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Subject: Principles of Business

LESSON PLAN: Section 10 Lesson 4 in Unit plan Technology and the Global Business Environment

TEACHER: Jennifer Ramdhan SCHOOL: East Mucurapo Secondary DATE: 27/01/20

CLASS/FORM: Form 5-6 No. in class: 12 TIME: 45 minutes

No. of period(s):1Duration: 45 mins

Planning for the lesson

UNIT PLAN: Technology and the Global Business Environment

TOPIC: Standard of Living

CONCEPT: graphic organizer (see attached)

CURRICULUM INTEGRATION AREAS: Management of Business and Economics

• Strategies for:

Planning for inclusiveness: use of visual aids

Planning for literacy improvement: Providing of handouts and allowing for reading
during the class exercise

Planning for Technology Integration: Power Point presentation and videos

Planning for VAPA integration: none

• Instructional strategies to be used and their rationale:
Read out Loud- this provides a way to help all students access the material and develops
their skills as active listeners.
Case Study- This allows for enabling students to reason critically about situations and
propose appropriate courses of action.
Direct Instruction- This is to allow for purposeful organization of the learning objectives.
Effective questioning- This is to allow for more thinking and reasoning to take place.
Jigsaw-This allows students to share responsibility for each other's learning by using critical
thinking and social skills this strategy helps to improve listening, communication, and
problem-solving skills.
The lesson plan:

PRE-KNOWLEDGE: Students are exposed to the concept through the news but are not fully aware or
interested to grasp the meaning of standard of living.


At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

Objectives of the lesson Classification of objectives Domain

1. Define Standard of living Understanding Cognitive

2. Determine the factors that contribute to Analyzing Cognitive

the standard of living of a country

3.Relate the standard of living of your Organizing Affective

country with that of another


Teacher enters the classroom and distributes blank sheets of paper to them. Teacher then asks students
to make a list of many signs as you can think of that shows a person is wealthy. Then, list as many signs
as you can think of that shows a person is poor. Selected students read their answers and are put on the
board into two columns. Probing questions are then asked to decipher the topic for the lesson.

SECTION 1 –Time allotted :( 8mins)

Teaching points:
1. Students will be able to draw from the set induction and identify the topic for the lesson.
2. Define standard of living

Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources
Teacher establishes rules for classroom talk Students listen Laptop, Projector,
and participation speakers, video,
Students make notes whiteboard markers,
Students are shown a short video and are asked from the video white board, student
to take notes and key points. notebooks, text books

Teacher asks selected students probing Students respond to

probing questions by
questions to establish the definition.
the teacher

Oral review of the section by asking students to reiterate what was discussed.

SECTION 2 –Time allotted: (14 minutes)

Teaching points:
Students will utilize information discussed to determine the factors that contribute to the standard of
living of a country

Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources
Teacher establishes the rules Students listens to the Paper, pens, markers, bell,
for the activity instructions worksheet

Students are given pieces of

information on cards
pertaining to standard of
living. Not all students have
the same information on their

Each student must learn and

understand what is written on Students make relevant notes
their card by themselves. after being taught by their
Teacher clarifies if any student peers
needs assistance.

Students must now circulate Students read aloud what they

the room quietly when the have learnt
teacher presses a bell to
another student. Each student
will teach each other what is
written on their cards until the
bell is chimed.
The teacher does this process
until all points have been
viewed by each student.

Selected students discuss what

was learnt from the exercise

Students are given a multiple choice worksheet to test their knowledge on the factors that determine the
standard of living of a country.

SECTION 3 –Time allotted: (8 minutes)

Teaching points: Understanding and comparing standard of living of different countries

Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources
Students are put into 3 groups Case information, paper,
and are given factual Students discuss the markers, white board, pens
information on 4 countries information and come up with
including Trinidad and points.
Tobago. Students are then
asked compare and discuss the Each group shares their points
differences and reasons why
there are such differences.

CLOSURE – Time allotted: (2 mins)

Each group is asked to share their answers.

FINAL EVALUATION – Time allotted: (5mins)

Completion of a work sheet which entails questions to test their knowledge of standard of living.

Reasonable level of achievement Associated


1. Define standard of living (100%) 1

2. Determine the factors that contribute to the standard of living of a country 2


3. Relate the standard of living of your country with that of another (100%) 3


Students are asked to research and read up on National Income


 Describe the insight

 Describe the circumstance
 Interpret what the insight means
 Evaluate
 Plan and transfer new learning

Concept Map
Table of Specification
No Lesson Remember Understand Application Analysis Evaluate Create Total Total
1. Define Standard of living X 1 25

2. Determine the factors that X 1 25

contribute to the standard of living
of a country

3.Relate the standard of living of X X 2 50

your country with that of another

Total 1 1 1 1 4

Total % 25 25 25 25 100

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