Chapter Two Review of Related Literature

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Chapter Two

Review of Related Literature

This chapter contains ideas, articles or conclusions that are related to the topic that the researchers are
currently studying. These literatures could help readers to comprehend ideas that support the claim of the current
research, and also it would help readers to understand the study more.
Foreign Literature
It was said in an article entitled “Technology Trends: When Teens Turn to Social Media for Validation” by
Knight (2016) that generation today has the tendency to seek for their own identity because of a lot of things going
around them and the easiest platform for it is the social media. Teenagers these days seek for validation whenever
they have to do something most especially when they are posting something in social media. It was said that they are
into social media approval because of the fear of missing out and not being on the feedback loop.
This just proves that a large percentage of present generation considers social media approval necessary
because it keeps their mind somehow at peace.
It was also said in the article “The Psychology of being ‘liked’ in social media” that was published in Start
Digital (2017) that certain hormone that is being triggered whenever we get a thumbs up or heart reactions is called
dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for the pleasure of our brain. It was said in the article that effects of social
media likes are close to feeling of winning money or eating chocolate. This is the main reason why scientists
concluded that seeking for social media approval could turn to addiction and appears to be a mental necessity.
This answers why a lot of social media users consider social approval important because it gives them
effect that is close to addiction.
It was said in the article “Social Media and Teens: How Does Social Media Affect Teenagers’ Mental
Health” by Hurley (2019) that teenagers can use social media to find community, but their mental health is often
negatively affected by this culture of comparison because nowadays, social media has a biggest impact for students
especially this year that has so many cases about students who are suffering for being accepted in the society they
are trying to do things to claim some attention from other people. Teenagers are using Social Media because it helps
them to be more updated, to socialize, and to gain more information about new things that is happening in this
world, but sometimes there’s an negative effects on socializing through Social Media because it’s so difficult to find
a person who are willing to be your friend for a lifetime, because nowadays there’s a difficult problem that faced by
Social Media Users because Social Media also is one of the cause on having “Comparison” between two different
person, they are comparing who is the most better person that can affect the Mental Necessity of Today’s
Generation. Teenagers usually like to be “liked” by Social Media to the used of beautiful photos that has a content.
Social Media has a positive aspects in our lives because it helps the person who struggle in socializing face-to-face,
so they benefit from connecting to other people through Social Media. But in the end, there’s a downside on using
Social Media. You also confront on having a mental breakdown, because of Cyber Bullying, Toxic Comparison,
Sleep Deprivation and from toxic Social Media Users.

Local Literature
According to the article entitled “Epekto ng Social Media sa isip” by Magallanes (2016), social media
hooks up with also the users emotions, that is why they tend to use social media more often because of thinking and
concluding that they are more expressive there than elsewhere. It was also explained that using social media keeps
users in touched with how everyone else feel, giving them the mental illusions that using social media is also
This could answer why a lot of social media users feel the need to use social media to keep the connection.
It was also said in the article “Laging Online: Ano Nga Bang Epekto Ng Social Media Sa Iyong Teenager?”
by Bon (2020) that social media can really affect today’s generation with a lot of negative effects but the writer also
explained that using social media can cause its users to increase their digital media literacy. A factor that could be
the reason why a lot of people are encouraged to use social media.
This explains why a lot of present generation tends to use social media without parameters, because
somehow they knew that being involved with a lot contents daily could bring them an increase in their
comprehension skills and literacy.
According to the article entitled “Ang Epekto ng Hindi Tamang Paggamit ng Social Media” that was
published in Social Media Advocates (2018) that teens tend to like using social media because they can create their
own identity and let other people think who they want to be. A girl named Essena O’Neil was featured in the said
article and told that she went over being into an Instagram addict into not using it at all, she said everything in her
account was a lie, she was not having a great life contrary to what identity she had created in her Instagram account.
This could explain why present generation is so linked to social media because it gives them the privilege
on creating their own desires for their selves and making it look like it is real.

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