifically to
measure the sensor response to a localized perturbation at different grating curvatures as
working points. From the data we infer the amplitude of the CVP. Together with the
electrophysiological signals, the CVP signals obtained from the sensors can provide
significant information on heart function which is inaccessible to the electrocardiogram. The
low cost and easy handling of the fibre sensors increase their prospects to become the sensors
of choice for novel diagnostic devices.

PACS numbers: 42.81.Pa, 87.19.Hh, 87.19.uj

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction one can measure displacement, pressure or flow, using

different types of transducers such as inductance
Mechanical physiological pulsations that can be registered displacement transducers [3–5], air systems coupled to
on the surface of the human body can be associated with crystals [3, 5, 6], air systems coupled to strain gauges [3],
health and disease. In particular, pulsation time signals contain photocell transducers [3], piezoelectric transducers [4], etc.
information useful for clinical description and diagnosis The most commonly used technique for non-invasive
of heart, muscle and respiratory functions. Notwithstanding recording of arterial pressure pulse is applanation
the fact that direct invasive methods can give accurate tonometry, where the tonometer can be any instrument
and reliable measurements [1, 2], there is a need for that measures pressure or tension [2, 7]. Blood volume
non-invasive techniques that will be applied externally by pulse can also be recorded by using light-emitting
using transducers. Non-invasive techniques are preferred for photodiodes—photoplethysmography [8], while the apex
both simplicity of application and absence of interference with cardiogram can be obtained by inductance displacement
other medical procedures [1, 2]. transducers [3]. While the time shape of CVP can vary slightly
Cardio-vascular pulsations (CVP) can be felt and depending on the techniques used for its measurement, it
measured from the precordium, deep venous system is essential that it contains characteristic signatures that are
and arteries [3]. To obtain a time signal of the CVP, associated with the heart functions [9]. However, the signal
0031-8949/13/014022+04$33.00 1 © 2013 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Printed in the UK
Phys. Scr. T157 (2013) 014022 M D Petrović et al

shape of the currently used sensors is heavily dependent on a)

the precise placement of the pulse pick-up probe and the force
applied thereby [2, 3]. Hence, these sensors must be applied
by experienced technicians to avoid signal distortion caused
by incorrect transducer or patient positioning.
In this paper we propose a new CVP sensing technique
based on long-period fibre grating (LPG) sensors. We show
that these bending and displacement sensors can be used
for monitoring and quantifying apex cardiogram and carotid
pulsations, and their signatures. Due to the linear shape of
the sensor (4–5 cm long), this technique allows for large
tolerances in sensor placement and thus largely disentangles
b) 2 3.5
the signal quality from the operator. In combination
with existing complementary techniques—electrocardiogram 0 3
(ECG) and phonocardiogram (PCG)—the proposed sensors −2 2.5
can enable advanced diagnostics of several heart and vascular


−4 2

illnesses [3, 9].
The paper is structured as follows. The working principle −6 1.5
of LPG sensors and the particulars of the interrogation scheme −8 1
used in this work are explained in section 2. Application
of these sensors to measuring carotid and apex pulsations −10 0.5
0 2 4 6 8
is described and the results of the measurements are given curvature [m ]
in section 3. An independent calibration procedure used
to enable quantification of the pulsation amplitudes is also Figure 1. (a) Spectral sensitivity of LPG to bending, measured by
OSA. During bending the resonance experiences a red shift. (b)
described therein. Finally, in section 4 the advantages and Power sensitivity of LPG to bending at 1470.4 nm measured by
limitations of the LPG sensors with respect to the current OSA (blue line) and a photodiode (green line). The OSA
standards are reviewed and the prospects for their clinical use measurements in (b) are obtained as the points of intersection of the
are outlined. black line and grating spectra in (a). The observed difference
between the OSA and photodiode measurements is probably due to
the large room temperature variation during the experimental
2. Long-period fibre grating sensors campaign.

The LPG consists of a one-dimensional periodic perturbation interrogation scheme that relies on the measurement of the
of the refractive index profile or the fibre geometry power transmitted through an LPG sensor, see figure 2(a).
along the fibre axis. It has a period of several tens to Such a scheme requires tuning of the grating to resonance with
several hundreds of micrometres which enables coupling the laser. As the sensors are applied to patients with different
of light from the fundamental core mode to the resonant body curvatures and as the position of a grating spectral
co-propagating cladding modes of the fibre at discrete resonance depends on fibre curvature, a series of gratings with
wavelengths. Due to coupling to the lossy cladding modes, slightly different resonant wavelengths was fabricated to suit
the resulting transmission spectrum consists of a series of body shapes of a wide range of patients.
attenuation bands [10]. There are three major characteristics Special care was taken to solve the problem of the
of attenuation bands: resonant wavelength, magnitude and LPG cross-sensitivity to other parameters. Namely, a single
width. The resonant wavelength can be determined from the attenuation band may be simultaneously sensitive to several
phase-matching condition parameters, which makes it impossible to distinguish the
ν eff contribution of a wanted measurand [11]. Here, the grating
λ = n eff
co − n cl 3,

cross-sensitivity to the refractive index has been avoided
where n eff ν eff by using the progressive three-layered fibre whose second
co is the effective index of the core mode, n cl is the
effective index of the νth cladding mode, 3 is the period of cladding served as an isolator [12], while the effects of rapid
the grating and λ is the resonant wavelength. The magnitude temperature fluctuations have been avoided by encapsulating
depends on the mode-coupling strength (and hence on the the sensor in a low-temperature curing silicone rubber, as
index modulation of the grating and the overlap between described in [13].
the resonant modes) and the grating length, while the width
depends also on the fibre and the grating dispersion. 3. CVP measurements
All the above characteristics are sensitive to the
forces applied to the fibre (strain, load, bend) and local We used LPGs to measure small displacements and pressures
environment (temperature, refractive index of surrounding induced by cardiac muscle function and arterial blood flow.
medium) [11]. However, the high cost of the optical spectrum We assume that the apex pulsations can be approximated as
analysers needed for the full grating characterization makes small changes in the chest curvature. On the other hand, the
a straightforward application of such sensing schemes in neck pulsations caused by the blood flow through the carotid
primary care unlikely. Here, we use a simple monochromatic artery act as local pressures. It is interesting to note that this is,

Phys. Scr. T157 (2013) 014022 M D Petrović et al

(a) 1.55



Pt [a. u.]


6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6

time [s]

Figure 3. Apex cardiogram measured with LPG sensors.


2.2 1.8 2




2 1.2 0
5.5 6 0 1 2
time [s] δ [mm]
Pt [a. u.]

Figure 2. (a) Sensing scheme. Light from a diode laser stabilized at
1470.4 nm is coupled into a fibre with an LPG sensor. The
transmitted power signal is measured by a photodiode and the thus 1.6
obtained electronic signal is digitalized for further processing. (b) 1.5
Sensor calibration gauge.

to the best of our knowledge, the first study of the response of 1.3

a fibre grating to a local disturbance (a disturbance confined 0 5 10 15

time [s]
to several grating periods). In order to study this response
in detail, we emulate the pulsations during the independent Figure 4. Carotid pulsations. Left inset: a single pulse with the
calibration. characteristic incisura feature circled. Right inset: calibration of the
sensor to small displacements.
3.1. Calibration to curvature and displacement
sensors were attached by a loose bandage that did not induce
Grating characterization and sensor calibration were first additional stress in the grating.
performed using a broadband light source and an optical
spectrum analyser (OSA), see figure 1(a). In addition, a new
gauge was designed and built especially for sensor calibration 3.2. Measurement of apex pulsations
purposes, see figure 2(b). The gauge is capable of measuring In the apex recording realized here, the main goal was to
grating response to bending and its response to the transversal measure curvature changes around a preset curvature in time.
mechanical disturbance at a preset curvature of the fibre. The The measurements were performed on five healthy subjects.
disturbance is effected by a teflon rod protruding through In order to find the best sensor position, we placed the sensor
a hole in the sensor-supporting plate. Precise control of its at various locations on both the left and right sides of the
displacement was realized by a micrometre translation stage. torso. During the recording the subjects were asked not to
First we measured the grating response to bending breathe for a short time in order to avoid concurrence with
(figure 1(b)) and then its response to small displacements at the breathing pulsations. The LPGs could capture the apex
the working point determined by curvature (inset in figure 4). pulsation signals at any position along the torso, but the signal
The sensitivity to small displacements, calculated as the slope strength varied significantly. A typical measured response is
of the calibration curve, was 1 mm−1 . The resolution of the shown in figure 3. These signals agree well with the signals
measurement is limited to 10 µm by the instability of the laser obtained by crystal microphones [9] and contain all the signal
diode power of around 1%. signatures needed for diagnostic purposes [3, 9].
When the sensor was fixed to the metal plate by
a tape, its response changed. As the tape restricted the
3.3. Measurement of carotid artery pulsations
upward movement of the sensor, the rod acted as a
displacement-to-pressure transducer. The calibration curve In this application we used LPG sensors to measure
generated as a response of the grating to the pressure was not the blood flow through the carotid artery. A sensor was
monotonic. To avoid such a response during the medical trials, placed on the neck where the pulsation of this artery is

Phys. Scr. T157 (2013) 014022 M D Petrović et al

pronounced, transversally to the carotid. The measurements the long-term goal is to exploit the sensors in extending the
were performed on five healthy subjects asked not to breathe diagnostic range of standard cardio-diagnostic devices.
for a short time. A typical measured pulsation signal along
with a zoom-in on one pulsation is shown in figure 4. It Acknowledgments
agrees well with the signals reported in the literature [3, 14].
In addition, using the measured sensitivity we estimate the This work was supported by the Ministry of Education
amplitude of the neck pulsation caused by the carotid blood and Science, Republic of Serbia (Project III45010). NM
flow to be about 0.5 mm. acknowledges support from the Ministry of Education and
When the above measurements were repeated by different Science, Republic of Serbia (Project OS175016) and JP
operators, the signal amplitude varied slightly but all the support from L’OREAL-UNESCO through the Women in
characteristic features of the signals were preserved. Science National Fellowship in Serbia.

4. Conclusion References
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