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V2.1.4 released 2017.8.18

Release date:

Release note :

Add Feature -
1. 修正有時安裝不正常的情況。
2. Support GX Station 2

插拔 GX Station 需先關閉 ROG Gaming Center UI。


V2.1.3 released 2017.7

Release date:

Release note :

Add Feature -
1.fixed OC Fail problem when uninstall ASUS PTP Driver
- Add Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributiable(x64/x86) - 11.6.1030

2.Modify Puisher Name



V2.1.2 released 2017.6

Release date:

Release note :

Updated Featuer -
1. Updated XTU SDK (With RS2 WHQL)

Add Feature -
1. Support Sonic Radar III and Sonic Studio III (v3.5)

1.Fixed Path :
Sonic Radar III : C:\Program Files\ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc\Sonic Suite 3\Sonic
Radar 3\SonicRadar3.exe
Sonic Studio III : C:\Program Files\ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc\Sonic Suite 3\Sonic
Studio 3\SonicStudio3.exe


V2.1.1 released 2017.5

Release date:

Release note :
Fixed Feature -
1. Incorrect Name: ROG Gaming Visual-> ROG GameVisual
2. Bug 38 : Can't Found Sonic Radar and Sonic Studio (2.3.x & 2.4.x)

Modify Featuer -
1. Remove delay time of toggle switch (ROG GameVisual & Fan Overboost)

Add Feature -
1. Support ROG Gameplus Application (shortcut)
2. Disable Spendid & ROG GameVisual tile when connected external screen.
3. Disconnected WiFi-direct with android phone when user switch account.
4. Support UWP Version Application
- ROG Auro Core (2.0.0)
- ROG Auro (2.0.0)
- ROG MacroKey (2.0.0)
- Splendid (UWP: - Win32:5.01.0004)
(此版本 Win32 的部份需手動 Delete ACVT.exe)
1. ROG GamePlus V1.0.1
2. ROG Gaming Center V1.0.7 (Android)

V2.1.0 released 2017.4

Release date:

Release note :
Add Feature -
1. Support ROG GamingVisual Application
2. Fan Overboost Control (GL703 & G753VI)
3. Support AMD CPU & GPU Mointor information (GL702ZC)

1. ROG GamingVisual Ver:1.01.9999


V2.0.4 released 2017.3

Release date:

Release note :
Add Feature -
1. ECO Mode Control Method & 十國翻譯 (GX501VI)

1.ROG Gaming Center V1.0.4 (Android) support ECO Mode


V2.0.3 released 2016.11

Release date:

Release note :
Fixed Feature -
1. Bug 36 - 多國翻譯
(NB_ROG Gaming Center (Cyberpunk)_Combined_20161125.xml)
Fixed String ID 7, 33, 35, 36
Modify String ID 3, 29
ID 40 - Do not remind me -> No recordármelo

Modify Feature -
1. Updated XTU Version  
2. 修改每次切至 Manual 必需強制重開機的設定;改成有動到需要重開機的設定才需要重開機(EX.
Reference Clock, Memory, ICC MAX…etc)。
3. 在不重開機的 Manual Mode 下,DC or Docking Disconnect 將不顯示需要重開機的強制畫面,
但還是會將 CPU Ratio 及 GPU OC 值設成 Standard 的狀態。(其他參數不變 )
4. 新增 Connected/Disconnect Docking 的系統音效進行測試。
5. 修改 S3,S4 後,會回到上次 boot 設定的問題。

Add Feature -


V2.0.2 released 2016.10

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :

Modify Feature -
1. Updated XTU Version(Not support skylake platform)

Add Feature -
1. Nvidia SLI Toast message (GX800VH)
1-1. toast message of enable SLI when Nvidia SLI status is disable on AC mode
1-2. toast message of disable SLI when Nvidia SLI status is enable on bettery
2. 十國翻譯 (Fr,TW,CN,JA,PT,NL,ES,US,RU,DE)
3. Support ROG Aura Core (GL553VD\VW)

1. ROG Aura Core Ver:1.0.0


V2.0.1 released 2016.09

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
Fixed Bug -
1. Fixed Bug #30:在配對的頁面,勾選"全部設備",RGC 會 Stopped working.
2. Fixed Bug #31:按下 Free Up Memory 無法正確關閉程式:
3. 修改 Toast 在 RS 1 上顯示不正常的問題。

Modify Feature -
1. Add memory control from configure file by Configure Tools V1.0.4
2. Modify ROG Gaming Center icon & toast iCON
3. Modify App Icon on utility panel
4. Updated XTU Version


V2.0.0 released 2016.08

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
1. Support Aura Display & Change Profile
2. Support GameFirstIV Display Status
3. Support Remote Control By Android Phone
4. CypberPunk Style UI
5. Light Control on HID KB Version (GX800VH, G800VI)
6. PTP Touch Control (GL502VM)

1. ATK Ver:1.0.48 (Light Control on HID KB Version)
2. ROG Aura Ver:1.0.2
3. Game First IV Ver:1.5.25
3. ROG Gaming Center (Android) Ver:1.0.0


V1.0.12 released 2016.06

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
1. Support Nvidia N17E GPU Overclock. (G800VI, G752VS)


V1.0.12 released 2015.06

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
1. Support Nvidia N17E GPU Overclock. (G800VI, G752VS)


V1.0.11 released 2015.06

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :

Fixed Bug-
1. Fixed can't change mode when overclock is Only CPU.(G800VI)


V1.0.10 released 2015.05

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :

Add Feature -
1. Add thermal policy function on Launch Utility & Gaming Profile (G752VS)
2. Keep thermal policy status on restart & resume & shutdown
3. Display second GPU Information (GX800VG)
4. Not display wording "Docking mode only" on GX800VG, but GX700V0 msut keep the


V1.0.9 released 2015.04

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
Modify Feature -
1. Modify Turbo Gear & Docking Fan Boost to support GX800.
2. Sync the overclock value of two GPUs (GX800).
3. Change Wording :
System Fan Control -> System Fan Boost
Docking Fan Control -> Docking Fan Boots
0% -> AUTO


V1.0.8 released 2016.03.14

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
Fixed Bug -
1 D-Notify status is incorrent problem after Disable/Enable Display Adapter of
Nvidia . (GX700V0)

Add Feature -
1 Support PTP (Support Precision Touchpad) TochPad Control (GL502VT)
2 Add Two Warning Message :
2-1. Turbo Gear 無法超頻時顯示的訊息。
2-2. Turbo Gear 在一般模式(Standard,Optimail,Extreme)下進行超頻需重開機的顯示訊息。
2-3. 上述訊息的多國語言。

Modify Feature -
1. CPU Clock Freq /GPU MEM Freq / GPU Clock Freq,每次調整後只會顯示其一的最大狀態值。
2. 不論需不需要重開機一律顯示 Power Icon,調整其明亮度來表代需不需重開機。
暗: 不需要 亮:需要


V1.0.7 released 2016.01.04

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
Fixed Bug -
1. Fixed Bug #24 :
設定 ROG GameFirst 的狀態 OFF 時,Gaming Center 裡的狀態不會同步,重開 Gaming Center 後,
ROG GameFirst 狀態會變成空白.
2. Fixed Bug #25
ESS Headphone Amplifier 的預設 OFF, SPEC ON.

Modify Feature -
1. Modify the size of close button on second page.
2. replace OK button of free up memory with waiting 5's.
3. Apply Manual mode - Dialog with ¨Warning message + Recovery procedure〃
4. Apply Manual mode - Dialog with ¨Warning message + Recovery procedure + Need
to reboot〃.
- Display countdown when user is first apply maunal mode.
5. Leave Manual mode - Dialog with ¨Need to reboot〃
6. Modify Turbog Gear Mode
6-1 : 2 Mode (Standard/Extreme )
6-2 : 2 + 1 Mode (Standard/Extreme & Manual) - G752VY
6-3 : 3 Mode (Standard/Optimized/Extreme )
6-4 : 3 + 1 Mode (Standard/Optimized/Extreme & Manual) - GX700VO

7. Cancle animation on close window

Add Feature -
1. Add String "(Memory Frequency : 2800 MHz)" below XMP Profile Switch
2. Add Power Icon on Reference clock & XMP Profile Switch.
3. Add Display Maximum CPU Frequency & GPU / Memory Frequency - When user adjust
OC settings of CPU/ GPU, the color of word of current status
will change to RED then shows the target OC value. And it will back to current
status after 3 seconds.
4. Add MicrosoftSQLCE Package & Setup.exe
- 此版本改由 Setup.exe 來安裝程式,安裝過程: 1. MicorsoftSQLCE x86 2.
MicrosoftSQLCE x64 3. ROG Gaming Center
- 處理使用者安裝 Office 2010 後造成 XTU 無法使用的問題。


V1.0.6 released 2015.12.04

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
1. Fixed Bug #16 : ROG Gaming Center_V1.0.5 -> Fail.
新/舊翻有所不同,目前統一以 ROG GC string table_20151103_Finished.xlsx.
16-2. 原 bug 1/2/3/4/6/7 -> Fail
3/4 On/Off - 此圖片,因此只有英文無多國語言。
6 Optimize - 選項已移除
7 Hot Zone Lighting -
Éclairage zone sensible -> Hot Zone éclairage

16-3 新增 Disable ROG Key -> 法/德 Fial

Deaktivieren Sie die ROG-Taste -> ROG-Taste deaktivieren
Désactiver touche ROG -> Désactiver la touche ROG

16-4 System Fan Control & Docking Fan Control 在德文的 g 被截字 

2. Fixed Bug #23 : 切換不同 Profile 時,Light Bar ON/OFF 沒有功能,但是手動去調整 ON/OFF

3. 移除 Audio Wizard 的多國語言翻譯,統一顯示英文狀態名稱。 (GL Series)

4. Add Configure File Version Information

5. Modify Some Wording in English
Docking mode limit -> Docking mode only
Fan Speed -> CPU Fan Speed and GPU Fan Speed
Processors Frequency Offset -> GPU Base Clock Offset (Only English)
Memory Frequency Offset -> GPU Memory Clock Offset (Only English)

6. Add Window (Normal) Mode


V1.0.5 released 2015.10.23

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
1. Fixed Bug #14 : 在兩種超頻模式的 Optimized 模式,VGA Tool 顯示 Memory Clock = 5, (SPEC
= 0)
2. Fixed Bug #16 : ROG Gaming Center_V1.0.3 -> Fail. (新增 Restart 按鈕 -> 法/德)
3. Fixed Bug #17 : 將 Disabled Win key 跟 Disabled ROG key 設定為 ON,Reboot 後會自動被設定
為 OFF. (關機正常)
4 Fixed Bug #18 : 系統 idle 有機率 BSoD. (Exterme mode.)
5. Fixed Bug #21 : 在手動超頻設定頁,按下 Default 後,CPU & GPU 風扇的速度會兩個都沒有選擇.

6. Add Win Key is Disabled Toast & 多國語言翻譯。

7. Add ROG Key is Disable Toast & 多國語言翻譯。
7. Docking Fan Control & System Fan Control Tile & 多國語言翻譯 & Function。
8. Remove Manual Advance Page 並將相關的設定移至 Turbo Gear Settings Page


V1.0.4 released 2015.10.20

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
1. Updated XTU Version


V1.0.3 released 2015.09.30

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
1.S3,S4 Resume 後不做任何的設定。
2. Fixed Bug 12,13,14,16


V1.0.2 Beta released 2015.08.13

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
1. S3 Resume 之後調整 Optimial Mode 下 Core Voltage Mode 為 Static 的狀態,Extreme 則不調整。
2. 新增 CPU 超頻的參數:
3. 新增 ROG Key Disable Tile & Function.
4. 新增 LightBar Control Tile & Function.
5. 新增 TouchPad Tile 。
6. 修改 Headphone Amplifier 的圖示。
6. 修改 TurboGear Page 切換動畫。


V1.0.0 released 2015.08.13

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
1.Fix Bug 6 - 按下 Reset to Default Splendid 設定會從 Vivd Mode 改為 Normal Mode
修改一開始的設定值為 Normal Model 與 Reset to default 一致。

2.Fix Bug 7 - 從 DC mode 接回 AC,系統不會切回超頻模式,但是 Memory Clock, Core Voltage 仍會

keep 在超頻狀態.
當 AC 模時會設定為可調整之最大模式。

3.Fix Bug 8 - 當切換 Profile 讓系統彈出詢問是否要停止程式釋放資源的訊息時,如果選擇 No, 連

Profile 的設定也不會套用.
調整設定行為,選擇 NO 時只有不執行 Delete Processes 的動作,其他皆會執行。
4. 新增二十國語系。


V1.0.0 released 2015.07.14

Release Version:
Release date:

Release note :
1.Fix Bug 1 - 整合 CPUControlLibrary.mis, GPUControlLibrary.msi 至
2.Fix Bug 2 - Stop working problem on Resource Release Settings Page.
3.Fix Bug 4 - 修改 Modify Reset to Default 的行為。
改為按下 Reset To Default 後先恢復設定,但要按下 Save 才會進行儲存。

4. APP Tile List

4.1 ROG Gaming Fast III
4.2 Audio Wizard (GL552VW)
4.3 XSplit Gamecaster
4.4 Splendid
4.5 Disable Win Key
4.6 ASUS Sonic Suit Plugins (G752 & GX700)
4.7 ROG Macro Key (G752 & GX700)
4.8 Hot Zone (G752 & GX700)

5. TurboGear Setting Page


V0.9.1 released 2015.05.20

Release Version:

Release date:

Release note :
1. Release Memory Function
2. Gaming Profile Function
3. Display CPU、GPU Information
3. APP Tile List
3.1 ROG Gaming Fast III
3.2 Audio Wizard
3.3 XSplit Gamecaster
3.4 Splendid
3.5 Disable Win Key


* Miscellaneous
Silent install command :
Msiexec /qn /norestart /i ROGGamingCenter.msi

Silent uninstall command

msiexec /qn /norestart /x {CC182DBF-FC67-4F79-9930-6A2682E60BDD}

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