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 GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. Genetically refers to genes.

Genes are made up of DNA, which is a set of instructions for how cells grow and
develop. Second is Modified. This implies that some change or tweak has been
made. Lastly, we have the word Organism. When it comes to GMOs, many
people only think of crops. Yet an ‘organism’ isn’t just a plant; it refers to all
living things, including bacteria and fungi.
 GMOs are living beings that have had their genetic code changed in some way.
While conventional breeding, which has been going on for centuries, involves
mixing all of the genes from two different sources, producing a GMO is much
more targeted. Rather than crossing two plants out in the field, they insert a gene
or two into individual cells in a lab. Yet, as mentioned earlier, GM technology
can also be used on microorganisms. For example, bacteria have been
genetically modified to produce medicines that can cure diseases or vaccines that
prevent them. A commonly used medicine that comes from a genetically
modified source is insulin, which is used to treat diabetes, but there are many
GMO-FREE PRODUCTS are simply crops
grown without the genetic modification that then
requires the use of more pesticides. However,
the manufacturers of non-GMOs do tend to

Difference of GMO and NON GMO in a corn:

Ingredient GM corn Non-GM corn

Glyphosate 13 0
Formaldehyde 200 0
Nitrogen 7 46
Phosphorus 3 44
Potassium 7 113
Calcium 14 6 130
Magnesium 2 113
Sulphur 3 42
Manganese 2 14
Iron 2 14
Zinc 2.3 14.3
Copper 2.6 16
Molybdenum 0.2 1.5
Boron 0.2 1.5
Selenium 0.6 0.3
Cobalt 0.2 1.5

 Producing and consuming GM crops is associated with increased endocrine
disruption, reproductive disorders, and accelerated aging

 Manufacturers use genetic modification to give foods desirable traits. The

reasoning usually involves making crops more resistant to diseases as they grow.

 Manufacturers also engineer produce to be more nutritious or tolerant of

herbicides. Genetically modification can also increase nutritional value or
enhance flavor. GM crops also contributed to an increase in the number of
functional foods or nutraceutical foods with added benefits. Nutraceutical is
applied to isolated nutrients, dietary supplements and herbal products, specific
diets, processed foods, and GM crops. Several nutraceutical foods include
tomatoes, soybeans, and golden rice. Modified genes can be more specific and
controlled to produce particular health advantages. Nutritionists expect
higher nutrient content and an increased amount of nutrients (proteins, fatty
acids, minerals, trace elements and vitamins) along with less anti-nutritional
factors from GM crops

 Crop protection is the main rationale behind this type of genetic modification.
Plants that are more resistant to diseases spread by insects or viruses result in
higher yields for farmers and a more attractive product. Genetically modification
can also increase nutritional value or enhance flavor.
 Genetically engineering crops have the potential to produce safer variation of
crops, which could replace harmful traditional varieties by reducing the levels of
undesired substances including mycotoxins, alkaloids and glucosinolates.
 Proponents of GM crops state GM crops are cheaper to manufacture allowing
a higher yield in food production. Increased crop yield could reduce global
hunger by supplying more nutritious food to developing countries for

 Scientist can also alter the DNA of animals to be more productive. Genetic
modification made to cows to increase milk production. Chickens can be
engineered to produce more eggs. Beef cattle can be modified to grow faster or for
improved meat quality. It is possible for modifications made to the cow that can
reduce lactose production thereby people that are lactose intolerant to be able to
digest diary. Modifications to animals has been done the same as plants have for a
long time.

 Crossbreeding it the traditional method of making stronger more desirable

livestock or ones that are more tolerant to temperature or type of grazing available.
Crossbreeding is a very slow process as where GMO accomplishes the same or
better output much faster than crossbreeding

Are GMO Safe?

 Whether Genetically Modified Organisms are safe or not, is a highly debatable,
and controversial topic. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is the
question of whether GMOs are safe or not based on numerous scientific studies.
Whereas some are convinced that GMOs are health threatening for us humans and
pose an environmental danger, others maintain the idea that the usage of GMOs is
harmless and can beneficial.
 Yet its is a strong belief, that Genetically Modified organisms are safe,
considering that there has not been a credible study proving otherwise.
Generally, when most people think about GMOs they tend think negatively the
reason why is, because of the lack of knowledge we as consumers have about
 As answered by,
 Denneal Jamison-McClung Ph.D.,
Associate Director, UC Davis Biotechnology Program
“From their introduction in 1996 until now, scientists have found, through
repeated and extensive testing, THAT GM FOODS ARE NO MORE RISKY
NUTRITIONAL value. Currently approved GM crops developed through
specific genetic additions or subtractions are as safe as conventional and organic
crops developed via random genetic shuffling. Most people do not realize that
plant breeders have been randomly altering and admixing plant genomes for

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