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WHEREAS, as the FIRST PARTY, is the opera7ng General contractor.

WHEREAS, the SECOND PARTY, is desirous to provide services to the FIRST PARTY.

WHEREAS, as the FIRST PARTY, has accepted the SECOND PARTY to render the service required
by the FIRST PARTY subject to the condi7on herein aIer set forth;

NOW THEREFORE, for and in considera7on of the foregoing premises, the par7es here have
agreed to enter into a contract of loading and hauling nickel ore to provide the following terms and

Before me, a notary public for and in e on this ____________ day of ___________ 2017, appeared the
foregoing affiants who exhibited to me their competent proof of iden7ty as follow:


Who are both duly authorized and represen7ng their respec7ve company. Known to me and to me
known to be the same persons who execute the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged to me
that the same is their free act voluntary deed.

This instrument is consis7ng of five (5) pages including this page where the acknowledgement is
wri`en, have been signed by the par7es and witnesses on each and every page thereof.

WITNESS MY HAND SEAL on the date and place above wri`en.

Doc No., ___________

Page No., __________
Book No., __________

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