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Exercise 1: Connect Data Sources

In this example, you will see
- How to open to Power BI Desktop.
- How to get data from PDF file

1. Open the Power BI Desktop app in your computer

2. If it had not installed yet, please go to the Power BI Desktop webpage and click the download
button or click the download button located under the down-arrow tab in the online Office 365
version of Power BI. Either way will download an .msi file to your PC. Run that file once the
download is complete.
3. After accepting the license agreement, you will be able to choose where you want to install the
application. In most cases, the default location will be adequate. The installation process will take
about a minute, depending on your PC and network connection.
4. Note that when you start the Power BI Desktop application the first time, it will go through an
initialization process that takes a little longer than you might expect. When that is finished, you will
be asked to log in to your Office 365 account. To share your dashboard and reports, you will have
to be logged in.
5. If you do not have account, please just skip the step

6. After logging in, you will be presented a Power BI workspace.

7. Go to get data - >more

8. Choose the PDF file and click OK

9. Choose the PDF file that you have been provided, than ok
10. You will able to see all tables in your tables in PDF file or all pages. Power BI engine provide it for by
this two way. Choose tables or pages and then click load.
Exercise 2: Combining data sources
In this example, you will see
- How to combine files into a single smart table
1. Open Power BI Desktop and click Get Data icon.

2. Select File and then select Folder and click Connect.

3. Click Browse to browse to a folder with Excel files. Select the relevant folder and click OK. Click OK
again in the Folder dialog.

4. In an extra-probably-unnecessary step will see the content of the selected folder.


6. You are able to directly load it or click combine directly.

7. You can see that the filename is now located in the new column Source.Name once you combines files.

Question: Please discuss why there is any option for direct query or Import mode?

Exercise 4: Edit Query/ General Functions

In this example, you will see
- How to transform your data to simple BI data

1. Open Exercise 3 PBIX file

2. Go to Edit Query
3. Transpose your data
4. Use first row as header
5. Rename columns as Region
6. Unpivot 1991 and 1992
7. Fill down
8. Rename columns

Question: Please discuss with class why you need these steps? Why you are rename column as meaningful
Exercise 5: Merge and Append
In this example, you will how to combine (append/merge) two tables
Consider two sample data sets; one for students of each course, Students of course 1:

And Students of course 2:

1. Open Exercise 4 PBIX file

2. Go to Edit Query
3. To append these queries, Click on one of them and select Append Queries from the Combine section of
Home tab in Query Editor.
If you want to keep the existing query result as it is and create a new query with the appended result
choose Append Queries as New, otherwise just select Append Queries. In this example, I’ll do Append
Queries as New, because I want to keep existing queries intact.

4. You can choose what is the primary table (normally this is the query that you have selected before
clicking on Append Queries), and the table to append.
5. You can also choose to append three or more tables and add tables to the list as you wish. For this
example I have only two tables, so I’ll continue with the above configuration. Append Queries simply
append rows after each other, and because column names are exactly similar in both queries, the
result set will have same columns.

- Please discuss with class what about duplicates?
- What if columns in source queries are not exactly matched?

6. Now, you are going to combine course details to Appended table

To find join course detail, merge two queries

7. Merging Queries require joining criteria. Joining criteria is field(s) in each source query that should be
matched with each other to build the resulting query. In this example, I want to Merge Course query
with Append1, based on Title of the course.
8. Now you will see these two queries match with each other based on the Course title, result query will
be same as the first query (Course in this example), plus one additional column named as NewColumn
with a table in each cell. This is a structured column which can be expanded into underlying tables. If
you click on an empty area of the cell containing one of these tables, you will see the sub table
9. Now click on Expand column icon, and expand the New Column to all underneath table structure

10. The result will be a table including columns from both tables, and rows matching with each other.
Question: If you have noticed, there was Join Types in Merge Window.
What these join types stand for? Please discuss with class about Join Types.

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