The City Dwellers Are Responsible For The Betterment of Dhaka City

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The City Dwellers Are Responsible for the Betterment of Dhaka City

Sathi Akter

ID: 161011042

Department: BBA

ENG 103: Fundamentals of English – 02

Faculty: Tahamina Ebrahim

University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB)

The City Dwellers Are Responsible for the Betterment of Dhaka City

City dweller indicates a person who lives in a city, many city dwellers live in ranted
apartments and city dwellers are the most important part of a city and they got the role of making
a well-developed city. Dhaka is very much populated city, so the duty of an organized and better
places city can be given to the city dwellers of the Dhaka city. Like use of avoiding unnecessary
use of natural resources, birth control, making our population as an asset etc. steps can be taken
by city dwellers. It’s not easy to live in a city, most of the time city dwellers go through a level
of stress and unhappiness. But it’s a wrong thinking that, government should make the city a
better place but majority power is in the hand of the city dwellers. So, they should use this ability
to make their city a better place, rather than depending on the government. How their list of work
should work is described down below.

Be it for electricity, gas, water, telecoms, wastewater or storm water drainage networks, all
these functions are directed towards the same goal, guarantee the safety and well-being of city
dwellers and make their city a better place to live in. Street signs are a sort of symbol of urban
management, which covers most of the services that city dwellers benefit from in their daily
lives. But we should not, abuse those resources, because abuse of this resources can let to a very
difficult situation. What our next generation will use? Or what about we face a great crisis? So
the use of this resources should be maintained properly. Specially for water and gas, this are
highly abused in Dhaka city. Many of the time we unusually keep our gas on or waste water, but
we forget that, this is our asset and we are destroying it. So city dwellers are very much
responsible in this matter of saving our asset, in other word we can say that, they are responsible
to save their own future.

Having a limited amount of population or a controlled population is very much necessary

for a well-developed city and Dhaka is right now over populated, so birth control is another
sector which should be overlooked. Our population is increasing day by day. We can’t reduce
this population instantly, but can control it from increasing farther more. It’s easy to see that,
over population can be a barrier in the way of a developed city. So in that case, city dweller of
the Dhaka city should be aware of birth control. As Dhaka city is blooming with population, so
birth control is very much necessary to have suitable environment in the city. Many developed
cities in different countries has a great controlled population system. Less people mean more
facility for everyone. And more people means, we have to share our limited resources with this
vast population and this is not an ideal situation for a developed city. So the city dweller of the
Dhaka city, should have this thought of birth control for their own well-being.
Not every time population is a bad thing, but its depend who we use this population as an
asset or barrier, because these city dwellers are our population, so their another step can be, make
themselves assets and work for the city. As said before, Dhaka is an over populated city, so this
people make themselves use full and make Dhaka an organized place. Like chine is also over
populated place, but they made this population as their asset. Most of the mechanical parts or
technology work is done here, and this have been possible because of the hard work and the
dedication of this people. So can’t we do it? We also have a great amount of strong and
hardworking people. So city dwellers of Dhaka should present themselves as a hardworking
people. Then the wheel of success will spin much faster than its spinning right now. But the true
fact is, our people are mostly counted as barrier for the development. This thinking or their way
of work should be different to get the result that we want. So this is very important to create a
better city.

City dwellers are the majority of a city, and their power of changing a system of city is
much greater than any other, so they should change their way of use and work for a developed
future. Dhaka city got all the resource and opportunities to make this place a gem. But our city
dwellers should understand their role and follow some rules that can lead to a better face of
Dhaka city. Some of the steps had been described, but there much can be done by our city
dwellers. Like keeping the city clean, health consciousness, education, positive religious view
etc. also can be overlooked for a better city. Most importantly to remember that, until we change
ourselves, nothing will be changed. So first of we have to change the way of thinking, way of act
toward our city and most importantly, maintain the system this Dhaka city, for the own good of
the city dwellers who live here.

Words: 919


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