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TITLE: How to write a demonstration speech.

GENERAL PURPOSE: To demonstrate
SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To demonstrate to the audience on the steps about producing a
demonstration speech
THESIS STATEMENT: To write a good demonstration speech, it is important to follow the steps
which start with choosing a suitable topic, writing the speech and practicing giving the speech.


I. gain attention
Delivering a speech can be hard. Delivering while demonstrating can be harder. Do you
II. establish connection
Hence, we need to know the steps to make it easier before delivering a demonstration
III. orient audience
A. Choose a topic
B. Writing the speech
C. Practicing giving the speech

I. Choosing a topic
A. It is important to choose a topic that is not too broad or narrow. Think about how
long you will have to present the speech. For instance, giving a speech about how to
maintenance your car might take a longer time to explain and thus, you can narrow your
speech to something like how to change a car’s tyre.
B. Next, you should consider who your audience is. Think about what kind of things will
interest them. As an example, if you are giving a speech to educators, it might not be
appropriate to choose the topic, “How to fix a car.” You would probably want to make your
topic more interesting to them with something like, “How to talk to kids when they are
II. Writing the Speech
A. Then, you need to create an outline for your speech. The outline should mirror the
order of steps that you will use in your speech.
B. Start writing the introduction of the speech after finishing the outline. You should
mention your purpose in your introduction. Next, craft the body of the speech by breaking
the process down into manageable steps. And ultimately, write your conclusion by summing
up the process and stating why it is valuable.
III. Practicing giving the speech
A. Try performing the speech in front of a mirror and look yourself eye to eye. Go
through your complete demonstration along with your visual aids.
B. Ultimately, you should make any adjustments that the speech needs. Once you have
made the changes, practice and try performing the speech for yourself again.

Adapted: DeVito, J. A. (2014). Essentials of human communication (8th ed.). New York: Pearson
Education, Inc.

I. summary
A. Choose a topic
B. Writing the speech
C. Practicing giving the speech
II. It is important for us to know the correct steps to produce a demonstration speech as only a
well-performed speech can deliver the knowledge to the audience effectively.
III. Plus, demonstration speech can be harder compared to other informative speech as it
involves your effort to make audience understand the steps and process. Thus, with
sufficient knowledge, all of us can give a commendable demonstration speech in front of

Adapted: DeVito, J. A. (2014). Essentials of human communication (8th ed.). New York: Pearson
Education, Inc.

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