Static Electricity Poster: Materials

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Static Electricity Poster

Create a demonstration Materials
applying the concept of
Static Electricity - a plastic rod
- a piece of cloth
- running water

How it works
1. Rub the surface of the
rod with cloth for 40-60 When you rub the cloth on the rod, the rod
seconds. is going to steal some electrons from the
2. Turn the tap on so cloth. This result in the rod to have a net
there is a steady steam negative charged. Therefore, when you put
of water. the rod near the water, the electrons in
3. Put the rod near the the water are going to be repelled by the
water and watch it rod. The water nearest to the rod is going
bends. to have a positive charged. Consequently,
it would cause the water to bends
towards the rod.

In this self demonstration lab, I have learned
the basic idea about Static Electricity and how
it works. It is stated that every objects can be
charged due to the transfer of electrons.
However it still depends on the materials that
the object is being made of. This allows us to
know which way would the electrons go. So far,
I have studied and mastered the fundamental
static electricity topic. In the future, I would
love to do more demonstration on any topics
that we are going to study. Next time, I would
try harder and even do much more
complicated thing.

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