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There is no denying that there have been several inventions throughout the history which have
changed the entire course of it. The mobile phone is clearly one of it, but it’s appearance has
proven to be a double-edged sword for the society.
Firstly, it looks like people have started to forget how to live their life. Nowadays, an
increasing number of teen are spending most of their spare time just by staring at their mobile
phones without having a specific reason. Moreover, when they have time to kill, they prefer to
text their friends rather than meet them. Recent studies have shown that the Earth’s population
is going to lose some of their abilities to socialize with each other due to the lack of
interaction. Furthermore, some of them may even forget how to express some of their feelings
and run themselves into the ground as well. However, if we manage to juggle social life and
surfing the internet, the mobile phone may be a very effective piece of your life.
Secondly, scientists have proven lately that the excessive use of phones could affect our
health in a negative way. Usually, they are made of copper which may harm the environment
if they are not recycled in an ecologically sound way. Moreover, the radiations that they emit
permanently are damaging our brain constantly. This is the reason we should only use them
for our needs, such as trying to track down a new location using the GPS.
As far as I’m concerned I belive that the mobile phone is far from being the worst invention
because with its appearance a lot of things have started to come in hand easier for everyone.

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