Presented by Malik Sameeullah: National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra

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Presented By

Malik Sameeullah

 Energy
 Conventional source of energy
 Energy and economics
 Commercial form of energy
 Global Energy Consumption
 Need to reform in energy sector
 Global Energy Crises
 Kyoto Protocol
 Energy Scenario in India
 Electricity Act 2003
 Energy Conservation Act 2001
 Future energy resource

 Renewable energy and sustainable development
 Renewable Energy in India
 Renewable Energy Policy Framework
 research organization
 Conclusion

 It is a ‘capacity to do work’
 In modern era people depend upon energy
 Fossil fuel like coal, oil & natural gas are main source
of energy
 Energy can be classified into several types based on
the following criteria:
1. Primary and Secondary energy
2. Commercial and Non commercial energy
3. Renewable and Non-Renewable energy


Primary Energy World Consumption (courtesy BP 2013)

(Million tonnes oil equivalent) 5

Primary energy regional consumption pattern 2012 (courtesy BP 2013)


Conventional Source of Energy
 Coal, oil and natural gas are the major source of energy
from longtime
 Still 80% energy requirement is fulfill by fossil fuel
 Coal play a major role to run thermal power plant
 Due to rapid industrialization, consumption increase
 Oil and gas decide the economic condition of country
 These resources are limited and must be conserve
 Main cause of air pollution and global warming

Energy and Economics

 Energy is essential for Economic growth

 Economics growth is essential for country like India
 Ratio of energy demand and GDP is useful indicator for
Economics growth
 Per Capita Energy Consumption of USA 13246 kwh/Year
 India Per capita consumption is about 684kwh/Year
 Economic growth of country is depend upon rate of
improvement in per capita energy consumption

Oil Consumption Per Capita 2012

Commercial form of Energy
 Energy resource which is economical and technically
acceptable is known as commercial fuel
 i.e. , after the invention of IC engine, oil become a
commercial fuel
 Coal, oil and gas are used.
 For sustainable growth, people look forward for new
available form of energy
 Nuclear and hydro energy is one of the clean fuel and
have a future

Coal Consumption Per Capita 2012
Tonnes oil equivalent

Nuclear Energy Consumption Per Capita 2012
Million tonnes oil equivalent

Global Energy Consumption
 There is uneven pattern of energy consumption in
different country
 Developed country have a population of 10%, use
approx. 90% of the available resources
 One the other side, there is country where people
depend on wood as a form of energy
 From last 20 year developing country focus on energy
 Rate of growth in energy sector in developed country is
1% to 2%, but in developing country growth rate is 7 to
Per Capita Energy Consumption (kWh)
United Arab Emirates 9389
Sweden 14030
USA 13246
Australia 10720
Japan 7848 Per Capita Energy
Germany 7081 Consumption (kWh)
China 3298
Indonesia 680
India 684

0 5000 10000 15000

Need to reform in Energy sector
 Developing countries require substantial investments
in their power sectors to sustain economic growth and
reduce poverty
 Fossil fuels are depleted and need proper care
 Global pollution level increase and there is threat of
global warming
 Oil & gas crisis in 1980
 Kyoto Protocol sign by country to reduce carbon

Global Energy Crises
 Global Energy requirement increases continuously
 Fuel resources are depleted
 Oil price increase continuously
 It put pressure on country economic
 Oil war start (developed country pressurized oil rich
 It is estimated that in next 50-60 year oil & gas
resources are consumed

Kyoto Protocol
 First legal international agreement on climate
 It aim to reduce the level of Green House Gas emission
 Annex-B country must limit there emissions of
GHG, most notably CO2 from fossil fuel combustion
 Annex-B country reduce GHG emission by 5.2% on
1990 average (achieve goal by 2012)
 There is system for carbon credit
 It lack economic and environmental policy objective
 Developing country are not much interested in kyoto
Energy Scenario in India
 India is a seventh largest country and have a population
of 1.2 billion people
 To maintain growth rate, need rapid growth in energy
 41% of electricity generation from thermal power plant

Energy scenario in India
 By 2016-2017, total domestic energy production of 670
million tons of oil equivalent (MTOE). This meet only
71% of the expected demand.
 As per the 2011 Census, 55.3% rural households had
access to electricity
 Still most of the rural area have limited supply hours of
 India ready to exploit renewable energy resources

Electricity ACT 2003
 Role of Government : National Electricity Policy and
tariff policy
 Rural electrification
 Splitting the structure: Genco, Transco and Discos
 Consumer protection
 Trading and market development
 Formation of Central Electricity Authority (CEA)
 Restructuring of State Electricity Board (SEB)
 Measures against theft of electricity
 Renewable energy utilization

Energy Conservation Act 2001
 much-needed legal framework and institutional
arrangement for embarking on an energy efficiency drive

 Energy auditing for designated consumer like energy

intensive industry, railway, commercial building, Power
Plant etc.

 Establishment of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)

 Role of BEE: standard and labels of appliances, undertake

promotional activity, prepare building codes, maintain
central energy conservation fund etc.
Future Energy Resources
 Current rate of fossil fuel usage will lead to an energy
crisis this century
 Energy industry start inventing new ways to extract
energy from renewable sources
 Due to lack of technology and economic
consideration, total shift toward renewable energy is
not possible
 Nuclear energy have a future
 Solar thermal plant, solar PV plant, wind energy play a
crucial role to satisfy the energy demand

Renewable Energy and Sustainable
 Sustainable Development: “to meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future”
 Effect of conventional source of energy: air pollution, acid
precipitation, ozone depletion, forest destruction, and
emission of radioactive substances
 There is shortage of energy in near future
 more use of renewable energy sources and technologies is
one of the solution
 Renewable energy is a direct or indirect form of solar energy
 Research is going on to make renewable energy economical
 Once technology develop in renewable energy field, it help
in national sustainable economic growth
Renewable Energy in India
 Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) come
in picture in 2006
 It work to increase the share of renewable energy
Output in GW
5 3.74 2.39
1.77 2.21

(Cumulative deployment of renewable energy as on 31.10.2013)

:Source MNRE
Wind Energy
 India have a wind potential of 50 GW at 50m height
 Costal region in southern part of India is one of the
best site of wind energy
 India is a fifth largest wind power producer in world
 Wind energy sector is one of the fastest growing
renewable energy sector
 Assessment of wind energy resource is done by C-WET
(Centre for Wind Energy Technology)
 R&D and testing is done by C-WET

Biomass Power Programme
 Objective of harnessing grid quality power from
 Biomass material like bagasse, rice husk, cotton and
jute waste, de oiled cakes etc. are used to produce
 Bagasse based cogeneration in sugar mill have a
potential of 5000 MW
 Biogas based generation in village using animal waste

Small Hydro Plant
 Hydro plant of capacity less than 25 MW
 Estimated potential of small hydro plant is 20 GW
 It help to provide electricity in remote area
 Government plant to electrify boarder village of
Arunachal Pradesh using small hydro plant
 AHEC (Alternative Hydro Energy Centre),IIT Roorkee
is work to design international level R&D and testing

Solar Power
 With about 300 clear, sunny days in a year, India have
abundant solar potential
 Daily average solar energy incident over India varies
from 4 to 7 kWh/m2
 Technology advancement and drop in price of PV
module make solar PV plant a good choice
 National Solar Mission launch to encourage solar
 Solar PV plant type:
1. Grid connected solar PV plant
2. Off grid (StandAlone) PV plant
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar
 Launched on 11 January 2010
 It aim:
1. Deployment of 20000 MW of grid connected solar
plant by 2022
2. 2000 MW of off grid solar application including 20
million solar lights by 2022
3. 20 million sq. meter of solar thermal collector area
4. R&D and capacity building activities to achieve grid
parity by 2022

Renewable Energy Policy Framework
 Budgetary support for research, development and
demonstration of technologies
 Financial Incentives, including for renewable energy
applications in rural areas
 Promoting private investment through fiscal
incentives, tax holidays, depreciation allowance and
remunerative returns for power fed into the grid.
 Finance for renewable energy: IREDA

 Solar Energy Centre
 Centre of Wind Energy Technology (C-WET)
 AHEC (Alternative Hydro Energy Centre)
 IREDA ( Indian Renewable Energy Development
 SECI (Solar Energy Corporation of India)
 NCPRE (National Centre for Photovoltaic Research
and Education), IIT Bombay
 Renewable energy centre in various IIT and NIT

 India, one of the stable economic country depend
upon thermal power plant to meet 45 % demand
 To make future brighter India gear up to utilize
renewable resources
 Still the share of renewable energy is not significant
 Various renewable energy mission launch by
government of India
 Growth of renewable sector show that still in future
thermal plant is a main source of energy.
 Nuclear plant and large hydro plant replace thermal
power plant in future



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