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Learn English with TV

Are you ready to learn English with TV? Here are your 10 Learn English with TV Power Lesson
Samples, a total of 23 Pages of PDF Lessons, including a description of the scene, a link to each
video, followed power lessons for the scenes in order.

You Can Find the 10 Videos On This Page

For New Videos, be sure to subscribe to both of our Youtube Channels, Learn English with TV,
and RealLife English.

Check out Our “Fluent with Friends” Course

The Power Learning Methodology used in these lessons
was developed in the Fluent with Friends TV Course we
created, which covers 48 entire episodes of Friends.

Learn More About the Fluent with Friends Course

Watch Video 1. Joey’s Perverted Tailor (Friends)

Chandler is looking for a recommendation for a tailor, or a
professional who can alter his clothes. Joey sends him to his
family's tailor, Frankie, but Chandler is in for a big surprise
when he realizes that Frankie is a bit "unconventional" (to say
pages 1-2 the least) with his approach to altering clothes.

2. Joey’s Sexy Man Purse (Friends) Watch Video

Rachel helps Joey choose clothes for an important
audition. Although Joey is very resistant, she
convinces him to use a unisex "man purse," which
is a recent trend amongst men. This hilarious
seen has lots of word play and sexual references.
page 3

Watch Video 3. Ross’s Beautiful Cousin (Friends)

Ross and Monica's cousin, Cassie (played by Denise
Richards), has come to visit New York. The guys, including
Ross, can't believe how beautiful she is. This scene is
packed with humor, word play, and sexual references.
pages 4-6

4. Monica’s Boob Job (Friends) Watch Video

Monica borrowed money from Joey and told him not to

tell Chandler. Now Chandler asks Joey if he can borrow
money, but Joey ends up revealing (without knowing if
it's true) that he loaned Monica money for a boob job.
pages 6-10
Watch Video 5. Flirting with the Police (Friends)
Rachel and Ross are in the car and are pulled over
by a cop (police officer). Rachel flirts with the
police officer and gets away without a ticket. Ross
tries to do the same but with different results. This
scene is full of word play and hilarious jokes.
pages 11-14

6. Joey’s Thanksgiving Pants (Friends) Watch Video

Monica doesn't want to cook a turkey for Thanksgiving

because Joey would be the only one to eat it, but he
promises to eat the entire turkey so she agrees. As he
tries to eat the whole thing, he needs to wear Phoebe's
maternity pants to finish (his belly is growing)
pages 15-16

Watch Video 7. Sheldon Annoying Penny (Big Bang)

Sheldon goes to Penny's work (where she’s working as a

waitress) to ask her to fix her relationship problems with
Leonard. She doesn't cede, so Sheldon annoys and
embarrasses her until he gets his way.
pages 17-18

8. Barney’s Doppelganger (How I Met

Your Mother) Watch Video

Lily and Marshall discover Barney's doppelganger (a

person who looks exactly like another), marking an
important event for them: it's a sign from the universe
that they can now have a baby (very strange, but you
have to watch to understand!). This seen is hilarious!
pages 19-20

Watch Video 9. Jake’s Pot Smoking Teacher (Two and a Half


Alan decides to hire a private teacher to help his son Jake pass
a test. The teacher is not at all what he expected. In fact, he's
very crazy.
pages 21-23

10. Elf (A Christmas Movie) Watch Video

In this Will Ferrell Christmas movie, Elf, who is

from the North Pole and knows the real Santa
Clause, gets disappointed and angry at the fake
Santa Clause at the mall.

pages 24-25
1 Lesson #1: Joey’s Perverted Tailor (Friends)

00:00 - 1:26 Vocabulary

Scene: Apartment A. tailor: someone who makes, repairs drawing w/ chalk
CHANDLER: Hey. Anybody know a or alters clothes professionally. Related
good tailorA? “tailor-made” is to make to one’s spe-
cific requirements.
JOEY: Needs some clothes alteredB?
B. alter: (clothing) to make changes to
CHANDLER: No, no, I’m just looking for an item of clothing for better fit.
a man to draw on me with chalkPIC.
C. forever = for a long time
JOEY: Why don’t you go see Frankie?

My family’s been going to him2 foreverC. D. crack the code: decipher a complex suit
He did my first suitPIC when I was 15. No hidden message.
wait, 16. No, excuse me, 15. All right,
when was 1990I? Pronunciation
CHANDLER: Okay. You have to stop 1. Why don’t you go:
the Q-tipPIC when there’s resistanceI! Why-own-chew go...
New Scene: Apartment (Later) 2. going to him:
goin-uh-him Q-tip
JOEY: You know, I think I was sixteen.
New Scene: Apartment References
CHANDLER: I’ve got pantsPIC that need I. draw on me with chalk: Chandler’s
to be altered. typical sarcastic humor. (See picture of
kid drawing with chalk). A tailor uses
JOEY: Hey, Chandler, when you see
chalk to measure.
Frankie, tell him Joey Tribbiani says hel-
lo. He’ll know what it means. (pant) cuffs
II. stop when there’s resistance: mean-
CHANDLER: Are you sure he’s going to ing Joey damaged his brain with Q-tips.
be able to crack that codeD?
III. Joey’s confusion about his age:
New Scene: Frank’s tailor shop
Joey’s simple confusion is funny, but
FRANKIE: How long do you want the considering this episode was showed
cuffs ?
in 1994, that makes no sense (Joey is measuring
supposed to be 25 years old). pants inseam
CHANDLER: At least as long as I have
the pantsIV. IV. at least as long as the pants: “How
FRANKIE: I just got that. Ok, now we’ll long” questions can be about physical
do your inseamPIC. length or time. Frankie’s is asking about
As Frankie measuresPIC Chandler’s pants, Chan-
the length of the pants, Chandler’s joke
dler suddenly gets a shocked look on his face.
is about time.
2 Lesson #1: Joey’s Perverted Tailor (Friends)

1:26 - 3:21 Vocabulary

New Scene: Joey on the telephone A. yo: common greeting/ way to say hi
amongst young people (slang, informal) yo
CHANDLER: YoA, paisanB! Can I talk to
you for a secC? Your tailor is a very bad >> Yo, man. Pass me that bottle. (PIC).
man! B. paisan: a word Italian Americans
JOEY: Frankie? What’re you talking about1? use informally for friend. (not common)
ROSS: Hey, what’s going onD? C. for a sec: informal way to say “for a
CHANDLER: Joey’s tailor... took advan- cupping
tage of meE. D. what’s going on? = What’s happening
here? Also: often a simple greeting (read
ROSS: What?
23 Ways to Greet Someone in English)
JOEY: No way. I’ve been going to the guy
for 12 years. E. to take advantage of: impose upon
(sexually) Also: to make use for gain.
CHANDLER: Oh come on! He said he
sports cup
was going to do my inseam, and he ran F. to run his hand up: to slide/ move
his handF up my leg, and then, there was his hand up on the surface of.
G. to cup/ cupping: to hold some-
ROSS: What? thing by making your hands into a
cup shape. Also for grabbing male
genitals (see PICS)- not common.
JOEY: That’s how they do pants! First prison
they go up one side, they move it overI, H. rear: less vulgar word for butt/ ass,
then they go up the other side, they also for the back part of something.
move it back, and then they do the rearH.
I. to swear to God: to promise very
What? Ross, will you tell him2? Isn’t that
how a tailor measures pants?
ROSS: Yes, yes it is. In prison! What’s the Pronunciation
matter with you3? 1. what are you talking about:
JOEY What? That’s not? Oh my God. wha-da-ya talkin’-about
New Scene: Joey on the Telephone 2. will you tell him:
JOEY: No way. I’ve been going to the guy
for 12 years. 3. what’s the matter with you?:
CHANDLER: Oh (Joey looks shocked)
wha-za mA-da with you?

New Scene: Joey on the Telephone References

JOEY: I swear to GodI, Dad. That’s not I. move it over: the it here refers to Frankie
how they measureD pants. moving his penis to the side.
3 Lesson #2: Joey’s Man Purse (Friends)

Transcript Vocabulary audition

RACHEL: Okay now Joey, you know A. audition: a test performance an
that since you’re returning all of this stuff actor makes when trying to get a role in
right after the auditionA + PIC you’re go- a play or movie (PIC).
ing to have1 to wear underwearPIC?
B. to be missing something: to be
JOEY: All right, then you’d better show lacking something, to not have.
me some of that2 too then.
C. purse: a bag a woman carries.
RACHEL: Okay, it’s missing some- underwear
thingB. Ooh, I know! Umm, okay. D. odd: to be strange, uncommon, or
in this case unexpected.
JOEY: Really? A purse C+ PIC
RACHEL:It’s not a purse! It’s a shoulder
1. you are going to have to
bagI. yur-gonna-hav-tuhˌ

JOEY: It looks like a women’s purse. 2. you better show me some of that
you-beh-der-sho-me-summa-thatˌ purse
RACHEL:No Joey, look. Trust me, all
the3 men are wearing them in the spring 3. trust me, I’m telling you all the
catalog. Look. See look, men, carrying trus-me I’m tel-in-yaˌ
the bag4.
4. carrying the bag
care-ing-the bagˌ
JOEY: See look, women, carrying the
bag. But it is oddD how a women’s purse 5. : I ain’t going to say no to that
looks good on me, a man. I ain’t gonna-say-no-duh that
RACHEL:Exactly! Unisex !
JOEY: Maybe you need sex. I had sex a I. Shoulder Bag: the masculine equiv-
couple days ago. alent for a purse

RACHEL:No! No Joey! U-N-I-sexIII. II. Unisex: Joey thinks that Rachel is

saying ‘you need sex.’ Unisex means
JOEY: Well, I ain’t gonna say no to that it’s made for both sexes (male &
that5. female)

III.U-N-I SEX: when Rachel spells

‘UNI’ Joey then thinks she is offering
sex by saying ‘you and I’ sex.
4 Lesson #3: Ross’s Beautiful Cousin (Friends)

Transcript Vocabulary
CASSIE: I thought I heard voices1. You A. you must be: to make an assumption Setting up a tent
must beA Chandler. to predict something to be true.

CHANDLER: (transfixed) Hi! Nice to B. it’s been so long: to say you haven’t
meet you2! seen someone for a long period of time.

CASSIE: Nice to meet you too. C. setting up: to assemble, put together.

MONICA: So, are you ready to go3? D. tent: a portable shelter used for
CASSIE: Yeah. Waiting in line
E. in line: in a row waiting to proceed.
MONICA: Chandler!
F. so you DID see me: we use did in
CHANDLER: He’ll be right with you . 4 an affirmation to show that something
happened contrary to what you had
........... thought or expected.

ROSS: (shocked at her beauty) Cassie?! G. fiance: a man who is engaged to get
CASSIE: Hey Ross!
H. stare: to be looking intensely at Staring
ROSS: Hey! someone or something.

CASSIE: (hugs him) It’s been so longB! Pronunciation

Last time I saw you, you were setting 1. I thought I heard voices:
upC your tentD in lineE to see Return of I-thaw-dy-herd
the JediI.
2. Nice to meet you: nice-tah-me-chew
ROSS: Oh. Oh, that’s right. So-so you
didF see me that day because it seemed 3. So are you ready to go?:
like you didn’t. so-ya-reh-di-dah-go? Return of the
4. He’ll be right with you:
CASSIE: Ah yeah, sorry about that.

ROSS: It’s okay. Come, come on in.

CASSIE: Thanks for letting me stay here! I. Return of the Jedi: Popular Star
I mean Monica’s place was nice, but her Wars movie. The joke is that Ross was
fianceG sure staresH a lot. a big nerd because he was camping in
line to see the movie.
5 Lesson #3: Ross’s Beautiful Cousin (Friends)

ROSS: Oh A. you do a great Chandler: to copy
or impersonate how somebody acts or to have a knack
CASSIE: Oh my God! You do a great moves. for photography
B. have a knack for something: to have
ROSS: Uh-huh. Yeah I-I have a knack B
a special ability or talent for something.
for impressions.
C. to get reaquainted: to become
CASSIE: Well, maybe after we get friends again if you haven’t seen some-
reaquaintedC uh, you can do meI. one for a long time you.
Leonardo Di Caprio is doing a
ROSS: Yeah—No!!
Jack Nicholson face

I. You can do me: Here ‘to do some-
one’ has a double meaning of having
sex with someone. It is a very infomal
expression. .
6 Lesson #4: Monica’s Boob Job (Friends)

Transcript Vocabulary
CHANDLER: I need to borrowA some A. borrow: to take money from a friend
money. or relative with the intention of return- borrow money
ing it later.
JOEY: Oh! Sure! How much? Two thou-
sand dollars? B. used to: a grammar tense used to
describe an habitual action that doesn’t
CHANDLER: Yes! Two thousand dollars happen anymore. >> Chandler used to
exactly! How do you know that! make $2000 a month.

JOEY: Err...Well I...Know how much you C. I am on fire: expression meaning

used to makeB and I know how much that you are getting everything right or
winning consecutively. >> Ronaldo is on he’s on fire!
your rent is.
fire today, he’s already scored 3 goals.

JOEY: I am on fireC!
1. Did you write a
CHANDLER: Listen...this is really nice. di-ju-ry-dah
Do you... Did you write a1 cheque to
2. We were having:
Monica for two thousand dollars? Did
Monica borrow money from you?
3. What would she get:
JOEY: Err... Kind of. wha-woo-she-ge(t)

CHANDLER: I can’t believe her! Did she

tell you we were having2 money prob-

JOEY: Oh no no no no no... It wasn’t... It

wasn’t because of your money problems,
it was for something for her.


JOEY: Something personal.

CHANDLER: What would she get3 for

herself for two thousand dollars that she
wouldn’t tell me about?

WOMAN: Excuse me.

7 Lesson #4: #4:
Lesson Monica’s Boob
Monica’s BoobJob

JOEY: Boob jobA. A. boob job: to get silicon breast boob job
MONICA: I don’t want her to get a boob
job! That’s crazy! B. don’t look at me = don’t ask me for
the answer, I don’t know anything.
JOEY: Well it’s...It’s not that crazy okay?
Making them smaller1, that would be C. get his jokes: to understand and
crazy. find someone’s joke funny. >> Sorry,
can you explain it ot me, I didn’t get it.
CHANDLER: Hey Rach! There she is...
My perfectly proportionedI wife. D. compliment: to say positive things
to someone about their appearance, or
RACHEL: Don’t look at me I neverB
get his jokes.

Pronunciation someone
MONICA: Thank you?
1. making them smaller:
may-kin-em smaller
CHANDLER: Oh no..don’t thank me.
Thank you. You know there’s not one 2. Did you do something bad:
thing I would change about you? Not one woh-waz-I-think-en
single thing! And definitely not... two...
single thingsII.
MONICA: Ok, you’re being wierd. Do I. Perfectly proportioned: Chandler is
you want sex or did you do something subtly telling Monica she has a perfect
bad2? body. The joke is that he is being very
strange with his comments. in form
CHANDLER: No no! I just love the way
you look, I am warm, for your formIII. II. two single things: Here he is joking
about two single things because of her
MONICA: Ok..You know the old classics two breasts. He still thinks she is going
you know,You look nice? They’re still ok. to get a boob job.

CHANDLER: Well yes yes... You look III. I am warm for your form:
nice can mean that your face looks nice. warm = I am hot, sexually excited Note: to be ‘in
I want to complimentD your body. I your form = Your body, your shape form’ is another
mean..I wouldn’t change it. At all. And
way to say in
more specifically, I wouldn’t want any-
thing to get any bigger.

MONICA: Okay...
8 Lesson #4: Monica’s Boob Job (Friends)

CHANDLER: I mean, You wouldn’t A. just when you thought that: expres-
just when you
want any part of me to get any bigger sion meaning someone unexpectedly
thought meme
would you?I Don’t answer that. passed their limits . >> Just when I
thought he was finished, he played an-
RACHEL: Just when you thoughtA that other song.
dude couldn’t get any wierder.B
B. wierder: the comparative form of
MONICA: I know why do you think he the adjective wierd.
was so worried about me getting bigger?
C. bring something on: to cause some-
RACHEL: I don’t know! I mean, what thing to happen. >> He brought it on
brought that onC? himself with the way he treated her.

MONICA: Oh my god. We’re trying to D. freak out: Get really nervous, anx-
get pregnant so he’s probably starting to ious, and scared. >> I freaked out when
freak outD about the fact that my body is I saw the big spider.
going to change.
E. honey: Affectionate name used by
RACHEL: No you really think that’s couples. >> Honey, have you seen my
what it is? keys? honey I’m home

MONICA: You heard him! “No bigger!”

“You’re perfect!” “Just don’t get any big- Pronunciation
ger!” Oh my god he sounded just like 1. I’m going to have to:
my high school wrestling coachII. You I’m-nah-hav-tah
know what? I’m going to have to1 talk to
Chandler. References
I. You wouldn’t want any part of me
RACHEL: Yeah! If you don’t I will! Of to get any bigger: Chandler realises
course your body’s gonna change. Your that Monica probably would want a
breasts are gonna get bigger, your ass part of him (his penis) to get bigger.
is gonna get bigger, you’re gonna lose
bladder control. God! It’s just such a II. two single things: Here he is joking
magical time !III
about two single things because of her
two breasts. He still thinks she is going
CHANDLER: Hey Rach! Ah........ Per- to get a boob job.
fection.Wouldn’t change a thing. Not a
thing. III. such a magical time: Rachel makes
a huge contrast when speaking about all
MONICA: Honey ? e
the negative aspects of being pregnant,
then speaks of how magical it is.
9 Lesson #4: Monica’s Boob Job (Friends)

CHANDLER: Yeah? A. whether you like it or not = This
will happen independent of your opin- package deal
MONICA: About that? Erm...I’m going ion. >> I am going to quit my job wheth-
to change. er you like it or not.

CHANDLER: But honey you don’t have B. package deal: To buy something at a
to1. discount price because you get the
whole package. >> I got a package deal
MONICA: I’m going to get bigger! with these toothbrushes.

CHANDLER: Honey I... I love your C. if it means that much to you = If

breasts the way they are! you really want this, I will support it.
>> If it means that much to you I will go
RACHEL: Argh. fascistI. to the party.
honey I’m home
MONICA: Well, my breasts are going to D. get on board: To agree with you,
get bigger whether you like it or notA! support what you are doing. >> My
And you know what? It’s not just my friends got on board when they knew
breasts. My ass is going to get bigger too. how much money they could make.

CHANDLER: your ass?!?!? E. if you can’t handle this = If you

can’t support this, if you are not com-
RACHEL: Man, don’t be surprised if her fortable with this . >> I can’t handle all
hands and her feet get bigger too! the noise.


MONICA: It’s kind of a package dealB! 1. don’t have to: clown feet
CHANDLER: God why why would you
want to do that to yourself!? References
I. fascist: a system of government that
MONICA: I thought I was something
is controlled by a dictator. Rachel calls
that we both wanted!
Chandler a fascist because of the way
he sounds authoritarian by saying he
CHANDLER: Alright look, if it means
loves her boobs.
that much to youC, a may be able to get
on boardD with the big boobs. But the
giant ass and the big clown feetPIC?

RACHEL: Oh my god Chandler! If you

10 Lesson #4: Monica’s Boob Job (Friends)

can’t handle thisE, what are you going to A. shooting out of her: coming out shooting out
be like in the hospital? With the blood really quickly, like a gun shooting.
and the screaming and the little person >> The ketchup shot out of the bottle.
that’s shooting outA of her!?
B. I’m out four thousand dollars = I
CHANDLER: What? have spent $4000. >> The maintenance
costs for my car put me out $2000.
RACHEL: Joey! Why did you tell Chan-
dler that Monica was getting a boob job?

JOEY: Because she is!

MONICA: Joey, Chandler knows I bor-

rowed the money.

JOEY: Mmmm hmm! For your boob




JOEY: Ok so I’m out four thousand

dollarsB and nobody’s boobs are getting
any bigger?
11 Lesson #5: Flirting with the Police (Friends)

Transcript Vocabulary
RACHEL: Okay. Switch placesA with A. switch places: to exchange or swap to get arrested
me! Switch places with me! Come on! I’ll with someone, in this case where they
go under, you go over! are sitting.

ROSS: Yeah, I’ll get right on thatB. B. I’ll get right on that: expression
used to say that you will do something
RACHEL: Oh come on Ross!! immediately. >> A. Can someone clean
the dishes? B. Yep, I’ll get right on it.
ROSS: No Rach! Come on! No-no! Yeah,
I’m sure we won’t get arrestedC+ PIC for C. get arrested: to be captured by a po- Note: in the image
above the man has
this. lice man for breaking the law. (PIC) been handcuffed

RACHEL: Hi officer, was I going a little D. here you go: used when you’re giv- to get pulled
too fast1? ing something to someone (that they over
asked for)
ROSS: Oh my God.
E. here it comes: phrase often used to
POLICEMAN: Can I see your license anticipate someone’s negative reaction

please? to something.

RACHEL: Oh yes, absolutely! You know, Pronunciation

it’s weird uh, but I had a dream last 1. was I going a little too fast? Note: the act of
night where I was stopped by a police- woh-zy-go-wen-a-lih-dul-too fast being stopped by
man. And then he uh…well I probably a policeman when
shouldn’t tell you the rest3. 2. can I see your driving is to get
keh-ny-see-yur pulled over
POLICEMAN: Your license? driver’s license
3. I probably shouldn’t tell you the rest
I praw-be-sho-un-tell-yu the rest
RACHEL: Yes. Here you goD Officer uh,
POLICEMAN: That’s Hanson. I. Officer Hanson: Rachel is being flir-
tatious by deliberately mispronouncing
RACHEL: Oops sorry, my mistake. the officers name, which is Hanson, not
handsome. Handsome = beautiful
ROSS: Dear LordII!!
II.Dear lord: Ross can’t believe that
POLICEMAN: Wow! Rachel is being so flirtatious with the
officer. Note: this is a religious term
ROSS: Here it comesE.
12 Lesson #5: Flirting with the Police (Friends)

Transcript Vocabulary
POLICEMAN: This is a great picture. A. roll out of bed: to leave your bed in I just rolled out
a very casual way, and not paying any of bed
RACHEL: Really?! You think so? You attention to your appearance.
know, I had just rolled out of bedA.
B. wonder: to be curious about some-
POLICEMAN: Yeah? Well you look phe- thing.
C. the old date: using old before some
ROSS: Well she should, it was taken ten nouns can add affecting to them. In
years ago! this case Rachel adds old to make it
seem less serious. Note: you will more
RACHEL: You know you’re-you’re commonly hear the term ‘good old’.
Astrology Signs
probably wonderingB about the old
D. I bet you are a: to bet means to risk
dateC+1 on there.
or gamble money on the outcome of
POLICEMAN: Yes I am. a game, like poker, but the more com-
mon form of this expression is used to
RACHEL: Yeah. guess something that you are sure of.
>> I bet it is going to rain today.
POLICEMAN: You’re an Aquarius PIC,
E. I’ll tell you what: we say this before
we make a compromise, or do a per-
RACHEL: I bet you’re aD Gemini PIC. son a favor in exchange for something
(often small) in return.
RACHEL: TaurusPIC? 1. you’re probably wondering
about the old date?
RACHEL: Virgo ? PIC a-bout-the-ol-date

POLICEMAN: Nope. References

I. You’re an Aquarius, huh?: we all
RACHEL: SagittariusPIC? expect that the officer will notice that
Rachel’s license has expired, but the
officer starts to flirt back by admiring
RACHEL: I knew itII! I knew it, ahh…. Rachel’s star sign.

II.I knew it: it was obvious that Rachel

POLICEMAN: Well I’ll tell you whatE...
was just guessing, but she celebrates as
RACHEL: Yeah? is she really knew the officers star sign.
13 Lesson #5: Flirting with the Police (Friends)

Transcript Vocabulary
POLICEMAN: You’re not going to A. speed: (verb) to go too fast gear stick
speedA anymore right1?
B. right away: immediately, withoug
RACHEL: I won’t speed. hesitation.

POLICEMAN: And you promise you’ll C. in the meantime: during the inter-
get this taken care of right awayB? vening time. >> The train is late so I am
going to read a book in the meantime.
RACHEL: I promise.
D. license: although there are many
POLICEMAN: And in the meantimeC types of licenses, but in this context we fourth gear
you better let him drive. Does he have a mean driver’s license.
E. handle a stick: expressions used to
RACHEL: Yeah! ask if someone can drive a manual car,
POLICEMAN: Can he handle the the ‘stick’ is referring to the gear stick.
stickE? F. slip: (verb) to fall off by accident
RACHEL: Oh well…
G. ten and two o’clock position: the 10 and 2 O’clock
ROSS: I can handle a stick!! name of the correct holding position of (literally)
a steering wheel, something you learn
RACHEL: You know what? Remind me in driving school (it lines up with the
to introduce you to someoneI. 10 and 2 on a clock-- see PICS)
ROSS: Who?
RACHEL: Fourth gearI! 10 and 2 O’clock
1. you’re not going to speed any-
more right?
ROSS: What?! What does he want?! I yur-naw-gon-speed-nee-more-right?
wasn’t doing anything!
2. does he have a license?
RACHEL: Well maybe he saw your hand duz-ee-ava license?
slipF briefly from the ten and two o’clock
positionG + II. References
ROSS: Maybe it’s uh Sergeant Sagittarius I. Introduce you to fourth gear.. Ra-
coming back to flirt some more! chel is making a joke. Ross thinks she
wants him to meet a person, but it’s
RACHEL: It’s a different guy! “fourth gear,” which is the stick shift
that will go faster.
ROSS: Good evening officer.
II. the 10 and 2 O’Clock position.. Ra-
POLICEMAN: Do you know how fast chel is sarcastically making fun of Ross
you were traveling back there? for following the rules too carefully.
14 Lesson #5: Flirting with the Police (Friends)

Transcript Vocabulary
ROSS: Ah no. I don’t, but it could not A. sixty: 60 miles per hour.
have been more than sixtyA.
B. weirdest: the superlative form of the
POLICEMAN: You’re right. It was 37. adjective weird, which means strange.

ROSS: I mean you’re not going to give C. ticket: in American English, ticket
me a1 a ticket for driving too slow are is used for penalties and infringements,
you? as well as concert and plane tickets. In
this case it’s a speeding ticket. ALSO:
POLICEMAN: That’s right.
Parking ticket Movie ticket
ROSS: You know of-officer I uh…I had
the weirdestB dream last night…

RACHEL: Oh my God!

POLICEMAN: Your license please.

ROSS: You don’t-you don’t want to

hear about2 my dream Officer…Pretty?
POLICEMAN: It’s PettyI. I’ll be right 1. you’re not going to give me a ticket
back with your ticketC. yur-not-gonna-gimme-a ticket

2. you don’t want to hear about

RACHEL: You have a sonII!

ROSS: I know. I know.

I. Officer Petty: Ross tries to flirt just
like Rachel did by calling the officer
‘pretty’ instead of Petty.

Double meaning: petty also refers to a

not so serious crime. Ross has committed
a petty crime by driving too slow.

II. You have a son: Rachel is making

Ross feel much more ridiculous and
immature by reminding him that he is
a father.
15 Lesson #6: Joey’s Thanksgiving Pants (Friends)

Transcript Vocabulary
MONICA: All right okay, just so you A. just so you know: expession used to
knowA, I’m not going to make a1 turkey clarify that everyone understands. >> a ton
this year. Just so you know, I am going to be late for
the meeting tomorrow.
JOEY: What?!
B. If it means that much to you: to say
MONICA: Well Phoebe doesn’t eat that you will do something to please
turkeyI… someone else. >> Ok, if it means that
much to you I will come to the party.
JOEY: Phoebe!
C. a ton: a lot (comes from the weight of
left overs
PHOEBE: Turkeys are beautiful, intelli- 1000 kilograms).
gent animals!
D. left over: remaining food that didn’t
JOEY: No they’re not! They’re ugly and get eaten.
stupid and delicious!
E. you’re telling me...: to show disbelief
MONICA: All right fine! If it means in what someone is saying. >> You’re
that much to youB! But just—there’s telling me that someone stole your bag?
going to be a ton left over .
2 C D

F. a sitting: a period of time that you

JOEY: No there won’t! I promise I will are sitting to eat a meal. >> It took them
finish that turkey! 3 sittings to finish the whole cake. Thanksgiving
MONICA: All right, you’re telling meE G. that’s it?: exclaimation used to
you can eat an entire turkey in just one show you expected more. >> That’s it? I
sittingF? thought I would get paid more.

JOEY: That’s right! Because I’m a Tribbi- Pronunciation

ani! And this is what we do!
1. I’m not going to make a: Note: Phoebe
I’m-noh-gonna-may-ka doesn’t eat turkey
MONICA: Hey, what are you doing ? 3

You have got to save room, you’ve got because she is a

2. There is going to be: vegetarian and
almost an entire turkey to eat. therz-gonna-be
doesn’t like to hurt
JOEY: Let me4 explain to you how the animals.
3. What are you doing?:
human body works. Wha-dah-ya-doing?

JOEY: That’s itG?! Even if nobody helps 4. Let me: lemme

me I can eat that no problem. At least
5. At least give me: ah-leese-gimmeˌ
give me5 a challenge!
16 Lesson #6: Joey’s Thanksgiving Pants (Friends)

A. have no give: to have no flexibility, a sliver of pizza
MONICA: (laughs) This is Chandler’s not able to stretch. >> Joey’s jeans have
chicken. This is the turkey. no give so they feel really tight.

JOEY: You are my EverestI. I just…I just B. a sliver: a thin slice of something,
have got to1 change my pants. JeansPIC generally used for food.
have no give . What was I thinking !
A 2

C. to run out: to have totally used or

All right where’s that turkey! consumed something. >> I have run
out of time, I have to go. Jeans
PHOEBE: Joey! Those are my maternity
pantsII! Pronunciation
JOEY: Nah nah! These are my Thanks- 1. I’ just have to:
giving pants!
2. What was I thinking:
MONICA: Well Joey, we’re all…we’re all woh-waz-I-think-en
very proud of you.
3. What have you got there?:
CHANDLER: Yes, I believe we can Who-da-ya-gaw-there? climbing
expect a call from the PresidentIII any Everest
moment now. References
I. You are my Everest: to climb Mount
JOEY: Whoa—hey—wh-wh-what have Everest is a huge life accomplishment,
you got there3? What is that? Pie? Joey is comparing his challenge to
climbing Everest.
MONICA: Yeah, you want some?
II. maternity pants: pants worn by
JOEY: Ah, just cut me a little sliverB. A women when pregnant to support their
little bigger. Little bigger. What?! Are you big belly. Joey is wearing them to sup-
afraid you’re gonna run outC?! Cut me a port his big belly from eating turkey. a call from
real piece! the president
III. expect a call from the president:
Sarcastically Chandler says the president
will call to congratulate him. This does
happen when people do very heroic
things in the US.
17 Lesson #7: Sheldon Harasses Penny (Friends)

0:47 - 1:31 Vocabulary

PENNY: Hey, Sheldon. What are you A. would think = a way of saying “that
doing1 here? would make sense, but no.” >> You
would think it’s cheaper, but it’s more
SHELDON: This is a restaurant2. It’s expensive.
lunchtime. I would thinkA, as a waitress,
you should be familiar withB the para- B. (to be) familiar with (sth): having
digmC. a general understanding or knowledge
about something. >> Even though I’ve
PENNY: Is Leonard coming? been here for over 10 years, I’m still not
totally familiar with this city.
SHELDON: No, I believe Leonard is
waiting for you to come crawlingD back C. paradigm: a pattern of something, a
to him and apologizeE. typical example or set of ideas. Expression:
crawl back to
PENNY: Well, that’s not gonna happen . D. crawl: to move slowly across the
someone means
floor on your hands and knees. >> The to admit you
SHELDON: I assumed that would be baby started crawling on her 5th month. were wrong and
your attitude. Hence , my true purpose Note: this is also the verb we use to
G ask for
in coming here. describe the walking of insect. forgiveness

PENNY: Which is? E. apologize: to ask for forgiveness; to

say sorry. >> You should apologize to
SHELDON: I want you to crawl back to your brother for taking his candy.
him and apologize.
F. not gonna happen: commonly used
PENNY: I’m busy. to say we won’t do something someone
is asking us or trying to force us to do.
SHELDON: Excuse me, miss. I’d like to
order lunch. G. hence = (formal) therefore; for this
PENNY: Fine. What do you want3?
SHELDON: I have a few questions . 4
1. what are you doing:
First, I notice that you offer soup and a wʌ-ɾə-rju duiŋ hɪr
half-sandwich? Click to learn
2. restaurant: res-trəntˡ

SHELDON: Where exactly does the

3. what do you want: wʌ-ɾə-rju wɑntˡ
half-sandwich come from? Are you giv- 4. I have a few questions:
ing me half of someone else’s sandwich, aɪ ə-və fju kweʃ-tʃənz
18 Lesson #7: Sheldon Harasses Penny (Friends)

Transcript Vocabulary whole pizza

or do I have to wait for someone else in A. whole: in its complete form; in one
the restaurant to order the other half1? piece. Opposite: “half of something”
or “a third of something”. Also: used
PENNY: No, no, Sheldon, they just make to intensify the idea that something is
a half-sandwich. completely different. >> That’s a whole
different story! >> One thing is getting
SHELDON: You can’t make a half-sand- perfect grades in college, but out on the half a pizza
wich. If it’s not half of a wholeA sand- streets being an excellent professional is
wich, it’s just a small sandwich. a whole different ballgame.

PENNY: Okay, fine, it’s soupPIC and a B. a beverage = a drink.

small sandwich. Is that what you want ?

SHELDON: Of course not. I’ll have my

usual. 1. half: hɑf soup
Remember that “L” is silent.
PENNY: Great.
2. is that what you want:
SHELDON: Aren’t you going to ask ɪz ðætˡ wə-tʃʊ wɑntˡ
me3 if I want a beverageB?
3. aren’t you going to ask me: lemonade
PENNY: Don’t you usually get lemon- ɑ.rəntˡ tʃʊ goʊ.iŋ tə ɑsk mɪ
4. do you want lemonade:
SHELDON: Yes. dju wɑntˡ ləməneɪd
Click to learn more about
PENNY: Do you want lemonade4?


PENNY: Anything else?

SHELDON: Yes, I want you to apologize
to Leonard.
19 Lesson #8: Barney’s Doppelganger (How I Met Your Mother)

The Doppelgangers Vocabulary doppelgangers

A. doppelgangers: someone that looks - look-alikes
NARRATOR: Kids , up to this point in the
very similar to another person (not a
story we had found doppelgangersA. common expression)
EeryB but awesome look-alikesC for four
of the five members of our little group. B. eery: causing an inexplicable feeling
There was Lesbian Robin, Mustache Mar- of weirdness or even fear; >> It was an
shall, StripperD Lily, and Mexican Wres- eery coincidence to see him again
tlerPIC Me. Yes, mine was the coolest. And
C. look-alike: someone who looks like or
so, we were all eager toE find the fifth
resembles another person
doppleganger, Barney’s. It turned outF it
was more important to some of us than D. stripper: a person who removes their
others. clothes in a sexually exciting way

LILY: We agree there’s no sense in having E. eager (to do/-ing sth): enthusiastic
a baby until we’ve seen all five doppel- about doing something.
gangers, right?
F. to turn out: to happen in a particular
MARSHALL: Of course, stands to reasonG. way, to have a result eery
G. it stands to reason = it’s obvious
LILY: Ok, so when we finally see Barney’s from the facts (not so commonly used)
doppleganger that’s the universe telling
us it is go timeH. And that’s when we’ll H. (it’s) go time: the planned start time
start trying. DealI? for something specific

MARSHALL: Deal. I. (it’s a) deal: to have an agreement/

contract Mexican
NARRATOR: And then one day, a few wrestlers
J. to leave up to: to give permission and
weeks later.
responsibility to decide something
MARSHALL: Baby, were we serious about K. boom!: used to affirm something sur-
the whole fifth doppleganger thing. I prising or unexpected
mean, having a baby is a pretty big thing
to leave up toJ the universe. L.universed!: a verb Marshall invented
for the action of “universe”
LILY: Yeah, I know it’s crazy. It’s just so eager
much easier to let the universe decide. Cultural Reference
Why do you ask?
I. Kids: the narrator in this series is an older
version of Ted (in year 2030), who is telling
MARSHALL: BoomK! UniversedL! the story of “how he met their mother” to
his kids.
LILY: Oh my God!
20 Lesson #8: Barney’s Doppelganger (How I Met Your Mother)

LILY: Wait, wait, wait, hold on. That could (taxi) cab
A. (pull a) scam: a dishonest (or fraudu-
easily be Barney pulling some scamA to lent) trick to deceive somebody
meet chicksB.
B. chicks: informal way of calling young
MARSHALL: I’m one step ahead of you1 women (literally a baby chicken)
(calling on his phone).
C. wig: a fake hairpiece
BARNEY: Go for BarneyI. D. to staple: the act of making staples
(to secure or fasten with a staple)
MARSHALL: Barney, hey, it’s Marshall. So,
you are at work! You’re not, I don’t know, E. to clamp: to put pressure on both
driving a cabPIC, wearing a wigC. sides in a forceful way (PIC)

BARNEY: Yes, I’m at work. That’s the F. to file: to classify something for future
sound of my staplerPIC (he staplesD in reference- in a filing cabinet (PIC)
3 hole punch
the air). That’s the sound of my2 3 hole G. belly: synonym for stomach (the area
punchPIC (he clampsE his 3 hole punch around the abdomen)
in the air), and this is the sound of me3
filingF my corporate guidelines on sexual Pronunciation
harassmentII (he puts the document into
the paper shredderPIC as it shreds the Connected Speech Focus: The of in the
following 3 examples gets reduced to a
document). What is upIII (yelling)?!?!?!
Gotta go big chiefIV (as he hangs up the clamp
1. ahead of you: ahead-a-ya
2. sound of my: sound-a-my
MARSHALL: Barney’s at work. That was
3. sound of me: sound-a-me
the fifth doppleganger.
LILY: Marshall Erickson, put a baby in my
bellyG. I. go for Barney: Barney’s unique way of filing cabinet
answering the phone

II. corporate guidelines on sexual ha-

rassment: company policy against un-
welcome verbal or physical sexual con-
duct. Barney is obviously a pervert.

III. what is up? the tone and word by paper shredder

word emphasis indicates he’s celebrat-
ing something (it’s not clear what).

IV.big chief: chief is literally the head of

an native tribe, but in this case Big Chief
is Marshall’s nickname at work.
21 Lesson #9: Jake’s Pot Smoking Teacher (Two and a Half Men)

Transcript Vocabulary
ALAN: Be right there! Ok, that’s Jake’s A. tutor: a private teacher that helps
tutorA so could you please go read some- students get higher grades, or prepare
where else? for tests.

CHARLIE: You got him a tutor1? B. roadie: the profession of setting

up stages and lights for bands (we say
ALAN: Yeah, I want him to2 graduate roadie because they generally travel ‘on
high school. the road’ with the band).
Make fun of
CHARLIE: Why? So the other roadiesB C. make fun of: to ridicule or tease
don’t make fun ofC him3? someone in an unkind, or even playful
way. >> he made fun of the kid for mak-
ALAN: Yeah, like anyone’s going to let ing a mistake.
that kid work around electricity. Hello?
D. how that saying goes: a ‘saying’ is
STU: Oh, hey. I’m Stu, the tutor. Are you an expression which usually has a mor-
Jake? al, or an inspiring message.

A common English saying: Pot = Marijuana

ALAN: No, I’m his father.
Don’t put all your eggs in one bakset.
STU: Oh. I’m Stu, the tutor. See definition

ALAN: Right. Have you been4 smoking

1. You got him a tutor?:
STU: No, sir. Not at all. Perhaps you’re you goh-dima-too-der?
smelling my cat.
2. I want him to: I-wan-im-duh Eyedrops
ALAN: Your cat? 3. Don’t make fun of him:
STU: Yes, sir. He’s an outdoor cat.
4. Have you been: ha-view-binˌ
ALAN: Ok, well ahh, well come on in5.
5. Come on in: cah-moh-ninˌ
STU: As an educator I always tell my
students just to say no to drugsI. References
Note: Eyedrops are
I. Just say no to drugs: this is a popular used a lot by pot
ALAN: Right saying from an anti-drugs campaign in smokers because
the US. their eyes get really
STU: And you know how that saying red.
goesD, a mind...
22 Lesson #9: Jake’s Pot Smoking Teacher (Two and a Half Men)

ALAN: A terrible thing to waste. Anti drug
A. high: to be experiencing the effects
of marijuana.
STU: Yeah that’s it. This is their brain on
drugs, and this is an eggPIC. B. cops: an informal way to say police.

ALAN: Got it. Um, uh, Charlie, this is C. the heat: another informal way to
uh Jake’s tutor, Stu. say the police.

CHARLlE: Hey. D. clown: someone who is not being This was a famous
professional. >> I am not going to buy a comercial using an egg
STU: I’m not highA, man, it’s my cat. car from that clown. frying to say this is
what happens to your
brain with drugs.
CHARLlE: Relax, Stu. We’re not copsB. E. Craigslist: a very popular online
advertisement forum, here you can find
to feel high
STU: Oh, really? He sure looks like the literally anything.
F. PHD: a doctorate in any disipline
ALAN: Ahh please, make yourself com- except medicine, Doctor of Philosophy
fortable. Jake your tutor’s here! Degree.

CHARLlE: Where did you find this G. big deal: used to show that you are
clownD? unimpressed, often with a sarcastic
ALAN: CraigslistE, his ad says he has a
PHDF. H. ad: advertisement.

CHARLlE: Big dealG, I have an adH on I. I’ll pass: expressions to say you are
Craigslist that says I have a private plane not interested when someone offers
and a 12 inch penis. you something. >> A. Wanna come to
the movies? B. I’ll pass.
STU: Guys I got bananas, are you hun-
gry? Pronunciation Hot Pockets
1. How about a:
ALAN and CHARLIE: Ahh not thanks,
I’m good.

STU: How about a1 Hot PocketI, actual- References

ly this isn’t hot anymore. I. Hot Pocket: a popular microwave
snack in the US, generally filled with
ALAN and CHARLIE: Ahh no, cheese, meat, or vegetables.
I’ll passI.
23 Lesson #9: Jake’s Pot Smoking Teacher (Two and a Half Men)

STU: Pita breadA? HummusB? A. pita bread: a flat piece of bread Pita bread
originating in the middle east.
ALAN: Again, no thank you.
B. hummus: a thick paste or spread
CHARLlE: You got anymore pot? made from ground chickpeas and ses-
ame seeds, olive oil, lemon, and garlic,
STU: Not for 9 dollars an hour I don’t. I made originally in the Middle East.
mean, I don’t know what your talking
about1. C. finals: the end of year, or semester
tests in highschool and college. Hummus
D. X: even though Stu is referring to a
ALAN: Oh Jake, Jake, here let me intro- math equation, X can also be another

duce you to Stu. He’s going to help you3 name for ecstacy.
get ready for finalsC.
E. self loathing: the feeling of hating
STU: Hey little dude, are you ready to yourself, and feeling depressed.
have some math fun? Ecstacy
F. give something away: to reveal a
JAKE: No, but I’ll take a Hot Pocket. surprise or an answer while someone is
still trying to discover it.
STU: Oh alright. If three Hot Pockets
minus X equals 1 Hot Pocket, what does
X equal?

CHARLlE: In my experience XD usually 1. I don’t know what you’re talking

about: the munchies
equals an all night party followed by a
I-dunno wuh-yer talking about
headache and self loathingIE.
2. Let me:
STU: Hey man, I can’t do my job if lemme
you’re going to4 give awayF the answers.
3. He’s going to help you:
he’s gonna-hell-pya-geh-redyˌ
Note: to have ‘the
4. If you’re going to: munchies’ is when
fya-gonna you get really hungry
from smoking pot. It
seems Stu is experi-
References encing this with all
his food.
I. followed by a headache and self
loathing: Charlie is talking about the
after effects of taking ecstacy.
24 Lesson #10: Elf (Christmas Movie)

Transcript Vocabulary
ELF: Santa... A. buddy: a synonym for friend, but is
often used to talk to people you don’t what the heck?
SANTA: Hey, hey! Ho ho ho! know. >> Hey buddy, do you have the
ELF: Santa, it’s me buddyA! It’s me!
B. the heck: exclamation used to em-
SANTA: Hey, buddy, How you doing1? phasize a question.

ELF: It’s me! Examples with question words:

SANTA: Are you ready to see Santa? - Who the heck are you?
- Where the heck is this place? best buddies
ELF: Who the heckB are you? - How the heck can I do that?
- What the heck is happening?
SANTA: What are you talking about2?
I’m Santa Claus.
ELF: No, you’re not. 1. How you doing?:
SANTA: Uh, WH-why, of course I am!
Ho ho ho ho ho! 2. What are you talking about:
ELF: Well, if you’re Santa... What song
3. What can I get you?:
did I sing for you on your birthday this wha-kin-I-geh-ya
4. Don’t tell him what you want:
SANTA: Uh, happy birthday of course! doan-tell-im-wha-choo-wan(t)
Ho ho ho ho ho! Uh, so, how old are you,

PAUL: Four.

SANTA: You’re a big boy, what’s your


ELF: Paul.

SANTA: And, uh, what can I get you3

for Christmas?
ELF: Paul... don’t tell him what you want.
25 Lesson #10: Elf (Christmas Movie)

ELF: He’s a liar. A. cool it: relax, calm down cool it

SANTA: Let the1 kid talk. B. zippy: Adjective to describe some-

one who is very energetic or moves
ELF: You disgust me. How can you live very quickly.
with yourselfI?
C. throne: a chair sat on by kings and
SANTA: Just cool it , zippy .
queens, and even Santa.

WOMAN: Smile. D. fake: A person who is lying about

their job and experience. >> He said throne
ELF: You sit on a throne of lies .
he’s had lots of training but I think he’s a
SANTA: Look, I’m not kidding’.
E. stink: to smell really bad. >> This
ELF: You’re a fake .D
cheese really stinks!

SANTA: I’m a fake? F. imposter: someone who pretends to

be someone else. >> An imposter said he
ELF: Yes. was in the band and got free entrance.

SANTA: How would you like to2 be dead,

huh? Pronunciation you stink!
1. let the: leh-duh
ELF: Fake.
2. how would you like to:
SANTA: No, he’s kidding. how-ju-like-tah-be

ELF: You stinkE. 3. I think you are going to have a:

SANTA: I think you’re gonna have a3
good Christmas, all right? References
I. how can you live with yourself: This
ELF: You smell like beef and cheese, you expression is used when someone acts
don’t smell like Santa. with very low morals, and does a really
bad thing.
SANTA: Okay.
II. you sit on a throne of lies: This
ELF: He’s an imposter ! He’s not Santa! sounds like a royal conspiracy, like he

He’s a fake! He’s a fake! has stolen Santa’s throne as someone

would a king.
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