Guide Book Indisco 12

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“A Portable Device for The Convenience

of People with Disabilities”

Content Of
Scoring Criteria
Term and
Conditions INDISCO 12
A Portable Device for the Convenience
of People with Disabilities
People with disabilities are all over the world
and they’re in all walks of life. According to the Head
of the Sub Directorate for Social Rehabilitation of
People with Sensory Disabilities, the Ministry of
Social Affairs, Erniyanto, indicated that as many as
21,84 million or around 8,56 percent of Indonesia’s
population are people with disabilities. The data was
taken from the 2015 Intercensal Population Survey
or SUPAS. This can be caused by hereditary defects
or other causes that cause dysfunction of one organ
in people with disabilities.
One of the written regulations stating the
equality of people with disabilities with other people
is Law number 4 of 1997, article 1 (paragraph 1) and
the Government Regulation number 43 of 1998, arti-
cle 1 (paragraph 1) expressly states that, as citizens
like others, people with disabilities “have the right to
have the same position, rights, and obligations in
acting and integrating totally in accordance with
their abilities in all aspects of life”.

In article 6 of Law No. 4/1997, it is explained that,
“every person with a disability has the right to get: (1)
education at all units, lines, types, and levels of edu-
cation; (2) decent work and livelihood according to
the type and degree of disability, education and abil-
ities; (3) equal treatment to play a role in develop-
ment and enjoy its results; (4) accessibility in the
context of its independence; (5) rehabilitation, social
assistance, and maintenance of social welfare; and
(6) the same right to develop their talents, abilities
and social life, especially for people with disabilities
in the family and community environment.”
In fact, very few people realize how important it
is to provide infrastructure and facilities for standard
accessibility for people with physical disabilities.
Often times, the inventions for people with disabili-
ties are only in the form of modified personal trans-
portation such as modified motorcycles, tricycles
(etc.), yet the tools above must have special permis-
sion to drive them.
Hence, more attention and concern for people
with disabilities is needed. Creating devices which
can help them go through everyday activities would
really ease them in living. From that, INDISCO 12 this
year will be a place to find the best ideas to create a
portable device, easy to bring anywhere, that will
give people with disabilities the convenient life they

Product Characteristics

Products can be carried

Products help people go
through everyday activites

Products are reachable
by anyone needing them

Products provide pleasure
and satisfaction in use
through easy operation

Product Example

Transfer Board
Transfer board is a solution for
people with wheelchairs to move
from the wheelchairs to another
This device is shaped like a board
with a feature that eases the users
to move places only by shifting
their waist.
For example, movement from one place to another
can be done from the wheelchairs to the sofa, bed, car
seat, and so on.

Ripple: A Speaker for People with

Hearing Disabilities
Ripple is a hearing aid in the form
of a speaker which not only pro-
duces sound like a normal speak-
er but also visualizes the sound
produced into a tactile visual rep-
Tactile representation visualizes music into a certain
moving object that can be sensed through touch and
tactile, which means with Ripple speaker, users are al-
lowed to touch and sense sound and music or songs
which can only be sensed using hearing senses.
Besides being able to be touched, the object move-
ment produced can also be sensed using sight senses.
Therefore, this unique and revolutioner speaker will be
helpful for people with hearing and sight loss. 4
1) The product has to be innovative and original,
meaning it has never been created before.
2) The product has to be in the form of hardware.
3) The product should have a maximum dimension
of 1 meter for all length, width, and height
(1m x 1m x 1m).
4) Software can be applied to the product as an
additional feature.
5) The product must be wearable for humans.
6) The product shouldn’t be in the form of things
that can be consumed (e.g. pills, food, etc)
7) The product shouldn’t cause harm and toxicity to
its users.


A. Preliminary Selection
It is a stage where the participants should pass
before they can proceed to the next stage. It consists
of early bird registration and normal registration.
Early bird registration started from April 29, until
June 7 2020, while normal registration started from
June 8 until August 9 2020.

Registration can be done through following procedures:
1) Online Registration at
2) Check for email confirmation sent by the committee.
3) Payment
a. Early Bird Registration : IDR 300,000 for
Indonesian Students and USD 20 for
International Students
b. Normal Registration : IDR 350,000 for
Indonesian Students and USD 35 for
International Students Payment can be done
BRI bank account : (Niken Ayuningtyas)
Account number : (032701025117501)

4) Complete the required documents, including:
a. Proposal
b. Scan of Statement of Design Authenticity
c. Scan of Letter of active student
d. Scan of payment
e. Scan of ID Card
5) Send the documents via email : with the subject's
Format: Team's name_University_Country.

B. Re-Registration
Re-registration is a stage where every team that has
passed the preliminary selection is obliged to pay
the re-registration fee before proceeding to the final
stage, started from September 1 until September 30,
2020 with the following term:
Every team has to pay a re-registration fee IDR
300,000 for Indonesian Students or USD 200 for In-
ternational Students to INDISCO 12's committee.
Payment can be done via transfer through BRI Bank
account 032701025117501 (Niken Ayuningtyas).

C. TOP 20
1. Video Uploading
Upload the video of prototype to Youtube with the follow-
ing tittle format: ProductName_Team'sName_INDISCO12.
Video can be uploaded from September 6 to September
30, 2020 11.59 p.m. GMT+7.

2. Presentation I
Held on October 30,31 2020. All participants have to pres-
ent their products to the judges. The presentation must
be delivered in English

3. Presentation II
Held on November 1, 2020. The team that has been select-
ed as top 5 will present their products in front of judges
and audiences on INDISCO 12 National Seminar to deter-

Content Of
The proposal should contain the following requirements:
1) Team introduction (separated file)
2) Background
3) Explanation:
a. Product Description
b. Basic of Product Selection
c. Product Specification and Concept Generation
d. Product Planning and Identifying Customer
e. Product Architecture
f. Industrial Design
g. Design for Manufacturing
h. Creativity and Innovation Aspect
i. Product Design Pictures
4) Attachment
Written with the following format :
a. A4 sized paper, margin 4-4-3-2
(top-left-bottom-right). Times New Roman
(font size 12) in .pdf format.
b. Maximum 25 pages including cover
(attachment not included).
c. Logo of university is not allowed in the cover.
d. Written in English with Standard Written

Scoring Criteria

The scoring of the design includes the scoring of propos-

al, presentation, prototype and animation. The scoring criteria
is based on:
1 The design relevance to the competition theme
2 Product design originality
3 Product planning and identifying customer needs
4 Product spesification and concept generation
5 Industrial design
6 Design for manufacturing

Term and Conditions

1) The participants of INDISCO 12 are teams which

consist of 2-3 students from the same university and
still active until November 2020. Change in team
composition after online registration is prohibited.
2) One team may consist of students who take different
3) The prototype/product design is a product that has
all of these aspect :
• Creative
• Original
• Functional
• Usable
• Innovative
• Aesthetic
• Desirable
• Viable
4) The registered teams are obliged to send product
ownership and authentication letter that has been
enclosed by stamp.
5) Every team can register by the official site of


During events, participants of INDISCO 12 will be pro-

vided with the following facilities :
1) The committee is responsible for the INDISCO 12
participants during the event from October 30 at
02.00 p.m. to November 1 at 04.00 p.m.
2) Accomodation for 3 days and 2 nights from
October 30 to November 1, 2020. INDISCO 12
Committee provides transportation for participants
(drop/fetch participants form/to airports/railway
station/terminal) at 10.00 a.m. until 13.00 p.m. on
October 30, 2020. For participants who want to use
cars facility from airports/railway station/terminal are
obliged to confirm to the committee via telephone
to the contact person written in this short guidelines
at least 2 days before the arrival in Semarang.
Participants will be picked up in several meeting
points upon arrival. Any arrival which is not listed in
meeting points below will be charged:
• Ahmad Yani Airport
• Tawang Train Station
• Poncol Train Station
• Banyumanik Bus Station
3) Food service during the event.
4) First aid for the participants who are sick or get
injured during the event.

5) Certificate as seminar and competition participant of the
6) For participants who have arrived in Semarang before
October 30 2020 and will leave after November 1, 2020
the committee can help for the accomodation with the
cost paid by participants.

Early bird : April 29 - June 7, 2020
Normal registration : June 8 - August 9, 2020
Proposal selection : August 10 - 31, 2020
Top 20 announcement : September 6, 2020
Re registration and : September 6 - 30, 2020
video prototype
D- day Indisco : October 30 - 31, November 1, 2020

Contact Person
Candra Irawan (+62) 8976214903
Aditya Satria Pandu Niskala (+62) 81575894539
Jaysyu Muhammad Dzaky (+62) 81313823871

@IndiscoUndip @Indisco_12

LINE @qgf0947x Indisco Undip INDISCO UNDIP



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