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Evidence: Speak your mind

1. A political system is optimal not because it produces the policies that you prefer. It produces
the policies that much smarter people prefer.

I agree to a certain extent since the government tries to have policies that serve all the people,
although sometimes it only thinks about them and they let the people suffer and pay more than
they should.

2. The ideal system depends on the cultural attributes of the population.

I agree given that if the system is based on the cultures of the population, the inhabitants
themselves will comply with the norms and laws established for them.

3. Individuals should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs based on their ability.

I agree that in the jobs they must be evaluated for their knowledge and experience not as it
happens in most of the world that have jobs because they help them to enter so they do not have
the capacity to have that job.

4. Unlike the private sector, the government is motivated by public interest.

I disagree since the government only does what is in its interest and what is convenient for it and
the people do not care or what they need or what they ask for, the government only steals from
the people.

5. Taxes allow the government to create jobs and provide welfare programs for people in need.

I disagree that the money they get from taxes is not reflected in creating new jobs, that money is
lost without explanation every time they take out and take out taxes and the silver does not see
the welfare of the people.

6. Governmental programs encourage people to become dependent and lazy instead of inspiring
them to become hard-working and independent.

I agree with the statement since people get used to being given and do not work or do anything a
clear example of what happened in Venezuela. I agree that they give to those who need it but do
not get used to doing nothing, you have to fight what you want if you are not going to prosper,
and that is a cycle that is repeated in families and when they do not give them the bad it's the

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