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School: Theoretical Lyceum”Onisifor Ghibu” Orhei;

Teacher: Boldişor Mariana;

Subject: English;
Date: September
Level: X-th
Topic; Initial Evaluation
Duration: 45 min;
Type: Evaluation;
*to do post text activities
*to use the right form of the verbs in passive voice
*to use the right form of the verbs in indirect speech

Methods and Techniques:

*Individual work

Blackboard, pen, dictionary


Points Mark
60-----------57 10
56-----------53 9
52-----------45 8
44-----------35 7
34-----------30 6
29-----------25 5
24-----------20 4


Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

How many people do you communicate with in a day? Probably a lot

more than you did ten years ago. With a few pieces of equipment, we can
‘talk’ to people in more and more ways, not just face-to-face and on the
phone, but also via the Internet. It is very important, therefore, for everyone
to try and improve their communication skills. Despite all the technological
advances of recent years, the art of good conversation is still at the heart of
successful communication. So it’s a good idea to remember the four
golden rules of good communication.
Firstly, be as clear as you can. Misunderstandings arise when we don’t
say exactly what we mean.
Secondly, we have to work hard at listening. Pay attention to what the
other person is saying.
Thirdly, ask other people what they think, don’t only tell them what you
And finally, show respect for other people, give them time to say what
they want, and show interest in what they say. You will be a good
communicator if you follow these rules.

1. Read the text again and decide if the following sentences are true
(T) or false (F). On your exam sheet, write T or F next to the letter
indicating each sentence. --------------------------------- 4 points
A. Technological advances are the key to a successful conversation. --------
B. It is very important to remember the five golden rules of good
communication. ---------
C Misunderstandings arise if we don’t choose the words carefully. --------
D According to the third rule it is very important to listen to other people and
avoid interrupting them. --------

2. Answer the following questions. --------------------6 points

A. Why is it important for everyone to improve their communication skills?

B. What do we have to do according to the second rule?

C. What does “show respect for other people” mean?

3. Write questions to which the underlined words are the
-- 10 points
4. Find antonyms to the words written in bold and write them on your
exam sheet. ----------------------------------------6 points
5. Use two of the antonyms found above in sentences of your
own.-------------------------------------------------------------- 4 points

II Change the following sentences from Active Voice into Passive
Voice, Direct Speech into Indirect Speech
A)---------------------------------------------5 points
1. I speak English.
2. She has read this book.
3. They are building a new house
4. You translated this article
5. She was painting the wall
B)--------------------------------------------5 points
1. Nick says: » I am a pupil of this school”

2. I said: » Yesterday I visited my friends”

3. The teacher said:”London is the capital of great Britain”

4. Mary said:”My mother will come tomorrow, but my aunt came yesterday”

III. Comment on:-----------------------------------------------------------20 points

“Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.” Aristotle 

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