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30th International Conference on Lightning Protection - ICLP 2010

(Cagliari, Italy - September 13th -17th, 2010)

ICLP 2010
Farouk A. M. Rizk, Life Fellow, IEEE
The author is with Expodev Inc and Lightning Electrotechnologies Inc, St. Lambert, Quebec, Canada, J4S 1W2

ABSTRACT voltage gradients that can be as low as a few kV/m, the

upward leader can span long distances without excessive
It has been shown that a positive upward connecting leader space potential demand as would otherwise be the case
from an overhead conductor spans a considerable part of for positive streamers, which have a minimum voltage
the lateral attractive distance of the conductor. This justifies gradient of approximately 400kV/m. Positive upward
the effort to search for means to suppress streamers/upward
leaders could form on tall structures in ambient fields due
leaders from such conductors.
to cloud charges, without the occurrence of a nearby
A new simplified model accounts for the initiation and time downward leader, resulting in an upward flash [4]. For
growth of glow corona from a cylindrical conductor high grounded structures of moderate heights (tens of meters)
above ground under linearly rising fields due to cloud however, critical conditions for formation of continuous
charges or negative downward leaders. upward leaders can only be satisfied in the presence of a
downward leader. In this situation the upward leader may
The model was applied to assess lightning exposure of a be directed to encounter the downward leader in a so-
streamer-inhibited ground wire as well as its application to called final jump resulting in a downward flash [5].
lightning protection of adjacent power conductors.

The paper confirms the prospect of successful application of Grounded structures of a given height are known to
streamer inhibition due to space charge shielding (ultra- collect downward leaders within a zone that depends on
corona) as a means for lightning protection. the downward leader charge (prospective return stroke
current) and which for overhead conductors can be
Finally streamer inhibition by using larger conductor characterized by a so-called maximum attractive distance
diameters or conductors provided with an insulating layer [5]. It should be clear from this simplified picture that the
was also considered and the limitations of both techniques longer the distance spanned by the upward positive
were pointed out. leader, the longer the maximum attractive distance of the
structure. Conversely, if the length of the upward positive
1 INTRODUCTION leader could be shortened or completely eliminated, this
would have the desirable effect of reducing the attractive
It is well known that negative cloud charges prior to distance of a grounded conductor. It should be noted
the descent of a negative stepped leader induce positive however that even complete elimination of the upward
charges on grounded conducting structures leading to connecting leader would not totally eliminate downward
electric field intensification in the structure top vicinity flashes, since a grounded structure could still be struck
and possible formation of positive corona discharges through negative streamers that are always present ahead
from such structures [1]. This effect becomes more of an approaching negative downward leader.
pronounced the higher the ambient ground field due to
the inducing cloud charges and the higher the grounded There is ample experimental and theoretical evidence
structure, i.e. the higher the space potential at the [2], [3], [5] that the presence of a positive streamer of
grounded structure tip position. The aforementioned critical size constitutes the prerequisite for continuous
grounded structures may include masts, buildings, ground positive leader formation. One may therefore be led to
wires, down conductors etc. For a structure of a given believe that streamer inhibition should necessarily have a
height, as the ambient ground field intensifies, a critical beneficial effect which impedes positive leader
space potential may be reached at which a positive formation. However there is also ample experimental and
upward leader is initiated, which is characterized by a theoretical evidence from research on long air gaps [3],
lower voltage gradient that decreases with higher current [6], to indicate that for any electrode if space charge
and also decreases at longer leader duration [2], [3]. With effects due to cloud charges are neglected, as long as the

streamer onset voltage is below the critical leader positive leader. As explained in a previous publication
inception level, raising the streamer onset voltage, or [9], the leader speed in the model varies with the
space potential, will have practically no effect on leader magnitude of the effective space potential at the leader tip
onset. at any point during the attachment trajectory, so that the
ratio between the negative and positive leader speed
It follows therefore that positive leader suppression varies continuously.
from a ground conductor in lightning storm conditions is
a complex problem which can not simply be solved by From this type of analysis, it is possible to assess the
any action that causes streamer inhibition. role played by the upward connecting positive leader in
the attachment process and consequently the impact of
The objectives of this paper are multifold: positive streamer suppression on the maximum attractive
distance, as will be shown below.
 Quantify the effect of the distance spanned by the
upward connecting leader on the maximum attractive 3 MODELING OF CORONA PERFORMANCE
distance of regular overhead conductors. OF STREAMER INHIBITED CONDUCTOR
 Explore the advantages and limitations of some Consider a ground wire of radius r o installed at height
techniques for inhibition of positive streamer h above ground, immersed in a uniform ambient field
formation on such conductors, with particular caused by a negatively charged cloud, which rises to
reference to streamer suppression by ultra-corona reach a maximum value E gm in a time duration t o ,
[7]. corresponding to a maximum space potential
 Assess the effect of streamer inhibition on positive U m = E gm .h.
upward connecting leader inception level.
 Evaluate the effect of raising the positive upward Assume that the conductor is in a glow or ultra-corona
continuous leader space potential on the maximum mode [7], [10], [11]. The problem is similar to that of a
attractive distance and accordingly on conductor sphere in free space analyzed in [12], [13]. A simplified
exposure to direct lightning strikes. model has been presented in [14] to describe the
generation and time growth of the positive ion space
charge zone surrounding the conductor. Only a summary
2 MODELING OF LIGHTING ATTACHMENT of the derivations will be presented here.
The mathematical model used to account for positive The basic equations include the continuity equation:
leader inception has been described in several previous
papers [3], [5], [8] where the model findings were

compared to extensive laboratory experiments on large
rE   o (2)
air gaps as well as field experience with lightning r
where  is the volume charge density and E the electric
According to this model the attachment process starts field at a radial distance r, and Poisson’s equation:
effectively when critical space potential conditions on a
ground conductor are met for the creation of continuous
upward leader. For a regular uninhibited conductor of
l 
rE    (3)
radius r o and height h above ground, the mean critical r r o
ground field E gc0 is given by [5]:
The first boundary conditions relates to the field at the
2247 (kV, m) (1) surface of the conductor in corona:
E gc 0 
5.15  5.49 ln r0
2h E ro   Eci (4)

This is followed by an upward leader trajectory which The other boundary condition relates to the frontier of
will end in either an encounter with the descending the corona zone at r = R:
negative leader in a final jump, characterized by streamer
breakdown between the two leader tips, or in an aborted

R analytical solution with that of a numerical solution of
U sp t    E r dr  R  E R   ln
(5) (2), (3) with the boundary conditions (4), (5).
From (5), (10) an approximate relationship is obtained
where U sp (t) is the space potential, equal to E g (t).h, at between U sp (t) and U(R):
any time t.
U R   U sp t  
The last term in (5) refers to the potential U(R) at the R
limit of the cylindrical space charge zone and assumes (11)
that the conductor height h is much larger than the corona 1  ln
boundary radius R(t). If this condition is not well R
satisfied, the logarithm in (5) should be replaced by
From which E f can be expressed as:
 h  h2  R2 
ln .

 R 
 U sp t 
Ef  (12)
 2h 
If at any instant the corona current per unit length is i, R 1  ln 
solution of the above equations yields:
 R

The growth of the space charge zone will be governed

ro2 Eci2  ro2 
E r  
i by the simple differential equation:
 1  2 
r 2
2 o   r 
dR U sp t 
(6)  E f  (13)
dt  2h 
R 1  ln 
 r  
 R
2rE r 
For R(t)>> r 0 , integration of (13) yields the following
At the limit of the space charge boundary (frontier), implicit expression for the time growth of the space
the electric field E f =E(R) is approximately given by: charge boundary radius R:

2  ( t  U sp t   t ci  U ci )
Ef 
(8) R t   (14)
2 o   2h 
3  2 ln R t 
 
The total corona space charge per unit conductor
length is: where U ci is the corona inception space potential and

q t   2  o R t   E f  ro E ci 
t ci is the corona inception time, which is solved
(9) numerically to determine R(t).

To further simplify the analysis of the time growth of Substituting for R(t) in (12) determines E f from which
the space charge zone, it will be assumed that the the corona current per unit length is determined as:
condition ro E ci  R t   E f will be satisfied such that the
 2  ro E ci  2 
i t   2 o   E f  
voltage drop along the corona zone could be
approximated by integrating (6) to obtain:   (15)
  R  

 E r dr  R  E R 
(10) and the corona charge per unit length is determined
from (9) above.

Validation of this approximation has been done, as Again if the condition R h is not well satisfied, the
reported below by comparing the results of the simplified

 2h  having a corona boundary (frontier) field E f , situated at a
logarithmic term ln  in (11), (12), (13) and (14) radial distance d from the conductor axis. The induced
 R space potential U ii at the point concerned can be
 h  h2  R2  approximated by:
above should be replaced by ln   .
 R  U ii d   U R   R  d   E f (18)

3.1 Stability of Space Charge Zone For a negative descending leader, the radial
dimensions of the space charge zone will be limited as
It has been previously shown [7] that the ultra-corona will be shown below, so that the points of interest for
zone on a positive cylindrical conductor of radius r o and calculation of the induced space potential will normally
height h above ground will remain stable i.e. in glow be outside the corona zone i.e. d>R. The induced space
mode, as long as the rate of change of space potential U sp potential U io can then be determined from:
does not exceed a critical value:
q t t   2 h 
U io d   ln  (19)
  2 o  d 
Ea  h     Eci2  ln 2h  (16)
dt  ro 
where q t (t) is the total charge per unit conductor
where E a is the mean ambient field. length, obtained by adding the conductor surface charge
per unit length to q(t) of (9).

Another formulation for ultra corona stability [14] The positive glow-corona induced space potential at
yields a critical glow corona current per unit conductor the position of an adjacent conductor U i (d) will
length: obviously have a polarity opposite to that due to cloud
charges and/or descending negative leader. For example
considering a power conductor of height h c , a distance d
icrit  2 o Eci2 (17) from a streamer-inhibited ground wire of height h gw , the
continuous upward leader onset space potential will be:
If this corona current per unit length is exceeded, the
glow corona zone will become unstable and streamers are U c  U co  U i d  (20)

It will be shown below, under which conditions, such where U co is the continuous upward leader onset
critical corona currents can be reached, due to a very space potential in the absence of space charge, related to
close-by descending negative leader. This is an important E gco of (1) with h = h c , by:
concept since as long as the ultra-corona layer is stable,
no streamers and accordingly no upward connecting U co  hc  E gco (21)
leader can be launched from the streamer-inhibited
3.2 Glow-Corona Induced Space Potential 4.1 Significance of Positive Leader Zone
Consider a streamer-inhibited conductor of radius r o , Fig. 1 shows variation of lateral attractive distance of a
height h above ground, immersed in a mean ambient field regular uninhibited overhead conductor as function of
E a (t) which rises linearly with time to reach a value E gm height, for a prospective return stroke current of 31kA.
in a time duration t o . Variation of the glow-corona The conductor radius is 1.5cm, cloud base height H cl :
charge q(t) per unit conductor length will be expressed by 2000m and maximum ground field due to cloud charge:
(9). The expression for the glow-corona space potential at 10kV/m. Also shown is the length of the positive upward
any point at a radial distance d from the conductor will connecting leader at the instant of streamer breakdown
depend on whether such a point is within or outside the between the positive and negative leader tips, indicating
corona space charge zone. positive leader lengths in the tens of meters range. It is
clear that according to model results, the positive upward
Consider a point within the corona space charge zone, connecting leader plays a major role in the lightning

attachment process.
Fig. 2 shows, for the same parameters as in Fig. 1, the
length of the final jump, characterizing streamer

Final Jump/Attractive Distance(pu)

breakdown between the two leader tips, in per unit of the
lateral attractive distance, as function of conductor 0.4
height. It is shown that if the positive upward connecting
leader could be suppressed, the lateral attractive distance 0.3
of the conductor could be approximately reduced by a
factor of two. 0.2
Attractive 0.1
100 Distance

80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Length (m)

Conductor Height (m)

60 Positive Leader Fig.2 Variation of the final jump by streamer
breakdown between positive and negative leaders in per
unit of the lateral attractive distance, for different heights
of a regular conductor. I=31 kA, H cl =2000m. Maximum
ground field due to cloud charge:10 kV/m.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Conductor Height (m)
Fig.1 Variation of attractive distance and upward NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS.
positive leader length with height of a regular conductor,
for a prospective return stroke current of 31 kA. Basic Simplified Numerical Solution
H cl =2000m, E g =10 kV/m, r 0 =1.5 cm. Parameters Analytical
R,m Ef, q, R,m Ef, q,
4.2 Modeling of Glow-Corona Zone kV/m C/ kV/m C/
m m
r 0 =0.005m
Table 1 shows a comparison between results of the h=50m
simplified analytical solution summarized above and the E gm =10kV/m 14.70 11.75 9.20 14.25 11.17 8.43
numerical solution, regarding the final glow-corona t 0 =10s
boundary radius R, electric-field E f at the boundary, and r 0 =0.005m
corona charge q(t 0 ) per unit conductor length. The h=50m
E gm =80kV/m 0.286 2043 32.03 0.294 1998 32.27
agreement is found good and justifies use of the
simplified analytical approach. t 0 =1ms

Fig. 3 shows growth of the corona zone with time, for

a 1cm-diameter, 30m high streamer-inhibited ground Fig. 4 shows variation with time of the glow-corona
wire, immersed in an ambient ground field, due to cloud charge per unit conductor length, of the same conductor,
charge, which rises up to 20kV/m in 10s. It is shown that at 50m height, for maximum ground fields reached
the corona boundary radius reached 18.6 m covering a linearly in a 10s period of 20kV/m and 10kV/m. It is
large part of the conductor-ground gap, so that in such shown that glow-corona charge increases significantly at
case the assumption of a corona zone that is symmetrical the higher ambient field
around the conductor will not be accurate. This situation
will be improved for higher conductors or lower ground
fields. Particularly for corona zones created by the
ambient field due to a negative descending leader, due to
the much shorter time involved as shown below, the
corona boundary radius will be substantially smaller. In
this example the corona boundary speed v f at t=10s
reached 2.35 m/s.

Fig. 6 shows variation of the glow-corona boundary
radius with the maximum ambient field due to a
descending negative leader, for a 1cm-diameter, 50m

high streamer-inhibited conductor, for fields in the range
Corona Boundary Radius

of 40-80 kV/m and a rise time of 1ms. Here it is shown
that the corona boundary radius is two orders of
magnitude smaller than the conductor height. At a field
of 80kV/m the corona frontier speed v f at t=1ms reached
0 2.5E-05
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Corona Charge/Unit Length (C/m)

Time (s)

Fig.3 Variation of corona boundary radius with time 1.5E-05

for a 30 m high, 1 cm-diameter streamer-inhibited ground
wire. Maximum ambient field due to cloud charges: 20 1.0E-05
kV/m. Rise time:10 s.
2.5E-05 0.0E+00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

2.0E-05 Time (s)

Corona Charge/Unit Length

Fig.5 Variation of corona charge per unit length of a 50

1.5E-05 m high (Upper Curve) and a 30 m high (Lower Curve),1
cm-diameter streamer-inhibited conductor with time due
1.0E-05 to cloud charge field. Maximum field: 20 kV/m. Rise
time:10 s.
5.0E-06 0.30
Corona Boundary Radius (m)

0.0E+00 0.25
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (s)

Fig.4 Variation of corona charge per unit length with 0.15

time of a 50 m high,1 cm-diameter streamer-inhibited
ground wire. Maximum ambient field due to cloud 0.10
charges: 20 kV/m (Upper Curve) and 10 kV/m (Lower
Curve). Rise time:10 s. 0.05

Fig. 5 shows the growth of glow-corona charge with 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
time for 50m and 30m high conductors, with maximum
Maximum Ambient Field (kV/m)
field due to cloud charge of 20kV/m reached in 10s
duration. It is clear that under otherwise the same Fig.6 Variation of corona boundary radius of a 50 m
conditions, significantly more glow-corona charge is high,1 cm-diameter streamer-inhibited conductor as
produced for the higher conductor. function of linearly rising mean ambient field due to
descending negative leader. Rise time:1 ms.
For a descending leader, the space potential rise at the
conductor position was simulated by a linear variation Fig. 7 shows, for the same parameters as above,
with time, where the rise time was estimated as 1.67 variation of the corona current per unit length as function
times the duration that the space potential took to of the maximum ambient field. This demonstrates that
increase from the 30% to the 90% level. substantially higher corona current is produced at such
higher rates of ambient field change.

Fig. 8 shows variation of glow-corona charge per unit recent measurements by Shao et al [16], where a typical
conductor length, of the 1cm-diameter, 50m high negative leader speed was reported to be 2*105 m/s. Of
streamer-inhibited conductor, with the maximum ambient special interest to this paper are negative leader speeds
field, induced by a descending negative leader in the close to ground at heights typical of ground wires. In this
range 40-80 kV/m. It is demonstrated that despite the respect, Berger and Vogelsanger [17] previously reported
limited time of 1ms, substantial corona charge is that for negative leaders striking an experimental tower at
generated. To show the significance of these charges, Monte San Salvatore, the leader speed varied in the range
consider a charge per unit length of 30µC/m from the 1.9*105 – 2.2*105 m/s. In this paper therefore a negative
50m high conductor, the induced space potential at a leader speed of 2*105 m/s has been adopted.
radial distance of 10m would be 1.24MV.
40 The lateral distance of the descending leader from a
Corona Current / Unit Length (mA/m)

streamer-inhibited ground wire of 1cm-diameter and 30m

height was selected so that as the leader descends to the
conductor height, the gap between the leader and the
25 conductor is bridged by streamer breakdown (final jump),
20 with a mean streamer gradient of 500kV/m. Since at any
height the leader tip potential varies with leader corona
charge i.e. with prospective return stroke current, this
10 means that the leader-conductor distance at the final
5 jump has to be increased, at higher prospective return
stroke current. It is required to determine the rate of
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 change of the space potential at the conductor position
Maximum Ambient Field (kV/m)
i.e. with the conductor removed, in order to verify
whether the critical rate required for instability of glow
Fig.7 Variation of maximum corona current per unit
corona has been exceeded. According to (16) this critical
length of a 50 m high,1 cm-diameter streamer-inhibited
rate amounts to 29.6kV/µs, for a 1cm-diameter ground
conductor with maximum descending negative leader-
wire, at 40m height.
induced ambient field.Rise time: 1 ms.
3.5E-05 In Fig. 9 the return stroke current has been changed in
the range 3-25kA. It is found that at the instant of final
Corona Charge / Unit Length (C/m)

jump, the maximum rate of change of space potential did
2.5E-05 not exceed 18.8kV/µs. This means that the streamer-
inhibited conductor will maintain stability of the glow-
corona zone until a final jump takes place by streamer
1.5E-05 breakdown.
1.0E-05 25
Rate of Change Space Potential (kV/us)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Maximum Ambient Field (kV/m) 15

Fig.8 Variation of corona charge per unit length of a 50

m high,1 cm-diameter streamer-inhibited conductor as 10
function of linearly rising mean ambient field due to a
descending negative leader Rise time:1 ms. 5

4.3 Stability of Space Charge Zone 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
An important quantity in the determination of the rate Stroke Current (kA)
of change of the space potential due to descending
Fig.9 Variation of the maximum rate of change of the
negative leader fields is the negative leader speed. Rakov
space potential at the instant of the final jump as function
and Uman [4] summarized various measurements and
of the prospective return stroke current.hc=30 m,
estimates of negative stepped leader speeds and found
r0=0.5 cm.Negative leader speed:2*10^5 m/s.
that results vary in a wide range. In [15] Uman indicated
a mean speed of 2*105 m/s. This corresponds to relatively

4.4 Lightning Exposure of Streamer- that no streamer breakdown from the negative downward
Inhibited Conductors leader could take place to the protected power conductor
As stability of the glow-corona zone will be
maintained until the instant of final jump, it follows that It can be shown that the critical protective angle c to
the positive upward connecting leader will be practically satisfy this criterion can be expressed as [14]:
suppressed, thereby reducing substantially the overall
attractive distance [5] of the conductor. This means that
1  hgw  hc 
the electrical shadow of a streamer-inhibited ground wire  c  sin 1  

will be substantially reduced, compared to a regular 2 h
 gw  h0 
ground wire. This is presented in Fig. 10, where the
overall attractive distance of a regular conductor of 1cm- where h gw is the streamer-inhibited ground wire height,
diameter is compared to that of a streamer-inhibited h c is the power conductor height and h 0 is a height
conductor of the same diameter. The practical advantage characterizing ground objects in the terrain crossed by the
of a streamer-inhibited conductor is quite clear, line. (22) applies where the ground wire height is greater
particularly for situations where back-flashover than the striking distance to ground [18].
constitutes a severe problem.
The other conservative criterion requires that positive
upward leader inception from the protected regular
conductor does not take place before streamer breakdown
occurs to the streamer-inhibited ground wire. This is

120 Regular
achieved by space charge shielding, where glow-corona
Overall Attracive Distance

charge from the streamer-inhibited ground wire, induces

80 such a space potential at the protected conductor position
as to suppress positive leader onset. This means that in
60 effect geometric shielding with a regular ground is
40 replaced by space charge shielding by a streamer-
inhibited conductor. A numerical example will make this
20 concept clear.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Consider a tower with two streamer-inhibited ground
Conductor Height (m) wires of 1cm-diameter and height of 40m. The wires are
Fig.10 Variation of overall attractive distance of 12m apart and the outer power conductors are vertically
regular and streamer-inhibited conductor with height below the ground wires. The power conductor height is
above ground. 30m. The coordination return stroke current is 10kA. A
negative descending leader is 20.78m lateral distance
Another potential application is the down conductor of which corresponds to the final jump h f by streamer
a wind turbine blade, where streamer suppression on the breakdown at the ground wire height. The continuous
down conductor will tend to favour strikes to the so- leader inception space potential of the power conductor,
called lightning receptors, instead of strikes penetrating eqn.(1) above, is 2016kV. The applied space potential at
the blade, which could lead to blade damage. the power conductor position at the instant of final jump
to the inhibited ground wire is 3867kV, which without
space charge shielding would certainly produce a
4.5 Protective Mechanism of Streamer
continuous upward connecting leader. However corona
Inhibited Ground Wire space charge from a 10kV/m ground field due to cloud
charges and the transient glow-corona due to the
For a conventional ground wire, protection of adjacent descending leader field in a 1ms duration, produce an
power conductors is achieved by launching a continuous opposing space potential of 2201kV. The net space
upward connecting leader from the ground wire before potential at the power conductor position therefore
that could happen from the protected conductor. A amounts to 1666kV. This is below the 2016kV required
fundamental question therefore is since a streamer- for continuous upward leader onset. The conductor is
inhibited conductor could not launch upward connecting therefore adequately protected by space charge shielding.
leaders before the final jump, what would be the
mechanism of protection? The answer to this question is In this example the space potential has been
two-fold. First the power conductor should be placed so suppressed due to space charge by a factor of

3867/1666=2.32. Another way of looking at this result is height.
that the critical leader inception space potential has been
enhanced by a certain factor due to space charge effect. Two other techniques were considered. The first is
geometrical by increasing the conductor radius. However
Fig. 11 shows the dependence of the lateral attractive as previously shown by Carrara and Thione [6] and
distance on the leader onset space potential enhancement confirmed in Fig. 12, the conductor size will have an
factor, for a 30m high power conductor, of 1.5cm radius, effect on the critical leader inception ground field, only
for two values of the return stroke current. The initial with radii above approximately 10cm, which is not all
values correspond to attractive distances without space practical. The other point is that such large conductors
charge effects. It is shown that the attractive distance is are susceptible to deteriorated corona performance due to
substantially reduced at high values of the leader onset surface protrusions and water drops.
space potential enhancement factor.
The other technique considered is that of an insulated
conductor. A 1cm-diameter conductor was provided with
an insulation layer of different thicknesses. Fig. 13 shows
Lateral Attractive Distance (m)

80 that indeed, increasing the insulating layer thickness

70 would increase the streamer onset space potential
60 compared to the original bare conductor. However if
50 compared to a bare conductor of equal outside diameter,
40 the effect is negligible. This confirms previous theoretical
and experimental studies [19]. Furthermore the corona
performance of such insulated conductor will be sensitive
to water drops and as shown above, the effect on positive
upward leader onset will be negligible. Field experience
[20] has demonstrated that insulated low voltage
1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6
Leader Onset Space Potential Enhancement Factor (pu)
conductors suffer lightning induced punctures. This
further puts in question the value of insulated conductors
Fig.11 Dependence of lateral attractive distance on
for improved lightning performance.
upward connecting leader onset space potential
enhancement factor of a 30 m high conductor ,for
Streamer Onset Space Potential (kV)

prospective return stroke currents of 31 kA(Upper Curve) 500

and 10 kA (Lower Curve).
4.6 Techniques for Streamer Inhibition

Streamer inhibition treated throughout the above

analysis is based on thin wire-clad conductors previously
described and tested in [7]. These conductors have the 100
advantage of a corona performance insensitive to rain.
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0
Leader Inception Ground Field (kV/m)

70 Insulation Thickness (mm)

60 Fig.13 Variation of streamer onset space potential of a

50 1 cm-diameter (inner) insulated conductor as function
of insulating layer thickness (Upper Curve) and a bare
conductor of the same outer diameter (Lower Curve).
30 Insulation relative permittivity: 3, h=30 m.

1. Upward connecting leader spans a substantial part
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 of the lateral attractive distance of a conductor,
thereby justifying interest in means for
Conductor Radius (m)
streamer/upward leader suppression.
Fig.12 Dependence of critical continuous leader 2. A new simplified model has been summarized
inception ground field on conductor radius at a 50 m which accounts for initiation and growth of glow-

corona space charge from a positive conductor power conductor, prior to streamer
above ground, exposed to a linearly rising ambient breakdown to the ground wire.
field due to cloud charges or charges associated
with a downward negative leader. 12. Streamer/upward leader inhibition by using large
3. It has been shown that for linearly rising ground conductors is confirmed to be impractical.
fields due to cloud charges reaching up to 20kV/m 13. Streamer/upward leader inhibition by using
in a 10s duration, the space charge zone will insulated ground wire has been shown to be
occupy a substantial part of the conductor-ground insignificantly different from using a bare
gap. conductor of the same overall diameter.
4. Glow-corona charge per unit conductor length
from an inhibited ground wire, increases with
conductor height and with the maximum ambient 6 REFERENCES
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