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North South University

Course : ETE 471L

Spring 2020


Group Members

i) Ifthakharul Alam Shuvo
ID: 1530421045

ii) Salman Rizve

ID: 1530235045

iii) Hasanul Kabir Antar


SEC: 01

Project Report
1 Problem Statement: (Hasanul Kabir Antar)

Electronics filters are required in all RF- communication techniques. They are used to execute
signal processing functions specifically to remove the unwanted frequency components, to
enhance wanted one or both .
There are four filter types: Low Pass Filters, High Pass Filters, Band Pass Filters and
Band Stop Filters .
In this project, we are designing a matlab code based band stop filter for an audio system and
determining the scatteing parametes of a band stop filter by analyzing the graph . In signal
processing, a band-stop filter is a filter that passes most frequencies unaltered, but attenuates
those in a specific range to very low levels.It is the opposite of a band-pass filter.

2. Codes: (Ifthakharul Alam Shuvo)

Here is a listing of the codes that I wrote to help solve this problem:

clc,clear all,close all;

recording= audiorecorder
y= getaudiodata(recording);
N=input('enter the order of the filter: ');
%calculate edge frequencies
Wp= 2*fc1/(Fs);
Ws= 2*fc2/(Fs);
h=fir1(N,[Wp Ws],'stop',hamming(N+1))

3. Analysis of Results and Figures: (Salman Rizve)

The purpose of this project was to investigate how a band stop filter works. Analysis the
graph and study cut off frequency points.
As a recording variable we take audio recorder. We set the command speak and stop as
display to show it in the command window.
In the record blocking function we input the duration of recording for 5 sec.
We save the audio in y variable using get audio data function.
We set the order of filter as user variable using input command.
We declare the initial cutoff frequency and and final cutoff frequency.the condition of
cutoff frequency is to be in between zero to half of the sampling frequency.

As we can see in the first figure it is a band stop filter and it is passing the signal from zero to
two khz and where it is rejecting the signal from two to three khz again it is passing the signal
from three to four khz.
as we can see in the second figure which is phase response figure.the phase respose is linear
across the passing point of the signal.
4. Summary and Conclusions: (Hasanul Kabir Antar)

Here we built a mat lab code which we can use as band stop filter. we can pass signal through it and we
can see that it stops the signal passing at a a specific edge frequency which we declared.
Here is a little bit error in the edge point of the frequency is not exact. If we increase the number of
order of filter it will give more accurate results.
5. References


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