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EPC Contracting & General Trading



1- Introduction & Information

2- Project summary
3- Hazards & safety control
4- Civil work procedure
5- Special cases
6- Inspection test plan
7- Method of statement
8- Cost analysis
9- challenges

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EPC Contracting & General Trading

 Name of Project: Basrah Water Supply Improvement Project – Construction and
Transmission Pipelines (Al Hartha) / pipeline to transfer drinking water from the
station to the city center
 Pipe diameters: between 200-1600 mm
 Pipe line Length: 38 KM
 Duration: 2 years

Drawing File Content Summary

The trench of water pipe line was divided to many parts (A to G) and each part was divided
to areas and provided with profile section drawings.
The average depth of the trench excavation is (2.8 - 3.2) m plus we have till 7 m like sec (8 of
15) BC + sec (14 of 15) BC + because of constructions, existing pips and bridge sec (12 of 15)

Hazard and Safety Control Procedure

One of the biggest hazards related to trenching and excavation work is the risk of an
unstable trench or excavation can collapse, killing or injuring workers by suffocation or
crushing when a worker is buried by falling soil. Trench stability is affected by a number of
factors such as:

 Improper use or installation of support system or trench box

 Soil type and moisture content
 Weather
 Vibration
 Depth of the trench
 Length of time the trench is left open
 Surcharge (excessive weight near the trench)
 Adjacent buildings and structures
 Existing foundations, and previous excavations or soil disturbances.

Risk assessment:

 Falls into excavation or trench

 Slips, trips, and falls while accessing, egressing, or working in the excavation or trench
 Insufficient personal protective equipment
 Contact with overhead electrical conductors and underground utilities
 Materials handling and housekeeping

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EPC Contracting & General Trading

 Heavy equipment working near the excavation

 Traffic control on the site and on public roads
 Confined spaces and hazardous atmospheres
 Material, equipment, or vehicles falling onto workers in excavations or trenches
 Excavation or trench affecting stability of adjacent structures
 Storage of excavated material
 Flooding /water hazards.

Risks control

There are three basic methods of protecting workers against trench excavation

 Sloping

Sloping involves cutting back the trench wall at an angle inclined away from the excavation

 Shoring

Shoring requires installing aluminum hydraulic or other types of supports to prevent soil

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EPC Contracting & General Trading

 Trench boxes

Shielding protects workers by using trench boxes or other types of supports to prevent soil

Safety considerations of trenching works

- Ensure there is a safe way to enter and exit

- Keep the materials away from the edge of trench

- Look for standing water or other hazards

- Never enter the trench unless it has been properly inspected
- Do not enter an unprotected trench! Trenches 5 feet (1.5 meters) deep or greater
require a protective system unless the excavation is made entirely in stable rock
- trenches be inspected daily and as conditions change by a competent person(H.S.E & Civil
Fulltech Engineers) prior to worker entry to ensure elimination of excavation hazards
- control that the safe access and egress to all excavations, including ladders, steps,
ramps, or other safe means of exit for employees working in trench excavations 4
feet (1.22 meters) or deeper. These devices must be located within 25 feet (7.6
meters) of all workers
- Do not work under raised loads
- Inspect trenches following a rainstorm
- Know where underground utilities are located

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+964 750 445 00 06 Golan St., Front of Cihan Bank Web:
EPC Contracting & General Trading

Civil Work Procedure

 Preparing the site

 Survey the trench area
 Excavation
 Inspection
 Transporting, inspect, storage and handling the pips
 Layers back filing
 Inspection test
With considering the special conditions, development the solutions

Preparing the site work

Inform the people in the work site the starting time and start installation warning tip
and sings to isolate the area of excavation
Excavations must be isolated from public access by a substantial physical barrier. Barricades,
lighting and posting shall be installed as appropriate prior to the start of excavation operations.
All temporary excavations of this type shall be backfilled as soon as possible

Survey the limit of excavation

Survey area and mark out locations for Trenches by survey engineer

Prior to Excavation
1- Underground Installations Prior to starting any excavation work, all underground
utilities (pipes and cables) will be marked as clearly as possible in order to identify
potentially dangerous situations.

2- All surface encumbrances that are located so as to create a hazard to employees

shall be removed or supported, as necessary, to safe guard employees
Excavation: Excavate by machines to reach the final depth width and length using
Front loader
Dump Truck
Jack hammer truck
It is depend on the type of the soil and the section profile

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+964 750 445 00 06 Golan St., Front of Cihan Bank Web:
EPC Contracting & General Trading

Excavation inspection

The inspection in this stage should be by the supervisor or the QC of civil engineer with
the H.S.E to verify of the following:

 Recording initial ground level and check size of bottom.

 Disposal of unsuitable material for filling.
 Stacking suitable material for backfilling to avoid double handling.
 Dressing bottom and sides of pits as per drawing with respect to centerline.
 Necessary safety measures observed (the safety considerations in trenching works)

Piping work schedule

Transportation and handling

 From the lay-down area to the trench site, the pipes shall be transported through
trailers. Spreader bars may be used when multiple support locations are required
 Prior to unloading of pipes from trailers, all items shall be inspected for any Visual /
transportation damages.
 Single pipes must be unloaded and handled separately (one at a time). Use pliable
Straps, slings or ropes to lift single pipes.
 Care shall be taken to prevent pipes from rolling or falling from flatbed trailer and
this shall be attained by using proper supports, chocks.
 We propose to nest various diameter pipes during transportation.

Always lift nested bundles using at least two pliable ropes. Always keep nested Pipes
on site in the original transporting package only. Stacking of these pipes is not

+964 750 745 00 06 Add: Iraq, Kurdistan, Erbil Email:

+964 750 445 00 06 Golan St., Front of Cihan Bank Web:
EPC Contracting & General Trading

Storing & Stacking of Pipe

The pipe can be stacked easily, with small precautions.

The ground area should be relative flat & dry, free of rocks or any other potentially
damaging debris. Place flat timber supports as four meter spacing, to facilitate
placement & removal of lifting slings around the pipe & Stack the pipes on them.

Insure the stack will be stable for condition such as high wind, unloved storage area
or other horizontal loads. Maximum stack height is approximately three meters.
Stacking of pipes larger than 1400 mm diameter is not recommended.

Special conditions of standard trench

According to the attachment drawing we have a level of excavation at depth 3.5 m but
unfortunately we don’t know the type of the soil so we have to expected all the problems
that can face us and the increase of the costs in this conditions

- We have to know that through the trench the soil maybe rocky so we need to
provide the trench with softy bed (sand and gravel with compacted backfiing
- In other hand maybe the soil unstable in some place during the trench so we need
reinforcement concrete work or broken rock work and compaction.

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+964 750 445 00 06 Golan St., Front of Cihan Bank Web:
EPC Contracting & General Trading

 Pipe bedding material shall be sand or gravel in accordance to the requirements.

 The bedding shall be placed after the trench bottom is compacted to provide proper
 Minimum compaction of the bed shall be 90% Standard Proctor Density (70% of
maximum relative density for crushed rock, crushed stone or gravels).
 The bed must be over -excavated (manual digging is enough) at each coupling joint
location to ensure that the pipe will have a continuous support and does not rest on
the couplings. However, this area must be properly bedded and backfilled after the
joint assembly is completed.

Backfilling and compaction

The Following points regarding backfilling of pipe line trench is discussed:

 Backfilling consideration
 Backfilling sequence
 Compaction degree
 Selection of compaction equipment

Considerations for Backfilling of Trench

The pipes disposition and deterioration need to be prevented while backfilling is carried out.
This may be obtained by carefully selecting methods and machines for the task.

The determination of backfilling technique is dependent on trench width, properties of

excavated materials, degree of compaction and excavation approach.

Sequence of pipe line Trench Backfilling

Backfilling of pipe line trench is composed three main layers including embedment, final
backfill and the third layer is finish grade material.

It should be noted that each layer requires certain considerations that need to be
considered. These zones of water pipe line trench backfill are discussed in the following
Embedment Zone of Backfilling

It is the first layer and consists of hunching and initial backfill. Backfilling process starts from
the selection and placement of embedment materials. The lower backfill layer is extended
from the foundation up to 30cm above the pipe.

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+964 750 445 00 06 Golan St., Front of Cihan Bank Web:
EPC Contracting & General Trading

This zone should be placed by hand or suitable machines and properly compacted to avoid
dislocation and deterioration of installed pipes.

It is recommended to use granular material since the application of considerable

compaction efforts to gain specified density is not required.

In the case of high water table, it is required to decrease voids as minimum as possible to
prevent the movement of soils.

Intermediate Backfill Zone

The selection of intermediate backfill material is commonly influenced by the required

compaction degree. However, the use of excavated material is recommended

The degree of compaction is based on the location of the project for instance 95% modified
proctor compaction should be achieved in traffic area, 90% compaction needed in urban
areas and small compaction degree will be required in rural area.

Upper Backfill Material Zone

The depth and compaction degree of upper zone is controlled by the type of the required
finish grade, for instance, the area might be used for agriculture purposes or paved.

In the latter case, the elevation of the upper zone needs to be established properly to
support different pavement layers. In the former case, top soil layer with depth of 100mm
shall be provided.

The pipes might be subject to floatation before and during backfilling due to water
accumulation in the trench. So, necessary measures need to be considered to prevent such
detrimental situation.

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+964 750 445 00 06 Golan St., Front of Cihan Bank Web:
EPC Contracting & General Trading

Degree of Compaction for Trench Backfilling

The required degree of compaction for water pipe line trench backfill is associated with the
location of the project. For instance, high compaction degree shall be provided if the area is
designated to be paved, but if the region is not heavily populated and do not subjected to
heavy traffics less compaction would be satisfactory. Natural settlement of backfill material
may be adequate in certain conditions.

Selection of Compaction Equipment for Backfilling

In this part, the selection of the suitable compaction equipment based on the type of backfill
material and the availability of the required space is explored:

Compaction Equipment for Cohesive Materials

Generally, small particles and low internal friction are properties by which cohesive
materials are characterized. The strength of adhesive force between cohesive material
particles makes it difficult to reshape the particles and compact it adequately. So, the
application of equipment that imposes great impact is advised to overcome adhesive forces
and relocate particles and eventually obtain desired compaction.

For restricted areas, the utilization of, engine driven rammer and self-propelled rammer is
recommended to use whereas sheep foot roller can be considered for wide area and dozers
and loaders may be used if high compaction degree is not needed.

Engine Driven Rammer

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+964 750 445 00 06 Golan St., Front of Cihan Bank Web:
EPC Contracting & General Trading

Self-propelled rammer

Backfill material should be close to optimum moisture content and multiple lifts should be
used otherwise the compaction result would be poor and unacceptable

If the moisture content is excessively high, the backfill material should be dried to reach
compactible moisture content. Such moisture content may be realized by drying, mixing the
material with granular material and pulverizing

Compaction Equipment for Cohesion less Material

Cohesion less soil is characterized by low adhesion force and large internal friction. The
degree of non-cohesive soil compaction is improved though the decrease of surface friction
between particle rather than moisture content. Therefore, vibrator compaction is the most
suitable machine that can be used to compact cohesion less backfill material and provide
acceptable compaction degree.

It is specified to use vibratory roller if the trench is wide. Vibratory plate would provide
satisfactory compaction degree in narrow trench. Vibration impact of dozer or truck loader
is suitable to consider if high compaction degree is not required.

vibratory Roller

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EPC Contracting & General Trading

Compaction Equipment for Borrow Material

Borrow material is used when the excavated soil does not possess necessary requirements
to be used as a backfill material. So, in this case material with good property whether it is
cohesion less or cohesive may be decided to utilize.

Inspection test

After the final layer compaction we have to know if we reach the required degree of
compacting so we need to know the value of modify dry density this value able to change
according to the material of backfilling so before starting or during the backfilling activity we
have to send sample of this material for each layer to laboratory before one week at least to
specific the MDD value and the content of moisture to be ready for inspection compaction
test in the site for each layer by using the nuclear equipment.

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+964 750 445 00 06 Golan St., Front of Cihan Bank Web:
EPC Contracting & General Trading

Special cases and condition considerations:

According to the general layout of the project we note that the parts of the pipe line are
near or passes the Shat al Arab river so we have to face and avert the water table problems
in this lay out the didn’t refer to the depth of the water table if it above of the bottom of
trench or not. However we have to consider this issue because it is one of the most
important problems that can effect too much in the progress of the project as time schedule
and cost budgets.

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+964 750 445 00 06 Golan St., Front of Cihan Bank Web:
EPC Contracting & General Trading

There many way to face the water flowing through the soil during the job and it is depend

1. Location and site features

2. Type, size and the depth of excavation planned
3. Thickness and the type of stratification
4. Permeability of the foundation soul that is below the water table
5. Water table level of the area, where the dewatering to be performed
6. The potential damage a dewatering system is prone to The cost of installation and
the operation of the dewatering system

In general construction we face this issue by dewatering charge system

Construction dewatering is used on most construction sites due to accumulated water in

trenches and excavations or in places with an inadequate slope or high water table. In
construction projects, this water should be removed to keep working as scheduled or to
provide a safe workplace.

Normally, construction tends to use water pumps to dewater these areas, but if they are not
paying attention to the place where water is discharged, erosion and other problems may
occur. It is important to follow best management practices when water is being pumped to
lakes, wetlands, or directly to storm sewer inlets

Dewatering Methods

Construction dewatering from open excavation or trenches can be done by several

methods. However, the most simple of all is the gravity drain using drainage channels
carrying away water from the area to be worked to the discharge point.

Other feasible ways for dewatering are water pumping, siphoning, or using large
construction machinery buckets to scoop and dump water from the selected area. Earth
channels used for dewatering could also be protected with ditch linings, and additional
protection should be placed to reduce water velocities and minimize erosion. It is
recommended to build riprap revetment protection with geotextile to prevent additional
erosion at the discharge point.

Major factors that affect the choice of dewatering system are explained in detail:

 The Type of Excavation

 The Geological and the soil conditions
 Reliability Requirements
 The Depth to which the ground water is lowered
 Rate of Pumping

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EPC Contracting & General Trading

 The Intermittent Pumping

 Adjacent structures affected by ground water lowering
 Dewatering compared with other procedures

Other related factors include:

 The Interference of the dewatering system with the ongoing construction operations
 The space available to include the dewatering system
 The duration of dewatering
 Installation and the operation cost

Required Pumping Rate

The pumping rate that is required to undergo dewatering of an excavation ranges between
5 to 50,000 gallons per minute or higher. The selection of walls, piping system, and the
pumps are affected by the flow to the drainage system.

For deep well dewatering system, the pumps are available from sizes of 3 to14 inches that
have capacities ranging from 500 to 5000 gallons per minute. These have head value up to
500 feet

The pumps used in well point system have sizes ranging 6 to 12 in inches with capacities
ranging from 500 to 5000 gallons per minutes. This is dependent on the vacuum and the
discharge heads.

The jet educator pumps have pumping ability from 3 to 20 gallons per minute that lift up to
100 feet.

The rate of pumping is largely affected by the:

 The distance to the source of seepage

 The thickness of the aquifer
 The perviousness of the aquifer
 The amount of draw down or the pressure relief required

Intermittent Pumping Procedure

Having single or double shifts for dewatering per day brings the labor cost down. This
principle cannot be followed wherever the depth of dewatering is very large; the subsoil is
pervious and homogeneous. Under these situations, the pumping system can be operated
such that large drawdowns are taken during single or double shifts.

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EPC Contracting & General Trading

Effect of draw down procedures on Adjacent Structures and Wells

The foundation soils that is below the ground water table is loaded additionally when the
groundwater table of that area is lowered through dewatering system. Application of
additional load results in the consolidation of the soil. This consolidation results in
settlement of structures that are already constructed within the radius of influence.

More special condition, Encasement concrete of pipe, Nailing the soil, Challenges, Itp

Ms in (progress)

+964 750 745 00 06 Add: Iraq, Kurdistan, Erbil Email:

+964 750 445 00 06 Golan St., Front of Cihan Bank Web:
EPC Contracting & General Trading

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