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What are the significant contributions of the Spaniards and Americans to the
development of science and technology in the Philippines?
 The Spaniards and American colonization in the Philippines has brought gigantic
development, modernization and foundation of the growth of science and
technology in the archipelago. In specific, the Spaniards introduce the concept of
subject, discipline, formal education and has founded scientific institution which
broadens the input and output of Filipinos in other factors. Some of which are
about the complexity of the human body, structure of plants and animals or even
the study of heavenly bodies has been in place. As the advancement of science
and technology prospers, new knowledge in medical fields grew also. It was given
priority along with the field of engineering, arts, music and literature. The catholic
doctrines and beliefs has been well taught. The galleon trade took place in
Spanish Colonization also due to bigger profits.
 While the American Colonization era has relatively influenced the
Filipinos as well or might I say has a large influence rather than the Spanish
Colonization. They founded public hospitals and research universities.
As on my research on July 1, 1901 The Philippine Commission
established the Bureau of Government Laboratories which replaced the
Laboratorio Municipal, that was established under the Spanish colonial era. On
October 26, 1905, the Bureau of Government Laboratories was replaced by the
Bureau of Science and on December 8, 1933, the National Research Council of
the Philippines was established. The Bureau of Science became the primary
research center of the Philippines until World War II. But later replaced by the
Institue of Science.
Education prospers as well as the establishment of the Science subject
took place. Through this, the knowledge of Filipinos in Science has grew a lot
than in the former colonization. It was inclined towards agriculture, food
processing, forestry, medicine and pharmacy. Research was done to gain data
which can help the prevention control of diseases like malaria, TB and cholera
which Bureau of Government Laboratories in that time dealt with the study of
tropical disease and Laboratory. Transportation were improved. Resources of the
land has been utilized in a full extent.

2. What can you say about the state of science and technology during the Spanish and
American period?
The state of Science and technology during the Spaniards and American
Colonization Era were the sprout and foundation of the fast growing
modernization in the Philippines. The influence of both countries in the education,
technology, science and even religion has been evident even in today’s time.
Though long before we have established native science and technology, it had
been well refined when they came. It made way for the Filipinos to think
critically and to gain knowledge about what can be of benefit for the country.
Despite of the good things the colonizers contributed. I might say that there were
several negative things as well but the Filipinos learned to fight for their rights
and have a just system.
3. How does school science shape science and technology in the country?
Science and technology are an integral part of modern life, and as such, it is
argued that educational activities and the mass media should contribute to
increasing public interest and knowledge about the subjects. Some key issues and
recent trends in the development of science and technology are discussed, with
particular reference to education in both primary, secondary and tertiary levels.
Through this way, we can breed a plethora of future professionals which can
contribute to the socio economic, and technological growth and development of
the nation.

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