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1 2.3 Menunjukan perilaku Recount Text Menjawab dan melengkapi C1 1 I ... to Pangandaran yesterday. B
tanggung jawab, peduli pertanyaan tentang recount text A. go B. went C. gone
2 kerjasama dan cinta damai D. goes E. is
dalam melaksanakan C1 2 There ... three major sanctuaries. B
komunikasi fungsional. A. was B. were C. is
D. are E. did
C3 3 I ... buy a novel last week C
A. Don’t B. Do C. Didn’t
X D. Doesn’t E. aren’t
Last weekend, I visited my pen
pal’s house. His name is Anto.
There were many activities I did
there. In the morning, Anto and I
had breakfast. We had traditional
food. I liked it very much.
After breakfast, he took me to the
garden behind his house. the garden
was very big and beautiful. there is
a big bird cage in the garden. There
were many kinds of birds in that
cge. I also took pictures with those
beautiful birds.
After visiting the bird cage, Anto
and I went to the flower garden not
far from his house. We took a rest
and had lunch under a big tree and
watch butterflies flying above
colourful flowers. In the afternoon,
we swam in the pool in the
backyard. It was so fun. I really
enjoyed my time with Anto.
4 3.9 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur C4 4 The text above tells us about ...
struktur teks, dan unsur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks A. A holiday at a friend’s place A
kebahasaan pada teks recount recount B. A picture of bird
sederhana tentang pengalaman/ C. A big bird cage
kejadian/ peristiwa, sesuai D. A big garden
dengan konteks E. A big House
5 penggunaannya. C4 5 What is the last paragraph about?
A. Anto had butterlies as his pet D
B. The writer’s friend is a good
C. There are a lot of flowers in
Anto’s house
D. The writer had a good time with
his friend
E not all true
C5 6 Where did the writer spend his D
6 afternoon?
A. Under a tree
XI B. Inside big bird cage
C. In the flower garden
D. In the swimming pool
7 4.13. Menangkap makna dalam Menangkap dan menyimpulkan Teks E. In the hospital
Teks Recount lisan dan tulis Recount lisan dan tulis sederhana C5 7 From the text, we know that the
sederhana. writer... D
A. had gone and visited many
places during his holiday
B. Lived in the same village with
his pen pal, Anto
C. Liked butterflies and swimming
very much.
D. Spent his holiday at friend’s
E. Pal’s house didn’t go
8 3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, Menganalisis C2 8 Andre : I need to book a room for
struktur teks, dan unsur informasi terkait saran dan tawaran, this weekend. May I know the
kebahasaan teks interaksi sesuai dengan konteks rate?
transaksional lisan dan tulis penggunaannya. Banu : ..... and which room
yang melibatkan tindakan would you like to have, single or
memberi dan meminta double?
informasi terkait saran dan Recount Teks Andre : Sure, my name is Andrea D
tawaran, sesuai dengan konteks Thomas and I’d like single room,
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan please.
unsur kebahasaan should, can) A.Would you put me through Mr.
B. Can I talk to the manager?
C. May I leave a message?
D. May I know who’s speaking?
E. Would you take me?

9 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, C2 9 Ticket service : ..... B

struktur teks, dan unsur Offer and Ms. Eva : I want an
kebahasaan teks interaksi suggestions Executive Class. Would you give
interpersonal lisan dan tulis me a seat by the window?
yang melibatkan tindakan Ticket Service: Sure, Ma’am, here
menawarkan jasa, serta is your ticket.
menanggapinya, sesuai dengan A. Would you take the business
konteks penggunaannya. class?
B. What kind of ticket do you
need, Ma’am?
C. Where would you like to stay?
D. When would you like to go?
E. Here you are!

10 C2 10 Hey, Thomas, ...... go star-gazing E

A. are you. D. shall them
B. Let’s go E. how about
C. would you like to
Company Accountant

Expanding wholesaler of stationary and office

equipment requires

A responsible accountant for director to run

smoothly the company finance with good salary
and good working condition for good applicant.

Apply with curriculum vitae to: Mrs. Barton

11 C3 11 What position is offered in the text?
A. Salesman D. Office staff
B. Wholesaler E. Director assistant B
C. Accountant

12 C4 12. “Apply with curriculum vitae to

Mrs. Barton.” E
What is the information should
applicant include in it?
Cause and Effect A. Experience in managing a
B. A statement of salary wanted
C. A prove of knowing about
D. A statement of responsibility
E. A statement of education and
work experience
13 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, C2 13 .... logging provides jobs and D
XI/GENAP Melengkapai teks interaksi profits, the government is reluctant
struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional yang melibatkan to control it.
transaksional lisan dan tulis tindakan memberi dan meminta A. So B. Since
yang melibatkan tindakan informasi terkait hubungan sebab C. Consequently E. Due to
memberi dan meminta akibat D. Thanks to
informasi terkait hubungan
14 sebab akibat, sesuai dengan C2 14 Hemp can be used to make B
konteks penggunaannya. paper, ... it could reduce the need
(Perhatikan unsure kebahasaan for logging.
because of ..., due to ..., thanks A. therefore B. Because
to ...) C. so D. thus
E. due to
C2 15 Hemp was grown throughout A
15 history ... its versatility; it can be
used to make many different things.
A. due to D. as a result
B. because E. For
C. since
C2 16 Hemp cannot be used to produce
16 marijuana, .... Its low THC Content. C
A. because
B. as
C. because of
D. Consequently
E. Since

3.3 Membedakan fungsi sosial, XII Caption

struktur teks , dan unsur Page 32 , 34
kebahasaan beberapa tkes
khusus dalam bentuk teks
caption , dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait
17 gambar/foto/tabel/grafik/bagan
, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. C4 17
Why must you make CHOICE ? A
A. I must make choice because
everything available in the world.
B. We must catch the chance
because the opportunity will not
come twice to us.
Menjawab pertanyaan tentang C. I think we will be late by other
caption people among science and
D. The Caption above means we
must choose the chance to make
E. It is the figure caption
18 C5 18 What will you do if you was faced
A. I must make choice because
everything available in the world.
B. We must catch the chance
because the opportunity will not
come twice to us.
C. I think we will be late by other
people among science and
D. The Caption above means we
must choose the chance to make
E. It is the figure caption

19 19 What will happen if we never

A. I must make choice because C
everything available in the world.
B. We must catch the chance
because the opportunity will not
come twice to us.
C. I think we will be late by other
people among science and
D. The Caption above means we
must choose the chance to make
E. It is the figure caption

20 20 What is the meaning of the Caption

C4 above ? D
A. I must make choice because
everything available in the world.
B. We must catch the chance
because the opportunity will not
come twice to us.
C. I think we will be late by other
people among science and
D. The Caption above means we
must choose the chance to make
E. It is the figure caption

21 21 What kind of Caption is this ?

C5 A. I must make choice because
everything available in the world.
B. We must catch the chance
because the opportunity will not
come twice to us.
C. I think we will be late by other
people among science and
D. The Caption above means we
must choose the chance to make
E. It is the figure caption

22 3.2 Membedakan fungsi 22 What do you think about this A

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur C5 caption?
kebahasaan beberapa beberapa A. I think this caption is very useful
teks khusus dalam bentuk surat for our life..
lamaran kerja, dengan memberi B. We must catch the chance
dan meminta informasi terkait because the opportunity will not
jati diri dan latar belakang come twice to us.
pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, C. I think we will be late by other
sesuai dengan konteks people among science and
penggunaannya. technology.
D. The Caption above means we
must choose the chance to make
E. It is the figure caption
23 C4 23 Why did Education breed
confidence ? B
A. I think this caption is very useful
for our life..
B. It is because we will get many
sciences and skill as the result of
our education.
C. I think we will be late by other
people among science and
D. The Caption above means we
must choose the chance to make
E. It is the figure caption

24 24 What do you think about this

C4 caption ? C
A. I will comprehend the law and
the regulation..
B. It is because we will get many
sciences and skill as the result of
our education.
C. I think the caption is good and
very insprirative.
D. The Caption above means we
must choose the chance to make
E. It is the figure caption.

Read the Job Application Letter

below then answer the questions !
Lilis Handayani
Jl. A Yani 389
Surabaya, 65151
April 19th , 2019
Mr. Frank Peterson, Personnel
Jeans and co.
Jl. Raya Pandaan 186
Pandaan Pasuruan, East Java ,

Dear Mr. Peterson:

I am writing to you in
response to your advertisement for
a local branch manager newspaper
appeared in the Java Pos on
Sunday, June 15. As you can see
from my enclosed resume, my
experience and qualifications match
this position requirements.
My current position,
managing the local branch of a
national shoe retailer, has provided
the opportunity to work under a
high-pressure, team environment,
where it is essential to be able to
work closely with my colleagues in
order to meet sales deadlines. In
addition to my responsibilities as
manager, I also developed time
management tools for staff using
Access and Excel from Microsoft’s
Office Suite.
Thank you for your time
and consideration. I look forward to
the opportunity to personally
discuss why I am particularly suited
for this position. Please call me
after 4.00 p.m. to suggest a time we
may meet. I can be reached via
telephone number 031-858564 or
by email at
Sincerely ,

Lilis Handayani

25 3.2 Membedakan fungsi sosial, 25 To whom is the letter sent ?

struktur teks dan unsur C2 A. The letter sent to Mr. Frank E
kebahasaan beberapa beberapa Sinatria
teks khusus dalam bentuk surat B. The letter sent to Mr. Frank
lamaran kerja, dengan memberi Peterson
dan meminta informasi terkait jati
C. The letter sent to Mr. Franklin
diri dan latar belakang
pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, Rosevelt
sesuai dengan konteks D. The letter sent to Mr. Frank
penggunaannya Panggabean
E. The letter sent to Mr. Frank
Oliver Wendell
26 26 Who wrote the application letter?
C2 A. The letter was writing by Frank. C
B. The letter was writing by Frank
C. The letter was writing by
D. The letter was writing by
Handayani Ermas
E. The letter was writing by Lilis
27 27 What is the purpose of writing the
C4 letter ? D
A. The purpose of writing the letter
is to answer the questions.
B. The purpose of writing the letter
is to know about things.
C. The purpose of writing the letter
is to give information.
D. The purpose of writing the letter
is to apply the job.
E. The purpose of writing the letter
is to apply the business.

28 28 What position is being advertised ? A

C4 A. The position is being advertised
is The Local Branch Manager
B. The position is being advertised
is The Local Branch Manager
C. The position is being advertised
is The Local Branch Manager
D. The position is being advertised
is The Local Branch Manager
E. The position is being advertised
is The Local Branch Manager
29 29 How did Lilis Handayani know the
vacancy ?
A. She knew it from Java Pos, on B
Sunday June 14.
B. She knew it from Java Pos, on
Sunday June 15.
C. She knew it from Java Pos, on
Sunday June 16.
D. She knew it from Java Pos, on
Sunday June 17.
E. She knew it from Java Pos, on
Sunday June 18.
30 30 What is Lilis’ current position ?
A. Her current position is managing D
The Local Branch of a national Car
B. Her current position is managing
The Local Branch of a national
Radio retailler.
C. Her current position is managing
The Local Branch of a national
Television retailler.
D. Her current position is managing
The Local Branch of a national
Shoe retailler.
E. Her current position is managing
The Local Branch of a national
31 Glass retailler.
C4 31 What other responsibilities does she
have at the moment ? E
A. She has other responsibilities to
manage tools for manager.
B. She has other responsibilities to
manage tools for the job
C. She has other responsibilities to
manage tools for maintaining
D. She has other responsibilities to
manage tools for clleagues
E. She has other responsibilities to
32 manage tools for staff.
32 What is the text about ?
A. The fish advertisement C
B. The fresh air
C. The job application letter.,
D. The National Anthem
E. The Educational System.

Read the text below !

Tenants Advised to Obey
Regulation on Apartment
Jakarta: A building architect
has advised families planning to
live in an apartment to study all the
relevant regulations prior to
moving in to help prevent
unexpected security-related
“Tenants must obey certain
regulations when living in an
apartment, which is far different
from living in a landed-house,”
Fendhi Ibuhindar said.
“Tenants of an apartment
should abide by regulations set by
the owner of the high-rise building,
“he added.
“This is important,
especially for a family that has a
young child,” he was quoted as
saying by
According to him, the trend
of living in an apartment in Jakarta
started only 10 years ago. Living in
an apartment has an increasingly
become popular.”Most of Jakarta’s
Residents are more accustomed to
living in a landed house and when
they live in an apartment, many are
not ready for apartment-living
habits and regulations. They have
to abandonee their mindset of
living in a landed-house, ”he said.
He said that an owner of
apartment should also considers
aspects of designing and building
materials that are safe for children.
“The quality of building materials
should be prioritized, “he said
“Children’s safety should be
33 the main concern with regards to
C2 the building materials that are
used,”he said.
( Adapted from : The Jakarta Post,
3.4 Menganalisis fungsi sosial , May , 9 , 2014 )
struktur teks, dan unsur Answer the question below !
34 kebahasaan dari teks news 33. What is the source of the text ?
items berbentuk berita A. Kompas E
sederhana dari B. Pikiran rakyat
koran/radio/TV/, sesuai dengan C. The New York Times
konteks penggunaannya. D. The Forbes
E. The Jakarta Post.
35 34. What is the text about ?
A. Living in the city D
B. Living in the rural areas
C. Living in the town
D. Living in the apartment
E. Living happily
35. Which one is the headline ?
A. Tenants Advised not to C
Obey Regulation on Apartment
B. Tenants Advised to Obey
Regulation on boarding school
C. Tenants Advised to Obey
36 Regulation on Apartment
D. Tenants Advised to Obey
the holy book on Apartment
E. Citizens Advised to Obey
Regulation on Apartment
Why do you think living in an
apartment is getting popular ?
36. A. They have to abandonee
their mindset of living in a landed- B
house, “he said.
B. I think living in an
apartment is getting popular
because it is one of living style in
the city and prestigious.
C. many are not ready for
apartment-living habits and
D. Most of Jakarta’s Residents
are more accustomed to living in a
37 landed house .
C2 E. “The quality of building
materials should be prioritized
Who sets the regulation ?
A. A building architect
B. A house architect
38 C. A planning architect
C2 37. D. A increasing architect
E. A dormitory architect A
What is the synonym of Security ?
A. Carpenter
B. Composer
39 C2 C. Journalist
38. D. Safety
E. Choreographer D
What is the synonym of
Prioritized ?
C2 A. Memorized
B. Improved
40 39. C. Organized
D. Cultivated B
E. Completed
What is the synonym of
Occurrences ?
C2 A. Happened
B. Accident
41 40. C. Revolution
D. Evolution A
E. Promotion
How to live in apartment happily ?
3.6 Membedakan fungsi sosial, A. We must be upset.
struktur teks, dan unsur B. We must be angry.
kebahasaan beberapa teks C. We must be always thanks
prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan 41. giving to our God.
memberi dan meminta D. We must be rudely. C
informasi terkait manual E. We must be happy.
penggunaan teknologi dan kiat
kiat (tips),pendek dan Read the text below then Answer
sederhana, sesuai dengan the questions !
konteks penggunaannya How to Operate Photoshop :
Tutorial for Beginner
When you open Photoshop for
the first time, it’s easy to click
around in confusion for a minute
and then reach for your freelancer’s
phone number instead. With a little
C2 help, you can easily teach yourself
how to use it to create beautiful,
compelling graphics. All it takes is
an introduction to core elements.
To get you started, you need to
understand how the five most
important Photoshop tools work. .
The five tools are the Layer Tool,
the Color & swatches Tool, the
Custom fonts and the text tool,
Custom Brushes & the Brush tool
and the Crop Tool.
First, recognize how a layer tool
works. Alayer can be used for an
image , text, brush strokes,
background colors, patterns, and
filters. Layers are by far the most
important element of Photoshop.
Always name your layers. Keeping
them organized will help keep you
sane, especially if you find
yourself working on a project with
C2 a large number of layers.
With layers, you can select,
add, delete, and duplicate them.
42 You can also do all sorts of cool
things, such as, making animated
C3 How many Photoshop tools are
introduced in the above ?
A. Two tools
B. Three tools
43 42. C. Four tools
D. Five tools D
E. Six tools
What is the most important element
in Photoshop ?
A. the Color & swatches Tool,
B. the Custom fonts and the
C4 43. text tool,
C. Custom Brushes & the E
44 Brush tool
D. the Crop Tool.
E. a layer tool .
Why should you always label your
layer ?
A. I should always label my
Color & swatches Tool because it
44. is the most important tools in
photoshop D
B. I should always label my
Custom fonts because it is the most
important tools in photoshop
C. I should always label my
Custom Brushes & the Brush tool
because it is the most important
D. I should always label my
layer because it is the most
important tools in photoshop
C4 E. I should always label my
Crop Tool because it is the most
important tools in photoshop
What can you do with layers ?
45 A. A layer can’t be used for an
image , text, brush strokes,
background colors, patterns, .
B. A layer can be used for an
imagine , text, brush strokes,
patterns, and filters.
C. A layer can be used for an
45 image , background pictures,
patterns, and filters. E
D. A layer can be used for an
image ,underground colors,
patterns, and filters.
E. With layers, we can select,
add, delete, and duplicate them. .
C2 What is the synonym of “
A. Relaxing
B. Forcing
C. Remembering
46 D. Introducing
E. Understanding.
C2 What is the synonym of “Sane” ?
A. proud
B. familiar
C. creative
D. talkative
47 C3 46. E. wise
What can also we do all sorts of B
cool things ?
A. Reporting the new data.
B. Selecting the new data.
C. Making animated pictures.
48 D. Reading the new data.
47. E. Calculating the data.
C2 “First, recognize how a layer tool
works”, We can change the word “
Recognize” with .............
A. Know
48. B. Write
49 C. Read C
D. Listen
C4 E. Speak
What is the topic of the passage
above ?
A. Listening Photoshop
B. Operating Photoshop.
49. C. Reading Photoshop.
50 D. Watching Photoshop. A
E. Listening Photoshop

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