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Fear of failure has killed more dreams than failure ever will, because of this fear
most people either procrastinate the task in which they expect failure or they
never do it and go to their graves with music still in them. The way to success is
never a leaf stewed way, it has puddles in it, it has many pitfalls many traps and
rains on its way , one has to go through all these to have anything by his/her side .
we come to hear about success stories of famous personalities around the world
tell me story as simple as this “I started and I did it” you are never going to find it,
all those stories have one thing in common taking the risks, not to be
disappointed by failures and to not quit when everything seems falling apart.
Forget the journey what if we don’t start at the first place because we have in our
minds that we are going to fail, then we are bound to live a pathetic life with
many could have, should have and would have in our talks as well as in mind,
each time one is going to think in retrospect one thing that will kill him the most
would be the idea that he never put to start or the dreams that he kept always in
junk folder and never tried to pursue them because of the fear of failure. What if
we start seeing the failures in success stories and not mere the end result i.e. for
success we have to go through the storms to see the sunlight we have to go
through the rainy days to see the sunshine, everything comes at a cost. Nothing in
this cosmic world was ever free or will ever be free, for a fit body one has to work
out long hours resisting the pain and eating only healthy foods by cornering
bewhiching junk food, in the same way everything in our lives comes at a cost and
that cost has to be paid in order to gain something. Why almost all of our startups
are a copy paste of the business models of USA or other countries because we
Indian don’t like to lose we always need a solution that provides a sure shot
result. We need to give up this attitude as soon as possible because we are a
country of 70 crore youngsters and we have to channelize our energy into
building something that the world follows and we have done it in the past we
were regarded as the ”Vishwa Guru” of the world and now is the right time to do
that again, for achieving that what we need is a lot of failures accompanied by a
lot of successes, because successes wont come without the failures and if we are
fearful of failing we are not going to succeed. There is a saying “if you think that
you are going to lose than you have lost half the half the battle without going to
the battlefield”.

Now we have talked enough about the chances of failing but while we start to
work on something or build something we need to keep the positive approach
first of all. Psychology has a lot to do here since whatever we think about time
and again the same is encapsulated in our subconscious mind and subconscious
mind has a pivotal role to play in achievement of our goals so we need to activate
in our mind the burning desire to win, that will keep us attached to the goals and
we will find ourselves working on it as our mind will try catching up everything
related to our goals and it leads to generation of more ideas.

For activating our minds towards goals we first need to make clear and distinctive
goals and before working on them set a clear cut plan to execute it and if possible
write the main goal on a paper and read it once in the morning and once before
sleeping, we can easily manipulate our subconscious mind easily by practicing
regularly the thing which we want to tap in the subconscious mind. Its onto us
whether we want to put the thoughts of winning our loosing, Our mind is over
slave we can easily put him on work like we want it to, it only requires a bit of
practice discipline and persistence. The aim is to be not dishearted by the failures
and fight till the war is won.

Thank you

An article by kunal luthra

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