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Name : Horacio B. Croxatto

Born : July 14th, 1936. Santiago, Chile
Citizenship : Chilean
Passport : 3430177-8
E-mail address :


1954 – 1961 School of Medicine, Universidad Católica de Chile

Title: Medical Doctor, 1961


1964 - 1966 National Institute of Health Fellowship for training in Neuroendocrinology.

Prof. Charles H. Sawyer, University of California in Los Angeles.

1966 - 1967 The Population Council Fellowship for research in Reproductive Endocrinology.
Dr. Sheldon J. Segal, Rockefeller University, New York.

Languages: Fluid Spanish and English. Regular in French.


President, Chilean Institute for Reproductive Medicine, since 1985.

Member, International Committee for Contraceptive Research of the Population Council NY,
since 1973.
Full Professor, Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, since 2005.


Best Athlete Sacred Hearts High School 1954

Honorary Member, Sociedad Chilena de Reproducción y Desarrollo, 1998
Presidential Chair in Sciences of the Chilean Government 1999
Grand Lodge Masonry of Chile nomination for outstanding contribution to freedom of
conscience and thinking 2002
Honorary Member, Asociación Médica Argentina de Anticoncepción, since 2002
Honorary Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile, 2006


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, 1961-1976.

Full Professor, Faculty of Biological Sciences and Faculty of Medicine, Pontifical Catholic
University of Chile, 1977-1998.
Visiting Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Medical
School, San Antonio, Texas, Jan-Jun 1974; Jan-Mar 1977.
Member, Steering Committee Task Force on Methods to Regulate Ovum Transport WHO
Geneva 1974-1977.
Head Laboratory of Endocrinology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Pontifical Catholic
University of Chile 1976-1986.
Vice-President of Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores en Reproducción Humana
(ALIRH) 1984-1987.
Head Unit of Reproductive and Development Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Pontifical
Catholic University of Chile 1987-1994.
Member, Steering Committee, Task Force on Postovulatory Methods for Fertility Regulation,
WHO Geneva 1985-1991.
Vice-Dean Faculty of Biological Sciences, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile 1994-1996.
Member, Board of Directors, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), Seattle,
President, Sociedad Latina de Biología y Medicina de la Reproducción, 1999-2003
Senior Research Associate Faculty of Biological Sciences, Pontifical Catholic University of
Chile 1998-2006.


Sociedad de Biología de Chile.

Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores en Reproducción Humana (ALIRH).
Society for the Study of Reproduction.
Sociedad Chilena de Fertilidad y Esterilidad.
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
Sociedad Chilena de Reproducción y Desarrollo.
Sociedad Chilena de Endocrinología y Metabolismo.
Sociedad Latina de Biología y Medicina de la Reproducción.
Latin American Academy of Sciences
Asociación Medica Argentina de Anticoncepción
Felow American Collegue of Obstetricians and Gynecologists


Basic and applied aspects of reproductive physiology and fertility regulation with emphasis in
physiology of gametes within the female genital tract, lactational infertility, contraceptive
delivery systems and mode of action of contraceptive methods.


Recipient of grants awarded by The Population Council, IDRC Canada, HRP-WHO, The
Rockefeller Foundation, The Ford Foundation, CONRAD, FHI, CONICYT, Ernst Schering
Research Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The William and Flora Hewlet

PUBLICATIONS (To see click here)

Over two hundred original papers mostly in international journal; over fifty book chapters by
invitation and several hundred abstracts (Not listed).

Lecturer in reproductive physiology, endocrinology, and contraception


Licenciate Degree in Biochemistry and Teaching, 14 students

Master Degree in Biology, 6 students
Ph.D. in Physiology, 7 students

Dr Croxatto designed and directed two major training programs in reproductive biology and
reproductive health. The first, known as “Research Training Program on Fundamental and
Applied Aspects of Reproductive Biology” (R.F. 83016), was funded by The Rockeffeller
Foundation from 1988 until 2001.
This program was aimed at Latinamerican graduate and postgraduate students who were
interested in pursuing advanced research training in different aspects of Reproductive Biology.
Young professionals of the region were mentored to become independent scientists, able to
progress in the identification and understanding of problems related to Human Reproduction and
able to propose solutions based on scientific discovery. Advanced learning experiencies in
scientific literature reviewing, experimental design, experimental techniques, data analysis and
presentation, scientific writing and how to prepare research projects and grant applications were
provided. The core of the Program was full time dedication to a research project under the
guidance of a senior investigator at a training site selected by the trainee. It was hosted by the
Unit of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Catholic
University of Chile. Senior scientists of the State University of Chile, the University of Valdivia
and the Chilean Institute for Reproductive Medicine were also members of the staff. More than
50 fellows were trained under this program.

The second, named “Building Up Human Resources for Reproductive Health in Latin
America”, known in short as PROGRESAR, was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation from 2001 until 2003.
This program was designed to accelerate regional progress in reproductive health by fostering
the generation of knowledge, its dissemination and application, and by involving in this effort all
constituencies of society. It offered training opportunities to staff of such diverse institutions as
NGOs, universities, government bodies and community leaders committed to research,
education, service, field work, policy or decision making, in reproductive health. Fellow trainees
were supported by the program to pursue professional titles, degrees or further training in
regional centers of excellence, in any discipline that could strengthen the capacity of their
institutions to have a positive impact on reproductive health and to gain long term sustainability.
From all over Latin America and the Caribbean 264 individual applications were approved. Due
to the multidisciplinary approach of this program, it reached professionals with a wide range of
backgrounds, such as Physicians, Nurses, Midwives, Biologist and Biochemists, Psychologists,
Sociologists, Technicians, Social Workers, etc. Southern Cone countries concentrated more than
78% of the training activities, with Chile accounting for nearly 60% of them. This program
offered co-funding support to centers of excellence towards the realization of training activities
carried out in the region. Out of 186 institutional applications received, 85 were approved.
Through this co-funding modality of support, more than 5,000 professionals were trained.
Dissemination of research activities undertaken with PROGRESAR support resulted in 86
presentations at scientific meetings, 38 journal publications and 5 book chapters.


In the late sixties, Dr Croxatto developed the Laboratory of Endocrinology within de Department
of Physiology of the School of Medicine of the Catholic University, which later on became the
Unit of Reproduction and Development of the Faculty of Biological Sciences when this Faculty
was established in the same university. This unit was nominated Collaborative Research Center
for the Human Reproduction Program of WHO. A New World monkey colony housing hundred
Capuchin monkeys was established in the premises to conduct fundamental research in
reproductive biology. Reseach and training using this facility has yielded over 15 full
publications since its inception in the late eighties.
Dr Croxatto co-founded the Chilean Institute for Reproductive Medicine in 1985 and ever since
has been its president and director of biomedical research. This Institute is devoted to research
and development, training, health care and dissemination of information in reproductive and
sexual health. It has played a fundamental role in the development of contraceptive implants and
vaginal rings and in disclosing the mechanism of action of IUDs and hormonal emergency
contraception. No less important it has influenced the course of reproductive health policies of
the Ministry of Health of Chile by helping to reformulate the guidelines for Fertility Regulation.

- Transdermal Contraceptive Formulations, Methods and Devices. US Patent 5,122,382. June
- Transdermal Contraceptive Formulations, Methods and Devices. South Africa Patent No.
91/8531. August 1992.
- Transdermal Formulations, Methods and Devices. US Patent 5,198,223. March 1993
- Transdermal Formulations, Methods and Devices. US Patent 5,314,694. May 1994
- Transdermal Formulations, Methods and Devices. US Patent 5,320,850. July 1994
- Transdermal Contraceptive Formulations, Methods and Devices. México Patent No.177953.
May 1995.
- Transdermal Contraceptive Formulations, Methods and Devices. New Zealand Patent No.
240,361. November 1995.
- Therapeutically Effective Topical Application of ST-1435. Japanese Patent No 2,625,254.
April 1997.
- Therapeutically Effective Topical Application of ST-1435. European Patent No 0 600 873.
April 1997. (For Austria, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Spain, Denmark,
Holand, Germany, Luxembourg, Sweden and Switzerland).
- Therapeutically Effective Topical Application of ST-1435. US Patent 5,651,973. July 1997.
- Contraceptive Method Using a Subdermally Implantable Device. US Patent 5,756,115. May
- Transdermal Contraceptive Formulations, Methods and Devices. Norway Patent No. 303527.
July 1998.
- Transdermal Contraceptive Formulations, Methods and Devices. Portugal Patent No. 99340.
November 1998
- Transdermal Contraceptive Formulations, Methods and Devices. European Patent No
0577602. September 1998. (For Austria, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy,
Spain, Denmark, Holand, Germany, Luxembourg, Sweden and Switzerland).
- Transdermal Contraceptive Formulations, Methods and Devices. Japan Patent No. 2,975,684.
September 1999
- Subdermally Implantable Device. Canadian Patent No 2,161,950. October 2000.
- Progesterone Vaginal Ring for Treatment of Infertility. U.S. Patent No. 5,869,801. June 2002
Editorial work for scientific publications
1973 – 1974 Revista Reproducción (Spain)
1976 Co-editor of “Ovum Transport and Fertility Regulation”. Scriptor
1984 – Contraception
1988- Revista Iberoamericana de Fertilidad
1988 – 1991 Archivos de Biología y Medicina Experimentales
1991 Archivos de Biología y Medicina Experimental (Vol. 24 Nº 3) Special number
dedicated to the International Symposium “The Biology of the Oviduct”.
1991- Outlook (PATH publication)
1999 Références en Gynécologie Obstétrique

Referee assignments for scientific journals

- Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
- Life Sciences
- Reproduction, Fertility & Development
- Revista Médica de Chile
- Journal of Endocrinology
- Biology of Reproduction
- Human Reproduction
- Contraception
- Biological Research
- Asian Journal of Andrology
- American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Molecular Human Reproduction
- Fertility and Sterility
- Expert Review of Medical Devices
- Southern Medical Journal
Advisor for internacional committees and organizations
1976 – 1978 Scientific committee. Programa Latinoamericano de Investigaciones en
Reproducción Humana. Bogotá, Colombia.
1978 Ad hoc consultant. Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo
(Otawa, Canadá)
1978 – 1980 Board of Directord Programa Latinoamericano de Investigaciones en
Reproducción Humana PLACIRH. Bogotá, Colombia.
1989 Technical advisory committee for Programa Latinoamericano de Capacitación e
Investigación en Reproducción Humana. Ciudad de México, México.
1993 Coordinator of workshop "Fortalecimiento de la Capacitación e Investigación en
Salud Reproductiva a través de la Cooperación entre Instituciones
Latinoamericanas". Programa de Reproducción Humana, WHO. Buenos Aires,
1995 Coordinator of workshop “Experiencia en Investigación Anticonceptiva en
América Latina”. IX Congreso Mundial de la Sociedad de Avances en
Anticoncepción (SAC). Caracas, Venezuela
1995 External Advisory Board Center for Research on Women’s Health and
Reproduction. University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. USA.
1995 Consultant to UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of
Research, Development and Research Training in Human
Reproduction.“Research in Reproductive Health for the Next Decade: I: Fertility
Regulation Technology Meeting”. Geneva, Switzerland.
1995 Study Section Committe for research projects submitted to Programa
Latinoamericano de Capacitación e Investigación en Reproducción Humana,
1996 Ad Hoc Committee for “Competition to establish an International Research
Centre for Population Studies and Reproductive Health in the African region”.
The Wellcome Trust. London, England.
1997 Organizing Committee for Simposium on “Consensus Statement on NORPLANT
Levonorgestrel Implants”. FIGO XV International Congress. Copenhagen,
1997 Committee for prize awarding to “Young scientists’sessions”. FIGO XV
International Congress. Copenhagen, Denmark.
1997 Special Committee of the Institute of Medicine of the USA Academy of Sciences
for producing the book “Contraceptive Research and Development: Looking to
the future”. Washington D.C., USA.
2001 WHO/Rockefeller Foundation and CICCR Initiative on Implantation and the
Consortium for Industrial Collaboration in Contraceptive Research. Beaverton,
Oregon, EE.UU
2001 Round table coordinator “Participación de la Industria en la Investigación,
Desarrollo y Oportunidades de colaboración con América Latina”. XVII Reunión
de ALIRH. Curitiba, Brasil.
2002 WHO/Rockefeller Foundation and CICCR Initiative on Implantation and the
Consortium for Industrial Collaboration in Contraceptive Research. Melbourne,
2003 WHO/Rockefeller Foundation and CICCR Initiative on Implantation and the
Consortium for Industrial Collaboration in Contraceptive Research. Bellagio,
2003 President of Session. XVIII Reunión Bienal de la Asociación Latinoamericana de
Investigadores en Reproducción Humana ALIRH. Varadero, Cuba.
2006 - Advisor on emergency contraception to health care professionla and NGOs. San
José, Costa Rica.
- Expert witness on emergency contraception at Fiscalía de Quito. Quito, Ecuador.
- Advisor on emergency contraception to Ministry of Health and National Health
Council. Quito, Ecuador.
- Advisor on emergency contraception to Mayor of Quito, to President of
Ecuador, Mr. Alfredo Palacios and NGOs supporting emergency contraception in
2007 Invited conference on “Hormonal Emergency Contraception” at the National
Technical Meeting on “National Guidelines for Fertility Regulation: A challenge
for improving quality of life and sexual and reproductive health”. Ministry of
Health (MINSAL), Santiago, Chile.

Consultant for Pharmaceutical Industry (last 12 years listing)

1995 Experts meeting on Contraception. Organon, Santiago, Chile

1996 Implanon Expert Meeting, NV Organon, Noordwijk, Holanda.
1998-2004 Member of Board of Directors, Laboratorios Silesia
2002 Workshop “Contraception”, MERCK and Theramex, Monte Carlo, Mónaco.
2003 Barr Laboratorios, preparation for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hearing
on Plan B OTC, Gaithersburg MD, USA
2003 Barr Laboratories FDA hearing, Philadelfia, USA
2004 Chair person of the Organizing Committee for the Workshop “New mechanisms
for Tissue-selective, Estrogen-free Contraception”. Schering AG. Berlin,
2004 Videoconference Advisory Board on Progesterone Receptor Modulators. Johnson
& Johnson. Santiago, Chile; Raritan, New York and Portland, USA and Paris,
2005 - 2008 Scientific advisor to Laboratorios Silesia, S.A. Chile
2005 Expert witness in trial against contraceptive methods, representing
Laboratorios Gador. Córdoba, Argentina.
2006 Manuscript production on “Emergency contraception with levonorgestrel” for
Laboratorio Recalcine, Chile.
2007 Advisor to Bayer Schering Pharma on proyect DE-04543-309561. Helsinki,
2007 Presenter of Progering, in launchig ceremony of progesterone ring for
contraception during lactation, Laboratorios Silesia, Santiago, Chile.
2008 Presenter of Fertiring, in launchig ceremony of progesterone ring for promoting
fertility in assisted reproduction procedures, Laboratorios Silesia, Santiago, Chile.

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