DPP 5TH May 2020

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1. Two particles each of mass ‘m’ are suspended from two insulating threads of equal
lengths. When the particles are given equal positive charge Q on each then they hang in
equilibrium as shown in the figure now only charge on the left particle is changed from
Q to 2Q.

q q


Which of the following diagrams best presents the new equilibrium configuration?
(Assume no mass change after charge is changed)

q q q f> q

2Q Q Q
A) B)

f f f>q


q f

Q 2Q Q
C) D)
2. A point like electric dipole of dipole moment ‘P’ is placed on XY plane at point (1, 0)
in a region of non uniform electric field E = x 2 i + y2 j . If the dipole vector makes an
angle of 30 with the X axis then find the electric force acting on the electric dipole.
(x, y denotes x and y coordinates respectively)

(1, 0)

A) 3P 2i + 2 j ) B) 2 3 P i C) 3 P i (
D) 3P 4i + 2 j )
3. Two identical conducting spheres each of radius a are placed at centre to centre
separation d ( d >> a ) . They are kept in a homogeneous medium of permittivity  and

resistivity  . Which one of the following is a correct expression of resistance between


  d d
A) B) C) D)
2 a 4 a 2 a 2 4 a 2

4. A wire of resistance R carries a current I. The rate of heat loss to the surroundings is
l (T - T0 )where l is a constant, T is the temperature of the resistance, and T 0 is the
temperature of the atmosphere. If the coefficient of linear expansion of wire is a , the
fractional change in length of wire is
a 2
A) proportional to the length of the wire B) equal to I R
1a 2
C) equal to I R D) equal to a l IR

A charged particle of specific charge  

5.  ' ' is released from origin at t = 0 with
 mass 
velocity v = v0 ( iˆ + ˆj ) in uniform magnetic field B = B0iˆ . Then co-ordinates of the particle

at t = will be:

 v0 v 
B)  − 0 , 0, 0 
2v0 v
A)  , , − 0 
 2 B0  B0 B0   2 B 

 2v0 v0  v 2v 

C)  0, ,  D)  0 , 0, − 0 
 B0 2 B0   B0 B0 

6. A circuit shown consists of a coil of inductance L, an unknown resistance R, a switch

and an ideal current source of current I 0 . Find total heat dissipated in the resistance after
the switch is closed

1 2 1 2
A) Zero B) LI 0 C) LI 0 D) LI 02
4 2
7. Superconductors have a property that magnetic flux linked with them will always
remain constant. Two identical superconducting rings each having self inductance "L"
carrying current 'I' in same direction are placed together as shown in the diagram. Find
work done against magnetic interaction in separating the rings to far away [infinite
distance]. (Assume that the mutual inductance of the two rings is M = L in the initial

1 2
A) LI 2 B) LI C) 2LI2 D) −LI2

8. In the circuit shown, assuming all ammeters to be ideal, if readings of the hot wire
ammeters A1 and A2 are i1 and i2 respectively then reading of the hot wire ammeter A3

A) equal to ( i1 + i2 ) B) greater than ( i1 + i2 )

C) less than ( i1 + i2 ) D) equal to 2 ( i1 − i2 )


9. In the circuit shown, the resistance of the connecting wires is negligibly small. Both
the switches S1 andS2 are closed simultaneously at t=0. The process of closing the
switches (called’’ switching’’) is finished in negligibly small amount of time. Mark
the correct statement(s).
S1 S2

+ +
C V0 3C 3V0
- L -
A) During switching heat generated in the circuit is zero
B) During switching heat generated in the circuit is

C) After switching maximum current through inductor is 5V0

D) At t = LC, magnetic energy stored in L is equal to total electric energy stored in
the capacitors at that instant
10. In the figure shows plane figures made of thin conductors which are located in a
uniform magnetic field directed away form a reader beyond the plane of the drawing.
The magnetic induction starts diminishing. Then identify correct statements from the

A) in the fig (a) in the round conductor, induced current is clock wise and there is no
current in the connector

B) in the fig(b) in the outside conductor, induced current is clock wise

C) in the fig( c ) in both the conductor, the induced current is clockwise and there is
no current in the connector to obey the charge conservation

D) in the fig(d) induced current in the left side loop is clock wise and that of the right
side is anti clock wise
11. A highly conducting iron cylindrical annulus with permeability  and inner and outer
radii Ri ( shown as R1 in fig) and Ro (shown as R2 in fig) respectively, is placed
concentrically to an infinitely long straight wire carrying a direct current I as shown
in figure. The magnetic flux density is B at a point and distances are measured from
the axis of cylinder.

Case-1: A highly conducting circuit acbd is moving down wards with a constant
velocity vo , while making contact with the surfaces of the cylindrical annulus through
sliding brushes. The circuit is completed from c to d through the iron cylinder. The
induced emf in this case is 1

Case-2: following from the information of case-1, now the circuit remains stationary,
while the cylinder moves upwards with the same velocity vo . The induced emf in this
case is 2

Case-3: A thin axial slot is cut in the cylinder, so that the circuit abcd can be formed
completely by wire and can slide in the slot. The circuit is kept fixed and the cut
cylinder moves up wards with constant velocity vo .The induced emf in this case is 3

o I I
A) B = for r< Ri and B = for Ri <r< Ro , in the tubing
2 r 2 r
o Ivo Ro
B) 1 = ln =  2
2 Ri

C) in case-1 and Case-2 emf induced is independent of 

(  − o ) Ivo Ro
D) 3 = ln
2 Ri

12. Figure shows a cell in which a unit positive charge experiences a constant non-
electric force of 10N. When, a steady current I = 2A flows through the battery, a
constant electric force of 8N acts on the unit charge inside the battery
- +
- + 2A
- 8N 10N +
- 
- +
-- +
A) Emf of the cell is 1V
B) Potential difference between the terminals of the cell is 0.8V
C) force on the unit change due to lattice collision inside the cell is 2N
D) Internal resistance of the cell is 0.2
13. A battery of emf E = 5V and internal resistance 5 is connected across a long uniform
wire AB of length 1m and resistance per unit length 5m−1 . Two cells of E1 = 1V and
E2 = 2V are connected as shown in the figure, then correct alternative(s) ?

E0 5


E2 2

A) The null point is at A

B) When jockey is connected to point A some current will flow through 1V battery
C) The null point is at a distance of 8 /15m from A
D) The null point is at B
14. A light, rigid frame of total resistance R is present in a uniform magnetic field
and a block of mass m hangs on the frame as shown in figure. Constant current
I> is maintained in the frame, with help of battery of adjustable EMF. Initially
system held at rest and now on releasing it gets displaced by ' h ' in some time
interval. Then in the above said process which of the following is/are
CORRECT? (After displacement h the horizontal part PQ and RS are still present in
region of magnetic field and in region no magnetic field respectively. PQ = RS = l )
A) Work done by magnetic force is IlBh
B) Work done by battery is WB  IlBh

2 ( IlB − mg ) h
C) Velocity of block when it gets displacement by h is

D) Net force on charges in the segment PQ while the frame moves up is in the
vertical direction
15. A charged particle having its charge to mass ratio as  goes in a conical pendulum of
string length L making an angle q with vertical and angular velocity  in presence of
uniform magnetic and gravity field. The magnetic field B is directed vertically
downwards (see figure)

1 g 
A) B =  −
 L cos q 

B) Angular momentum of the particle about the point of suspension remains constant.

C) If the direction of B were reversed maintaining same  and L, then q will

remain unchanged.
D) Rate of change of angular momentum of the particle about the point of
suspension is not a constant vector
16. A very long hemi cylindrical surface of radius R and of uniform surface charge
density  is as shown in the figure. ‘O’ is a point on its axis and A is a point just
inside its surface and B is a point just outside its surface if O, A, B are far away from
the ends of hemi cylindrical surface and lie on same line then select correct option(s).


A) Electric field intensity at point ‘O’ is
 o

B) Electric field intensity at Point ‘O’ is

C) Electric field intensity at Point ‘A’ is perpendicular to OA

D) Point ‘O’ and ‘A’ are at same electric potential


Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 & 18

Figure shows a massless wheel of radius R and massless spokes with five charges each
of magnitude Q and mass m. System is placed in a field created by two large
fixed plates having charges +Q0 and −Q0 respectively. Entire assembly of wheel lies
in a smooth horizontal plane. Wheel is placed in horizontal plane and constrained to
move in horizontal plane. Initially spokes are released along x & y axis as shown
in figure. (A = surface area of plate)

17. Mark the CORRECT statement:

A) Acceleration of centre of mass is
5 0 mA

B) Acceleration of centre of mass is
10 0 mA

C) Instantaneous angular acceleration of system is
2 0 AmR
D) Instantaneous angular acceleration of system is
5 0 AmR

18. Mark the CORRECT statement :

A) When released from rest system executes periodic motion in the reference frame-
fixed to centre of mass
B) When released from rest system executes simple harmonic motion in the reference
frame- fixed to centre of mass
C) Acceleration of point ‘p’ (at which −Q is placed) immediately after release is
i− j
5 0 mA 4 0 Am

D) Acceleration of point ‘p’ (at which −Q is placed) immediately after release is

i+ j
5 0 mA 2 0 Am

Paragraph for Question Nos. 19 to 20

Four wires A,B, C and D each of length = 10cm and each of area of cross section is
0.1m2 are connected in the given circuit. Given that resistivity

A = 1 − m , B = 3  − m , C = 6  − m , D = 1 − m

Then the position of null points is





2V 1 G


19. When both the switches S1 andS2 are open

A) Mid- point of wire A B) Mid- point of wire B

C) Mid- point of wire C D) Mid- point of wire D
20. When both the switches S1 andS2 are closed

A) Mid- point of wire A B) Mid- point of wire B

C) Mid- point of wire C D) Mid- point of wire D
Paragraph for Question Nos. 21 to 22
In a thin rectangular metallic strip, a constant current I flows along the positive x-
direction, as shown in the figure. The length, width and thickness of the strip are l , w, d
respectively. A uniform magnetic field B is applied on the strip along the positive y-
direction. Due to this, the charge carriers experience a net deflection along the Z-
direction. This results in accumulation of charge carriers on the surface PQRS and
appearance of equal and opposite charges on the face opposite to PQRS .A potential
difference along the z-direction is thus developed. Charge accumulation continues
until the magnetic force is balanced by the electric force. The current is assumed to
be uniformly distributed on the cross section of the strip and carried by electrons.

21. Consider two different metallic strips (1 and 2) of the same material. Their lengths are
the same, widths are w1 and w2 and thickness d1 and d2 respectively. Two points K and
M are symmetrically located on the opposite faces parallel to the x-y plane (see in
figure) . V1 and V2 are the potential differences between K and M in strips 1 and 2 ,
respectively. Then, for a given current I flowing through them in a given magnetic
field strength B, the correct statement(s) is (are)

A) if w1 = w2 and d1 = 2d2 then V2=2V1

B) if w1 = w2 and d1 = 2d2 then V2=V1

C) if w1 = 2w2 and d1 = d2 then V2=2V1

D) if w1 = 2w2 and d1 = d2 then V2=V1

22. Consider two different metallic strips ( 1 and 2 ) of same dimensions (Length l , width
w and thickness d )with carrier densities n1 and n2 respectively. Strip 1 is placed in
magnetic field B1 and strip 2 is placed in magnetic field B2, both along positive y-
directions. Then V1 and V2 are the potential differences developed between K and M
in strips 1 and 2, respectively. Assuming that the current I is the same for both the
strips, the correct option(s) is (are)
A) if B1=B2 and n1 = 2n2 , then V2=2V1 B) if B1=B2 and n1 = 2n2 , then V2=V1

C) if B1=2B2 and n1 = n2 , then V2=0.5 V1 D) if B1=2B2 and n1 = n2 , then V2= V1


23. In a moving coil galvanometer, a coil of area  cm2 and 10 windings is used. Magnetic
field strength applied on the coil is 1 tesla and torsional stiffness of the torsional spring
is 6 10−6 N .m / rad . A needle is welded with the coil. Due to limited space, the coil (or
needle) can rotate only by 900 . For marking, the 900 space is equally divided into 10
parts as shown. If the least count of this galvanometer in mA is k, then find 10K.

24. A non-conducting hollow sphere of mass m and radius R having total charge ‘q’ is
rotating with constant angular velocity ‘  ’ about a vertical axis as shown in the figure.
The sphere is then gently placed at t = 0 on the horizontal surface having a magnetic
field applied in the horizontal direction as shown If there is sufficient friction to prevent
q RB
any slipping, then the friction force acting on the sphere at t = 0 is . Find the value
of n.

25. A conducting spiral coil of outer radius R consisting of N closely wound turns of a thin
conducting wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field with its plane perpendicular to the
field. The magnetic field is confined in a circular region shown by shaded area in the
figure. If flux density B of the magnetic field varies with time ‘t’ as B = B0 cos (t ) , Emf
induced between the terminals A1 and A2 of the coil is  NR 2 B0 sin t . Find ‘p’?
26. A wire is bent as a parabola y = cx 2 is located in a uniform magnetic field of
magnitude B perpendicular to the xy plane as shown. At the instant t =0, a long metal
rod starts translating from the vertex of the parabola with a constant acceleration a
along positive y–axis. The induced emf across the points of contact of the rod with the
wire as a function of y is given by  = 2 By ; where k = ___.

a x B


27. Two identical particles A and B each having charge q are released from rest in free space
with an initial separation ro between them and after time ‘ t o ’ separation between them
get doubled. If charge on A is made 2q and on B is made 3q and now they are released
with initial separation 6ro then time taken to double the initial separation (i.e., 6r0 to 12r0
) is kt o . What is k? (Assuming no mass change after charge is changed)

28. Two point charges each of charge q and masses m and 2m are released in a uniform
electric field E with initial separation l = as shown in the figure. If the maximum
40 E

separation between them in subsequent motion is then x = ?
40 E

q, m E q, 2m
 3 −1 
29. All batteries in the infinite chain shown in the figure have emf  =   volts, and
 3 + 1 
same internal resistance r. The equivalent emf across the terminals A and B is N volts.
Find N.

30. A single-layer conducting coil is wound with no gap between adjacent turns on a long
cylindrical frame of radius R. Diameter of cross-section of the wire used is d (d<<R).
If breaking stress of the material of the wire is  b , at what magnitude of current will
the coil rupture. Express the current in kilo ampere. (breaking stress of material of
7 -2
wire is 7.2 x10 Nm at room temperature, = 10−7 m2 (approximated ) ) (temperature
of the wire maintained constant at room temperature)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
AD AC 3 5 3 2 6 3 1 3

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