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PMI Tans SOBSN Rewrrma Bosbes Oa Honea, Teens, HY , SOOT (4g, OF, BE sar OPPO) Howe OF Volume 153 Bengaluru, Thursday, April 5, 2018 (Chaithra 15, Shaka Varsha 1940) Issue 14 gen 9a nad ABeohenY ma wae shes WOSeoms Taso Soars, Toes wQrcbedree Ss empesne, Rone shay mas maa sbeor my, STS Bavaad mains, miso Aobabries ahey memorid seth mame sad Robabrivs Rne tore my, mcdmvchay Awad Aobsdrivs somok xumvod wpraud Hos}, : dow 453 aotucta 2015, Herikacs, Dmect : 28-10-2016. RENE Go WORK Rok, 1961S FS 480 MEBLO (I) Oot (JOY ZtigMT LORENA, wemoDA, woods 2g, ibs mon gh Ga sigh coded ot bed aacatens cmrds ebanud ox: ton 200 soeots 2014, DRDO : 08-08-2014 Bods Fad Hoss, : (3) COD Bp cao mena oer deenyer ome, roeeae Tash Amp God, webs MURH, GAS KONE, coyAees, THE WOR yo eaten gies tate, 2atBRF Lston “Cain” outs detat, modtye mS. mM vod, MA MOGs, cad, sXeOon MOK wood ane sods eceeasidh mab Aderds aime edeoad, PR361 SFE ARO woe UAC BONY, s¢-15 moot dest, Ames wpKs mobeoBe domes geval, (Ke mAROTE) domok xumuod epraud Hoo: #0R 124 aeruota 2016, dorisiacs, Omod : 22-10-2016. RENE Ho MRO Mok, 196IG sve 480 eva! Koo (1) SoD (OY sAyT SpMIsH, wendy, Hem 2g. camber seg ge ayoh chodeA ot hod atedaxend xmrod oxen cos}, : Fou 205 avteote 2014, DROE : BO8-2014 Dod Fad Hoss (4) OYMda Be Rong] mets bas ands mNdRAMe, TUENF wo_R, SU HONEST, CEyMCA, BAO UGOR Bt HOKR corre NOURe, mi Markt, caterer HORE, TAO, dgbon mod wesed sane shobs edesctAdA mab adores amma odebAd, PR-362 SERS MeyRET edema sey wa SxDHY, sc-15 monet desvae, RREES SOEs mObeOBE domes Reval, (Ge mAROTE) domok xumuod voraud Ho: ou 173 autuota 2016, deristats, Amos : 10-11-2016, BREE Ge DEO mak, 19615 seo AIS we HO (1) DOH (BOY Etim SORE, donoDA, HED moge na choweh si kod Eavatmd cmrcs epxeds cowl: soy 76 overs 2014, Omoe (seer) 2829 Smrns TEs, moe, AALT HF, 2008 wr va St Total Ne Department / Discipline inare | Govt. | KRLMPCA Quota | NRIMP Quota 3._ | MDS Oral Medicine & Radiology é 2 4 zi 4_ | MDS Oral Pathology & Microbiology 7 2 3 '5. | MDS Orthedontcs & Dentofacial Orthopedics é 1 7 : ._ | MDS Paadodontics & Preventive Dentistry 5 1 4 7._ | MDS Periodontology 3 2 é : | MDS Prosthodontics & Crown & Bridge 8 1 7 | MDS Publi Health Dentistry @ 2 é 7 Total | 66 8 3 7 PR 406 By Order and in the name of the Gaverner of Karnataka, M.BDHOTRE Under Secretary to Government-2 Heath and Family Welfare Department (Medical Education) ENERGY SECRETARIAT NOTIFICATION NO. EN 263 EBS 2016, BENGALURU, DATED: 14.02.2018 Whereas the draft of the Karnataka Lifts, Escalators and Passenger Conveyors (Amendmen!) Rules, 2017 was published as required under sub section (1) of section 23 of the Karnataka Lis, Escalators and Passenger conveyors Act, 2012 (Kamataka Act 9 of 2013) in notification NO. EN 253 EBS 2018, Dated: 24.05.2017 in part IVA ofthe Karnataka Gazette, dated 6” July, 2017 inviting ‘objections and suggestions from all persons likely tobe affected thereby within ffteen days from the date of its publication inthe Official Gazette. ‘And whereas, the said Gazette was made available to public on 6th July, 2017 ‘And whereas, objections and suggestions have been received inthis behalf and considered by the State Government Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 of the Kamataka Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors ‘Act, 2012 (Kamataka Act 9 of 2013) the Government of Kamataka hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Karnataka Lits, Escalators and Passenger Conveyors Rules, 2015, namely- RULES 41, Title and Commencement. (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Lits, Escalators and Passenger Conveyors (Amendment) Rules, 2017, {2) They shall come into force from the date of heir final publication inthe Offical Gazette 2, Amendment of rule 5. In the Karnataka Lits, Escalators and Passenger Conveyors Rules, 2015 (hereinafer refered to as the said rules), n ule 5.- (0 for sub-tle (1), the folowing shall be substituted, namely- (1) Every ovmer of a Lit or Escalator or Passenger conveyor shall make an application for renewal of license before the xmiry of the license in Form-C1 along with a copy of the license, test certificate in Form-C2 for Lift and in Form-C3 for Escalator or passenger conveyor fram the registered person and an orginal Treasury Challan or Receipt for having remitled renewal fee as specified item B(1) ofthe Annexure to the authorized ofier Provided that, where the application is made ater the above said period, an addtional fee specified in item (2) of the ‘Annexure shall be remitted for renewal off cense” (i for sub-rule (4, the flowing shall be substtuted, namely- ) In the event ofthe holder ofa license fang to renew the license, the license shall become invalid and the lt or Escalator ‘or passenger conveyor shall be operated after the license is renewed.” 3, Amendment of rule 7: In the said rules, n ule 7, for subrule (1), the following shall be substitutes, namely:- (1) Registered person under rule 6 shall apply for enewal of the same in Form-03, two clear months belore the expiy of registration but not before four clear months, along with the renewal fee for Registration as specitied in Annexute 4 to the Chief Inspector of Lite, Escalators and passenger conveyors: mn eo SRreE ERE, om, DYLT B, 2008 282% Provided that, the requirement for submiting the application for renewal before two months as aforesaid, application may be submitted on or before the date of expiry ofthe registration, wth an addtional penal fee specie in the Annexure 4 4, Amendment of rule &:=In the said rules, in rule 8~ (in clause (a, for the words “of receiving” the wards “of submiting’ shall be substituted (in clause (9, forthe words "nationalized bank” the words "Scheduled Bank” shall be substivted (i in dause (©) insubslause () and (forthe words “two or four years" the words “one ortwo years’ shall respectively be subsite: () insubclause (v)- (@) forthe words “every ft Ifts or Escalator of passenger conveyor in a calendar year" the words “its or Escalators of passenger conveyors" shall be substituted (4) in sub clause (jv), atthe end, the following shal be inserted, namely = Provided that, the registered person shall maintain sufficient number of technicians for maintenance of Iits or Escalators or passenger conveyors, wih qualfication as mentioned above" (win clause ()- (2) the words "wih independent facility and telephone" shal be omitted, (0) _afterthe proviso, the following shall be inserted namely Provided further tha, the machineries specified at tem (9, (i), () and (vi) of the above lst shall be in his own possession or outsourced” (©) in clause (k) ater the ward "in is possession" the words “or on rent ar lease basis" shall be inserted: and (7) tn clause (0, for the words “Intemational Electro Technical Commission Standards" the words “Intemational Electro ‘Technical Commission Standards or standards of International Organization for Standardization.” shall be substituted. ‘5. Amendment of rule 9. In the sai rules, in ule 9 (0 for sub.cule (9), the folowing shall be substituted, namely ) The Registered person shall display a bil board atthe entrance of the installation inthe Form-E3 containing the name of roistered frm.” (i) after sub-rule (8), the folowing shall be inserted, namely (9) The Registered person shall produce the above documents before the authority for test check as proof of maintaining the 6, Amendment of rule 12- In the said rules, in rule 12, (0 In sub rule (), ater the words “Intemational Electro-Technical Commission” the words ‘or standards of Intemational ‘Organization for Standardization.” shal be inserted (in sub-rule (4), (®) in clause () after the words “International Electro Technical Commission’ the words “or standards of Intemational ‘Organization for Standardization” shal be inserted. (©) for clause (i, the following shal be substituted, namely:- “(W) Further, every owner of It, of Escalator or passenger conveyor shall aban from the regstered person annual esting ‘and maintenance report in Form-C2 or Form-C3, asthe case may be, and shall maintain the same and produce it to the authorized officer or Inepector of Lite, Escalators and passenger conveyors at the ime of periodical inspection o& on ‘demand by such office’: and (a) in sub-rule (6), for clause (9, the folowing shal be substituted, namely:- "(in every bulking except resiential buildings, having height exceeding 15 mtrs or having its with capacty of six passengers or mor, shall be operated by trained lft cperatar appointed by the owner ofthe lift and such operator shall be ‘on duty forthe whole period during which the It put into use", 7. Amendment of rule 22. In the said rules, in rule 22, in sub-rule (2) for clause (a), the folowing shall be substituted, namely (8) every holder of icense to use lft or Escalator or passenger conveyor may continue to use til the expiry of five yeas from the date of commencement of these rules or completion of ten years from the date of ts grant wiichever slater. 26k SRFEE ERS, OAT, ayo B, 2008 irr 9a 8, Substitution of FORM — At.-.For Form At tothe sald rules, the following shall be substituted, namely “FORM =At {S00 sub-rul (1) of ule 3] ‘Application for permission to erect lifts or for making additions or alterations to the existing ft To The Inspector of Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors Full name and address of the applicant (permanent /correspondence address) with e-mail ld and contact number (mobile) 2_| Name and address of local agent of owner, W any, appointed under section 11(2) with emai Id and contact phone or Mobile number 3_| Address of te promises where the WR is to be Instaled (A sketch of route direction with two land marks to be enclosed) _| Number of floars and Landings _| Whether a license has been previously granted (deals lo be aven) 6. _| Name and address of the registered person authorized under section 6 with Registration No; who wil install the It, (Enclose copy of registration certificate) 7. | Type, Number and Make of lit proposed fo be erected (ie, Passenger, Hospital, Goods cum Passenger ele) (A sketch of the it and erection plans as per rule 3 shall be enclosed) Type of ear and landing door (ve, Manual, or Auomalio and imperforate 7 «2, | swing! side telescopic! centre opening etc) with Clear entrance wisth and eight ‘| Detals of emergency stop switch, for leveling swith, floor selectors and ear oor switch Uikear dimension in mm Dimensions of Lt weilin mim, and details of it well enclosures, 72,_| The rated maximum speed ofthe It ear In metre second 73._| The makers or designers rated capaciy in weight (kl gram, 74. | The maximum No of passengers in adtion lo the ft aperator which the wt ean carey. 75._| The total weight of he It CariGage carrying the maximum load Inkl grams, 78._| The weight of he counter weight (lo grams) 77__| The number of supporing Ropesicables and Size sq mim 7B._| Type of raping (Le 14, 24 ate) 78. | Batiom clearance a) Car ) Counter weight 20. | Top clearance, a) Cw ) Counter weight 21. | Detals ofthe construction ofthe overhead arrangement withthe weight and sizes of the beams. 22. | Teta ravel height in mm from lowest landing floor level to top most landing floor level 23,_| Number and Type of car buffers 24. | Number and ype of counter weight butfers 2 Method of Contrat mn eo SRreE ERE, om, DYLT B, 2008 2622 26._| Dive /Type of it operation wih its devices 21._| Details of over speed governor 28,_| Detales of emergency signal and telephone 28_| Fees paid details Re GhallaniR. nor De: ‘Note: The following list of documents fo be enclosed along withthe application for erection permission, namely= (19) Proof of ownership and aderess proof, such as katha certifeate and recent Tax paid receipt (16) Incase of a company, memorandum of understanding and Aticles of association along with tax paid deals (17) Copy of plan and elevation of bulding showing location of tft as approved by the competent statutory authority (euch as BEMP, Town planning authority, ee.) (Notary certified); (18) Computer print or blue print drawings with detalls mentioned in rule 3(1) (9 (A) in quadruplicate duly signed by owner and Registered person (19) Power sanction letter of concemed Electric Supply Companies (20) An orginal Treasury callan or eceipt fr having remitted permission fee as per sub rule (1 (4) of rule 3, and {COMI R.R No. in case of existing installation, (21) Any other necessary document as sought by the authorzed officer. Declaration We do heroby declares that above information furnished by us is true and correct and if any information given above Is found Incorrect, We abide by the action taken under the provisions ofthe Act. Name and Signature of the Authorised Name and Signature of applicant ‘Signatory with seal ofthe Lift/EscalatonPassenger Conveyor rection and’ maintenance registered person.” Date bate 9, Substitution of Form A2.- For Form-A2 tothe sad rules, the fllawing shall be substituted, namely “FORM A2 {S00 sub-rule (1) of ule 3] ‘Application for permission to erect Escalators or Passenger Conveyors or for making additions or alterations to th Escalators/Passenger Conveyors To The Inspector of Lis, Escalators and Passenger conveyors 1. | Full name and address of the applicant permanent /correspondence ‘adress) with e-mail d and cell contact number (mandatory) 2, _| Name and address of local agent of owner, any, appointed under section 1102) wih emai fd and contact number (mabe) 3] Address ofthe premises where the Escalator or Passenger Conveyors i= to be installed or proposed for making additions or ateations(A sketch of route direction wth 2 land marks to be enclosed) 4 | Whether an Escalator has been previously erected and a licence has been granted (deals to be given) ‘Name and address ofthe registered person authorized under section 6 «5, | the Act with Registration No; wo wil install the Escalators/Passenger Conveyors (moving walksftravelator) or make addtions or alterations and his email id /eontact Number (Enclose copy of registration certificate), | Type and number of Escalators’ Passenger Conveyors (moving walkstravelator) proposed to be erected (A sketch of the Escalator / Passenger Conveyors and erection plans as per rule 3 (1) () B shall be encloses) 7._| The ated speed ofthe Escalatar/ Passenger conveyor oee8 Smrns TEs, moe, AALT HF, 2008 wr va '8._ | The makers or designers rated loadin weight (kg) ‘The maximum No of passengers per hour which the Escalator Passenger | 9, | conveyor ean cary. ‘Angle of inclination of the Escalaior 7 Passenger Conveyors (moving 10, | walkstravelator) 71, | The ype of balusrading 12, | The with between Balustrades 13, | The Verlcal Rise ofthe Escalatorin mm 14. | The number, description, weight and size of main drive chain, hand ral tive chain and governor dive chain 1, | Deals of consirucion ofthe stresses and step reads together wih weight and size ofall structural members and supporting beams in connection therewith, 16. | Escalator passenger conveyor nominal width [discharge area Zi) 17 | Fees paid detais Re ChalaniRt na \Note: The following list of documents to be enclosed along withthe application for erection permissions namely (15) Proof of ownership and aderess proof such as katha certfcate and recent Tax paid recs; (16) Incase of @ company, memorandum of understanding and Articles of association slong wih tax pai deta (17) Copy of plan and elevation of bulding showing location of Escalator) passenger conveyor as approved by the competent statutory authorty (such as BBMP, Town planning authorty, ete.) (Notary certied); (18) Computer print or blue print drawings with details mentioned in rule 3(1) (9 (B) in quadruplicate duly signed by owner and Registered person (19) Power sanction letter of concemed ESCOM/R.R No. n ease of existing installation (20) An original copy of Treasury chalan or receipt for having remited permission fee as per sub rule (1)(y) of ule 3: and (21) Any other necessary document as sought by the authorized officer Declaration We do hereby declares that above information furnished by us Is true and correct and if any information given above Js found incorrect, we abide by the action taken under provisions of the Act. Name and Signature of the Authorized Signatory with seal Name and Signature of applicant ofthe LivEscalator/Pas ger Conveyor erection and/ maintenance registered person, Date Date 410, Substitution of Form — AS. For Form- Aé to the said rules, the following shall be substtuted, namely “FORM-AG [See sub-rule (2) of rule 31 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA (Department of Electrical Inspectorate) Letter No To, Sir, ‘SUB: Permission for erection of ne. of make Lift or Escalator or passenger conveyor having No. of landings / stops of a Ret Under sub-section (3) of Section 3 of the Kamataka Lifts, Escalator and Passenger conveyors Act, 2012 (Kamataka Act No.9 of 2013), Permission is hereby granted to erect no. of......make Lit or Escalator or Passenger conveyor having no of mn eo SRreE ERS, om, DYLT H, 2008 2628 landings at the premises. owned vy. ‘subject tothe provisions of the Karnataka Lifts, Escalator and Passenger conveyors Act, 2012 (Karnataka Act 9 of 2013) andthe Karnataka Lifts, Escalator and Passenger conveyors Rules, 2015, ‘This permission is valid fora period of one year from the date on which is granted. ‘The Lit or Escalator or Passenger conveyor shall not be used untl a license is granted by the Chief Inspector of Lis, Escalators and Passenger conveyors for use of the Lit or Escalator or Passenger conveyor in accordance with section 4 of the Karnataka Lit, Escalator and Passenger conveyors Act, 2012, ‘ter completion of the Lit or Escalator or Passenger conveyor erection work following documents shall be fumished to to arrange for inspection ‘1. Wetk completion report in Form-B2 andlor 83 from the registered person to whom tha Ii o Escalator or passenger conveyor erection work is entrusted for having carried out the installation as per the Karnataka Lits, Escalators and Passenger conveyors Act, 2012 , Kamataka Lifts, Escalators and Passenger convayors Rules, 2015 and Bureau of Indian Standards. 12, Form-B1 from the Owner of the Lif or Escalator or passenger conveyor 13. An original treasury challan or receipt of Rs... for having remited inspection fee for livEscalatorpassenger conveyor as per subrule (2) (if rule 4 14. A copy of electrical safety certficates/approval ifthe building height exceeds 15 mts. 15. Erection permission fees of Rs paid vide Challan / Receipt No Dates. Signature Authorized officer J Inspector of Lits, Escalators and Passenger conveyors." 11, Substitution of Form ~ B2.- For Form 82 tothe said rules, the following shal be substituted namely “FORM -B2 [S00 clause () of sub-rule (2) of rule 4] Lift erection completion report of registered person authorized under section 6 To ‘The Inspector of Lis, Escalators and Passenger conveyors Sir, Subject: Work completion of Erection of Lif atthe Ref 1) Erection permission letter no, 1) OurContract No: dates ath Mis Liat The work of instalation of Lis at Mls. have been cartied out by meius having Registration No ‘and Electrical contractor license No ‘a8 per the provisions of the Kamataka Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyor Rules 2016 and Indian Electncty Rules, 1966 / Central Electricity Autnorty (Measures relating to safety and electric sunply) Regulations, 2010, Bureau of Indian Standards and! International Electro Technical Commission standards and / standards of International Organization for Standardization . The motors, controllers, governors and ropes have been tested and confim to IS and International Electro Technical Commission specifications and / standards of Inernational Organization for Standardization, We further cert thatthe Lvs installation is ready for inspection which is required to be made for the purpose of issuing license under the Karnataka Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors Act, 2012 for operating the same. The following are the detalsspecifications of Lit. Part SIN, Description inet Lite calif 1_| Na of floors ofthe bullaing 2 _| Type and Make of It erected (1e., Passenger. Hospital Goods cum Passenger ete) 3_| No.of stops Fit lanaings Type of doors; | (@) Gar 4 Lancing 2080 SRFEE ERS, OAT, ayo B, 2008 war vo | Theraled maximum apeod ofthe Mt car in melileecond @_[ The makers or designers rated capaciy n waght Ka) 7 | Detals of emergency stop eviteh Noor leveling ewitch floor selectors and ear dcr swteh @_| Litear dmension a mm © | Dimensions of Lit wall im mm, and detais of it well enclosures. 10 _| The maximum Number of passengers in addon tothe it operator woh the it can cay. TT |The telat weight of the Garage earning he ‘maximum fad in kilo grams “2_| The woight ofthe counter weight io grams) 73] The numberof supporting Ropestcabies and Size 3a 74 | Type avoping (ie 11,2 Tee) 5 | Batom dearance (@ caw ©) Counter went 76 | Top clearance (@) car (2) Counter weight 7 | Detale of the constructed overhead arrangement with the woight and sizes of the beams 78 | Tatl aver height in mm fom lowest landing floor evel top most landing flor level 78 _| Number and Type of ea bulfers with name pat dtais 20_| Number and type of counter weight butlers 2i_| Method of Control 2_| Dive Type of operation wah is deviens 23_| Details of overspeed governor 24 _| Whether emergency lah and phone provided or nat 25_ | Whether Alarm ball provided oc nat 26 _| Litholst motor make 27_| Gapacy of motorin KWTAP 28 _| Speed of matorinrpm 28_| Serial number of hoist motor 30 | Type and Mate of controler wih SL Na. 31 | Overload device provided or not 32_| Afomatie Rescue Device (ARO) provided or not 38 _[ Ary cher information Parez DETAILS OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION WORK ‘Name plate details of each and individual equipments (make, ‘Specifeation, Serial number) separate sheet shall be enclosed for utile instalation 2 | Datals of wiring 7 cabling size, numbers of run, length ( UG cable, HT /-LT main cable, distribution, sub aistibution and load side cables ) mn eo SRreE ERE, om, DYLT B, 2008 2680 3 | Datais of Earthing schedule (size of earth leads) 4 | Details of Insulation test results (Equipment / Crcut wise), date of Test (2) Between phases (©) Between each phase and earth | Details of Earth test results (Equipment / Earth electrode wise), date of test and measured earthing resistance of installation 6 | Remarke [certify that the above instalation work is carried out under my direct supervision by the qualified wiremen under the Kamataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of cericates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012, ‘andthe installation has been tested withthe above test resus are furshed for your kind perusal and inspection. Name of Electrical Supervisor = PemitNo=s Valid upto = LUcense Number and Clas Vali Upto = Date Signature slong with seal ofthe Authorised Signatory of the Registered person. Enclosures- Copy of License, copy of Supervisor permit wth Endorsement” 12, Substitution of Form -B3.- For Form B3 tothe said rules, the fllowing shall be substituted, namely “FORM 83 {Se0 clause (of sub ute (2) of rule 4] Escalatorassenger conveyor erection completion report of registered person authorized under section 6 To, The Inspector ofits, Esealalors and Passenger conveyors Sir, ‘Subject Completion of erection of Escalator/Passenger conveyor at the Ret: (1) Erection permission latter no. (2) Our Contract No dates wth 5 EscalatorPassenger conveyor at The work of instal tion of Escalators / Passenger conveyoris st Mis have been carried out by mefus having Registration No ‘and Electrical contractor license No 12s per the provisions ofthe Karnataka Lit, Escalator ‘and Passenger Conveyor Rules, 2015 and the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956, Central Flectcty Authority (Measures relating to safety and electric supply) Regulations 2010, Bureau of Indian Standards and! International Electro Technical Commission standards and / standards of International Organization for Standardizat The motors, controllers, governors and ropes have been tested and confim to Bureau of Indian Standards and Intemational Electro Technical Commission specications and / standards of Intemational Organization for Standaraization, We further cortty thal the Escalator/Passenger conveyor installation is ready for inspection whichis required to be made for the purpose of issuing license under {allowing are the detals'spectications of Escalator/Passenger conveyors, 1e Kammataka Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors Act, 2012 for operating the same, The ou. tebe cong, eS, ager M, 2008 irr 9a 71 | The number, description, weight and size DETAILS OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION WORK ‘Name plate details of each and individual equipments (make, Speciation, Sevial number) separate sheet shall be ‘enclosed for Multiple instalation Dalals of wiring / cabling size, numbers of run, length (UG cable, HT / LT main cable, dstibution, sub distribution and load side cables ) Daas of Earthing schedule (size of earth lead) Datais of Insulation test results (Equipment J Circuit wise), date of Test (a) Between phases (b) Between each phase and earth mn eo SRreE ERE, om, DYLT B, 2008 250% © | Detais of Earth teat results (Equipment / Earth electrode wise), date of test and measured earthing resistance of instalation 6 | Remane [ cefify that the above installation work i carried oul under my direct supenvsion by the qualified wiremen under the Karnataka (Ccensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and witemen) Rules 2012 and the Installation has been tested with the above test results ave furnished for your kind perusal and inspection Name of Electrical Supervisor = Pema No=S Valid upto = License Number and Clas Valid Upto = Date Signature along with seal of the Authorssed Signatory of the Registered person. Enclosures:- Copy of License, copy of Supervisor permit with Endorsement” 42, Substitution of Form - B4.- For Form 84 othe said rues, the following shall be substtuted, namely- “FORM— Bs [See sub-rule (3) of Rule 4] To, ‘The Chief Inepector Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors Bengaluru Si, ‘Sub Recommendation for issue of leense to run the its or Escalator or passenger conveyor installed at. Ret With reference to the above the instalation of ___ no. of Lits or Escalator or Passenger conveyor was inspected on and found that it isin conformity with Kamataka Lit, Escalator and Passenger conveyor Act, 2012 (Kamataka Act 9 of 2013), and rules made there under and also with the Indian Electrcty Rules, 1956 /Central Electrcty Authorty (Measures relating to safety and Electric supply) Regulations 2010. Hence, | hereby recommend the said installation for issue of Icense to run the same with the folowing detas, namely:- 1._| Fullname and address ofthe applicant with email ID and Contact No ‘Address of LiscalatorPassenger conveyor intalation 2 '3._| Reference of erection permission of LivEscalatorPassenger conveyor _| Inspection fee pad details 5._| Date of Inspection Type (passenger/servcelgoodsihysraulcinosptal if) and number of 6, _| LitsrEscalatersPassenger conveyors Make of LivescalatorPassenger conveyor and Registration detaly of registered person. Bengaluru Electricty Supply Company (BESCOM) Sub-division DEL Area where the IMvEscalatoripassenger conveyor i installed. 8, _| Number of loos ofthe bulding 70. | Number of Landings ‘Whether approval forthe mulistoried bulding has been obtained? I so copy ofthe "1 | approval has been enclosed or not? R.R No. to be mentioned Test results 1. ()_Earhtest [ewer 2use SRFEE ERS, OAT, ayo B, 2008 irr 9a 13. | Whether ELCB provides? (mm) The maximum Number of passengers and their weight in kg in addition to the lit operator which the Itt can carry’ maximum Number of passengers per hour which the Escalator or passenger conveyor can cary. {)_The rated speed of the Lit car Escalator/Passenger conveyor “ (0) Angle of inclination of Escalatorpassenger conveyor (©) Details ofthe hoisting mator / driving motor (@)_ Vertical Rise ofthe Escalatoripassenger conveyor (Width ofthe Escalatoripassenger conveyor Type of doors 15, () litear (landing door 18. | Whether alarm cuit in Lit ear is effectively functioning or nat? 17, | Whetner bottom and upper mit switches have been provided inthe Lift shaft or not? 18, | Whether switch with plug has been provided on the top ofthe lit car Nature (Government, Private, Commercial, residential, commercial cum residential, 19, | industrial, etc.) of the building in which the lftEscalatorpassenger conveyor is instated ‘Whether the building is Mulistoried building? if yes, whether itis 9, HTMSB less than 24 mrs 20. | 10, HT-MSB more than 24 mits 11. LT MSB less than 24 murs 12, LT MSB more than 24 mis 21._ | Whetner the Governar is working properly or not 22. | Whetner overload device is provided for the Lift or not 23, | Whetner ARO provided forthe Lift or not ‘Whether Machine Room Or 24, Machine room lessigearless fits General notes on Inspections and Tests, 13, From the it pit 14. From inside ofthe It car | 25. [45. From top ofthe it ear 16, From the machine room 17, From each and every landing ofthe lft 18, Others, te 26, | Remarks (detailed remarks if any use separate shea!) Date: Signature ofthe Inspector ofits, Escalator and passenger conveyors 14, Substitution of Form ~C2.- For Form-C2 to the said rules, the fellowing shall be substituted, namely- mn eo SRreE ERE, om, DYLT B, 2008 260% “FORM C2 [See sub-rule (1) of rule 8] ‘Test Report of Lift Installation To ‘The Inspector of Life, Escalators ang Passenger conveyors, Sir, ‘Sub; Test report of it instalation, rope ete reg [As required by sub-rule (1) rule § ofthe Kamataka Lis, Escalators and passenger conveyors Rules, 2015, we here by certly thatthe Lifts installs at. and owned by Isfare under my/our maintenance, We have conducted the following checks/examinationtests and the results are here under. ‘SNe, Particulars Details of tests performed and results 1 | Distinguishing number or mark | Type of it (any) and description sufficient {dently the tng machine, chains. ope or the ing tackel_ | Seta N® Make: 2 | Date and numberof the (a) Annual Tests certificate relating anytest | 94) putertests and examination made; (a) Electric traction its (22) Governor and safety (23) Test of slack rope device or winding drum machine (24) Test of normal terminal stopping device (25) Test of final terminal stopping device (26) Standby power operation (27) Power door operation closing force and speed (28) Broken rope, tape ar chain switch (25) Electrical protective devices test (80) Ascending ear and unintended motion device test (6) Five year tests.- (1) Governor test (over speed switch seting and Governor trip setting) (2) Types A’, "Band “C" safeties (@) power test (@ Test of butter (6) Brake for passenger elevators and freight elevators authorzed to cary passengers (6) Test of emergency terminal stopping device (speed timing device) (0) Test of leveling speed and leveling zone Inner landing zone test (static controls) 1B) Hydraulic Elevator tests (@) Annual Tests (31) Working pressure and Relief valve (22) Pressure test of Flexible hose and fiting (63) Hydraule cylinder leak test (@4) Terminal speed reducing (95) Standby power operation (25) Power operation of doors {@7) Normal terminal stopping device ook SRFEE ERS, OAT, ayo B, 2008 war vo 3) (38) Supply tne and valve Low oil and RPR protection (40) Stack rope device (41) Emergency operation FFS (42) Pressure switch (43) Butters (44) Car safety (45) Governor (0 Five year tests (9) Carbutfer (6) Plunger gripoer Over speed valve (seismic valve) 3 Date of periodical examination made 4 Pariculars of any defects affecting the safe working load found at such through examination of ater annealing and of the steps taken to remedy such defect, We cerity hat on ‘we have thoroughly examined the ive and that above a correct report ofthe resul Further the installation of the aforesaid Lis satisfies the entre requiement as laid down under the Karnataka Lifts, Escalators and passenger conveyors Act, 2012, and rules made there under. we maintain log book as required under rule 9(5) of Karnataka Lis, Escalators and passenger conveyors Rules, 2015. Dae: Signature of the registered person Registration No and validity” 16, Substitution of Form=D1.- For Form D1 tothe said rules the folowing shall be substituted, namely: “FORM -D1 {S00 sub-rule (1 of ule 6] Application for registration of manufacturer or maker or other Person who intends to either erect or install and or carryout ‘maintenance of Lifts or Escalators or Passenger conveyors, To, The Chief inspector of Lit, Escalators and Passenger conveyors Bengatuu 7. Name of the applicant Legal staus (whether individual frm or company) (Registration number 2. | andnames of parners or crectors to be given in case of frm oF company, asthe case may be) roo forindependent office (commercial) located within the state 5 (Details about possession to be enclosed) ~_ | WhetierCentcate of Regisiraion wes obiainedin the pask. Iso give umber and date of ceaeate of Registration Fimicompany Profle along wih parieulars relating to ereclon or g, | maintenance of iMsrEscalatosipassenger conveyors. (Details of ia/Escalatersipassenger conveyors. erected or maintained to. be furisned) Manufacturing acivies ofthe fmveompany (Detals abe given). Wet | outsourcing vendors Ist tbe funshed for ach and every livEscalatoipassenger conveyor auxiliary component or equipments and their recommendations fr supply of ISI standard materials mn eo SFE EY, aed, |YeF Hf, 2008 2use ‘Whether employed have the fllowing Qualification, namely (@) BE Diploma holde in Electrical englneerng 7 (©) B.E/Diploma holserin Mechanical Engineering; and (©) Mltechnietans one each in Electrician, Fiter and Electronic mechaniciinstrumentation trade List of entre staff employed along with ther Qualification and Designation 8, | cetals with experience certicates and cetiied copy of testimonials (tobe enclosed separately) The Electrical Contractor License issued inthe name of femicompany with number and validity 8. (sttested copy to be enclosed) Deals of (Electrical Supervisors 10 i) Etoctncal Wiemen Endorsed to your Electrical contractor license (attested copes to be enclosed) Bank Guarantee certificate is enclosed or nat? (1) Name of the Bank: (2). Bank Guarantee certificate No, @)_ Date: (GST Registration ceriicate enclosed or not? 12. | (attested copy tobe enclosed) Details of erecting esting instruments As por Annexure-2 14, | Details of safety gadgetstools as per Annexure-3 ‘Address of logistic centre iwarkshop and the Ist of machineries and equipments /materials maintaines 16, | Details of facies of vehicles available 77._| Details of Group Insurance policy (proof to be enclosed) 18._| Proo! for having land telephone connection wth Contact Number 19._| Product catalogue ofthe fimicompany Regisiaion fee paid detals| 20 (an original Treasury Challan or receipt tobe enclosed) 21. | Remarks Uwe hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct to the best of my/our knowledge, \We will abide by all the Rules and Conditions for issue of Registration falling which our registration may be cancelled. Date Signature: Place: Name Designation Note: Any person who makes, procures to be made or assist in making any false statement forthe purpose of obtaining for himself or any other person a certificate of registration for erection and maintenance of ItsEscalators shall render himself liable to prosecution If acétional space is require for completing any items, addtional sheet may be attached to this form." 16, Substitution for Form=D2.- For Form D2 to the sald rules the folowing shall be substituted, namely- suse SRFEE ERS, OAT, ayo B, 2008 war vo “FORM D2 [See sub-rule (5) of rule 6] FORMAT OF REGISTRATION GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA REGISTRATION OF MANUFACTURER OR MAKER OR OTHER PERSON FOR INSTALLATION ANDIMAINTENANCE OF LIFTSIESCALATORS/PASSENGER CONVEYOR CHIEF INSPECTOR OF LIFTS, ESCALATORS AND PASSENGER CONVEYORS, CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR TO GOVT., DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTORATE BENGALURU, Registration No, Photo of the Authorised signatory of the firmicompanylindividual ‘Specimen signature ofthe Authorised signatory ofthe firm/company/individual Government of Kamataka Registration No Date of issue Valid up to Name and Adress of firm Rs paid vide Challan / Receipt No. Dated In exercise of power conferted under section 6 of the Karnataka Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors Act, 2012 (Kamataka Act & of 2013) Mis islare hereby authorized to carry out, Lits/Escalators/Passenger conveyors Instalation/eection andlor maintenance workin the Stale of Karnataka subject tothe conditions mentioned herein. (CHIEF INSPECTOR OF LIFTS, ESCALATORS. AND PASSENGER CONVEYORS, CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR TO GOVT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTORATE BENGALURU. The iY 20 Details of Mechanical Engineer Details of 1 | Name of Mechanical Signature of of Meche Educational snatre of | pate of Resignation | Signature ofthe officer Nev Eno Qualification the oft 7 2 3 ‘ 5 6 Deals of Electrical Engineer st Name ofthe | Details of Educational | Signature of the Date of No. | Electrical Engineor Qualification offleer Resignation _ | Signature of he officer 7 2 3 4 3 é mn eo SFE EY, aed, |YeF Hf, 2008 205r Details of erection or maintenance technician team Details of, Name of the Tt oF st Signature of the Signature of the Educational other equivalent Date of Resignation No. officer officer Qualification holders 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Electrician 2 Fier 3 | Electronie-Mechanie! equivalent Details of Renewals Registration renewed Renewal fee Paid details Initials of Chief inspector of Lits, SLNo Escalators and Passenger From to ‘Amount | Challan/Receipt | Date conveyors 7 2 3 4 3 6 7 CHIEF INSPECTOR OF LIFTS, ESCALATORS AND PASSENGER CONVEYORS, CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR TO GOVERNMENT SHAL DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTORATE BENGALURU. CONDITIONS (2) This Registration shall be got renewed and shall produce on demand by the Inspector of Lis, Escalators and passenger ‘conveyors or any officer authorized by the Government for inspection of Lifts, Escalators and passenger conveyors or to any authortes of the sunplir having jurisdiction over the area where the Lift installation works being carted out. 2) This Registration is valid for carying out the erection andi maintenance of Lits/Escalators/Passenger conveyors installation. (3) The holder ofthis Registration shall send intimation to the Chet Inspector of Lits, Escalators and Passenger conveyors in Writing within seven days as to very change of () Address ofthe place of business (i) Authorized signatory (in case ofa limited Company and partnershipindvidual fr). (i) Authorized Engineer Technician (iM) Dissolution of partnership etc 1) Every work of erection or maintenance of a lit or Escalator or passenger conveyor undertaken by the holder ofthis registration shall be evidenced by a writen agceement as set out in Form-€1 with the person concemed and holder thereof shall be responsible forthe proper erection or maintenance ofthe its, Escalators and passenger conveyors and its installation for which the agreement has been mace, (s)teshi be the responsibilty ofthe registered person to ensure that all materials, ftings, appliances, equipments etc used in the IMs/Escalaors/passenger conveyors which he undertakes to erect shall conform tothe relevant specications as laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standards, wherever they exist In case, where such standards do not exist it shall be of acceptable working standards tothe satisfaction of the Chie! Inspector of Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors. (6) The registered person before commencement of the work of erection, acition to or aeration to lift or Escalator or passenger ‘conveyor, intimation in form -£2 shall be given to the specified Inspector of Lis, Escalators and passenger conveyors 28F0 Smrns TEs, moe, AALT HF, 2008 wr va o o o ) ay 2) «a ay as a9) ‘The holder ofthis Registration shall afford all faites to the Inspector of Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors and any ofier ‘authorized by the Government for inspection of LifsEscalators/Passenger conveyors to inspect work under execution during working hours. ‘The holder ofthis registration shall maintain, () register of supervising Engineers, technicians and apprentice working with him in Form-E4 (ian attendance register in Form-£5 of technical personnel and ther workers employed by him for erection ana maintenance and register shall be produced for inspection on demand by Chief Inspector of Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors or any authatzed officer (i) work allocation register in Form-E6; (iv) materials issue register in Form-£7; (0) a register in Form E8 of Lis Escalators! passenger conveyors for which erection permission is obtained. At the beginning of every financial year, on or before 30th Apri, extract of the preceding year shall be submitted to the Chief Inepectar of Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors; (0) a register in Form-£9 of LitsfEscalators! passenger conveyors commissioned, At the beginning of every financ'al year, on of before 30th Apri, extract ofthe precesing year shall be submitted to the Chief Inspector of Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors: and (ui) register in Form-£10 of LitsEscalators! passenger conveyors maintained. At the beginning of every financial year, on of before 30th Apri, extract ofthe preceding year shall be submitted to the Chief Inspector of Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyor. ‘The periodic checks, tests and examination made to every its/Escalators/passenger conveyor shall be recorded ina register to bbe maintained in Form-H1 forthe purpose of vistsinspection by the holder of ths registration and every such report shall be duly signed by the person making the inspection and tests. (The report shall contain sufficient details so as to give a clear indication of the condition of the important component parts ofthe IfvEscalator/passenger conveyor instalation and of their fitness for safe working of the lMvEscalatorpassenger conveyor. (OW as a result of inspection tests, any defect or breach of rules as may affect the safe working of Iftscalatoripassenger conveyor is found inthe HUEScalator/passenger conveyor installation, the owner or his ‘agent thereof shall be ilimated forthwith about the same by the holder of ths registration and a copy of such intimation shal also be forwarded to the Chief Inspector of Lifts, Escalators and passenger conveyors and Inspector of Litts, Escalators and passenger conveyors of concerned jurisdiction. ‘The Registration holder shall at alltimes ensure safety tothe pubic ‘Atleast three persons of the owner af the Ifs/Escalators/passenger conveyors, who ordinal are the occupants or residents of the premises in which the ivEscalator/passenger conveyor i installed, shall be trained by the holler ofthis registration in respect cf the rescue operation incase of power failure. ‘The Registration hokler shall be bound to comply withthe provisions ofthe Electricity Act, 2003 (Central Act 38 of 2003) and any rulesiregulations made there under, The Karnataka Lifts, Escalators and Passenger Conveyor Act, 2012 and rules made there Under and relevant Bureau of Indian Standard or international Electra Technical Counc! specification of standards of International (Organization for Standardization Every registered person shall conduct at least two awareness programme in an academic year to educate Children and aduts about the risks involved, proper and safe usage of LifvEscalatoripassenger conveyor. These awareness programmes shall be conducted in schools, residential housing complexes, apariments, malls and commercial and office complexes and may also telecast TV programmes to educate children safety measures while boarding an elevator or Escalator or passenger conveyor. ‘The holder ofthis Registration shall always keep and maintain the instruments detailed in Annexure 1 ‘The holder of this registration shall not make any contract for the maintenance of any its/Escalators/passenger conveyors which is. net having the working license The occurrence of any fatal or non fatal accident Lo any of the employee of the holler of this registration during erection or ‘maintenance shall be reported in wring to the Inspector of Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors within twenty four hours of the occurrence of such accident” 17. Substitution of Form-D3.- For Form D3 tothe sad rules the following shall be substiited, namely mn eo SFE EY, aed, |YeF Hf, 2008 20F0 “FORM —D3 [See sub-rule (1) of ule 7) ‘Application for renewal of registration of manufacturer or maker or other Person who intends to either erect or install andlor ‘carryout maintenance of Lifts or Escalators or Passenger conveyors. To, ‘The Chief Inspector of Lit, Escalators and Passenger conveyors, Bengaluru 1. | Name of the applicant egal talus (whether indwidual fim of company) (Regialration number 2. | and names of partners ordrectors tobe given in case of frm or company, asthe case may be) Proaf for independent office (commercial) located within the state (Details about possession to be enclosed) (Whether Getificate of Registration was sued inthe past inthe same, If 0, give number and date of cetifoate of Registration imnlcorpany Profle along with pariculare relating fo eresion or maintenance of itsfEscalatorsipassenger conveyors, (Detals of lisiEscalatorsipassenger conveyors erected o* maintained to be furished) Mancfactuing activites ofthe femcompany (Deals tobe given). W nat ‘outsourcing vendors lt to be furnished fer each and every lvescalateripassenger conveyor auxilary component ar equaments and their recommendations for supply of SI standard material, ‘Whether employed have te fllowing qualfcations:= (2) BE (Diploma holder in Electrical engineering 7. | (@) BEldiploma holder in Mechanical Engineering; and (6) MHtechricians in Electrician, Fitter and Electric ‘mechanilintrumentation trade, List of entire siaff employed along wih hor Qualification and 8. | Designation details with experience cetficates and certified copy of testimonials (tobe enclosed separately) The Electrical Contractor License number wih vai, 9.__| (attested copy to bo enclosed) Datals of (Electrical Supervisors 10. | (i Etecrical Wiremen sdorsed to Electrical canractor conse (attested copies to be enclosed) 71._| Whether Bank Guarantee cotfieate = enclosed? 12._| Whether address proof is enclosed? Whether GST Registraion certiieate, enclosed? (alented copies to be enclosed) 74, | Details of erecting, testing ntuments 15._| Details of safety gadgetstools 18. | Detals of logistic centre W7._| Detals of fa ities of vehicles 18,__ | Details of Group Insurance poly (prod! tobe enclosed) 18__[ Proof for having land telephone connection with Contact Number 20__ | Product catalogue of he fmveompany Registration fee paid details {an original Treasury Challan or receipt tobe enclosed) 2_[ Remarks \iwe hereby declare that the parliculara given above are correct to the beat of mylour Knowledge, We will abide by all the Rules and Conditions for renewal and issue of Registration failing which our registration may be cancelled. 24 Date Signature Place: Name Designation. 41, Substitution of FORM-—E1.- For Form E1 to the said rule, the follawing shall be substituted, namely- 20F2 Smrns TEs, moe, AALT HF, 2008 wr va “FORM —E1 [See sub-rule (1) of rule 8} AGREEMENT [Note: This agreement isto be executed between awmer and the registered person.) AGREEMENT. (IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULE AND CONDITIONS FOR GRANT OF REGISTRATION ) ‘An agreement made on this, day ofthe month ofthe year between Ms! Shed Smt herein after called as the prospective owner of the one part and Mis. ‘Shr Smt hereinater called the Registered person ofthe part WHEREAS at the request of the prospective owner, the Registered person has agreed for the installation of fit (sEscalator (6) / passenger conveyor (s) at door No. Street ‘Town or Vilage. ‘Subject to the folowing condltions and also to ‘complete and handover the same to the owner along withthe test and completion reper! in satisfactory good working condition and in ‘accordance withthe relevant rules in force on o before day. ofthe month) the year NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESS AS FOLLOWS, (1) Inths agreement unless the context otherwise required rules mean the following rules as amended fom the time to time, () ) Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 (National building code, 2005 (i The Kamataka Lis, Escalators and passenger conveyor Rules, 2015 (©) °31.S’ means Bureau of Indian Standards (6) international Electro Technical commission (IEC) standards of International Organization for Standardization. (Supply Authority means any Licensee who has undertaken to supply energy inthe areas. (2) A copy of the estimate with specications ofthe materials tobe used and agreed rates and the probable total cost ofthe work shall accompany this agreement duly signed by the prospective owner and the registered person, (6) The registered person shall not petition for the revision of rate mentioned inthe estimate (Under item 2) under any croumst under any stage of work during the period of contract unless mutually agreed upon by the owner and registered person in writing (4) The registered person shall adopt any addon or aeration atthe request in writing ofthe owner atleast three days in advance to such aeration oF addition. Rates for such alteration addltion, if not covered inthe estimate shal be mutually agreed upon in writing. (6) All amounts received towards the works by the registered person shall be acknowledged on receint only. Such receipt shall be preserved by the owner. Copies of such receipts shall be preserved by regstered person, (6) The registered person may extend the period of contract for the completion of the work with the consent of the owner in writing stating clearly the period of extansion agreed under intimation tothe Inspector of Lifts, Escalators or Passenger conveyor or authorized officer (7) Ifthe delay is caused due to unsatisfactory progress of civ work such delay caused shal be immediately intimated by the registered person tothe owner andthe Inspector of Lifts, Escalators or Passenger conveyor or authorized officer in writing and futher extension of period for completing the instalation work wil be decided upon, in consultation with the registered person (6) The registered person's shall get the work done only through authorized technicians, under direct supervision of authorized engineers under his employ. (©) The registered person shall use materals confiming to the BIS standard or other equivalent standard and execute the works as per rules. (10) The registered person shall stand guarantee for a minimum period of one year from the date of hand over for any defect in the installation whieh may appear due to bad workmanship during execution and replace any defective materials and recy the defects of ‘bad workmanship free of cost during the guarantee perio. (11) (8) The owners shall enter into an agreement withthe supply authorty and pay all the required depasits towards the service mains, supervision charges monthly minimum, et. to the supply authori without undue delay to facltate the registered person to get the installation tested, (©) The registered person shall not be responsibe forthe delay in servicing the installation, provided thal the completion report has ‘been handed over tothe owner in advance before the expiry date ofthe agreement period (12) In case of a diference or dispute between the registered person and owner during execution of work regarding the quay of ‘materials or workmanship, the same shall be referred to the Chief Inspector of Lifts, Escalators and Passenger conveyors, by ether party giving seven days clearnalce of his intention to do so othe other party. mn eo SRreE ERE, om, DYLT B, 2008 266% (13) The Chief Inspector of Lis, Escalators and Passenger conveyors’ decision regarding dispute in qually ofthe material used ‘and workmanship shal be final, ‘Signed and sealed by the said partes ofthe month of year. Signature ofthe Owner Signature ofthe registered person wth seal ofthe frm, Registration No and Valiity In presence of winesses, 0 a 419, Subetitution of Form = E3.- For Form-E3 tothe sald rules, the fllowing shall be subettuted, namely: "FORM ES [S00 sub-rule (3) of rule 8] Details of bill board to be displayed at the entrance of the lifs/Escalator(s)ipassenger conveyor(s) installation by the registered person ‘The instaltatonlerection, addtion/ateration works ofthe Ii(sEscalator(s)passenger conveyor(s) owned by Mis Is/are undertaken by the fllowing registered person. (1) Name and address of registered person with the fm name:- (2) Registration Number with vat: 20, Substitution of ANNEXURE-4,- For Annexure-4 tothe said rules, the fllwing shall be substituted, namely: “ANNEXURE -4 Fees to be remitted for different purposes under these rules SLNo. Particulars Fees A Rule 3 sub rule (1) (V) fee for Erection permission 1. | Fee for erection permission (per ifvEscalator! Passenger conveyor) of LiftEscalalorPassenger conveyor | 1000/- (travelatorialk ways) B | Rute 4 sub rute (2) (i) ~foe for grant of license (for Initial Inspection) to use lft or Escalator or passenger conveyor and Rule § sub rule (1) ~Fee for late submission of application for renewal of license of Lift or Escalator or Passenger conveyor 1 | Fee for grant of teense intial inspection) or Renewal af Icense (per ‘2500. lWvEscalator! Passenger conveyor) of LifvEscalatorPassenger conveyor (ravelatoriwalk ways) 2 | Additional Fee for late submission of applcaton for renewal of license to use a Lit or Escalator or Passenger | 5001- ‘conveyor for every delayed month or pat thereof (per i/Escalator/ Passenger conveyor) ‘subject to @ maximum of Rs,2500)- in addition tothe fee prescribed at tem 1 above for renewal © | Rute 6 sub ruto (1) - feo for Registration (For one year) of maker or manufacturer or other person and Rule 11 sub rule (2) fee for re-grant of Registration based on lapsed Registration + | Fee for Registration or Re-grant of Registration based on lapsed Registration for erection and maintenance of | 15000/- LitefEscalator Passenger conveyor 2 | Fee for Registration or Re-grant of Registvalion based on lapsed Registration for maintenance of | 100001- LitsEscalator Passenger conveyor D__| Rule 7 sub rule (1) - fee for Renewal of Registration (FOR THREE YEARS) 1_| Fee for renewal af registration for erection and maintenance of Lits/EscalatouPassenger conveyor 30000) 2 _| Fee for renewal of registation for maintenance of Lits/EscalatorPassenger conveyor +5000 20Fe Smrns TEs, moe, AALT HF, 2008 wr va E _| Rule 7 sub rule (1) -penal fe for late submission (for renewal of Registration) + | Penal fee folate submission (or renewal of Registration) for itsscalatorPassengercorveyor erection and | 5000 2 | Penal fee for late submission (for renewal of Registration) for maintenance of Lits/EscalatovPassenger | 5000!- conveyor F _| Rule 11 sub rule (1) - For duplicate copy of Registration 1__| Fee fordupicate copy of registration for erection and maintenance of LitsEscalatorPassenger conveyor | 1000/- 2 _| Fee for duplicate copy of registration for maintenance of LitsfEscalator Passenger conveyor +000. G_| Rule 15 sub rule (1)- fee for addltions/alteations to Lifts/Escslatoripassenger conveyor 1_| Fee for additions or alterations to Lifs/EscalatorPassenger conveyortravelatoriwalk ways) 5000- H_| Rule 47 sub rule (2} Fee for periodical inspection of 1 _[ tits peri) (| Forms Buldings above 24 mis height 25001. (| For MS Bulaings upto 2¢ mis height 000. 2__ | Escalator/Passenger conveyor (ravelatoriwak ways) _ (pet Escalator Passenger conveyer) 25001. |_| Rule 18 sub rule (1) Fee for transfer of license of - 1_| Lits/ Escalators’ Passenger conveyor (per livEscalator Passenger conveyor) 2001. | Rute 18 sub rule (2}- Fee for Duplicate copy of license of 1 _| Lite Escalators’ Passenger conveyor (per MUEScalalod! Passenger conveyor) 200. K__ | Rute 20-foe for appeats:- 1, | Dispute between owner or agent of It or Escalator or passenger conveyor and the registered person with | 20001- regards to qualty of work and or material used 2_| Anorder of any authorized ofcer or Inspector of Lifts, Escalators & Passenger conveyors 1000). 3_| The order made by Chi Inspector of Lits, Escalators & Passenger conveyors under sub-section (1) or sub- | 2000 section 2) of section 17 or regarting registration under section 6, L_| Miscottanoous 1._| Forchange of signatory or patnersirectors ofthe frmicompanyfactry of registered person 10001 2 _| Forchange of address of registered person 00. 3._| Forchange of authorized engineertechnian (per person) 00 4__| Forall applications under sino. A.B, and G above 251. 5_| Forallapptcations under sino. © and above 00%. 8 _| tssue of eismantng approval (per kivEscalator! Passenger conveyor) 500! PR 407 By Order and in the name ofthe Governor of Kamataka, sc-50 BW.Srinivasaiah Commit Under Secretary to Government, Energy Department LABOUR SECRETARIAT NOTIFICATION NO : LD 02 LET 2018, BENGALURU, DATED : 19-02-2018. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 82 ofthe Building and Other Construction Weorkers' (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 (Central Act No. 27 of 1996), the Government of Karnataka, after consultation wit the Expert Employment and Conditions of Service) (Kamataka) Rules, 2008, namely: hereby makes the follwing Rules further to amend the Bulding and Other Construction Workers’ (Regulation of

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