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THE Ru cersuie Book A Directory of Astrological Correspondences Rex E. Bills Pul AMERICAN FEDERATIO! P.O. Box 22040, Tempe, AZ 85285-2040 Copyright 197 hy Rex Ells {llrightsreserved Mo pr ofthis Book may be sequent i any no Hy any means, esos tating ptocopying or recocing hy any informe strage an etiva system rena etice pencion fn the nuhor ard pubis. Requests and inure may Be milo ‘Raneican Festrtion of Astrologas, i, PO Bx 22080, Tempe, AZ, 85284-2080, {SDN 0 86690 431-X Firat ining: 1971 Coren Pring: 1998 Pvhlcba by “American Fedaton of Asters PO Dox 22010 16585, Rural Ral Tempe, AZ 85285-2040 Primed inthe ited States of Anerien Foreworp gh knowledye of the Tit, xevstont, of astrological rulerships or correspondences. In the 3 planets, signs. and. houses to" cet of our lives. This book presents & pr convenicntly arranged alphabetically as well as by sips, hutse Rulerships are included for all branches of Astiology. includin dane, and horary. ‘the inclusion of anatomical itenss and diseases will be particularly helpful for » ce has been left theanigh ‘uit the book For ad ‘These rulerships are age of Aatol tbat tical list of these correspondences, 116" ov very very thing on planets al, sae sical interpectations. Sp ies by the ken from the writings of 1 greatest astrologers. Items in parentheses were given by fewer asin sometimes by only one. and should be considered 3 merely tentative, § fentries show only’ a single rulership, such as a planet, ‘Thiy doves not m that these are not connected to a sign oF house as well, but that the tuter iste is of primary importance. To find the seconclary rulets for Hrese item, we the following table: tional er yf the worlds o-ans yw a4 y— Gm HG peak cr (My — 1) n= 2 OO ~9 (2) hong (E) = 10 " =u yoe—2 e—m—8 ator maple When a choice of signs or houses is necessary (such as a consider what nature of the planet is being expressed. Money, for v Foreword art is isa facet of ® that is expressed through & and the 2nd house, w ‘expressed through + and the 7th house In some cases an item will be ruled by more than one planet, sign. Or house "Ths usually means that several viewpoints must be considered and the ralership chosen should be related to the facet in which the person is interested. For extaaple, cemeteries are ruled by both > and @. ® is associated wit vt series because ofthe fan involved, while © is associated with matters of Geath. Hf cemeteries are of interest more as a place or a piece of ane! than 3 place to bury the dead, then » should be considered the ruler Everything, in realty, 3 ruled by everything else, just as the mata hero” scope shows iniiuez28 from all the signs, houses, and planets, and 9s al things sory the universe, But everything. does not have an equally powerful iMfiuence, This book is concerned only with major culerships. Ht fs quite pos aye to find a reason why every planet, sign, and house ean rule an object Sculpture, for example, is normally led by @ Because of its artistic nature, Mowover the stone of which it is carved comes under the dominion of ruled by é. If it is a statue of a famous person “The technique of carving is Top an antique statue (¥), a tiny statue of deficate detail (¥). oF Of & coon with child (>), or part of a fountain (7) oF a tomb (B ), it comes orithe dominion of eacl of the planets in turn. Therefore, do not hesitate eartoose a rulership which is not listed if scems to fit your particular needs Trach planet, ign, or house expresses bots a desirable and an wndesis ble side. The same ® rules both inteligent thought and worry, and the s2ine iitsiouse rules both unions and separations. The aspects affecting each planet en the location of the planet inthe chart will inlcate which side fs expressing Te is important to note that rulerships cam change, This does mot mean that energies are changing, but that man is changing in his response (0 the Ghergies, There is wide disagreement om many ralerships. Specific, torr ears ces, herbs, ele. are especially contradictory in epinion. Geographi- sei taterships are also suspect as wel as incomplete and due for much new Fe serch, Sone asteologers divide the world into twelve regions and assign e4ch tegion a sign ruership. One such theory has Aries euling 15 depices 09 either son the Greenwich meridian, Taurus the next 30 degrees east, ete, Geo- traphicalrulerships of this type are generally omitted from this book. A cor- ara ivfershp is best obtained from the “bith chart” ofa ity or county oF Dy arate observation over along period of time. Much of this information i ether ce vailable or not accessible. Many lists of rulerships have simply een Copied countless times since they were fist determined By an astrologers. Serious, up-tordate rescarch is vitally needed. One of the major ebjer- Fornworn tives of this book is to prompt sucty research and to gather together the 1 published findings of serious astrologers. Its hoped that new information witl bbe sent to the author, so that it can be incorporated in future editions. It is recognized that in spite of years of careful compilation, errors and eaiesior will be found in this work: the author would appreciate hearing of these als» ‘Communications may be sent to Rex E. Bills, ¢/o Macoy Publishing and Mix sonie Supply Co., Ine., 3011 Dumbarton Road, Richmond, Virginia 24228 Note that most items. are giver in their plural form. This sometimes af feets their Location im the listing. ‘Anyone who works with this book will find that it will become ene of hig most valuable reference books. A careful study of its pages will Bhs deeper insight into the nature of each sign, planet, and howse than can te gained by general descriptions normally given in Astrolagy books. As » comes more and more eflicient at horoscope delineation, he turns 2 other astrologers’ deseriptions of planets in signs andl planets fins to blend the factors himself, The ralecships and keywords contained in this book are excellent guidelines for the intuition. By blending the rutershijy. listed under a planct with a sign and a house, an extensive delineation ean given. By then blending this with the harmony or disharmony of an aspect nd another planet, sign, and house, the puzzle pieces begin to fall in place: and the student is on his way toward being a competent independent astralogs che January, 1971 RED vii Paxt ONE Part Two Part THREE Part Four APPENDIX Bipuiocrarny, ConTENTs An Alphabetical Listing A Listing by Planets A Listing by Signs A Listing by Houses Special Listings Principal bones of the body Vertebrac Principal muscles of the body Principal arteries of the body Principal veins of the body Chart of an organization Flavors Forms INTRODUCTION by Diana Bills Stone Venus-of-pleasure transits Jupiter-of-publishing and is in trine aspect to Mereury-of-writing, The English transfation for that bit of “rulership jargon” is that Tam pleased to write the Introduction to the new AFA edition of The Kuler vhip Book. L was married to Rex Bills when he wrote thi book in 1969 and 1970. I had sympathy pains throughout the two-year pregnancy and birth. I want to share some memor \d history which I think reveals the soul of the book When Rex wrote this book, I was a neophyte in the carly years of my astrological studies. We were living in St. Louis with our young son. During this time, we parked him on the em with Grandma and traveled to Disneyland for our vs cation, Those of you who have visited Disneyland are awarc that it is often necessary to stand in line for favorite ride As we waited in line for the “It’s a Small, Small World" ride, Rex made notes for rulerships and I read a Marc Fdmond, Jones book. To waste a few minutes when we could he «nine astrology was a sacrilege in those days! So it was with Rex and his labor of love. In the sixties when Rex and I began our studies, ther were no computers to calculate charts. Nor were. there atlases listing geographical longitudes, latitudes and time changes; the Dark Ages, in other words. Whenever a ruler- ship question came up, We Were sent pawing through stack of books and lists, To forestall duplication of cffort, w+ began to record our findings in a thece-ring notebook with alphabetical sections, The rulership notebook grew fatter nd fatter, One notebook expanded to several, Word spread through ow community of astrological friends that we were a reference source for rulerships. ‘An astrologer Friend suggested that the burgeoning hooks be compiled between book covers. At first, we thought it would be a simple matter to translate aur references inte, hook form. Then one thing ted to another as Rex searched wnal reference books to make the lists more com plete. 1 think he harbored a fantasy that the book could list rulerships For every word in the dictionary. Just where docs. one draw the line on a project like this? It became a deadty kind of joke between us. About the time Rew would decide an end was in sight, I would innoccatly muse om the ruler~ Ships of the scarlet tanager, every capitol city in the United States or artichokes. Sometimes word of a long out-of ws and set off a frenzied search. Dr Cornell's an Ener Clopediia of Medical Astrology has since beew reprinted, but back then it was very hard to locate # copy amd aly very expensive once one did. We were J with Findin fe it was the definitive somve Tor medical ruterships: ‘ally located a copy at the lwcal Thewophical Society library. Charles Luntz, our teacher and aw Vocational Guidance by Astrofegy, was president of the Theosophical Society and gave us permission to borrow it When his sud Gen death plunged the Theosophical wcicty iwty utter chaos Gnd his Library was being pludered, we saely harbored the ook and studied its contents Rex. wrapped up the project, distilling the many notebooks into one usable reference work, ak sent it to the publisher with a profound sense of ichet. Rex was then a technical representative for Fastman Kodak Company, so he had to work the book project around a full time job. Rex is an Aries sun sign and he doesn't jut stata project; he fnounts a full-scale invasion He wax up at 00 AM every day to work on the book, and came home evenings only to cat and. plunge into his writing until Bedtime, You have heard of lost weekends: He vanished every Friday not to be Monday morning. Feeling mentally burned out to ather interests, and twak would reach, after this intense effort he twine ironically never seriously studied! ateiog yy! T never will forget the day the letter came from the editors listing other books they wanted researched and the fulerships added to the manuscript Rex went into total rebellion. He was too mind-weary to consider it and threats ened to burn the entire thing in the fireplace. Reason Cventually prevailed and the additional work was completed to the satisfaction of the publisher. The little project we had first cavisioned dominated Rex's every spare minute over two years, Even though the finished product fell short of Rex's vision of rulerships for the entire dictionary, t feel that The Rulership Book was an cnormous contibution toward stabilizing astrological practice 1 was fascinating {0 366. what Mappencd wy ews com sciousness ag he Immersed himsell im the rescues Lt bok. was studying astrology inthe way tial tional (ow th Sanierents when I coi Ants. nia eats fs ‘After several months he began to know the rulershige ot things without looking them up. Me began to comment the deep, intuitive understanding of astrolopieal symhln that wat developing. 1 could tee the puocest that war ht and logical system of Knowledge flows thisupir them! foams thems into one preat whole I have had with astvotogy al The fulership ook saved. Astiology certainly needs a dictionary of ‘te ical correspondences, The Rulership: Mook is 4 stant library. However, i has been an indispensable, tout Tor horary and clectionat work Githert Navarro of Baltimore, Marya callengse of mine, He it a topetlight herary practitiene: anal teacher, a protege of Ivy-Goldsiein-Jacohson, Cillert hes dm the tutor af the West Coast stants, The Rulersup. Mw Ihe cancept of derivative houses is fundamental tb aty astiolonye Derivative howses are where the tiles int inate, for example, that the eighth house represents the partner's money. Pattaets are ruled by the seventh. house their First house. The cighth house is the partner's sccond house of money. Count the seventh house as the artnet first house and go forward to his or her fifth house and that is the cleveath house of the wheel The eleve reflects a pariner’s Fifth house matters. Sometimes eles nth house transits will indicate a stepchild entering the lie (partner's children), Tapprcciate the derivative house relationshins incluet in The Rulership Book. For example, ¥ may hae that brother's children’s childeen are his grandchildecn swt ' a, isa close Fricwd activities. Choosing a good time for a marr my eleventh house by doing some counting on fingers. It is much simpler, though, to consult The Rulership Book than to play ring-around-the-rosy with the zodiac. Klectional astrology is used when the astrologer con- structs a chart for propitious times to conduct various ge or for surgery are two examples. I have set charts for taking trips, Spening businesses, making real estate purchases, firing cruployees, asking for a raise, and inviting a hunk to dinner. Rulerships are absolutely critical to election charts, What would a poor single woman do if her astrologer thought a Venus-Uranus conjunction was a good time for her tete- tote? When I want to set up an election chart, I reach for the Ephemeris and The Rulership Book. It's standard operating procedure. T have a very special use for The Rulership Book. That is for a type of chart I use in my practice and have named “Current Cycle Charts.” These are charts cast for appoint- ment times. If my client has a consultation scheduled for Wednesday at 3:00 PM, I cast a chart for that time. There is ot space to discuss how to interpret these charts except t0 Say that horary rules are used primarily. These charts have been profoundly useful in my work with clients. The point I want to make, however, is this. The Rulership Book has becn 2 constant companion to the interpretation of current cycle Gharts, bor example, the Ascendant of the chart and what it Tules will tell me the most important issues in the client's Hfe at the time, As you know, any one sign rules a lot of things, How to select which is the correct rulership seems impossible. Many times [ have sat at my desk staring at the ‘chart and current cycle chart and perusing The Ruler- Slip Book. Different ralerships begin to “pop out” and make Sense with other indicators I use in reading these charts. It really sharpens the intuitive sense. ‘Astrologers sometimes ask me why Rex is never scen at astrology conferences or even if he is still alive. The truth is that Rex’s destiny seems to be bound only The Ruler- ‘ship Book as far as astrology is concerned. He is true to his ‘Aries sign, having gone on to a variety of other successful and interesting projects. PART ON An Alphabetical Listing bands wheys HP aWhesiation adic aixlonias 6 sn, adicatons C2) moe») abduction P ability, one’s (QD Ability, one's constavetive and mechanical ability. one’s working abivgenesis CP) ablatien (8) abmepators abnoraial behavior 1 abeornralities ww (P) abnornialities, one’s physical abolishment) abolitionists (1) abortins (3 BW) Abralam (s.) abrasions abrupiness ™ absceses 8 ‘of body invelvedt} absentees ( iw > (m) [see past absences, ) absenimindedness ¥ absinthe (7 sbsorp absorptive opstem abstract the wm) alwindance 31 oy alsysees 2 Abyss acceleration tf om (Le AD bee fa oo absurd, the atese accidents Srowning nccomplices ete} e aceordians (2 8) accumulations, one’s (4) accuracy accusations acetone on acetylene aches, alll aches, Shap 4 achieve, things mst dfficntt (7) eve, urges to Acs acids and those who work with acids w (a) acmes (1) fence 27 1 (© &) aconite [plant] acoustics, acoustic experts 8 > (2) facquaintanceship, acquaintances 11 = Ge) acquisition 2 aeqisitiveness (4) acqital (8) sereagss > (7) acrobats 3 aetiniom action 6 (1) actions, one's 1 activation active things and persons ¥ activity, physical 3 actors, actresses ¢ YB = (OM = 5) actors, character VX actuaries ad witers 0 # Adam (8) adaptability ¢ > 3 adder’s tongue [plant] > addicts adenoids m™ & adherents (11) adhesives adipose tissue, formation of 2 adjournment) adjusters, claims (m?) ‘adjustments, mechanical 1 administration, administrators 4 © 1 Cs 10 v9) admirals admiration? adolescence 9 ‘Adolph (3) adopted brothers and sisters 3 ArFINITIES adopted children 5 adoption () adoration (¥) ‘adornment, articles of adornment & adrenal glands 2 = (m ©) adrenal gland, cortical portion or cortex 3 adrenal gland, medullary portion adrenalin 3-7 (O-%) adultery (9 ¥) adulteration © adults (3) advanced, the; advanced thought advancement © 10 advantages 1 advents (WY) adventures, one’s 1 (5) adventurers 6-7 (# Mm) adventurous desires CB) adversaries (1) Esecenemies} advertisers 3.8 x (6, adversingagents anvertsing Imgrauge 920 # inverting, personal vice 8 avisors oD) Avisos, astrological Or engineering aavocates (8) adynamia > aerial navigation (¥) aerodynanis CL) Seronauiesacronts V2 (V) Secon appara sestietcseme¢ aesthetes alfabitity alfectations (1 affection = (5) affidavits 0 affiiation (1) afinities. (1) APPLICTIONS, IN GENERAL aMictions, in general > 12 afluence | 2 Afghavistan v9 Africa, in general #5 Africa, East (9.) Attica, North x ica, North-cast coast of XC Attica, West % afterwerle, one’s disposition inthe a2) agaric fungus} > agate agate, moss 3 aged persons agencies XC tit agencies, foreign 4 agents 9 agents,confidential forciga (12) agents, one's personal (7) agents,sales (4) ‘agents, theatrical = agents, travel 9 3, 9 {see also travel] agente, welfare and relief 12 apgreseors, aggression agitation | Wt agitators s agrarians 7 agreements, written 3.8 agricultural implements ot agriculture, agriculturists > 4 9% (6) ageimony [herb] 21 agrostology (12) gues ailing, the ailments, chronic % aims, one’s (1) air wy CW) sir, compressed air, hotand humid 9. air in the body and its cic air, pure and clear = ation & ALKALIES boys) technicians hostesses 9 4 yom woe transport 3 9 ‘Alaska, Eastern and Central (9.9 ‘Alaska, Western (12) Albania va albumen % th an ichemists, CY Bw) ve CH) alcoves (~) alder trees aldeemen 26 (11) alehoof [plant] (9) alertness ¥ ‘Aleutian Islands (nx) alexander (plant) 34 ‘Alexandria, Eyypt alexandrite (B) Alfred (0) Algeria Mm (s Algiers, Alge aliases’ YB alibis vB alienation nt) aliens 9 Woy alimentary canals, alimentive system of thebody > ony BPM lies (8) ALKANET ANIMALS, INJURY THROUGH ANIMALS, LARG APULIA atkanet plant] (¢) anyplification 2 animasylagge 20 > 12 antiguarians 1 allergies > anyputation animals,lose of > Antiques C3) altheal herb] 8 ‘Ansterdam, Holland snimalsof prey 4 antisepties lances = fmusements, places of anmiscment ? as, poisonous B antispacinedios Sa is reptile Bm antsy P jiances, covert alliances, soc paleptics 2 Almonds, almond trees . (% 3%) Analgesia, analgesies ordomestic ¥ m6 Antwerp, Helgi eof 1 anus Pom ON) x a ans 2 (2) analogies aloes plants] 4-7 CO &) anaphrodisiaes (‘) " amsieties 5p 12 aloofness rchy, anarchists animals with cloven hoofs and horas YS apartments, apartment hoses CP 7 alopecia ancestors. one’s (210 ¥ 8) ble fur 24 apathy Alps, the 8. anchors." cata) aphasia (Po) altars 2 ancient dwellings (4) aphids, ¢P) alteration > ‘Andeew [disciple of Christ] (enn apheintisiacs altitude, akimeters (3) androgyay = C1) wi Aphrodite 2 Altruism, ates anemia CCH AD ankyloss 19 apologies. apolupizing. alominum > CHW) ancient fplantl annexes (1s) apoplery 3 fons (28) anesthetics 3 12 Annie (>) malay (0) 78 ancurysm 8. annihilation © apothecaries cm amativeness, passionate ¢ 5 angelica herb] © verses (8) apparel, women's, and manufacturers © amazement angels vouncers. radio and television ¥ om dealers 9 ‘ambassadors ¥ 5 1 9 anger 8 apparitions (2) Ainbaesadors from ether countries (5) angina (? appenrance. one’ physieal 1 ambassadors to other eountries (11) iapectoris 8. nnulments, annudling CF) appendicitic <0 TL amber tO 2 angles, geometric anodynes appendix of the body mo mC fambergis (2) Angles, acute 5 oimtinets appetites, ome pliysical (1) ambidesterity 3 # > imps, obtuse) nymously conducted ace applawse ¢ ambigsities | amples tight (28) apples. apple trees “ambition amine (20) antagonism 4 ppeint appointing, appointees ambitions, one’s 8 UC) snimateules (2) ‘Antartic Ocean, shinds of thew OQ ambitious persons 16 fnimal husbandry 6 antecha appointees: of the mayar of poser ambulances © animals, in general 1 mp 3¢ [see antelopes Ve Gnbushes. B12 individu species] antennae (9 appraisals, appraisers 21 (0) snettyst oP EY) als, burrowing (2) anhropomorphism 20) appreciation (0) I, erustaceous % Ml antichrist B apprchcnsion CF) aminoacids (3) ammunition 8 tices, apprenticeship = antics appes rtimnony apptobativencss, approbation amnesia @ B antipathies (89 to) amorousness 2 antiperistalsis apricots, apricot wees 9 norphousness (BE) ay antiphlegistcs Anil animals, game antipodss (1) aptitudes @ Amphetamine «) animals, inj 6 antipyeeties ‘Apulia [ealy] 9) amphibians arbitration, legal 29 # archangel {plant] archeology, archeologists archery, archers architecture, modern 4. 5 [see also sports) arguments with public enemies 7 Arkansas QQ) snaments, armament ‘of the body, in general 3. ¥ % ‘Army, armies, army affairs 6 MRS ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE, arnica plant] 8 aromas urrack arcests, arresting arrivals (at) arrogance © 8. arrowhead, water [plant] > arrows 7 8 arsenals 3 (3) arsenic $ arsmart [pla arson & artjfine arts ¢ = 7 artdealersandstores. art museums and curators artemisia [herb] (#) arteries, in general %& Q [see Ap- pendix} arteries, hardening of the (=) anbritis » (2) Arthur (%) artichokes @ ulations oF joints of the body ariifieess 8 ariifies B & aniillery 8 artisans anlistic endeavors, one’s 59 (¥) artistic geniuses lattistic taste and appreciation 9 artists ofall kinds 9 B= WX artists, commercial & artists supplies 9 8 ‘Acvath [angel] (1) aasafotida [drug] (2 8) asbestos ascension (1) ascetics, asceticism Qf) ashtrecs @ @ 2 ashes > ¥9 Ashton-under-Lyne, England & 8 os Asta Minor Asia Minor & ‘Asia, Southern x asparagus aspen tices asphalt > asphysiation 9) aspirations 11 (10) assailants 4 assassination attempts é assassinations, assassing W124 -@ assault assayers, assaying (2) assemblies of people, assembly places 8 assemblies, state or official 21 assembly lines (2) assertiveness 5) assessors, assessment 2 assets, xegotiable 2 assimilation of food 6 mp (4) associates II 9 associations [see organizations} assortments OV) assumptions Assyria me asthenia asthma x 8 3.55 D astonishment astral entities (12%) ral world or plane @ ral experiences 8 astral travel (9) astringents'» astrobiologists (e- B) astrology, astrologers Mt astronauts (YB) astroncmy, astronomers (WE) asylums 12 () xia es, athletics ¢ (O) wed ath Auantic Ocean Basin. (8) AUNTS AND UNCLES Atlantis (BW) allases 3g atmospheric conditions within a countey tundane} ) atomic energy, atomic scientists ‘atomic fission, atomic bos atoms (Q & BD ‘atonets, atonement ( ateocities atrophy atropine drug) CP) achés, law courk 2b attachments of all kinds 7 attacks ¢ dles,one’s ind people, one’s (11) attorneys 19 Fv tio tiveness 9 ‘auctions, auctioneers Gu) audaciousness, audacity audiences. C0) auditing, auditors 2 8 auditory organs st me Aum (O) aunts and in a man's horoscope and from the fa thers side in a woman's horoscope 6 yee and personality of 6 pleasures an! speculations 10 id legacies of 1 friendsof 4 health and se home, property 9 arrigge and patince of 12 tality, conteaets, andl short joue neysof 8: eof iden of fife of AUNTS AND UNCLES money and finances of 7 religious attitudes and long journeys of 2 reputation, profession or standing of 3 sorrows and losses of, losses through 5 aunts and uncles from the mother’s side n a woman's horoscope and from the father's side in a man’s horoscope 12 appearance and personality of 12 children, pleasures and speculations of 4 death andl legacies of 7 ends of 10 health and servants of 5 home, property and end of life of 3 marriage and partner of 6 ality, contracts, and short jour- neysof 2 money and finances of 1 religious attitudes and long journeys of 8 reputation, profession or standing of 9 sorrows and losses of, losses through u auralducis ¢ auras) suspiciousness 2 austerity ATRAEL + Additional Entries: Australia 7 Austria = (4) authority, one's 10 authority, poople against {mundane} 4 authority, those in authority © (8) authors 9 autobiographies Ov autocracy, autocrats (2) autographs automation ¥ automobiles 3 9 3 automobile manufacturers, mech dealers and racers ™ = (3) automobile ips 3 x autonomy autopsies 8 mE autumn (>) avant guard, the MT avens {plants} (25) aversion Wt aviators, aviation ot = (1) Avignon, France # awards (10) awkwardness. (>) axes axioms @ azaleas ‘Azerbaijan (USSR) ‘Aaracl [angel] ¢ 10 mT B abies > (2) baby siters > (2) Babylonia baby's breath {plant ('?? Bacchus (V5) bachelors wt bacilli (2) - back {of the body] im general back, lowerhalf of the = 7 back, upper half and sides of the su S ons ° back part of things (>) backers (2 8) backwardness bacteria (2) bacteriology, bacteriologists C2» V bafiement Baghdad, Iraq bags, leather» (8) bail bails > bakers, bakeries balance = balconies (=) baldness. 7 (a) 3% ball games ballads @ ballasts > lie We balloons (V) ballots CH) ballrooms @ 9. & balls (a ©) balmtrees balms balsam trees 2 Baltimore, Maryland bandits Bs bands, music? banishment, banished persons ¥ (7) banjos @ banks, bankers, 2 (0) ‘rank balance, one’s 2 bank notes 2 @ bank tellers 9 8% ‘banker, one’s 2 bankruptcy 8 (8) banquets (5) bans? baptism > bar maids > 12 nking 4 9 26 BARBARIANS barbariens Barbary m barbeques & barberry [plant & barbers, barbershops — & barbs "3 bards @ bargaining, collective (@) bargains, bargaining & () barges WD baritones 9 bankers vy barley» (mz) banacks W barns (Cm =») barns cattle (9 4) barometers (#1) barons, baronesses barracks, army barren ground 3% wren hills and! mount » ON) 00) barren places, rather) barrenwort [plant] barriers barristers bartenders, bars. Wo > 3€ (6) barter (rw @) barter agreemems Barttiolomew—-Natt Chris) Basel, Switzerland my baseball (4) iol [disciple of basements ¥3 (8) bases, chemical (+) bases ofthings bashfulness basic utilities basics basil [plant] bass notes and voices (>) bastards Ww (E) Bath, England su BeGGars, BRGGING baths, bathing > FMS Ss bath attendants > bath houses an proprietors Dathing places > % bathometers bathrooms "Ss batons (21) bats [animals] (2) battalions batteries! battles (7) battleships, batleields Bavaria bawdiness (2) bayherry tees (4) bayoneis 4 bayous bays baytrees (Cr) beaches > beacons > beans 9 x fm) carherry [plant] beards bears beasts of burden beautiful objects, one's response tae beaut to beauty beauty parlors and operators, beautic os beavers > bedlam & bedrooms = (5) beds, bed linens bedsiraw, ladies fplant) beech trees Beclzebub 2 beer > CV) bees, hee keepers. # tm (9) beets 4 befogging beggars, beg 13 BEGINNINGS beginnings, beginning of life (14) beginnings, new (PB) begrudging > ‘eguilement, the beguiling W behavior (3) belching $5 Belgium 3c (*) Belial» @ beliefs 9 bolieving, believers () belitting belladonna plant] belligerence ellona 2 belts Bea (#5) benedictions 2 hhenefactors 2 Iveneficiaries benefits 2 @ (12) benevolence, beneficence a 11 Benjamin (r) Benzedrene benzene ¥ bbenzine bequests. 9 bereavement (12) Berlin, Germany (8. Berne, Switzerland 5 berry trees, berries 2 beyl (9 FO) Bess (1) best, the 2 best, things one docs (P) best men 14 Beth (mp). betony [herb] x # betony stone-crop [plant] (>) betrayal BY betterment betting, bes. O @ 5 beverages 9 W BIres, ANIMAL Of INSECT beverages, intoxicating bewilderment, the bewildering Bible, The Holy 2 bicycles, bicyclists bicycling 3 y 3¢ : a (> yam) Diliousness, OH CP 4) billboards ¥ XC bills binoculars (>) biochemisty, bit biographies, biogra biology, biologists © birch recs OC A) bird cages (02) Din, im general (F #6) ee ase ost birds, larger, capable of flight at birds, most migratory (=) birds, night > birds of prey birds, small ¥ 3 birds, song birds, swamp or wading birds, talking birds that eal carrion» @ bird’s-foot [plant Birmingham, England birth of all kinds C2 @) sce also childbirth} birth, one’s 1 birthplace, one’s 4 tin, ide rat, bith conet fvundanc} 5a (9) bisection () bisexuality ¥ (7) bishops ‘ishops weed [plant] @ bistort {herb} (>) bites, animal or insect 3 14 Binnc terswee! [plant] |» (2) blackmail 12 Blackpool, England Black Sea (=) black sheep ofthe family 24 blacksmiths 5 blackthorn trees my, bladders, urinal m 2 4 (> 5) bladderwor [herb] > blankets) bhlankness | (P) Dasé persone @ blazes ¢ beaches, bleaching blemishes, skin ¢ 7 1 blessings "2 Dlindtolds iness (> 4) [see alco sight) blind spots,one’s bliss @ biisters& blites [plants] (9 ) we > > nae 2» ood, cicubtion of Blood eats 5 blood disorcers, blood poisoning 3 (5 0B) blood fibrin ¢ 2 x biood, iron inthe 3 blood, oxygenation ofthe x © Blood plasma (>) o) Bovy blood pressure, high a0 ¢ blood pressure, law 2h blood, red corpuscles the am Inlood, serum of blood, venous & Inlood vessel, ruptures tblood, water in the bbloodstoncs Mm & bloodwoet [plant] 1 (2) oP blossoms 9 blotches CB) blowlies be (ea) blue, azure, clettic or sky ¢ ue, deep, navy wr indigo ‘Mug, pale or erysial Cot wepreen (mY 9) Mue-violet (v9) ‘Muebottle [plant] btue ag iplant} (21) ‘ueweed [herb] ©) Muffing Wy 12 Hushing (2 > &) boasfulaess (1) boating, boat tips 39 55 (9 boats, boat manufactures, boat ho Doss (FX) boats, fishing boy, one's physical, im general, and shape and sire 1 body, care and health of 6 mp body, contest between acid anil alkali the B body Nuids, distebution of body pote fmunane] (1) body thython (>) body, subconscious workings of the body, substance of the, as opposed to the vitality (>) bouy, regeneration of the, through the burning up and casting out of des 15 Boy material 2 ‘body, ultimate disposition of the 4 bog 3 2m bogus, bogus companies Bohemia Bohemians, Bohemians boileemakers | & boils mx boisterousness boldness Bolivia (7) Bolivia, Eastern Bolton, England Bombay, India st tombs, bombers (5) bombs, atom and hydrogen bondage 12 (2) bonds, bond salesmen 3 (5) bonds’ as possessions oF investments 8 bbondsmen, ball bones, in general ix} bones, diseases of, broken or dislocated bones v9 > bones, growth of long (1!) fone, fonts or ariculations of ¥ bones, marrow of (302) boneset plant) (>) bonnets 28 Tonuses 26 bookcases 3m books, bookstores, booksellers, book- binders 9 3.3 (7) books, text, rligious oF philosophical 94 bookkeepers, (m >) bookworms 0) ou ww 2 (mow) > ¥310 [see Appen- bookkeeping 3 ¥ % boomerangs C#) bootlegging, bootleggers ¥ 12 ¢ & boots 9% Brain, Base OF THE booty (2) borage therb] 2 bborderland regions borders, borderlands boredom > Homeo (4) borrowing (1) Bosnia [Yugoslavial bosses © 10 bossy persons ce) ay on Boston, Massachusetts mp (IL) otany, botanists 9 bottles. > bottles, water > bottom boudoirs 7 = boulders pouncing (¥} bouncing-bet {plant} ¢ boundary lines (8) bounties, © bouquets. @ bourgeois (21>) Bournemouth, England 3 boutiques ¢ = bouts 4 Bouyaney towels al bowel troubles 5) voress ¢ (2) bores O20 ones without Nnges boxing bores Bayes veyticnds 7 boys ¥ (9) Brabant OO) bracelets 2 bragging © brainy ct > (LO 3) be Cerebral hemixphees) tesinsbasc ofthe 16 me 60 i) BRAIN DISEASES AND AF ‘brain diseases and. affectations (a) brain, functions and substance of the > 8 brakes» Drambie (plant) & brambles & branches (18) Brandenburg, Germany v9 Branford, England brass ¢ (0) bravery @ brawls ¢ brawn ¢ Brazil (m) Brazil, Western bread’ (>) breakage 4 (4) breasts > 35 4 (2) breath, breathing» %¢ (21) breath, bad 4 & (1D breeding > % boeceding places breeding places for water fowl > Bremen, Germany brethren 3 #0 w brevity breweries, brewers, brewing > (nL v) briars bribery, tribes. vy 12 & brick kilns ¢ “7 bricks, brick makers, bricklayers > 13) bridal chembers borides, bridegrooms ¢ idge builders (4) bridges (3.2 > ¥) bricfeases ¥ 3 brigades 4 Brighton, England Bright's disease = brimstone 7 8 & (13) TATIONS BROTHER OR sts Brindisi, Waly mp brine vo} ers of tidings o Bristol, England 9. bbroadeasts, broadcasting beoadeasters m3 9 a) bbrocades technician (oy brokers, brokerages 21 browchial tabes, 3 8 3 bronchitis x 8 QQ Y ) bbronchocele & bronze ¢ brooches brooklime (plant ” 4) brooks 9% (') broom {plant} vg broomrape therb] (4) brooms (98) brothels @ © brotherhoods wy IT 9 12 brothers and sisters, in general, and espe cially he frst 3&3 appearance and personality of 3 childten, pleasures and speculations of 7 death and legacies of 10 friends of 1 health and servants of & hhome, property and end of life af 6 cringe and partner of 9 rnicotality, contracts, and short jour- neysaf $ ‘money ancl finances of 4 religious attituies andl tong, journeys of I reputation, profession or standing of 2 sorcaws and losses of losses theonigh 2 brotbier or sister, 2nd 5 bother or sister, 3rd 7 7 BROTHER OR SISTER brother or sister, th 9 brother or sister, Sth A brothersin-law and sisters-in-law 9 ‘appearance and personality of 9 children, pleasures and. speculations of 1 death and legacies of + friends of 7 hhealth and servants of | 2 hhome, property and end of life of 2 marriage and partner of 3 tnentality, contracts, and short jour- rneysof 11 money and finances of 10 religions attitudes and long journeys ofS reputation, profession or standing of 6 sorrows and losses of, losses throu 8 brown Mm brown,dark ml: 9 Broges, Belgium x prises Bw (3) Brunswick, Germany 7 brushes (9) brusqueness (1) Brussels, Belgium 19 brutality > 8 brutes» bryoniafdrug] ¢ (x) beyony [plant] & bubbles Vu buboes m buck’s meat [plant] (2) buckthorn trees Budapest, Hungary (4) Buddha (8 >) budgets 2 buffaloes (>) bugle {herb} @ Business builders, building > WS building materials buildings > 4% Buildings, corner [see corer buildings] ‘buildings, government > buildings in the middle of the block (8) buildings, largeand showy © buildings, pillared (3) buildings, public 4% ‘buildings, tops of, with cupolas or domes builtin Jovices and equipment Bulgaia 13 bullets bullights 5s bullies 6 bulls sw) bumps) bunions —3¢ burdens burdock [plant] @ bureaueracies (6 24) bureaus (2) Burgundy [France] (7) hourglars burglary 8 (12 2) burial, one's 4 burials» Burma = C7) boring oF debris 5B burns, burning, burned ground & (ro) burrowing animals and reptiles CP) burrows, burrowing Dury, England busboys (6) buses, bus travel, bus drivers 3 8 x (io) business, corporate (7) ess ingencral > ¥9 (36) husiness, credit and reputation of one's 7 18, BUSINESS DEALS business Jeals, silent business, finances and income from one's ‘business, losses i row through one’s ‘business matters, places of busi restraint of, and sor- business, one's; business life ‘business partners 7 ‘business, ran of one’s business, unusual Buyers busy, the; busybodies vt butchers gm (1) butcher's broom [plant] 4 butlers v m6 @ butter (> 9) buwter, places where stored (79) buterfies x vo buttocks 7 = (5) buttresses Duyers, buying and selling 9% ¥ Additional Entries: eabals 12 calamities. Bos cabbage > 35 um, caleifieation cabinetmakers 4 & Muoride 2% cabinet members and officers © phosphate 1 cabinets [furniture] 1p calcium sulphate m cabinets of presidents or prime calculation 39 cm 8) calendars cablegams 9 = ne) cables (a) “ cabs, cab drivers x #3 o caches calisthenics (¥') cachexia (55) callousness) B cactus 3 calm 9 cadavers» B cadence (¥) cadets 3 ¢ Cadiz, Spain cads | > caduect cafes, cafeterias m > 6 caffeine (7) Caim and Abel 4) cams caisson disease = ‘campers cajotery Canada, Ci (5) cake 8 Canada, Calabria (Italy 3€ Canada, ma) 20 at Canapa, WESTERN Canada, Western ‘canals, areas of land intersected by many ‘also patt of body affected ceandidness, candor candy, candy manufacturers and dealers ‘canneries, canning cantharides [drug] ‘caps, cap makers caps and gowns, graduation 2 es coe Gp, aly Cates er-caraway sols 9 Candin ofthe church See psig: card roms OA. Caracersy carcesness (1 %0) faresee Gremkers > 5 (6) coricates mia amine (color) farage 8 carpenters 2.913 ampets carpet iyers 28 farets valuable ¢ camiage one physcal_ 1 carrion, animals feeding, on ¢3 eB carrots, wild carrots & carrying (8) cas 3 9 HC [sce also automo tiles] cartilage cartoons, cartoonists ¥ (0) carts ccacuncles ©) cars? carving, wood carving 3? cascara plant] (#) ceascine © tcath, ash boxes, cash registers @ 8 200 cashiers ¢ 4 8-2 casinos 5 @ @ M(B) Caepian Sea. ‘Caspian Sea, fans bordering the + Cassiel fangell castaways (B) castigation > castings exstles O ceastors (5) casualties 6 9 B catabolism 5 9 reatacombs catalepsy 22 CATALONEA Catalonia [Spain] m catalogues wy catalysis (1) cataphora cataracts on the eyes © catarths » (O % 8) catarths of the bowels mp catarths of the nasal passages Mm wsofthe stomach % catastraptes ccatasteoptes, great © catechism 8 categories (20) caterers, catering > 3 (2) ceathartics (WB) cathedrals at Catholicos C4) catnip, catvint [plant] ¢ 9 sm? 6 catseye tone] @ cattle, catle-raisers, eatlemen, pens > % (> & 12) Caucasus 8 caucuses (uF) cauliflower > causes (1!) caustic acs or words 4 cauterization ¢ (8) caution >» cavaliors uo 8 cavalries $1 caves, caverns cavemen 7 (P) ceayenne pepper & cedar trees (E) ceilings (rw) ceilings, dirk (vs) ceilings. low (36) celandine [plant] celebrations @ ou (11) ies © (HM) celebrities, national {mundane} 10 celery, wild celery 9 (21) CHAIN: STORE SYNDICATES: ‘Celeste (np) clibaey (1) cell nutrition and development in the body (20) cecllats. 5 v9 (8) cellos cells for confinement 43 ¥ ¥ celluloid (1) cellulose (20) we hw Pm « Bm cemetery lot salesn cemetery workers YS cemetery workers, tools used by censors, censure 21% censuses (21) centauny Ther] (4) Central America centrifugal force 1 Gt 98) nfowce (1B 8) cereals (1 8 me) cerebellum () ccercbral congestion andl hemerthisges cercbral hemisphere, let cerebral hemisphete. right 9 ‘cerebral hemispheres of the Brain, in gen erly cerebral ventricles (2) cerebrospinal nervous system 8 Cr) cerebrum Po ceremonies 44 9 ceremonies and ceremonils in tion with the dead cccremoniousness ¥ Ceres (0) certificates #1 cess pools Bom cessation chain store syn 23 wr) Cuains chairmen of the board 10 chakras ¥ ehaleedony 9 chalcolite Chatdea chalk challenge chambers of commerce 1S cehameleons 6) chamomilla drug] (© 9.) chancellors 2 chances, the Iaws of chance, chances to win SEW) chandeliers» (5-4) change, changeableness, indicators of change > (8) changes, sudden ™ (2) chaos YO character, nobility of @ raracter, one’s 1 (4D) cchatily, charitable: movements and insti- tutions 12. Yo charivaries [see shivarees] charlatans >€ Charles (=) Charleston, West Virginia (=) charlock {plant} m. charts» (>) charts, places where kept mm chases, chasing (1') chasms & chastity mm (2) cheating, cheaters YX 12 (¥) checked patterns (9) checkers, food my > © checks, check books # 2% (8) cheeks 2 cheer, cheerfulness 9 2 # cheese, cheese manufacturers. and dealers CimLpRen Cheltenham, England 12 chemicals, chemical engineers YX fhemisiry, chemists, chemical Inborato- ries mY (6M WE) chemists, analytical ¥ 72 jorganic > () chemists, organic GO? tchemists, physical > 1 cherries, cherry tees cherry tres, Armenian (2) cherubs @ cchervil [plant] (21) chest of the body, chest cavity 4 25 @ ches u (a) . chestamt trees chests. with chests, chests. of drawers, doors (30) Chicago, Illinois chicanery ‘Y chicken houses 3» chicken pox (4) chickens, chicken raisers jekpea [plant] (2) chickweed > hicory (herts] (21 12) chief executives 10 © (8) chilblain > (2) childbirth, female childbearing organs > jildhood, early childhood environment 1p children, in gencral, and especially the first SOM 9 C9) appearance and personality of 5 children, pleasures and speculations of 9 death and legacies of 12 friends of 3 hnealth and servants of 10 hhome, property and end of life of 8 marriage and partner of 11 a (eH) >6m 24 ‘Cup mertality, contracts, and short jour- CIRCULATION, PULMONARY chiropractors V9 = mysof 7 chisel 3 (7) morey and finances of 6 chivalry 9 C8) religious attitudes and long journeys chlorine (*P) ol chloroform reputation, profession and standing chlorosis > 3 of 2 choiee, one's C9) sorrows and losses of, osses through choices (1) 4 choking (+) child, 2nd 7 cholagopues () child, 3rd 9 cholera np & (mn) child, 4th 11 chorus @ child Sth Christmas C1) child, Is in a man's Horoscope 5 chronic ailments hikd, 2nd, ina mian’s horoscope 7 ebonologies C+) thik, Ist in # woman's horoscope (4) ehronometers child, 2nc, ina woman's horoscope (6) ehtysolile O 9. % 9 children, circumstances affecting [aun- churches, church alfsirs, cuurchun dane} 5 church furnishings 20 9 children, employment in connection with churches, oll v7 > churches, seating a : children of brothers and sisters 7 churches, spti vx children of em ants 10 ldren of friends 3 children of partners and public enemies I children, step deci Chile 7 chills 5 chimes ¢ chimneys 47 (8 7) chimney-sweeps, China 2 (8) China, Red (m=) chinaware, chinayware ma 11 [sce also. step-chil frcturers > (@ =) chinehillas (21) chins 2 s (8) chiropodisis 14 3¢ rants and sere ls ny ference with the absorption of the mp chylification my Cs) chy cigars, cig cinch Cincinmati, Ohior scinnabar gC) m (Qa) scinguefoil [plant] 2 Cireassin = circles (2) Circulation of blood = () circulation of blood, arterial 2 circulation of blood, venous 9 circulation of bodily fluids, impeded circulation, pulmonary 9 25 ‘oats CIRCUMFERENCES c clerks, clerical work omg 3. (1) Cleveland, Obio (ml >) cleverness, clever persons ¢ 3 clients (10, 7) circumferences (9 cireumnnavigation Y circuses SOM 8 CW) cities (28 ce 4) Podl Sonus” oo clitoris m 2 estonia Slots, locke makers and repens Gju ste cl sevice employess 6 clones = mr (8) ew Od) cloth 2 [sce also individual types a Clothing, in general © ™ 6 (2 2) civilians 10> civilization 2 eu v mls) clothing, dealers Shion, ardor somes (2). Shing vere citiptt) 2) storing, vei int dnmante toting. grave elairaudience thing, men’s 21 sieisencnce Strhing plat and common > Same, lawoyants yx eotbing fesplendent © (em) lating, women's 5 clang wed 2 : Clohing, wrk > clotting, blood clots > Meinness, dandestine associates elle VX (21) ae 2 clover UCP MD Ga (2) Clowns clown cortumes. 9 9 Sinets 2 Seneca members eb hovses 1 Slay, ieton Ws 30 flay pt? chub secal #8. Gncdmiet ey cay cette tastes, cases atschool #9 a choosrophobia (8) comes (2) chy? (2) tonches yal © Cmplaion + cleaners 6 cleaning cleaning, dry cleavers. 8 cleavers plant] (2) clergymen 9 ‘coal, coal miners, coal dealers, coal mines vi ceoalescence > ‘coalition 9 coats 7 26 Coca coca {plant cocaine y cocks, fighting cock’s heal [herb] ¢ coconuts, coconut pal coercion (iB) coffee y (4 B) coffins 9 > B cognition (>) coincidences (4) coins 2 coins, gold © &. coins. old Cus) cold > Ws be O00) ey colds contracted from wet or cold feet * ccolewort [pant] collie mm > coliscuns © colitis (3) collar bones y 3 3 colleagues 11 a collectionef debs (8) o collectivism, collective ideas () collectors, collections > % (8) collectors, ax and bill m4 colleges, college students, college build igs and furnishings 9 20 (9 5) collusion collyrium (>) ocynth [plant] > Cologne, Germany Colombia Oc 2) colonels (3) colonic spasms at colonies, colonization (yw) colons Mm (4) color, senseof color 9 colors, in general 9 [see aor colors] Commassions cloudy arttints ga dark indefinite colors 9 np deep values or white» electric, mixed, or changeable col os = Maming and somewhat discordant hues tr full spectromatic tones © 0 iridescent and opalesees sv) eles, at or dark values ve jolonous shades > angry ane lunsinows shactos cs full hues colisfoot [pl col M} os nbines [plants] @ ists 8 (9) vr) comedy, € ’ consforts, love of comfort ey [herb] nds, commanders commemorations 11 commendations 21 commentators, news commerce, in general ou A commerce, focal 3 ‘commercial alfairs and trade (» 2 26 eon ou za) erstate and. international commissary departments (2) co tals of, owen or county 7 (ey CommirrEeMEN ‘committeemen, committees ‘commodities produced by or taken f the earth > commodities, put > “G1 5) common people, the; common employ- ments > (6% 7) ‘common people, the {mundane} 1D or commonsense > ccommion substances (21) commonplace, the > commonwealths > communal living CP) ‘communal possessions (8) communication, all means of; communi ilustries, facilities and centers and persons dealing, cation vax communication, distant 9 2% 4 9 communication, local 3% % communion (1) communism (1) ¥) commmunites (11%) communities, general character of fmun- dane] (1) community standing, on commating 3 9 XC We companionship? = comparison (4) iments, secret uses CY) compassion (S. ) ‘compendiums > compensation 24 competitors, competition compilation complacency 2 completeness (P) lexion, one’s 1 complexion, reddish § complexity (1) 10 om) Gen CONFISCATION complications (1) composers & ccomprehensi ¥ coaprentine 8 compulsion (¥) : unary cedes forthe Benet of he peoplcasanhole (2) computer progamners¥ (9) computers computer operators ¥ comrades @ (M) conanen oncealnent (2) conceit ¥ 7 smcenttion,concentraions > 04 oncentraioncarnps 12 oncepton ofottping > (5-2) oneericoncet tall S Crncision of an undertaking 4 concrete Concussion feondermation fondenation condition one's "1 conduct in pubic ones 10 ine ean ) mental 2 3 conductors, confectioners confederacies conferences cconfessionals 2 ‘confessions confidence © confidence men ‘confidential positions, matters and activi- ties 12-9 GD) confiding, confidants confinement of any ki finement 12% V (%) confiscation (18) 28 , places of con- CONFLAGRATIONS conflagrations 6 conflict ) Congress, congresses, congressmen 11 = (v4) congruity & cconium [hee] conjunctiva conjunctivitis (4 9.) connective tissue in the body (15) Connecticut (3) connoisseurs 2 conquerors, conquest 4 conscience @ (PB) conscientousness 5 © (2) consciousness PY consciousness, expansion of 9 1 ContRACTS, sian constructiveness. (Q) consuls (1) consulates (9) consumption 5X contacts with others 7 contacts, world wide 9 contagion, conta contagion, suscepti containers of contamination © contemplation & ion (9) jous diseases & to CP) kinds (>) «By fentment 9 contests 7g contests, charts of arena of action in (4) challengersin. (7) decision of judges in (7,9) decision of referees in (1) endof (4) consciousness, public (mu 1 judgesin (4) conscription (2) fone who is challenged in (1) consent 9 publie favorites ia (1) conservation of natural resources (2 telereesin (10) 2 le holders in (1) conservative, the; conservation y Cs) conservatives, dogmatic (5) ontortions, bodily consistency contraction > 19 consolidation contractors V9 conspiracies 12 > (wt BD contracts 73 wx Constance, Geemany v9 contracts concerned with employment constancy (8) Constantinople, Turkey 5 48 concerned with one's business constipation mp (12) constitution, one’s physical 1 © (2 contracts concerning property or teal >) tate (6) constitutions a constraint (8) constrictions construction, mechanical construction 29 contracts, financial (4) 4 contracts, places where kept (() contracts, 8 eof 3 CONTRADICTIONS, contradictions contributions 2 @ controls, controlling (8) controversies, controversy 7 5 (# ™) convalescence (8) conventionality conventions, convention halls (HI & ¥) convents > 19 12% 1 conversation, conversation areas ¥ x 3 conversion (1) convicts & conviviality @ convulsions. Ww Cv a. ¥) cooks, cooking § > &% 6 cooperation, cooperations, co-operative societies 1 = 8 (DB) cooperation with the people in a national sense mundane} (7) coopers and where they work (> =) coordination, physical or motor ¥ 1 os) Copenhagen, Denmark = copper 98 copyrights 9 coral 8s coraiae (plant) coralwots [plant] > cordials coriander (plant) Corinth, Greece 1p cork (>) com,cornfickls (Q 2 5) comelian (stone) 2 = comer buildings facing cast, east corner rooms ("") couner boil comer buildings facing south, south cor- norrooms (09) COUNTRIES, FOREIGN coer buildings facing west, west corner toons (=) corns om the feet > cornucopias (5) coronations 2 © coroners Bod m8 % corporation law aw corporations 2 corporations (at 8) corpses BY corpulence 21 corpuscles,red_ corpuscles, red, formation of (2°) corpuscles, white, formation of) corrals, eatle (1s) corrections (21) correspondence, correspondents 3 corridors (30) corruption @ (¥) corter (P) contin (2B) cosmetis,cosmiticians @ = cosmi, the; cosmology, cosmic sources ofencray ¥ (2) Cosmic Mother (>) costimary herb] C21) costunes 12° eotion couchgeass [plant] & ‘coughs, in general coughs, dry & ‘coughs, stomach ‘coughs, throat councils, city and country (LL) counselors 90 # (1 counselors, spiritual counselors, vocational (V9) ‘counterfeiting, that which is counterfeit ¥ counties, neighboring 3x countries, buried or submerged! (E) countries, foreign 916 7 30 COUNTRIES, NEIGIBORING OR SURROUNDING Cress countries, neighboring or surrounding 3 coves x country, alfairs of the 10 country, general conditions of and in- habitants of | counts, countesses 14 coupons 9 courage 3 P couriers 8 (w) court of law, chart for a deliberations of the jury (6). judgeof (10) jury verdict (7) plainiif andlawyers (7) recoris of (6) reporersof (3) court of law eeporters var 4 courtesy @ (8) courthouses courtiers (O) courts of law, in general 9 xt courts, supreme 9 7 3 courtships 5 ¢ 8. cousins, in general 3 y X the ) cchitdren and recreation of | 8 death and legacies of 1 finances of 5 Side in a man’s horoscope 10 chi recreation of 2 death and legacies of |S moneyand finances of 11 profession covert.the (B) of law costumes and furnishings © othe’. side in a horoscope and from the ot ther sein man's horoscope Wd reputation of ‘cousins from the father's side in a wom- an’s horescope and from the mother's reputation of 7 ‘cowards, cowardice » Os) Cowes, England 9 ceoworkers (1) ccow-parsnip iplant) 3) Cowper's glands cows (> 8) cowslips (plant) 9 @ coxalgia crabs > cerabsclaw {plant} Cracow, Potand cradles > 5 craftsmen, craftcmanship om 6 crags vs imps inthe body Me = C4) unps in the intestines np ceranberries (5) ceranebill [plant] 9 craks cravings, one’s (1) crayfish > crazy persons yy (BD cream” (3) cercamt color, ercane yellow creation, eating. cteaters C80) creativity; creative abilities, wy tivities 50-9) credentials yon Cy) credibility Cr) credit, creditors") credit departments (8) credit, national fmanlane} 10 credit, one’s 10. ¥ credit, ruin of one's § creeds (1) creosoting, creosote (2) + aud ae crematories Pog my crescents > cresses {plants} a fon) Crere Ceote my crime, crimes, criminals @ 3 12 ¥ v ime, condition of [mundane] 12 crime, organized; gangerimes crimes of violence 4 crimson (color) = $ crippled persons (2) crises critical persons mt) criticism, fondly (=) critics, eitiism, literary ei 3(u 9 3) Croatia crops, crop growers > 55 4 (8 mR) crops, stored 6 cxosswvalks (2) crosses (13) crosswort [plant] (2) cxotonil croup 8 exonbars (7) crowds (2), ‘crowfoot, marsh cfowfoot [plant] § mo mB crowns, crown jewels Q@ ue crows (4) crucibles (PB 8) crucifixion, B > cruelty Mm (>) crumbs (B) crusades, erusaders (1) erustaceous animals, crustaceans <= Mm cexyogenics WS crystal, crystals XC (25) crystal balls crystallization, crystallography bw) crystals CZECHOSLOVAKIA Additional Entries: cubes, geomettic (1) cuckoo flowers > cuckoo pint [herb] & cucumbers >. % cudweed [plant] 2 culminations CP) culture, cultoral centers, cultured people 28 cunning 8 Qt BY cupboards > (s.) curiosities, curious things 48 curiosity" (2) currants currency, its cieculation and control [mundane]. 9 2 8 ceurses, cursing (8) ceurtailment 5 curves (2) eushions (2) ceuspidors (8) custodians (9% 4) customers ue (7) customs, conventions 2 customs, trill 2 culancousdisorders 13 cuticles > 1 cutlery, users of cutlery 4 cus 8 (AD ccuting instruments and machinery 2 eyeles (8) cyclones a cynics eypressirees 9° > CP) Cyprus 8 = esis Cuechoslovakia 33 D daughters-in-law LT ‘death and legacies of 6 friends of 9 money and finances of 12 profession and reputation of | & daffodils 9 A. daggers & dahlias (22) . dairies, dairy farmers, places where dairy products are stored > my dauntlessness daisies ¢ 8 4D daisies, English @ (3) David (2) Daisy €>) dawn OD Dallas, Texas (1) daydreaming (V) thylaorers daytime daylight © death, and ates connected with the wa em Go) dest pousions at open of the 8 teatoas #8) Sent ingen dese i eset Commotiter C2) vesting ih the pole 7-> seams Bomce Seat iteflect upon oe aise 8 y deamieater Be Dalmantia 7 Damascus, Syria st. dampness” > dams > Dan (™) dance halls dancers, dancing, the dance 9 8 W 3 (1) dandelions 4 @ danger, dangerous occupations daring § Dark Ages. (>) darkness, dark places, dark persons. " ceathmoieotons eons, photographic ( %) ath of sum and uncles 1, 7 fee ou proton ‘ aunts, uncles] beives death of brothers and sisters 10° [see lata processors ( ™) daughters @ 5 © A. [see children] brothers, sisters} M DEATH OF CHILDREN death ofclildren 12 [sce children} death of fiends, step children, sons and daughter-in-law 6 death of parents 5, 11 [see father, mother) death of partner, wife, husband or public enemy 2 death of sesret enemies 7 death, one’s 8,4 death, publicity given to one’s (5) death rates{mundane) 8 m deat eB deaths by accident or violence deaths by disease (5) deaths, changes brought about because of (10) deaths in the family (11) deaths, losses and bereavement through 7 deaths, sudien 4 debacles 2 ebasement B debates, debating —¢ 3.x (4 W) debauchery ye debilities “(x 2) debits debris, burning of debris Ucbstors, one's (7) debts, debtors» (6,8) ebis, personal 2 debIs due from foreign countries [mun- dane} (m) debutant ¢ ecadence 2» decapitation & decay» 1 B (>) deceit, deceivers, deceptions 12. December 13 decency Aecisions —() decomposition v9 & (>) decorations, decorative objects @ Demicons decorators, interior andexterion ¢ decrepitude » © dedication (5) deeds, deed recorders dceds'one docs & deep, the (12%) deer 2 (4) detacing default” (22) defeat detecting Cw ©) defects, defectiveness » (B) Gelendants, defendants at law. (74 u) efense, defenders ¢ defensiveness deterring, deferments (1) defiance ¢ 2 (m1) eliciencies, deficits defilement” (1) definitions deflation deformities, deformities of the buxly (PB ww) degeneracy, degenerates By cgeneration Po degradation B Delaware (7) delays delegates, delegation deliberation v9 Uelicacies © (4) Delilah (>) elineation ¥ Aelingueney (x B 9) defirium y (B) deliveries, delivery men > deluges “y delusions, mass delusion yw 12 (>) demagogues (9) demands, demanding (4) demigods (1) as Democracies Devil's art Devitatization Diseases mocracies, democratic governments derangements, mental © deitaization diningrooms mp s6. (9 11) “Ialmovencits (8) dragon ui Sevoies 92 tin Democratic Party (%) derelicts devouring diphtheria = @ (my demotion, demolshment © derricks Yo dev > Aiplomacy diplomats y= Gt ¥) e descendants (>) dexterity 9 « 3(9 @) dipsomania pes (TP) monsteations, protest (3%) Uesertion, deserted places diabetes 2 = GR 8) directors, dircetorates $1 (1) demenstetions visual ©) desertion of one's faith diadene itditGoess 9 3 demonstrative persons 3 deserts, © 2 (B 4) diagrams (>) disablement © emotions iy 8 dialects (4) Sisagrecmnent demulcents one'sdesires @ SW LL AT dialogues disappearances p(B 6) ceopie (3) desire bois (3) ‘las (>) disappointments “C12 (#6) war die for now expeicace (>) diametes() disapproval (8) fim (Ch) Acsire-nature with respect (0 material diamond cutters 8 8 disarray (8) Denmark thinge (2) diamonds Ost om disasters yw denominatior (Qt) desires, one’s strongest (2) Diana > disbursement (af) denouements (9) desks YC. Aiapragm of the body 55. (m) discarding. dens, animal (9) despair, despondency diaries disciples (¥ ) densin homes (S. ») despots, despotism (8) diarrhea me (> 3) scipline density > destiny Cs) dice diaclosures dental dels destitute, homes forthe 12.3 dicta (1) discomfort rete ipenists and technicians ng destitution B dictation v discontent dental trouble 28 destucton, desiructiveness, destroyers dictators @ Cw 10) tiscord demu, dentistry, 0G 8) 22 (bw) ° discounts dentures detaching, detachment flctionaies 3 ¥ (21) discovery, disconerers (9) paring CW) detail m2 Dictogrphs discrepancies Serarimgathends (© 29 detectives, detection @ mT x 12 dict, dielcians, ditetcs ¥ mg 6 (>) * depariments (G2 ¥) «> dierent the Seerimination (new) dependence, dependability (>) detention 12 Giffcult battles and_ tasks, life's most disdain + dependents one’s (6% 11) deterioration (12) Gisease,in general up 6 (2) aioe fetermination (1) sittcutics > 13 Algeasesueings from) 12 seamen (8) deterents Sigestion, digestive organs and troubles, diseases eave by excesses ey Migestve juices > 55 4 (21M) dieawes, clonic ” sigaty, igmiies | 10 2 , eontaplous or infections wx sikes 9 > depravity @ signs XC ilapidaton’ > (2) an deprecation» Detroit, Michigan (0 - diletantes @ =~ Schresion eovotional % ¥3 (2) devastation, areas of devastation aiigence > Gineaes trom ies, stings hogs oF sksw depressornerves. (1?) (wa) ailliplan) » a. hol ‘deprivation = Aleviation i 4 diseases, incurable (1) cone Ce) devices WY ‘i diseases, in sre eoutes devils, deve, dosilry cones deraiing vB dtevits bit pant] (9) diners, dioners yo mp > 36 37 DISEASES diseases snvolving mucous discharges and secretions 3 >. diseases, nervous ¥ 3 diseases, obscure or hard to diagnose x diseases of the left side of a female diseases of the left side of a male diseases of the right side of a fen co) diseases of the right side of a male ses, periodic and returning > diseases, spasmodic and nervous diseases, violent digeases, wasting disfiguring & disgrace (109) disguises disgust dishonor (2) disinfectants, disinfecting disintegration > location, dislodging ‘of bones @ (9) le o ws ow) os Gismembering 6 dismissal (9) disobedience (1!) disorder, disorganization disowning (2) dispensatics digpersement 1 displacement (0) displays.) disposition, one's natural disputes 2 (28) uplions >on wo 109) satisfaction sion & nt (8) dissertations dissipation (> @ 2) Domes, NATURAL dissolution YX dissolving WX far from one's birthplace 9 things (8) distillation Cy B) distillers, distilleries distinction 2 x distortion, distorting (WW) distraught persons (') » 12 (6) istributers 39 (8) distribution systems for the public > disturbances 3 ditehes $5 > diuretics (9) divers, deep sea divers diversification mt divination, diviners YB divinity division Cu) divorce rate, public attitudes toward di- ‘vorce [mundane] 7 divorces ¥ divoroés, divoreées 1 dizziness 7 (O) dock [plant] (v9) docks > ¥ doctor, one’s (7) doctors, doctoring, doctors’ offices ¥ m6 2 (nm) doctors of divinity, literature, Taw or phi losophy 2 doggedness > dog-grass x (1) dogmas» dogs @ my 6 (21) ddog-tooth [plant] > dollars dolls 2 dolphins (2) domes (1) domes, natural (B) 38, domestic life, envionment and affairs, ditting one's rilling, dling machines domestic servants @ > mp 6 (4) dis, military (=) domesticity > ve 4 drinks, drinking» domination (2) drinks, medicinal ( ) donations. donors @ 4 (12) drivers, auto, cab or bas We donkeys Ueopsy Pm Ce =) doom 9 12 dropwort {plant} (9 doormen 6 dross 9 (B) doors, door knockers. (v3) Growning doorways (ic 7) drudgery dormancy druggists, drugstores? Cm 6) dorsal region of the back © 0, [see druglesshealing vertebrae in Appendix] drugs, im general" 12 [sce also doublestime (1) dividual names! doubt deg. adabictions; daa doubtful, they gsi drugs which produce dough (1) unconsciousness or sleep ¥¢ 12 Dover, England drums doves’ 9 = drunkenness, drunkals vy x > P dove'sfoot {plant (a) » dowagers drycleaners mp» down, downwardness (4) drydocks (=) downfall, c's 12 ry epidermis vr dowries | 8 dry goods, dry goods stores @ > drafismen ve mp ts dey places. Cr) dragon's Naxweed [plant] Ce) dryness bows ($8) Aragonwort{plant} (=) duality 3c drains > Dublin, Ireland os rains land (m), ducks (>) drama oy (5) duckweed» drapers 9 ddctless glands, in general (om 9 drawing rons (@) [see individual names} dreamers ducts,tear > (© 4 dreams, dream consciousness 9 y # — ducls, duels with public enemies 7 ©) redging machines dress, one’s manner of esses dressing tables, dressers, dtes =e dressmakers ° s > 6 ducts 9 dukes, duchesses a dullness imps, eubbish dunes dungeons dunghills 39 am ve Duopenumt duodenum 1 dupes, duping duplicates. (¢) dura mater (8) duly, duties (21) dwellings, ancient dwellings 4 aye, dyers (4) dyer's-weed [plant] dynamics dynamite dynamos dynasties dysentery dyspepsia 40 « ¥ ® Cs) m Ds » Dyspepsia Additional Entries: 4 eagerness 8 cagks Cm) earls 2 ‘earning capacity, one’s earnings 2° i cacrings 8 fears, in general 24 8 (7) cartel (39) car right (209) earth > (8) earth, commodities produced by or taken from the earth with curative properties carthquakes, earth movements and shifts we ‘earthquakes, property damage from (4) earthy occupations ease easels 9 2s cast, cast wall in aroom East Indies () eating (3) eaves of roofs ( ebony > eccentric persons eccentricities ) wv) (ey E eccentricities, artistic (V) ecclesiastical” dignitaries, coclesiasticism u cceonomsieal, the (sy ts, economics > 19 ecstasy Y (EB) Feuador, Eastern (4) Ecuador, Northern (x0) ecrema > v9 (m=) edema > edges. (4) edicts rs, editing, editorial staffs my xr 4 bY ceaivors, society ¢ ‘educated classes, the 9 & education, higher 9 # education, one's ¥ 5,39 7 Son peimry and secondary 36 cdo, pessoa ws one's (2) Sica facie 0d isons sae gus edt, © 8 0) 42. Erresinancy cffeminancy ¢ effervescence (¥) ffciency, efficiency experts ony wm effort cflrontery ces (FB) eglantine [plant] 8. Bo, the; consciousness of the ego © ego and tie physical body, enmity be- ‘ween, resulting in disease’ (6) 0, thingsthat affect the (1) egoism 0 (5) egotism (3) Egypt. (= ¥ 1) Egypt. lower 3 Egypt, upper clastic, elasticity (1) elation @ clbows elder plant) 9 elderly persons, elders 5 (4) clecampane herb] elections, electors, clectorates (48) lectricians, electrical engincers EMOTIONAL. reRsoNS elevators, grain x mp» celtwort [plant] elimination, organs of li nm elimination of utine through bladder and vretica tation of urine through kidneys =~ OD) climination, sluggish Cv ) elimination through the skin the 1 Elizabeth (ng) ck (r #7) elmirces locution © clongation (1) loping @ elusiveness 9) elves (0) cemanciation ‘emancipation, ema cembalmsers, embalming argos embarassment (> >) embarrassment, one sai tore mt Bom aquerent from electricity, electricity in the body, electric thorary]_ ©. applianecs and manufacturers and deal- embassies 11 (#) es eS embellish ° electrocution WB embezalement, emberslers 00 lectrodes wt emblems O's. electrolytes Y cembroiderers, embroideries electtomagretism emeralds @ oP clectronics, electronic devices and tech- emergencies niicians "y= (B) emeties (9 >) electrons emigeants, emigeation (ow ¥) clectroplaters, electroplating om = eminency. uO a emollients 3 9 clegance ¢ emoluments 4 9 2 clephants 4 12 emoluments of lice or profession 11 elevation (Q) emotional persons, debilitating emotional elevators, clvator operators. wv 3 depression >) 43 EMOTIONAL QUALITIES AND ATTITUDES ENGAGEMENTS TO BE MARRIED ENGINEERS AND ENGINEERING Esoruacius emotional qualities and attitudes, one’s encouragement (1) engineers and engineering, in general wt enunciation ny encumbrances 3 envelopes ¢ emotional tendencies (5) encyclopedias 20 8 engincers, broadcasting Ww (# B) environment engincers, chemical 3¢ general Y (9 8 end, endings cdo ifeend of undertakings 4 ongcrctl 8 tg : ivied >> summit F engineers constriction "() ewvionment, eveyny (3) motions; one's ier" (2) naive plant} mp 20 (>) term electial cr partorile 4 emotions pleasurable (5) Saderine system and gla, tv general incor tight () = ns] engscers indus 09 ae Fe jotions, seat of one’s (4 5) (Q_& m=) [see individual ‘emotions, secret or unexpressed 12 endocrine imbalance resulting in inflamed engineers, mechanical 3 9¢ enzymes. 2 o glands and defective eyesight (>) engineers, metallurgical (18 ‘7 2%) ephemerides + a endowments 1 9 wn epicutes 9 ‘ endurance (5 4) engincers, missile § (#) ‘ enemas (5) engincers, ools of 4 employees 6 mp 8 cencmics, conquest of (6) ¥ employees, and recreation of enemies of the State [mundane] 7 (1 ) gland epi ‘ones 10 cncmics. pubic oropen 7 (4) england, Westem — 3 crises cmployees, death and legacies of one's enemies, pubic, children of one's "11 engravers, engravings @ § cpitaphs vB H ‘enemies, public, death of one's 2 enhancement 2 equality 2 employees, money and finances of one’s enemies, public, partners and associates cnigmas YB equals. social (7) pe mes rene Enjoyment 5-2 eqaior (CH) employees, profession and reputation of — enemies, public, profession of one's 4 ccalargement, enlargement of bodily or- equilibrium ~ (1 4) one’s 3 enemies, revengeful [horary] é gans equipoise () employers 10 W3 (6 4 ©) ‘enemies, seeret or private, and persecution enmities 0) equities 9 employers, children and recreation of by 12 € (8) enmites, poblie 7 eradication & one's 2 enemies, sceret, children of one’s 4 enteralgia erasing, erasers. @ ‘employers, death and legacies of one’s § enemies, secret, death of one’s 7 storie cilconiiers my erethism mployers, money and finances of one’s enemies, seeet, of nation (mandane] 12 catecle ever ME ermine (0) M1 enemies, seeretof one's children 4 enterprise, one's spiritot (5 w 4) erosion 8B employee's opinion of the native (10) enemies, secret, of one's father (3) enterprise, suecessin public (©) erotica, eroticism 9 employers, profession and reputation of enemies, secret, partners and associates enterprises (STW 2) errands, errand bays & ‘entertainment, entertainers, places of en etfatic, the 1 of one’s 6 one’s 7 employment, laborious enemies, cere, profession of one’s 9 crtsinment <2 58. O (1%) eteorserraia (MB) cencrrentiooe 10 mt cme se TO ®) entertainment, associates connected with ervetions emptiness (2) energy, atomic and intra-atomiie one’s () cruptions Ca) cemusions (24) energy combustion, rapid, under stress in entertzinnient directors © 9) cexuptivediseaces 4 mt enamels, cloissone (@) the body & j emhusiasm a Cn) crysipelae V9 enamels enamicled woods ¢ energy, cosmic sources of © enticement * escalators > encephalitis ‘4 energy depletion inthe body (1?) entities, inner-plane (12 30) escapades (9m) enchantment energy, dynamic 6 entomology, entomologists (By escape 9 12 Cary enclosures (12) enervation (¥ PB) entrances OH) escrows (&) fencores (1!) enigagemients fo be martied @ (5) enuryelerks esophagus em 45 44 Esoriacus esophagus, upper partof the 8 esotericism (1) espionage WY Bm essays essential, the estates, estate agents 4 ‘estates, large (4) estates. of marriage or business partners 8 esteem 4 10 esthetics, esthetes ¢ estimates (2!) estrangements estrogen (92) etching, etchings & eternal, the (©) ether, ethers, ethers in the body V1 ve ctherie doubles, etherie vision (1) ethics 20 ethnology C¥) etiquette @ 4 (W) ‘eucalyptus trees (O) eugenics (9) eulogies 2 cupatorivm (plant 2 cuphonies Europe, asa whole > ‘eustachian tubes & evacuation evaporation (E) evasion Eve, Eva (112) evening > events, sudden and unexpected! evergreen trees CE) ‘everybody, everything (V) everyday use, items of; everyday affairs > eviction 1 evidence, visual (>) evil B EXPECTATION evolution, evolvemient (2 v Y 8) exaggerations uo 4 exaltation (2) examinations, physical 6 examinations, written ot oral 3 excavations, excavators 19 (8 2) excellence | u excelling (9) exceptional, the excerpls excesses 4 C9) exchange, any medium of exchequers uf @ 2 excitability ¥ (8) excitement exclusion» ‘exclusive, that which is & ‘excretion, excretory system and organs mee s excuses (2) ‘executions, executioners cexceutives, executive ability exemptions (18) ow me Bmes 4o10 exercising & exertion 4 ns CW) persons 12. ¥ (w) on) exiles, exi exits, exiting exodus (18) exorbitance exotericism exotica ¥ ‘expansion, expansiveness expansion, limitless cexpatriation (18) expectation (1) ay oD « on 4 (4 0) 46 | ' | i | | | | EXrepitions expeditions ‘expenditures 2 expensive, the 2 experiments experimenters experts (3) expiation (%) explanations exploitation y exploration, explorers w= 9 M4 exploration of ocean depths and outer space 2 explosives, explosions exponents & (it) exports, 9 Y (a) exports, natonal [mundane] 2 exposés ¥ (12 1) expositions > (1) expression & expressways [see rods} expulsion ‘expurgation (a) cextemporancousness ws (a) ce) 47 extensions (¥) exterior, the (1) extortion ¥ extta, that which is (4) extraordinary, the 1 extrasensory perception and organs of v (> eB) extravagance 4 (4 9 © A) ‘extremes, good and bad extremes, ext its Bow eye alllictions and disorders, structural Y © [see also eyesight] eye-bright [herb] © a eyes, glass eyes, im general > v) eyes. left of a male, right of a female» eyes, right of a mate, eft of a female eyes, parts of connecied with ctheric v1 sion (8) eyesight 9 eyesight, defective» olm Additional Entr' 48 a fables, ¢ face, diseases of the face, eruptions on the face 17 8 facsimiles (> 9) factions factories facts vow facts, hardcore (+) faculties, bodily or sensual» faculties, mental & fading “yw fads 9 failures 5 fainting spells. © a. (>) fairies fairness faith CB © WY [sce also faith, reli giovs] faith, desertion of one’s 1 faith healers Ww 2 faith, teligious #9 faithfulness» (9) faithlessness ( ) fakes fakirs faleons—¢ Fallopian tubes fallow ground falls bodily v9 falls from position falsehoods 12. () falsity We fame, famous persons @ 10 ’ families, one's family 4 family rooms.) famines fanaties, fanaticism mw fanciful, the > Fancy gools = (1) Fangs fantasy faces. ¢ (B) farmers. dairy ming. farmers, farm hank, implements 4! 4 ve Cs Farnam, England (0¢) Faroe Islands Cr) farsightedness > iB ts, fatty degeneration at lism fatalities 49 father of one bors at night father of one born during the day father, one's, in generat {see also parents) 10 see ako parcats} sn 4 (sce also parents} fatherhood © 8. 5 father-in-law of a wornan father's relatives 6 4 (%» 12) also aunts, untes) favor, one from whom one is desired fear, fears, ailmen feather-few (plant) fecundation, fecundity Feelings shared or gained through others feet, deformities and ai Fieyps, want feline animals, large 8 feline animats, small mp fellowship 11 2% fellow-travelers (horaty} (1) felons, felonies E> female childbearing organs > female disorders > female occupations such as maids, nurses and midwives > female relatives ¢ females, in general > @ femininity, feminine culture @ feminism 2 fences > fennel [plant] 8. fens > & (a) fermentation > @ (3) ferns (rb & YD ferns that grow in water 3 ferocity 3 ferrets, (P) ferries YD ferruin phosphate > fertility, fertilization > (@) fertilizers @ festering diseases festivities, public festivals -& feuds 3 > fever, Rocky Mountain (.) fevers, feverish ailments 2 Q 0 T cw) fer, Moraceo fiancés, fancées @ fickleness > (30) fiction °F fictiious names W 3€ 12 fiddles 9 fidelity fells 4b 9 ficlds, barren, stony o lying fallow 3 fields, uneven o recently dug up ( fields, wheat @ 8 ¥ mR 2 50, Finns fiends © fights, fighters, prize fighters 8 figs, gies (#) figwork fplant] filbert trees file clerks, filing cabinets yx m files, carpenters! & filibusters film stars © 9. films, filmmiom 5 filth” © filuation bodily process] (2) finality (+) finance, fnancial prospects and alfairs 22 27>) finances, government and national; finan- ial condition of the people {mundane} 2 finances, joint 8 finances of one's employer 11 finances of one's partner 8 financial erganizations (8) financial relationship of the world to one~ self, especially as liabilities (8) financial relationship with foreign coun- tries {mundane} 8, 10 financial sanding and vision, one’s 2 financiers 4 9 % (O 6) finding, finlers 48 finearts 2 & finery 9 fines x @ (2, 7, 11) finesse 9 fingers, fingernails ¥ Xx mp 3 hes, bright Cy) inisterre, Cape [Spain] tees (6-7) fire, fires, things made by fire 3 7 (0) firearms Ms firebugs © firedamp fire departments 6 § Foexenitery fireaters 6 fice engines 8 18 firetics (>) firemen, occupations connected with fire ar fireplaces. ¢ YO fireplaces in upper rooms (#) fite, places near or where it has been (a) firestone (8 7) fireworks, firecrackers & rmament, the (1) aid, fet aid kite om mp fish, Fishing, Gsermen, fisbing industry. fish mackets and dealers, fishing ponds and places, ishing tackle and nets, fish canneries “WX 2 8 fissionable material CP) fisighting fistulas ms Cs 4 4 fis wd 9 (nT) fixtures Mabbiness > 24 flag, blue [plant] (20) flag. sweet [plant] () flags (5) Flanders x flanks ofthe body m Mashlights > flasks V > Aatierers,flatery @ (11) flatulence % flavors, in genet fox & 2 Maxsced herb] (13) Maxweed [plant] > (2) feas (2) Aeawort [plan Meets, naval flesh 2 © (sce appendix] FLteRs FORGE TEULNESS folly CB) food, purveyors of food, places where food is stored or prepared 6 % Tm fliers w= (V) fliminess ¥ flint 3 > mR flrcatiousness & > floatation foolishness (2) Moats, parade 2 football. (5) flocks €¥) fooimen & flood control) footwear > flake places subject t0 flooding foppishness | PR _ force, forcefulness ¢ 7 (1 BY floods, property damage from 4 forearms 3 floors») forcbodings floors, cold or damp (3) forceasts, forecasting floors, tiled (S) foreclosures Florence, Italy 7 forefathers (1) Florida (¢ 8) forchead ¢ (9) florists. 9 forehead, upper (28) flotsam vB foreign affairs and trade {wndane] 7 flour (21) und flowers, in general 9 = Foreign Affairs, Ministry of 9 2 # flowers, fragrant garden ¢ foreign agents, confidential 12, ¥ flowers, golden and bright yellow or large foreign countries, affairs, avel, people, ‘and showy ©. representatives, polities, —_imterests, towers, white of night blooming > 2 agents and agencies 9 = 7 flowers, wild & foreign countries, contracts and_ agree flowing substances ( ) ‘ments with; exchange of amenities with fuctuation > forcign governments [mundane] 11 flues foreign countries, financial relations with fluids, dealers in Muids, places where fluids [mundane] 8, 10 ‘are kept or sold 3% (YX) foreign countries, money from 10 wide of the body, distribution of the —(oreign counties, property owned in 12 foreign persons, losses through 8 =) fuids of the body, excess Muidity or Muidic foreign policies, public support of (mun- derangements in the body > (CP) dane] 7 foreignness, foreigners (28) fluorescence > Vw! foremen © (S-) fluoride of ime 25 flutes foresight WC») fying CP) forests, foresters (=P 9 flywheels 4) foam ¥ forests, thick and dark (5) fodder (1m) forgery, forgers. v4 ID fog vx forges 47 followers, one’s (11) Forgettulness & 52 Faienps: Os) fraternity, fraternities 11 2 ing? frauds, fraud 9€ 12 3 frcaks formality u freckles 4 formation, formations» freedom 2 (6) forms and shapes {see appenntix} freelancing, freclancers forms, business ¥ x 3 frce living, and malacies avis ° Formulas (21) reemasonry (8 Mtb) fice wade 1 forwities feee will 9 forts, fortesses fecoways [ee highways] fortune, good 2 freezing» fortune lies > 9 freight fortunes, changes of; uncertain fortunes frenzies ww & >ve feequency forums 2 frescoes fossits > freshmen 82 foulness fectfulness foundaticas (4) Fribourg, Switzerland ~ foundiings friction 6 foundries, foundry workers ¢ Friday Fountains Yo x > ss (=) ficwd with wisdom upon whom quetent Fowl, domestic and common 6 m™ > . depends for protection or assist [see also birds} thorary] 2 fowl, water, and breeding places for friendliness. @ = = x friends 1 = @ (1) fowl, wild (9) friends, closest (7) foxes (+) friends, appearance and personality of Foxglove [plant] 2 " Fractures,bone 48 > friends; children, pleasures and speeula Fractutesof ankles or shins = tions of 3 fractures of arms orb x fricnds, death and legacies of 6 Fragments $ Iionds, fi ’ fragrances @ fictads, health and servants of 4 Frameworks friends; home, prop end of ie France (4 9) of 2 * fi artiage and partners ofS franchises (1) friends; mentality, contracts. and showt Frankfurt am Main, Gern journeys of Frankfurcander-Ouer, Germany m friends, money and finances of 12 sense [plant] © SL friends, religions attitudes and long jour franticness neys of 7 53 Frrenns friends; reputation, profession or stand~ ing of 8 fiends, sorrows and losses of, losses through 10 fiends, aged and conservative [horary] » friends, departed (8) friends, dissipated thorary] (22) friends in an emergency (horary] friends in foreign lands or counties 7 friends in one’s business or professional lite 8 sof one’s aunts and uncles 4, 10 {see aunts, uncles} ds of one’s brothers and sisters 1 is of one’s children 3 riends of one’s employees and servants, 4 friends of one’s employer | 8 1s of one’s patents 8, 2 [see par eats] friends of one's partner 5 friends of the family 2 friends, powerful © fends, rich and generous (horary] 2. wis, strong and. aggressive [horary] friendship, friendships ¢ 2 ° teogs => 55 frontiers frost, frostbite 9 frowns, frowning frozen places, frozen substances» 9 frugality fruit, fruit wees, frutwoods 2 Furure, THe re places where stored or sold mR & frwitfulness ue > on > fugitives 7 fulerums (>) fullness a felmination fumigation © famitory therb] fun 2 5 functions, body, in general; functional al iments and irregularities > fundamentals fanerals, funeral directors, funeral trains » Bm (x 12) fungus > (CY) fur, animals with valuable; valuable furs uO? fur, imitation y furloughs (¥) furnaces, furnace rooms (SL) furnishings furnishings, rich © furniture; furniture manufacturers, deal- fersaand stores 9 (= >) furniture, cushioned or upholstered & forniture, garden furniture, large furniture, luxury & furniture, nursery furniture, ordinary > furniture tops (T) furriers. @ = © fury & furze fplant) fusillades fusion futility (@) future, the; futurists CY 2) 34 Additional Entries: 35 Gabriet > piety 9 5 ‘ain, financial gain Galatia galaxies galena gales 7 ( > zen » Galicia [Spain] 3¢ gall a ™ om gall bladders, gallstones gallantry gallows zaloshes ‘gambling, gamblers, gambling houses and equipment SO (2 MED gamecocks 4 fame preserves. ("P) game, wild Wt # games, professional games, games of chance 5.9. O % (2!) gamins gangrene» (8 2) 1" PB wo galvanism 1 galvanometers 3 (2) and games, gain from 6 gambling and games, losses from 4 G gangsters, gangs, gang leaders B (4 v) gangways gaps (8) garages garages, repair; garage proprictors and workers (1) garbage, garbage collection 5 B garden furniture & gardening, market > $5 ML gardens, gardeners, garden pwd om gardens, tow (mY gardens, public gardens, roof (= gargling VX gargoyles Cw) garlands @ garlic 3 garments 9 [sce also clothing) garnets 8-7 (> AD garnishes ¢ paricls = CY) garters > Y ‘aS; gas systems, appliances and meters wx fgasin the intestines. mp 56 an Gas IN THE stomtactl asin thestomach Bases = (YX) gaskets gasmadks gasoline FX fAsoline ations and owners and workers vx ue gastric juices, gastric eatarrh gastritis 5% gastronomy > % gates 19 (8) Eatherings, social raudines’ > & Eawnilets 3 gauze (3) fgvels, judges’ 2 peas geese (0) gelatin gems, in. general names} Gene ene generals everation; ge diseases > 6 woe © sce also. specific @ lisimos CP) aa) tive system, organs and m8 ae ternal 4 (0) genetics (1) genitals, genital disorders, genitourinary system 2 mg 8 @ [sce also sex organs] genius, geniuses fenluses, creative, literary or artistic 9 enoa, Itly sentian [plant] gentility ¢ gentlemen x @ gentleness ¢ gentey genuineness 2 4 (2) GLasses, v4 » (Bx) geology, geologists geometry (>t) Georgia 808) ‘ inder ther y sgermicides germination» B germs (2) gestation > gestures, gesticutation: geysers Bom st, Belgivas ghettos ghost writers gifts gift shops giliflowers [plant] gill OF fin, gin ma ginger ginseng [plant] 26 giraffes (0s) fil friends 7 ils ov ew ony 2 (0) aD incturers. © 8. ith giving and rec glaciers oy ular system of the body, ia general Po @ CW 4) [see in idual names} ids, duetless, in general (ome {sce individual names} glandulae imbalance from unexplsin-Ne glandular swellings x W (2) glandular swellings in neck lass, glassware, lass ane plassware fae > (8 Od lasses,eye > 7 tories Giaucoma glaucoma (@) listening substances (©) flobetrotters CP) gloom ilory, glorification, glory-seekers QU gloryin battle © & Glossop. England (mt) Hloves and makers of gloves @ loves, leather and work glowworms (> 2) lucose 9 glues > glutony 4 > (2 8) Byeerine CV) Biycogen 21 gms (2) gnomes (2) goals, one's 10, 11 oats, goat-pons 4 13 6 gocars odchildeen (#8) foddesses, gods, odheads (4) godtathers uC > YD Godlessness © godmothers @ (4 >) po-getters poitres. & @ (8) fold, goldsmiths and workers in gold, gold leaf, gold mines © 8 gold color] foldencod [plant] fold stone golf, golfers, golf Tinks gollcourses 5 8, gonads m > B Ce 3) gonorthoca m Be goodness, good will 2 fooscborries ossp,gossipers gourds > 8 pourmands > gourmels 2 > Gre ea) vax) GRANDFATHER gout > (FU xX DB) goutwort [plant] > governesses Yom government; government officials, repre- sentatives and activities 10 © 8 an government activities, one’s cooperation with 4 government buildings © @ overnment employees (Q 3 6) government, end of existing state of Irvundane] 8 {government finances [mundane] 2 government, progtessof 10 19 © government service © v9 10 government, state, town and county an government, state, town and county, workers in (>) spovernesses 6 governor's chief appointees (im) governors (v7 10) gowns 9 (26) ee) school (1) graduation caps and gowns graft, grafters rain, grain dealers, granaries and grain elevators. WX mm grammar y (21) grandchildren 9 ‘grandchildren, death and legacies of 4 een, friends of 7 ren, great 1 len, money and finances of [grandchildren, profession and reputation of 6 grandchildren through stepchildren 3 grandeur @ (28) grandfather of a man and grandmother 58 GRANDFATHER of a woman 7 death snd legacies of | 2 friends of 5 money anid finances of 8 profession and reputation of 4 grandfather of a woman and grandmother of aman death and legacies of 8 friendsof 11 money and finances of 2 profession and reputation of 10 grandparents, in general 7, 1 (3 5 4) grandstands (8) granite» 13 grants © & ageants, philanthropical grapettuit ces © grapes. @ (©) graphite . graphology, graphologists © x grass (9m) gratification ¢ gratitude 8 2 sratuties 2 gravel gravel pits > 1 OO) gravelin thebody 5 (mi) gravelly places (=) gravely ways or hills 0.) raves, one's grave, gravediggers, peave- stones, geaveclothes 4 (B > =) praveyards 8 m ay > 9 gray, silvery > gray, slate @ ‘grazing lands for domestic animals (ny) Great Britain (7) greatness O 9, Greece v5 me greed > Greek Archipelago Guarpians Greek vowels, ancient alpha (>) epsilon (6) cia (9) iota () fomicron (4) upsiten G1) omega (1) green P(e YH) green, olive 7 green, pale > = green, sage (>) Breen, sea W (>) greenhouses (1 >) reenish-blue (1) Greenland Cs) greetings @ grenades preyhounds () gril > 12 Grimsby, England» rinders, grinding, grindstones oceties, retail growers 8M grocers, wholesale (20) groin and injuries to the groin Pm gromwell (plant) & grooves. () grotesque, the B grottors (2) ground, grounds 4 groundsel herb] roups, Broup activity of all Kinds, groupe assourees of power @ groves (2 ty) growers oferops > 5 4 (9 mm) growth uO (WI 6 >) growth of plant life (>) growths srudges > guarantees guaranties 1 guardians 21 (10) 39 Guaps ands (12) om pee 7 Bees, gustchambers gunmen © 8 inners, gun makers and. dea guides. (21) vm gamers 8 rm puilllotines 2 vas puilt & guashiot wounds 8 guiers (B) gymnasts, gymnastics 4 ulibility gynecology. gynecologists (8 M_ >) v gypsies (¥) wumboils gypsum gums,lower & gyrations guitars 2 CP) gulches (>) gyroscopes hnabeedashers 2 @ (mm) 3c um habit-forming drugs andwriting experts habits 15 handwriting B Isee Forme ine habits, bad (12) appendix} Hades © hangars w= hags hhangmen hair > v9 (wo mp) hhansoms —% hairdressers 9 happiness 4 9 (5) hainfern, hairplants (©) happiness, atainment of (11) half-castes (1) happiness’ of sorrow, public [mundane half-wits * 5 Halifax, Nova Scotia harakii ¢ 2 halitasis @ > ¥ (1) harbors, harbors for ships pt hallucinations WC >) (a) hallways & 3 hard things, hardening % halos © hardships halves (at) hardware, hardware manufacturers andl Hamburg, Germany = dealers oY % hammers (3) hatelips oy C8) hammocks (9) harems hams (26) hares (9 @ > b) hamsters (26 6) hare’s foot (plant) 8 Ihandeufls hariequins 9 () handicaps > 12 harm, harmtulness (4) ° harmonicas ¢v ) ° harmony, in general; harmony Thands, fractures and ailments of thehands 6 60 HaRMONY IN LIFE harmony in life 2 > 2 harnesses, harness shops (8) harps, harpists 2 C4 W) harshness hhar’s ongue [plant] 2 harvests, harvesting 8 mp 6 hashish (EB) haste (1) hatches ¢ hatching (©) hate $5 mM Hathor 9 hats, hat makers and sellers 97 haughty persons © hunches 7 = havens havoc Hawaiian Islands (mp 9.) hawks 4 hhawkweed (%) hawthorn trees 9 4 hay, haystacks, places where hay is stored Cy» m) hay fever 3 Mm hays new mown (24) hazards v (5 U) hae hhavel trees 6 head, in general; organs within the head; diseases ofthe head Lv headaches 9 7 € (18) heads of state © healing and healers, faith, magnetic, di- vine, or drugless 8 (WY E) healing and healers, in general ¥ my 6(0 3) health, health oMicers 6 my ¥ > health’ conditions in one’s community (8) health, one’s, in general 1 © (6 ¥) health, public [mundane] 6, 1 my health, publicity given to one's (3) Hemtoce health, serious states of ill 12 nearing aids hearing, organs of; Hearing ailments heating, senseof > ¥ hearses 5) Bw hheatt, heart specialists S$ © 6. heartburn su (#) heart diseases and 01x) heart deopsy heart ofafemale (>) heart of amale heart, valves of the (18) heart ventricle left (20) heart ventricle, right (@ ) heart weakness, irregularities of the heart action = © & hearths heaetsease fplant] (=) heat, heatexhaustion ¢ OT heathens (3 8) heather m heaven, heavens ( heavy things Hebrews () hedges (1) Heidelberg, Germany mg heights hairs, heilooms 21 8 heies apparent 26 Helianthus {plant and drug] @ a. helicopters heliotrope (plant) helium (Q YB) hell helfebore, black [plant] helleborus [drug] helmets ¢ hematite, red 3 hematomata (>) Ihemispheres (1!) hemlock fplant] > ¥ (8) 2 nents OS Hemoctonin hemoglobin hemoglobin, formation of (2) hemorrhages (O21) hemorrhods m © 8 hemp > (1) hhemp, Indian fherb] henbane herd] > hens > hepatic syste heralds. 8 herb-robert [pant] herbs, aromatic © herbs, biter herbs, delicate & Ihetbs, in general > [see also herbs, me~ dicinal, and individual names} herbs, medicinal, in general 6 ny (see also individual names) herbs, mild (> herbs, pungent hhetbs, west (21) hereditary background, one’s (2, 4) heredity, paternal (©) heresy, heretics ure hhormapheodites (Pr) Hermes hhermitages hermits hernias m (om) herocs § heroin 9 hesitancy to face issues (8) hesitation Hesperus 9 Hesse [Germany 9 heterogencity wos hidden forces. BV. den sid: of life, hidden places, hidden ‘undethanded opposition 12.4 Horsts, Ridden things 4 (8 > 12) Ides and dealers in hides va Riding» ierarehies (O ») high frequency sound and rays C¥') high office © places (8. 30) higher self (> lands (# ) highways xc 3 hiking (oo 4 8) Grn hills, barren (0) ‘or gravelly (0) ‘and round topped (0) Bills, sides and topsof (x) hilly ground, hilly places (30) bine Ihindsight Hinduism, Hindus, Hindustan Cy v9) hinges C8) hippies Ihippodromes (1) Ips hip disease, dislocation of hipy joints ome hirelingsC) historians, hives, hee hives ofthe skin hoarding hoarseness of the voice 8s Cs) homes ¥ 12 hobbies 5 ¢ (21) hobbies, associates connected with one’s 3 hobbies, one’s reputation regarding his 2 hhobocs M(B) hockey (4) hoes “a hogs (6 5 4) hoists (4) 63 Howpurs holdups ¢ @ (7) holes (2) holes, dark holidays ¢ (5 9) Holland & hollowness (E) holly (plant) 7 (@) hholtyhocks [plant] (3) hholocausts, sites where holocausts have occurred Bg Holy Land, the holy objects 2 holy places and mou holy water > home, matters outside the 10 hhome, one's; homes, homelife 4» s5 homes for aged 12 hhomeliness % homemaking > 25 homeopathy () homesteads 4 > 3% homicide © ins (2) honey hhoney {plant} (O) eu (2) 2p (9) 2%) honeymoons honeysuckle [plant] honor 2 honor, one capable of bestowing. [h rary] © honors 10 © v9 honors of friends 8 hoodlums 6 & hoofs (2) hooks hope, hopefulness hope [plant] (3) hopes. one's 11 = hops (plants) 4 hotehound fhetb] hovizon (0) ue OP) em HUMAN NATURE horology horror, places of horror, that which is hortible B horsepower horseracing 5 x horseradish [herb] horses, horsemen, horse trainers and traders, race horses * 12, 9 horses, pedigreed © horses, work > horsetail (plant) horsetongue {plant} & em ation, hospital work- hostages hostelries (@ >) hostility & hosts, hostesses ( >) hot and humid air (3.2 hot Mashes © hotels, hotel Keepers and workers» 25 e4 hhothouses mp hounds ¥ x hhound’s-tongue [plant] & House af Representatives, House of Com- mons 11 houseboats > hhouseleck (plant) af hhouses, one’s house 4 > om housewives, housekeepers, femals house- hold help > 25 housing, public [mundane] hovering (¥) hhucklebert hhucksters > Hull, England m human mature ( 64 u HUMANE societies ” humanity, one's attitude toward (11) humidity > (1) humidors (4) hum’ Oy) humility hhummningand buzzing sounds () hhumor,himorists 9 x ¥ (>) humors of the body, defluxion of the hu- mors > (Y) Inunchbacks €B) Hungary Inunting, hunters x 7 (Ba) hunting grounds or areas (=) hhurdy-gucdies hurricanes Inusbamd, one’s, partes} husbandry (>) husks) Inussies 9 hhyacinth stone]. me (2t) hydrants,water > hydrates > Inydraulies, hydraulic machinery > we 70 (4 9) Ieee also wx Hysteria hydrocarbonates (21) hydeocephalus pW hydrochloric acid} (>) hhydrocyanie acid hydroelectric power a Y (8) hydrogen oy (1) hydeophobia Cy hydrotherapy 9 hygiene, hygienies, hygienists, one's per- sonal hygiene, public hygiene 6 8 hymns Cu) hhyoseyamus ideug] (>) hyperacidity hyperactivity » eB) hyperemia 1 (Q 9.) hyperopia > hyperseasitivity hypertophy C1 26) hypnotism, hypnotists yw hypochondria Vo vA 8% (9) hypocrisy hhypodermicneedles 1 hypogastet hypotheses (¥) hyssop [herb] > 4 7 hysteria wovs ("> OD 65 Additional Entries 66 ice, ioe dealers, ice chests, places where iceitkept % ¥3 icebergs. ¥ ieeboats. icecream ¥ 9 > Ieeland Teeland moss 26 ieepicks iceles fconochsts ™ Wdaho (2) ideal, the ism, high = alism, impractical idealists dW = (>) ideals concerning human and social cela- tionships 11 ideals, ene’s 9 7 2 ideas’ ow 3 ideas, conercte (>) idcographs (>) josynerasies 1 jos v (BD idols, idolatry () ignition ¢ ignominies (B) ignorame ¥ > ignorance, suffering from 12 ileum my iline regions of the body m. illegalities illegitimacy ici undertakings iMimitable, the CW) Minis (2) icles] 's brothers and sisters {see brothers, sisters] itiness of one’s children 10 fsce chit dren} illness of one’s friends 4 illness of one’s grandchildren 2 illness of one's prandparents 12, 6 illness of one's parents 9, 9 [sce par ents} illness, one’s final 4 (8) itiness, outcome of an (9) itiness, public mundane} 6 9 ¢ itinesses, long or chronic illumination © > or Intustons INCREASES, INCREASING _ INcreprpiuiry Insunirs, srerarrictrD itasions (8) impostors, losses through thoraryl C8) ingreaittiny a) inferiority illustrations, illustrators 9 DW impotency @ } indebtedness inferiority complexes > v illustrators, technical YM impractical, the t lecency (2) inferiors, one’s. 6 np Iiyiia v9 impregnation > (2) sion ¥ infernos © image-making power, one’s (9) impresarios © y infdelty wy images (>) impression ons makes‘on others 1 indelibiliy infinitesimal, the CB) imagination, one’s imaginative faculty impressionability > W 9 indemnities 2 inficmities“» (2) ope C2) imprisonment. 12% independence w (© V >) intammabitny 4 rovement 2 (1 India, parts of near China = 7 (Om ¥ me (2) i r= i er immateriality impudence } 3) on rity @ ind 1 i Indiana ¢*) inflation, inflating y (20) mets tte 9 mpulsiveness 3 uF | Indies [see East Indies, West Indies] inflexibility immensity | ('v . | inditeresce (BD afluence, the insluentit © immigeation 9% (>) impure, that which is | indigestion > % (¥ mp) qo) immobility inaugurations 1 indignation & immodesty 2 (2) inbreeding ¢@) | indigo phnts (@) ints, information, wandescence (©) | indiseretom | ("#9 clerks, those engaged in gathering. and incarnation 1 | lindispensibility — disseminating information, information individuality, 28 opposed to personality, booths x 3 i son ones OT em ormers 12 incentive (8) | indivisibity cared speciaiats (2 mY impediments» incest (2) Indo Chia (A) genuily, ingenious persons @ imbatlents impusion (1 2) incineration, incinerators, incineration a a oe eee impenetrability > plants ¢ (m) i indolence @ (1 B) Ingolstadt, Germany == imperialism © incisions & indorsement yu ude impersonators 12 incitement indulgence 9 Can W 5) ex inclemeney > nduration v3 inheritances 1 (4) a) incognitos’ w (2) i industrialengincers int inperdovenss come Fom business 11 indtiatse (at v9) : impetigo 13 income, retirement (9) i impetigo. 9 industries vom (> m) impetuous actions industriousness (4 1 3) wos inequality (1) ew incompatability imeria Cr) tances from foreign lands (4) Qy ances, losses of ner 2 4s implements, implement makers & incompetent the (B) inertness inert gases (2b) fates icon inom 2 tive 8 OD importance © 2 . Tacs » infantile paralysis ¥9 iniguities import, importing 9 (>) inconstaney > CV) fantry $ injuries (8) [see ako patt of impositons inconvenience (w') impossbilities incoord impostors (1) increases, fants, infancy > bouly involved) v injuries by violence ¢ infections infectious diseases 4 (©) injuries self-inflicted (34) ” 68 0 INJURIES THROUGH ANIMALS injuries through animals 6 rstitutions, philosophic or scientific 9 injustice ink institutions, public laws, in general 9 instruments, in genexal; instrument manu- fFacturers andl dealers = sts, cutting or sharp, and work- Ww, parents 10, 4 [see also parents] indaw, sons, daughters-in-law] ner development (12) instruments, delicate inner planes, inner plane activities instruments, sasical innocence "9 innovations w (¥) ms > in inoculation WB insulin inquests 2 in inquiries x 3 insurance, life insurance, insurance com- inguisitivencss& insanity vp ¥ (B) insatiability CB) insurance adjusters inscrutability © insurgence insects, im general (Bm) insurrection inseets, annoying and jumping (@) inseets, poisonous inegrty insects, stinging integrity, one noted for bis insecurity intellect, intelligence insensibil inside of insight (ym a) insignificance (2 ) intemperance insolubility > intensity, intensification insolvency inentions, one's insomnia TY > interest, inspectors, inspection interest rates in nation inspiration, inspirationalists y (9 # interes, person 8) interference interior affairs of the country {1m instability instincts, the instinctive mind > stitutions, charitable 12 3€ 1 interior decorators institutions, large 26 interior of things institutions of confinement, correction or — interlopers detention 12% intermediaries institutions of higher learning and their intermissions personnel 9 4 international commerce 70 INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE ws and daughters 1 [see also instrun tangibles, the ce) intellect, higher or intvitive ssinsides » (2) intellectuals, intellectual activities, the in- INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES Ivy, GRounp international disputes 7 vou international friendships [mundane] 11 involution (9 internationat relationships [mundane] 7 iodine (i*) interns) Towa (15) interpretaion, interpreters mp (4) ipecac plant and drugh ("6 interruptions, interrupting (>) Iran (7 interviews, interviewers Taq Op Sntestinal mucus Ireland intestines, intestinal aflictions mp 6% — iidescence > intimacy iridin fdrugh 4 intimate thoughts and concerns (4) iris Mower] > (21) ntolerance ¢% irisof theeye (8) intoxicaticn, intoxicating beverages iron, things made of iron, irom sworkers x 125) inom ore, places where inom is stored intea-atomie encegies B arm) inteicateness 9 (1) iron phosphate intrigues 12 ions, pressing (51) introspection (1 12) irony (4) niroverts 5 55 irradiation . ircegularities > itive intellect and receptive irregularities in eating (8 > iy ¥ wo irresponsibility () inundation incigation wv > C) invaders icitation ireitants invalids, invalidism — (B12) ischwria, spurious (~) inventions, inventors, inventiveness isinglass (+) = (9) Isis) wventories (2b) isolation cision (B) Isracl T(t investigators, investigation 9 (1p Istanbul, Turkey ES) Istria (4) investigators, private WoC Ct mM) Maly 9 CA investment bankers (Q. 8.) itching sb vs investment, investors @ 11 2 (8) itemizing & my investments, public (5) itineracy (18) invincibiiy (8) ivory (CY 4) invisibility (> B) iny, English ivy, poiso * invitations ¢ ivy. ground 9 1" 2 th (stone) (1) i Jack Fret jnckaseer jack-in-the-pulpit (plant) jackknives jacks, Tacob jade jails js, j James auiomobile (4) fo 9) (yp BY i (8) jalors 12 > v9 [Wsciple of Christ] aw x , ‘Tames, the lesser [disciple of Cl J i Sanwat Japan oa) tors 6» v9 (>) ry = a(n) Bm jasmine (plant) x (3) Jesper aspen, tm 4) + pink Op jundice > § (4 >) javelins ia, jealous jejunu jelly jaw, lower & poet xy (mW) > mm ey) jeliyfich wx jerking motions 1 Jerusalem, Ieract mp (91) jest, jesters jetlstone) 9 jewelry, jewee, jewelers, jewel exes © ore jewclryasa possesion 2.9 jewelry.costume (3) jewels,erown 11 © Jews (4) jew’s ear (ptantl jobbers, jobhing Cs) jockeys au Tohannesburg, So. Aten John (2%) John [disciple of Chest} ts of the body, ankylosed ints and ther jointailments > 9 10 jokes, jokers Joseph (51) journalist, journalism, 30) journeys, long 9 journeys, Fong, heath 3 fortsduring 2 journeys, long, 13 physical com connection with ba JOURNEYS, LONG ness oF profession 6 journeys, long, money from; Hong jour- rneys because of money matters 10 journeys, long, of one's brothers andl si ters I journeys, long, of one’s children 1 journeys, long. of one’s friends 7 journeys, long, of one's parents [see par- cents) journeys, long, one's residence when on journeys, long, pleasures and love affairs derived from 1 journeys, short 3 yx journeys, short, amusements and enter- tainment while on 7 journeys, short, gains from 4 journeys, short, in connection with busi- ness of profession 12 journeys, short, money from; short jour- neys because of money matters 4 journeys, short, of one’s brothers and sis- ters 5 journeys, short, of one’s childcen journeys, short, of one's friends 1 journeys, short, of one’s parents (see par- ents} jousts joviality 7 3 JUVENILES Additional Entries: joy 9 O joys. physical and mental 5 joys. spiritual (11) jubilation 2 @ Judah (©) Judaism (> 24) ‘Judas Iscariot [disciple of Christ] > Jude-Thaddeus (disciple of Christ] = Judea m (ee) judges, the judiciary, judicial system. and matters 09-7 (OQ 2 = 7 4) nt, one's judgment 4 ( 9) 4 wgling 9 =v Joly junctions» June % jungkes 9. © juniper (plant) junk, junk dealers, places where junk is stored justice, justiees. Uo? = (>) Jutland m juvenile delinquency © juveniles ¥ 1 14 15 kale plant] (>) kaleidoscopes. (> Y) Kansas (= 90) acoa, karmic responsibilities 12. ( karma, rewards of (10) Keepers (12 5) Keepsakes 9 kelp{plant]) kennels (-r) Kentucky (Xx) kernels (3) Kerosene Ketchup (i?) Kettles ¢ keys ow Khaki cloth (4) san Kidnapping eB a2 ¥) Kidney stones or gravel m5 (4) Kidney-wort [plant] ¢ kidneys, kidney troubles and diseases e =m) Kidneys, lower partofthe & m Kidneys, upper part of the @ = Killjoys kins 7 + Additional Entries: K kilowatts kin, kindsed relatives ¥ x 3-9) Kindness > »)kinctie energy ‘kingdoms Kinglishers (9.9 Kings 10 © Kings Lyon, England 3 king's writings and journeyings 12 kinks kitchens, kitchenware > 9 C8 MU) Knapweed {plant} > @ necling Knees, Kneeeaps 1015. knells Knights (21) knives 5 knocks, knocking (> ) knotgrass [herb] knots (>) 7 knowledge ¥ (2 =) enowvledge acquired (4) oseledge by observation (>) knowledge, degree atainable 9 2. Kream kundatini function 16 n L labor, laborers, hard labor, labor forces, laggards Taborious tasks or employment, labor- lagoons. ing classes, places of labor, voluntary Iairs & (SL) Tabor, Labor, Labor Party, departments lakes) % oflabor 6 mg limbs (04 7 6) labor disturbances [mundane] (12) lameness (2) [see also part of body Inborleaders (2) affected] Iabor organizations © (8 ) faments labor, organized (2) amps > Tabor, gain or results from one’s 7 Jamps, therapeutic (© 9.) laboratory apparatus 8 Lancaster, England 3 laboratories, chemical laboratories, labo- lanes, lancers & alory technicians ( Sm 12) andylonls > 5 4» se laboratories, medical; medical laboratory land. owners, tand. dealers, professions technicians (M8) dealing with land, Tand specuation, Labrador (8) landionds > 15 labradorite (stone]_ (2 and and land disputes fmundane] 4 lacerations ¢ landslides. © laces @ lands, neglected farms and v3 Tacking, the; sense flack ('» 2) lands that ace high, clearly visible and lacquers 2 suitable for large buildings (+) lacrimal apparatus > lands that are level and productive me lacteals > % lands that are low and prone to flooding, adders (Ox) v ladies ¢ ladies’ mantle [plant] @ Iady's-smock plant] (>) are near a dwelling and are attractively landscaped (25) lands that are secluded and susceptible to 8 Laws sioking lands that have been newly opened or ‘recently plowed, virgin lands. lands that have been reclaimed or changed, as from agricultural to resi- dential" (==) landscapers, Inndseape gardeners ( so 4) languages fanguor lapidaties @ (2) Inpislazulifsione]_ (9% 8) lareeny 2 (8 7) laders my > largencssinsize 21 lackspur Mower) % larvae (9 >) Ineynx, laryngitis 8 88 laser beams Intehes Inteness 4 latency (V ) lather v. latitude (a) laughter? (¥) launches, launching > laundries, hundry proprietors and work- ‘ers; laundry tubs, machines, or utensils Ds laurel [plant] (8 ©) lva Bom lavatories» Ym lavender eolor] ye) lavender herb] ¥ (9) lavishness 1 @ Taw, the Law, law courts, law and order 9 u # (7 4) [sce also courts] lawenforcement (6 T 8) law observance authorities (©) law ofthe nd, the {mundane} (10) lave, one's reaction to (7) lawlessness WB Lreistanion lawns, well-maintained ¢ lawsuits 7 = (20-9) Iawsuits against one, those who start (7) lawsuits, decision or sentence of the court in (1) Iawsvits, defendantsin (1) lawsuits, outcome of 8 Lawyers 9 Fy Co gm) laxatives (V) laxity (2B) laymen (>) Inziness @ (2) lead, dealers in esd ¥3 (=) leaders, leadership, ©. leaders, gang: labor leaders (8) eadwort [plant] 3 leaks, leaking Teanness learning 8 x 3 (2) leases 4 (4) Teather, leatbier workers, leather goods ye Om sanufacturers and dealers 1) leaving (18) ebanoa (7) lectures, lecturers, lecturing, lecture halls va Ow 7 09) Lee,Lea (81) Leeds, England leck herb] ¢ m (1) eft side of the bewly, as a whole (1) [sce also diseases of the lett side] legacies 8B mM CE) nds 4 9 legacies, income fr legacies, loss of (8) legacies of marriage partner 2 Jegacies, termination of 11 legal affairs, legal profession, legalizing ou 2) Aegisation, legislatures. or legislative ‘branches as a unit and as distinct from 9 Lecistative House, LOWER administrative branches, slate legisla- tures, legislators ML = (21) legislative house, ower IL legislative house, upper (5) legitimacy 2 legs, aetiicial w legs, lower, including the calves and an- les, ailments and diseases of the lower legs 1 = @ (4) legs, upper 9 2 # [see also knces} Leicester, England Leipzig, Geemany Ieisure = (1) Iemons, lernon trees. @ & () emon-thyme [plant] = lending, lendors length of ife 1 (6, 8) lengthening (8) leniency lenses > Lent (>) lentil [plant] (2) Leona (5) leprosy 9 lesions w (> 8) vO) letters, letter boxes, letter carriers, letter v3 leucorthea 1m (2) leukemia (>) levees fevelness (5) levitation (2) levity @ CV) Iewdness 9 2 liabilities (8 ») liaisons Cx) lias v 2 V libel & Tiberalism, liberals (26 18) liheration, liberators Lime-rLowers [PLANT] libertines (1 YB) liberty 2 (11) liberty, curtailment of 12 librarians -¥ 3X mm CH) ve lice (2) licenses a (18) Ticentiousness. -¢ 5 (B) lichen (plant) (#) lichen stone (®) licorice liens 26 life, tfe principle © life afterdeath 8 Bom life, end or latter part of 4 life force in birth, sex, death and aftr life, the (BB) liteguards Y x (#8) lifes Aength ofone's 1 (6, 8) lite, one'snext (9) ite, one's past_(5) lite, periods of [sce periods} lite purpose, one's (4 >) life-saving services 6 mp iting (9) ligaments» 4) Tight, lighting specialists w = © light in weight (10) lighters cigarette 8 (S-) lighthouses > lighting, artificial (> lightning, bightning rods at likes and dislikes (11) lilaes (8) lilies, in generat Bm > lilies of the valley & lilies, meadow “(> ) lilies, water > lilies, white > Lime FLOURIDE Loosenss Hime fluoride 5% lithium Cy Time kilns 3 lithogeaphs (>) Time trees limes Q 2 Lithuania vt = limericks @ & ligation 9 107 a limitations 12 5 v9 x livelong [plant] () Timousines 1 ¢ liver liver trouble 4 4.9 (4 4) impaess. (2) liver, lower lobes of the Tinament 2) liver, upper lobes of the ¢5 linden tress 26 Liverpool, England nm Tinemen liverwort [plant] 2 linen, finelinens—¢ living conditions [mundane] 4 Tinens, household > living rooms. (0, Livonia x lizards (3¢ © =) loads loans, loan companies 9 (RY Hions,tiontamers. 9. lobsters > ip lower location, change of Peupper locks, locksmiths 4 (m9 mH) ren lockets rare (©) locomotives, locomotion 1 liquidation (y) locomotorataria 9. 4 (8) liquids, in general, and those who deal lodestones m4 with luis SY lodgers (6 mp) ids inthe body, in general > (¥) lodges, lodging > () Fiquors,tiquordealers Ys (>) ongesysocial (11) show, Portugal = lols (a) sping Ioftsin barns Oc) listening. steners logic 9 x 7 8 (>) listlessness (2) lists, listings (26) literary getiuses literary ouput, one’s (5) x literature, literary ability, literary criti x cism, literary people, the literary world, oneliness 12 literary organizations. ¢ 3 3 (@ Long Beach, Ci a) ong ties and feienulships literature, enduring; litera ongitude (v) thought, religion and wgshoremen > ('P) Oo” Tookouts (>) lithemia Toms 8 lithiasis looseness (1) 81 Loosesreire [PLANT] loosestete [plant (>) loot & Los Angeles, California mp (= =) Los Angeles, California, west side of ( Joss or gain, financial 2 losses» 8, 12 (B) losses, cause of financial asses (1) losses through unwise speculation (1) fost, news of that which is fhorary] © lostarticles (4) lost persoas (6) fost that whichis & lotteries, lottery wheels and equipment 3D) Louisiana (8) Louvaine, Belgium 3 love,lovers. 2 = 7 (5) love affaits, ove-making, one’s lovers 5 ae love affairs, end of (12) love affaes, publicity given to one's (2) love affairs, sceret- 12 love affairs, sorrow through and losses in 4 love, brotherly love, conjugal, embodying a than passion 9 = 7 love, higher) fove, passionate love, universal C2) Tow-class people (nt) lowersell (>) lowlands (5) loyalists (4) loyally © x (> A) spy jon rather Lyrics, Lyricists, LYRICISs Additional Entries: Lubeck, Geemany 55 lubrication Lucifer > luck cexteemes of good and bad (@) Lucy (>) luggage © Luke (=) lullabies lumbago = (#5) lumbar region of the body 7 = umber, places for storing oF selling tum- bor} V8 lumberjacks 3m luminosity > Lana > lunacy, lunatics > (2) lunch, funcicons > Fungs, hung troubles 3 ¥ XC lungs, lower lobes of the <= lungs, upper lobes ofthe 3 Iungwort [herb] 2 lupus > lures, toring ust luster © tutes ury, things of uxury @ (2!) tyden gland (7) Lymph, Iymphatic system and ailments re Iyaching Iypchings (8 >) chings, mod EB Lyons, France m lyrics, lyricists, lyricism 9 82 83 M magnetic emanations of the body (ey) nifcation (5) Macedonia 9 machinery, machines & nrachinery operated by hat ww Imachinists, machine shops, cutting ma- magnificence 2 chinery | ‘magnolias () macrocosms (‘? ) mahogany (3) lenbair Cplant] (2) aids, maidens raids, servant 6 @ ¥ me (>) Madagasear # madder {plant} 4. x madness ¥ 3 Mac _(s5) Maidstone, England np magazines, magazine work, magazine mail, mail boxes, mail cariets 3 y 3 racks X38 maiming 4 (2) Magdeburg. Germany 25 ‘main halls of houses (6) © OO) jes CP) mmegenta [colo (3%) Mi maggot (2) maple, magcins vw Bm jot in politcal campaign (mun mmigie back WB dane) (1) Image, black and white, ty another majors 5% ; (ia) akeup.makeupanise 9 ign, back and white, by oneself (6) aachte gm (TD mmoge ceremonial 6 i lias (ua, es] mmagsiates 2 imlajustnent (0) mmagranimly » 3) mmagates 2 contents magnesia phosphate a. tra fer pnt) © magnetism, personal (>) relates 8 Magnets magneton, magneticsubsiances, malfactors 84 MALES, IN GENERAL analesin general Q. 4 levolence malformations (> WB) malice, maliciousness > mallets mallows[plant] malnutrition mm (i 5) malthowes, malt Ty mamma > ‘mammary glands > management 1 (IL 5) managers Q st (7) Manchester, Englands Manchuria (m=) mandates (4) mandolins 9 mandrake [plant] maneuverability (4) maneuvers (3) angel [plant] Gs) wo manipulstion manner, one's; one’s mannerisms 1 (3t a) manners,one’s 9 (>) insions slaughter B ‘Mantua, Italy ‘manufacturers and manufacturing, in gen- eral; manufacturing districis a manuscripts 8 XC naple tees 2 (>) naps, plices where maps are kept mm O) ‘ marble (8 4) mareasite (>) March Marciaxers marches © (4 1) Marie (>) marigolds © a mariners > jjoram [herb] Mark Cr) market rescarch analysts (nm) eting (08 >) markets > marksmen m4 maroon marquis 1 ‘marriage, legal or common-taw; marriage partner 7 9 inge affairs > iage: loses, sortows and lim Uheough 6 upe rate, public a marrigge [round mateow, bo wallow [plant] martyrs martyedom Mary (m) Maryland (1s) mascots (20) masks (Cs) masochism ¢ mB sasons. masonry» vo masquerades, masqueraders @ (4) production (2) aesachusells (=) massacres 6B masses, the > % masses, the mundane] 1 masseurs 8 R 8 masterpieces imasters,mastery 10 (41 0) masterwort [plant] & atches, sulphur ¢ (5 P) matchaakers 9 85 MEN, IN GENERAL meddling 9 Media fancient country in Asia) (1s ) mediation, mediators. (> 9 9) medical discoveries promoting longevity rmaterialization () (8) maternal instinct > medical professions, medical stenogea- ‘mathematics, mathem by — phers ¥ mp6 [see also doctors, mp purses, surgeons, ete.) rmatinces @ Medicare (8) mateesses ° (4) medicinal drinks (¥) matrimony = 7 medicine, socialized (1?) matter as opposed to spirit (> ) ‘medicines, medicine cabinets and other iatters outside the home 10 places where medicines are kept (> Matthew [diseiple of Christ] v3 vom m) iturity (7) medioctity () » 12 0) Maurits, Isle of 5 mausoleuns B at Basin small ilands of the mauve Mediterranean (36) u ‘mediums, spirit mediums ow 9¢ (B x >) May {name} (% mediar [plant] May apples plant) (¥) redleys (4) Maya (>) rmeekness (1) mayor's chief appointees (n.) imeerschaum mayors (14 19) aectings (8) Maypoles ($ ) tings between strangers (7) mares mepaphones weacow rue [plant] (9) melancholy meadows (212) Melbousne, Australia 3¢ smeadowsweet [plant] x mucitt Thetby (22) > melodies @ W (>) an (oe) «99 casuresand weights (=) clon growers and sellers» measuring a reat trade, meat markets memberships 1 construction, menivits chanical ability 1 3 memoran ’ mechanics, automobile and airplane memerial x incmory aed losses of memory, memorir- mechanisms 1 ing § 30 4 @) Mecklenburg [Germany] ¥5 smn, in general; men ina woman's chart medals a om 86 menses, incgularities of menses mental inclinations, ability, faculties, ac- tivity, qualities and a rental instabilities ‘mental specialists mentality, deeper mercenary persons merchandise, merchandi metabolism, balance between anabolic and eatabelic phases of metabolism, cne’s metallic elements, bodily distribution of ietallurgy, etallurgical engineers als, in general; metal workers ‘t [see also specific metal] metals, precious, connected with precious metals general; businesses Murr (PLanr] {see also gold, silver, ete metamorphosis, sivd animals propropating by Bor Ww) metaphysicians, metaphysics 9 Go) meteorologists (> meter readers (6) meters, water > 9% methods a (9 methods, unusual or new — mt Metz, France Mexico v7 (%) Miami, Plorids (2 .) mice 'B (0 6) Michael fanget © Michigan (=) microbes (2) imicrobiofogists (uy ) microcosms (2) micro-organisms (B) microphones 0m microxcopes, microseopiste (ay PY midday @ (10) Midute Ages middlemen (20) smialnight (4) midwives > om migration yy Milan, ltaly nilestones (>) military matters, all military men ant wilt 16s) Y service, harescks oe camp s hen #09) nilitay stores 5G) alk, milkmen 9% 4 (9 6) millennia (1) rillt (plant) 10 87 professions MILLINERS milliners @ ‘millionaires 2 mills G3) millstones» Milwaukee, Wisconsin m, mimeographs WC») mimics, mimicry 9 & mimosa trees (36) minarets (©) ‘mind, higher orabstract 9 1 # mind, lower or concrete. 3.8 ‘mind, one's in general & mind readers. ‘mind, working cap: ‘minds, wandering > neral salts of the body eral springs (2) of one’s (8) mineralogy (21) minerals, in general ¥5 [sce specific names) als that are black or ash colored bs als that are both soft and yellow (@) ‘mines and their products, mining, min- cers, mining implements 5 ¥9 4 s= tint-money-wor (plant) ¢ ints [plants] % 9 (8) rnints, money ¢ mints YC) nutine (B) cles 8 (¥) Mona mirages > mires minors ¥ OY em jscaeulations (21) iscariages (3) miseellanea (9 mizchiet miscreants misdemeanors B rmisees > misery 12 > (8) misfortunes > 12 risgivings (>) rigjudgments (21) laying (4) risrepresentations missiles, missile engineers missionaries 20 Misssippi_ G") Missouri (1) mist 9 mistakes mistletoe [plant] mistresses (2) mistrust Mithra © voy 37) Cw eB) on moats mob fury, mob lynehings em mobility 9 Ci) mobs, mob psychology ¥ 12 B modelling modern, that which is; modernization ws modesty > ‘modifications (1°) molasses (9 3) molestation, molesters (E) mmosnentum (1%) ‘Mona (mp) 88 Monarcus monarchs ‘monasteries Monday > jonetary gain from profession or office nL ‘monetary gain from real estate, property for mines 5 monetary standard (8) money, places where money is kept, bor- rowing and lending of money, one's earning and spending capacity of money 9 8 2 (21) money, businesses where huge sums are handled © money, denial of mone), extning power of and interest from (7) money, Muctuntions dane] 2 mney from long journeys, Foreige or eeligin 10 money in an estate (9) ‘money lenders, money changets 28 morey of one's children 6 ‘money of one’s parents {sce parents] money of others, especially one's part ner; the public’s money; moncy or gains through partners or the public & money of the deceased ® mey. paper: papers connected wit money rmoneywort, Cornish fplant} @ Mongolia (7) monkeys #3 mks 12 mnocles > monogamy monographs monologues _ & monopolies, monopolists (> By) monotony won 124 he value of [mun " nds on Morier, oF ONE nORN AT NIGHT monsters @ Montana (m) monuments, especially those made of stone 8 v3 mood, receptivity of (4) moods > ‘moonstones > 9¢ 49 (CE) moonwort [plant > moors (2) ‘moral growth, one’s ¢2) 10, 1 morality of the states, public. moe [mundane] 5 © morasses. Bo > Moravia # iorbid, they Morea [Greece] mp Pom in " Morocco morons ¥ ‘morphine rioriality Po» 8 mortality rates, nation’s mortality [mun- dane] Bos 8 mortar 4 9 ruorigages (2 m 8) morticians Bot m4 8 mortification % (B) mortiaries Bom sw Moscow, Russia (1) mosquitos. (PB) moss, ground moss agate @ mosses) & (BY) osses that grow in water V3 motels pose 4 Mother, Cosmic > mother, one’s, in general yy 10 (4) [sce also parentst mother, of one born at night an 89. Morner mother, of one born during the daytime aoe) mother of aman 4 [see also parents] mother of a woman 10 [see also. par- ents} motherhood > #5 5 mother-in-law of aman 4 [see also par- ents} mother-in-law of a woman 10 [sce also parents} other's watives 12 8 (6) {see also ‘aunts, uncles} smother [plant] ¢ motion 1 motion picture stars © motion pictures, motion picture theaters i ovwners, motion picture producers Sauce motion pictures, documentary 3 motionlessness |» rotivating impulses, one’s (1) motor nerves 3 (i) motoring 3. motorized equipment (3) totors, motoreyeles, motormen rmoulting (2) mounds mounds. tops of (2) tain meadows (= mountain ops (= 13) mountains, mountain climbers, mountain- ous places > ¥9 OC YH) mountains, barren OO) mountebanks 20 mourners, mourning mouse-eat [plant] mousetai [plant] 3 mouth y 7 (¢ % 8) movements, democratic, popular, sora, ‘socialistic and political (¥#) movements, leadersof (B) movies [see motion pictures] MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS mucous discharges 3 > nuicous membranes > nod Bob m mugwort [herb] (2) ulattoes (>) anulberry trees 8 mules mallen, common and great herb} multifariousness 4?) multitudes (P) mummies» 2 mumps & CP) municipal service and polities (me municipalities (2) s, munition manufacturers w (2) murals (=) murder Bg (12) ‘muscles and muscular system, in general; muscular tissue, muscular disorders 4. (8) [see muscles in Appendix} muscles, fatty degeneration of | 2 ruscular tissue, breaking down of | & museums G6 5 2) mushrooms, mushroom growers > 5 ev) halls, musicales, musical ability ¢ =e (Sa >) cultural y music, religious 26 rusic, rhythmic (>) rock & music, romantic ¢ sical instruments, in general @ rmussical instruments, percussion 3 musical instruments, stringed ‘musical instruments, wind ¥ 90 Mustcat. SCALE musical sae [sce scale, musical] musk [plant] (@) mustard ¢ mustard {herb} 8% (©) rustard, sack or wild {herb} © mustard gs (2) riutations > mute persons. & mutilations & smutinies wt myopia > oO My ritoLocy myriads (9) myth (= 2 ©) myrtle trees @ (98) myrtle, wax (eel (5) mysteries YD (B) mysterious, the) mysterious origia, persons of {horats] ” mysticism, mysties, the mystical (© 8) mythology Additional Entries: 92 N nags (B) nails 3 naiF-wort (plant) 2 (¥) naivete (2-Y) nakedness W name,one’s (10, 1) naine, the family (10) names ames, fictitious 12 3 napkins ¢ Naples, aly -r # Narbonne, France narcissus [plant] (>) eotics YC» B) rrators, narration & narrow-mindedness nasal bone, nasal catarth and other dis- ‘orders sturtium {plant](@) Nathaniel-Bartholomew [disciple of Christy = nation and its health and general condi- tion, the [mundane] 1 ny nation, friends of the {mundane} 11 national aims, desies, purposes, projects, and alliances {mundane] 11 National Debt {mundane} (8) national earning power; national froren assets, such as stocks, bonds, and prop erties {mundane} (8) national glory national inteprity {mundane} (10) national planning for the benefit of the people & national relations with foreign countries [mundane] 9 national relations with neighbor tries [mundane] 3 national social evolution (mundane} a national status among other nations mundane} (7) national trade, credit, popularity, reputa- tion, power and achievements [mn 10 national traits and fabits (mundane! 1 national wealth, finances, expenditures and receipts {mundane} 2 nation's mortality, mortality rates {mun dane) 8 nations (W %) natural resourees naturalists (5 W) naturopaths, naturopathy ("9 93 Nevapa, Now Nausea Neurrons . navsea (5) nephews and nicces, death and legacies Nevada (m) nocturnes ¢ rautical matters oe = new beginnings (2) noite navels (2 1p 7) nephews and nicees, money and finances New England states. mp nomads (1 9 navelwort [her] of 8 New Guiner (4) nominations (1 ) navies, naval men and officers, navy af- nephews and nieces, profession and repu- New Hampshire (5) nonchalance (5) fairs 6m 4 W x (#9) tation of 4 New Jersey (#) nom-commital persons navigators > Y & (9) a“) New Jerseytea plan) (>) non-communientve persons navigation, aerial) = cr) New Mexiea (5) ron-conformisis ¥ navy blue (2) ¥ OO New Orlears, Louisiana m ronentities CP) sparaisiaclneee 9.) 1 v= (v) sense (¢ B) rebulousness ¥ (2) nervespecialists yx mp wt = new the completely (2) noon © (10) necessities > nerves and nervous system, in generals new undertakings (Q) Normandy 3 necessities, bodily (1) nerve functions and reflexes; con | New York City, New York 55 (8 7) norms (21) tock, glandular swelliggs and otler com- nervous diseases such as those arking New York wate (2) north, north wall ofa 10 plaints of the ncek, nape of the meck from excitement, stress, worry andl NewZealant = (7 ¥3) North America (x) B28 overwork 38 x Cn) Newcastle England m Nevth Carolina (0) necklaces @ nerves, lower dorsal (np) neweomers [horary} (1) North Dakota (m) necromancy nerves, middle dorsal (9..) Newfoundland (3) nartheast, northeast wall of a room % secnes fence ince 4 te) hows, newspapers, newspaper publishers, Xx nectar nerves optic. 0 F (@) rewsboys, news conimientators and re. northwest, northwest wall of a room needles 2 8 (A) nerves, peripheral $19 porters 9 3x ™ needy. the» nerves, sensory § nextfife, on’ (9) Norway —m nefariousness. nerves, upper dorsal (x ) Nick (5) Norwich, England op negation nervous disorders, uncommon of acute nickel (B) nose mg (rom) negatives, photographic we icknames (¢ 1) nosebleeds negativity (>>) nervous encrgy, one's 3.8 XC nicotine (8) ° ricess [see mphews} en neglect, neglected forms and lands — nervouspersons bo night, night blooming plants» on) nervous system, ° : ervuad uci higher | nighictu’s pedtormcrs | 5 Bi a> nervous system, sympathetic» mp night workers, ight watchmen eo negotiation, negotiators @ <= Oo > Negroes nervousness, nervous temperament rigntingales (>) notes 23 neighboring counties, states or countries > ews ingress (2) indanc] 3 nests (>) phshade plant] ve (wv) neighbors, neighborhood 3 y x nels one’s 10 (@ netles [plants] nipples Novtingham, England = neologism, neologies ¥ ('P) neuralgia 7 (@ 5) niteogen nourishment > neophytes, (0) ena, 9" (93 nitroglycerin (9) novels,novelsts 38 3 CF) nephewsandnicees 7.(3. 9) es, neuroti persons Nobel prizes (24) novelties (> w ) nephews and nicees, children and receea- neutrality (3) nity, noble persons, © November 1" now (1) tion of 11 neutrons (1) 94 95 Nozzues nozzles Y > Nubia» nuclear physicists nucleus © nudists, nudism, nudist camps WV (2 ” nuggets (2) nuisances (2) nullifying, mullties © numbers, in general ¥ (n= eB) umber one (Q 6) [see also one} number two (2%) umber three (Qt #) number four (8 =) number five (@ 3m) numbersix (@ 8 =) umberseven (1 3€) NeMpHs (y=) Gorm) ‘number nine numberzero (Bm) umbaess > rnumismatics an fauns,aunneries > ¥¢ 12 Nuremburg, Germany 3 nurseries, nursery furniture and equip ment > me C2 5) aursing, nurses 6 m > & (¥ 12) nursing homes (>) ulmeg nutrition > = 6 me Ce 2) aus (OX m) rnux vomica tees 3 (¥) ymphomania Y (2) nymphs 96 O ‘oak, poison [plant] oak trees af ‘oak, English cases (4) oaths oats & obedience obelisks (7) obesity 0 (9 8) obituaries p> objections C») objectives 11 (1) obligations and manner of meeting them, one’s (6 W 2) obliqueness obliteration © oblivion obnoriousness (©) obscenities © (4) obscure diseases having a psychic rather ‘than a physical origin obscurity ¥ (BD observation observatories © w> obsession, obsessions, obsessing. entities vw 12 (2 8) obsidian = (B) obsolescence obstacles obstetrics, obstetricians > obstinaney C48 +) ‘obstructions obirusiveness wt Oceident, the (8) occipital tegions ofthe body & occlusions» occult abilities oF faculties, one's Int (8) occult religions ye 12 occult, stuly ofthe (8) n,occulticts, occult writers, one’s ve ws (n=) is ‘occult faculties ‘ocean depths, exploration of oceans, oceanographers coche 8 (0.) October m cculists. > 8 odiousness ‘odors, foul or evil, places with foul edors Oren odors from miain, animals, an pls @ 97 Opors, PLEASANT coders, pleasant @ ‘odors, pungent ¢ offers, monetary 21 ¢ office, high © 10 (21) ‘office machine operators. ¥ x (3) office, monetary gain from 11 office, one's (4 V3) officers, in general (24) officers in military service officers, stall (@ =) offices, office boys, office workers x 3 (mR) ‘offices, home (ng ¥3) ‘official assemblies (21) offciaity 2 officials; government, ci O09 (¥) officials, in general (3c u © 10 1m 6) officials, public (W ©) officials, women > offciation, oficiators uh offspring 5 O & 9 (>) children} Ohio C7) oil, oil wells, oil well operators, oil work~ fers, oil fields, oll tanks “Y 3 12 (8 =) lighting > cil pools (m.) wilsserude C4) cils of the body > (1) ointments. @ > Oklahoman) Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (9.) ‘okt, anything that is; old and worn be- a (@) ey OF state 10 {see also longings > 9 ‘lc age, old people v9 4 Oldham, England clive spurge [plant] lives, olive trees, olive il omelets (2 >) omens > en ay Oprosition omissions (> Y) omnibuses 3 ¥ x (18) omnipotence © ‘omnipresence (©) fone (5) [see also number one] fone of akind items (@ B) onions ¢ T () onyx ¥9 (2) onyx, black % onyx, white 9 opacity opals = = > ‘open country, especially rocky and un- cultivated | openings (1) ‘opera, opeta singers, opercttas ¢ ‘opera glasses} 9 8 ‘operations, surgical; operating rooms and objects used inthem gm ophthalmology, ophthamologists > ¥ ce) opiates. ¥ (PB) inion; opinions, in general inion, Muctuations of popular C'Y) iniow of others, one’s (1) inion of oneself, ather's (1) 1 public [mundane] (3 > 9) opinion, self 1 opinions, private (3) w opivin, opium trade y 3 12 ‘opponents, opponents in litigation or con- tests 7.08) ‘opponents of the state ay opportunities Qt >) ‘opposing groups or interests (2) opposing party (7) ‘opposition, in general ‘opposition, governmental @ oppesition, nw indanc] G8) [mundane] hidden and underhanded 98 Oppostrton ‘opposition to the people in a national sense fmundane} (7) ‘oppressien ‘opticians, optometry, optometrists» sony ‘optimism, optimists x (©) ‘opulence 2 oracles ¥ oralducts 2 orange (color] © a (# 4) ‘orange Blossoms (5 ) oranges, orange tfees; orange growers on (ors, oratory, oration hards, orchard trees mm) orchestras, orchestration orchids, orchis [plants] @ (1) ordainment 2 ondcals ‘order, influences in support of {mundane} u oderlies 2 orderliness v9 ordinances 26 fordnances » QE) mem Oregon (0. Oregon grape fp ‘organic bodily organisms (0) ‘organization, chart of an fsee Appen- ix} organizations, in general: civil onganiza- tions 1 = it (1290) organizations, anti-social (7) organizations atternpting to achieve better social conditions organizations, benefits from (12) organizaticns’ devoted to foreible control ‘or condemnation of people 12 organizations financial (8) OsrroLocy organizations, idealistic, that attack social ills & organizations, labor C11 organizations, large 123" ¥¢ organizations, leaders of large (B) organizations, literary or scientific © organizations, religious 28 organizations, sports (4 S$) organizations waging a strike, boycott o¢ lockout, and the leader of (2) organizers, organization, organizing abil iy bw Oa OH) organs. digestive > 55 4 organs, female childbearing > ‘organs, functions of the, in general (>) ‘organs of the body, in general (©) organs, pipe organs, organists (9 organs, sex Bn [seealso sexy orgasms (¥') orgies. B originality, original thinkers origins, originators C4") corioles (9) ‘Orkney Is ornaments, hers of aul dealers in formaments and (oa ornate items, ornate personal belonginys (2) ornithology, or orphans, orphanages ‘ompine {herb} (>) otthodory 4 26 orthopedics, orthopedic troubles ‘oscillation Ww Cz) Osiris (O) osmosis ossification cestentation © osteology 1 hologists CY 0) (2 ee) 99 Osreorarty, OsTEOPATHS ‘osteopathy, osteopaths 19 Ym ostracism (V) ostriches (21) otters (>) outbreaks outcasts, social (Y >) outcome of anything 4 outcome of contentions, oppositions, strife, enmities, pleas or fines (7) outlaws outlets outlines ‘outlook upon life and the world, one’s 1 () outrages, the outrageous 2 wt outside, outsides (¥) outskirts (38) ova @ ovals (9) ovaries, ovarian trouble 7 @ = (> =m) ovary, eft (>) ovary, right (O) OvsTERs ovation 2 ovens and places having ovens 3 on overalls» ‘overcoming habits and faults (B) ‘overeating and maladies from 2 overhauling ‘overproduction 2 overseers (© LV) overthrowing, overthrows wt (8) overtones ¢ overtures & overturning overweight persons owls > fownership, ownership rights 2 2 oxalis{heeb) (21) oxen (% 2) Oxford, England oxygen © (¥ 9) oxygen deficiency conygenation ofthe blood x¢ () oystess (2B) 100 101 Po ic Ocean, a large part of th islands | (S.) Pacific Ocean, South (= ¥3 =) Pacific Ocean Basin. (op) pacificism, pacifsts @ = (=) packaging (0%) packers, packing (>) pacs 7 padding & paddocks (+) padlocks (> 4) Padua, Htaly 7 paeans 2 Pagans, paganism pageants pals WC) pain 12(4 5) pains, dull ane heavy» pains, sharp 5 pains, spasmodic paint? ¥ ing. and ty; house painters 9 = painting to renew a surface (@) pairs, and things that come in pairs x pajamas CP) ow fers, either for art or ’ Pakistan (7) palaces © Cr 9) palates 5 2 paleness, pallor > ("T) paleontology, paleontologists Cm) Palermo, aly Patestine (= x) palettes palingonesis (2 WW) pallbearers 8 BM palnteces (> © 9 4) pam es, coconut (B) palniste (2) Palpitations of the heart CP) i pay 5 8 > Pamphlets © Pan vs panaceas @ (1) pereas 3 (Bom 2) panic) panoramas (O >) pans > Pansies Mower] 2 = pantheism (1) panthers (4 0) Pantographs (>) pantomimes ¢ 2 (2) ‘ 102 Pawreies pantrics mp > apaverférug] paper and paper an papethangers & papers and places where papers are kept v3 x (mm) manufacturers & papulae papyras parables parabolas (1) Parachutes (1) parades 9 4 9 (8 2) paradise 9 paradoxes paratin (4) Paraguay % Mm parallelisa (7) paraliclogams (2 8) paralysis, infantile paralysis 4 4 On) paramours () paranoia (+ parapets Paraphernalia parasites (2) parasols () parathyroid gland parcels (918 parchment parents, in general 4, 10 [see also father, mother] parent, pirentin-law, oF step-parent of the sams sex as the native 10 ppeatance and personality of 10 death and legacies of |S friends of | & health and servants of 3 home, property, and end of life of ' marriage and partner of 4 mientality, contacts, and short jour- (Cr ») e) PARKS, PARK neys of of 6 reputation, profession or standing of sorrows and losses of, Hoses thong 9 Parent, parentin-hae, oF stepparent of the opposite ex asthe native 4 appearance and personality of death and legacies of 11 friends of 2 hhealth and servants of 9 home, property, and end of life of ‘marriage and partner of 10 tabity, conteacts, and short jour neysol 6 ‘money and of 8 ong journeys profession or standing of fosces of, loses throng 3 parent wih the greater inner influcnee @ parent with the greater outer influence (10) parent with the least influence (4) parent with the Muence (100 parenthood [see also. mother! fatherhood] parenthood, pleasures derived from 9 parsis (bP) France mp parishes 1 party parks, park keepers 103 ons PARKING PLACES parking places (>) parliaments, Parliament (19) parloss (2 =) Parma, aly & parodies @ parole 2 (8) pacotids 8 aroxysms 1 parrots C= 9) arcimony parsley therb] 8 (a. 2) parsnips herb] parsons 2 (+) part, or portion (4) participation patties, political (1#) {See also pasty] patties, social; party supplies ¢ 5 St patties, surprise @ partings (78) tisan guerillas 87 Partners, martiage or Business; pane ships ¢ 7 = partner, appearance and_ person one’s 7 partner, brothers andsistersof one’s 9 partner; children, pleasures, and specula- tions of one's "11 pariner, death and legacies of one’s 2 partner, fens of one's S patiner, health and servants of one’s 12 Partner; home, property, and end of life ‘of one’s 10 rtner, marriage of one’s 1 Fartner; mentality, contracts, and sort journeys of one's 9 patiner, money and finances of and gains through one's 8 paciner, relatives of one's 9 partner, religious attitudes and long jour- neysof one’s 3 pater reputation, poten oF stand ows ity of ingot one’s 4 partner, sorrow and losses of and losses through partcidges party in power one’s 6 @ (10) party, opposing (7) passengers pasion passion in passion in x PAUPERS 3 Bms (Od) passion lowers © men passion plays @ passions, one’s 5 passiveness (>) passports passwords past life past, the paste ua (ow s) » 2) oD pastels ¢ pasteurization pastimes os @ cay ) ey pastries, pastry cooks cr 4 8m) pastures patches o) patents, patentees paternalism pathfinders ay (ay ® pathology, pathologists pathos paths 3x patience patients patriarchs patriotic inclinations of the people (mun- dane] pati patrons, p on ra 8) (7 ww) 4 4 atronage patterns, as designs patterns, pattern makers paucity ppaupers 104, » > (ed u » ) ° Qn ) (em v ° ”» mee Pauses pauses > pavements > Pawnbrokers, prwnshops pavning ¢ payees @ pence, pace preservers 9 (7 3) Peaches, peach trees, peach growers 9 peacocks © (21) peaks (8) peas > (2 ¥) pears, back Pearlwor [plant] > ears pear trees pesanis pea 2 Pebbles» pecans, pscan wees @ Peculienies, the peculiar mt Pedigrees it Pelitris herbs) @ > as») Peloponnesus [Greece] (72) pelis Pelvis of the kidneys m penalties Q >) penance pencils 9 pendulums penetration ¢ penis 2m 8 penitentiaries 12 ¥ % (4) pennants (4) Pennsylvania (") pennyroyél [herb] & pennywor: [plant] ¢ penology B pens, animal pens, writing pensions, pensioners (24m 8) pensiveness penuty > peony [plant] © people, eléerly Prrtos oF are people, famous, important, or notorious 100 people inone’stite 7 > people, low class (m1) people, representatives of the (>) people, the common > (6 > 7) people, the common [mundane] 1‘ >6 people, views and moods of the» people, wil ofthe [mundane] (11) people, young & (@) [see periods of Iie] pepper. peppers. cayenne pepper 1 pepper plants (8) Peppermint herb] @ at (4 0) pepsin = C1) percentages (1 9) Perception, perceptive powers 9 3 Ow percussion instruments pevdition @ perfection (Bm 4) Petforation —& Performances (2 ©) perfumes, perfume manufacturers and dealers ¢ pericardium 6. fcardium, inflammation of the 30) peridot fgem) 0) Peril, perilousness perincum 1m nplainis > v 3x ie [from the ancient astroto x sry) Fetiods of ets] O04 years > Stold years 15 1022 years @ 2todl years O 2856 years a S710 6R yenes 21 105 PeRiops OF LIFE 6Ftoendoflife > periods of life front Sephar Oto7 years > To 15 years & 15 10 24 years 24 10 34 years, 34 (045 yews 45 (0 57 years 57 1070 years 70 10 84 years, 84 10 99 years 99 to 1158 years periscopes Y > (B) petishing peristalsis, petstatic action of the stom- ach eavnaoe je action, interference with the alte action ofthe bowels petitoneat serum (3) Petitoreus, peritonitis mR perry © Cb) permanence > permeability permission (2) permits C8) perpetrators (2) perpetuation, perpetuity (> @ 8) perplexity persecution by secret ene wb perseverance © Persia (9 =) pesimmons > pecsistence > person, the, ina matvity 1 personal affair, environment and circum- stances personal magnetism Ct > 1) personality, one's 1 > Personnel workers (3 5) Persons bringing new and important prop- Prtosorny sitions fhorary] (8) persons from afar fhorary) C3!) persons likely to dic [mundane] ( 8 ) persons sharing home, related 4 persons sharing home, unrelated 3 perspiration mp C4) ve crv) an bark [plant] 4 pervasion (1) petverts, perversion, perversions CV we) pessimism, pessimists pestilence ¢ 2 (9. 2) pests, pest control 2 Peter [disciple of Chit] petitions Petiication, petrified wood petroleum 8 petroselinum [drug] C8) pets, domestic; places where pets are Kept Cm ue (2) pets, end of life and ving quarters of 9 pettythievery 8 pewter (>) Phantoms > Pharmacists, pharmacy 3m 9 (m 6) rynx, pharyngitis 8 canis (2) Philadelphia, Perwsylvania (oR 5) philandcrers Philaathropicalgeants (=) Philanthropy, philanthtopists, _philan- thropic movements and institutions, one’s philanthropic tendencies 26 # 9 Philip (disciple of Christm Philippines (1) philosophy, philosophers, philosophic in- sfitutions, philosophic publications, fone’ philosophic tendencies 9 21 # 106 Puiecm (@ 9) phlegm x > (>) Phoenicia,ancient (s.) phonograpis phospliorescence (> ©) phosphorus (¢ @) Photoongravers x0 photography, photogeaphees, photo ‘graphs, photographic supplies V3 wa (em > e) phrenitis. phrenotogists physical body. one’s 1 physical condition, one's physical culture np physical education. physical education in- 1 PLACES FAR FROM ONE'S BIRT pity 4 (4) pigeons, carrier 6 ments 8 pigmics pigs pigsies Go be - ics (8 =) pirates Bog wnony (>) pirouettes (1) herapists fT Pistols ut physiques pistons me pianotuness (mm >) pitchblende Pianos, pinaists 9 = 8 (4) pitcherplant (PB) picketing (>) pitchers, ball Cx") Pickles, pickling especially deep pits v9 pickpockets (7) (25) picnics 2 5 worm ¥) pictures (% see also photography) anterior picture windows (5.) pituitary gland, posterior ul (2) Piedmont ftaly} = places, abandoned ¥9 piercing 3 places, damp. wet or bogey piers > V places far from one’s birth 9 107 PLACES HARD TO REACH places hard to reach, unpleasant to find, for unpleasant to smell 9 places, high Qc.) places, highest (7 ¥) places, litle frequented (7) places near water > & places once under water but reclaimed by filing VX places overflowed with water, especially from the seaoralake VX places, shining and gay © st Places, step orrocky <9.) plcidicy C0) lagiarism,plagarists 6 8 Plagues B12 4 (@ 2) plaid pattems 8 CH) Plain that whichis plains (=) plait the fhorary} Plains x (0) planets CF) Plans, planners Cu) plans, places where kept plant fe, in general ames} plantain [herb Planting > plants, all sced-bearing (30) plats, deug-yelding (2) plants, dwarfed (2) plants from which life and rejuvenating clits are prepared (2) plants, hybrid (¥) plants, parasitic (¥) Plans, poisonous & 1 plants, small 9 plans, that grow or bloom at night > plants, thorny or strong-odored 3 plants, trailing ground cover @ plans, undersea plants, water > WS plans which grow ia marshy soi a (™m) > [see individual bwes e) PLURALITIES: plants with hairy eaves (2) plasma () plasma physicists (mm ©) Plaster, plasterers > 9 Plasered walls Cr) Plastics, plastics workers (WD ®) platinum CW 8) plaudits xe playgrounds, playground directors. © a A) playing @ playrooms plays ¢ playwrights 2 ¥ (a) pleasure, things of pleasure, all material ‘and physical pleasures, pleasure lovers 250 a, pleasure, one’s capacity for (4) © 00) pleasures derived from parenthood (9) plebeins > (4) pledges (%) plentiful, the 2 plethora, plethoric state of body or part uO 3) pleura (> % m1) ow plots against one, plotting 12 ¥ > ppots, story CW) plowed ground ('r) plows, plowing plumbers, plumbing, pl supplies ing. lines, ers (y pplumbago{mineral] plumes (21) plums, plum trees 9 pluralities (¥') 108 Puuroceats plutocrats a plutonium @ mn Plymouth, England 3 pneumatics (¥) pneumogastric nerve pneumonia x ¥ (> U) pocks (2) podiatry, podiatrists podophylin drugl & 4x poetry, poets, poems WX 2 = points, pointed objects ¢ (4) poise poison ivy, poison oak sen tpn) 3 ) pessonows animals and pants @ (3) festons, potoning VID eB poker (22) Poland t= poke 2) the police sy m6 policies 1 polio, poliomyelitis » 19 (¥) polished substances and surfaces, polish politeness 24 9 political asociation, one’s (= astability | (7) 1 parties Republisan] politcal perty fanatics political partyin powe politcal party oppos wundane] 4 ements, democratic (¥ ) (8) {See Democratic, Gon) indane} 10 he goveenment political pirases and propaganda (P ) politica pesiton, one's (10 ©) politcal promises (¥ ) politics, policians > 8 © OC 4s Ports pollution @ (1) Pollyrogs > polo (we xo 4) pokes polygamy (1) Polynesia, Polynesian Islands poypi'r polypody plant pomegranates, @) pomp. pompasity © (ar 8) Ponpet tly C2) ponds sh ponds > ss 0% ponds, stant or illsmeling pons Varoli (8) peeliooms s- poolsof water > pools of oes) 1) speanate Bm * Jy. bottomless (ey pools of water, stagnant & nm poor, the; poor relatives 3 poorhouses 12% popes) poplar trees vo poppies @ a. Cr 9) poppies. black poppies, opium poppies, white populace, the» popula interest items of populsriy > Oe 10 Popularity, ctwations of > Poreclain (np) porches (-) pores (2) ppornogeaphy 4 Por Said, Egypt 1a porters y XC mt ppotlolios eat Portland, Oregon (ut *) porliness pons > 109 PortsMouTH, ENGLAND PRESERVES, GAME OR ANIMAL Presiwents. PROLETARIANS, THE PROLETARIAT Portsmouth, England 8. power over oneself and others (1) | presidents 10 © CH 6 9) » Portugal 3 (1) power, reserve (8) + president's writings and journeys 12 Poseidon 'y powerful persons and relatives © bo press,the 9 x3 . position in life, one's 10 practical, the press, public attitude toward the (mun- Positions of prominence, rank or tile practice (¥ @ 2) dane] 3 procteation, procreative urges and activi- On Prague, Czechoslovakia 9. | ess, the, ts altitude toward the public tics, procreators S39 Bo possessions of all kinds, in general: pos- prairies (1) {© mundane} (9) procteative aet,the Pom «8 sessions of intrinsic value; movable pos- praise (=) pressing Prodigatities © 21 sewions 209 & praise reecived 10 1 prestige 21 10. prowigies v7) possessions, community; community prop- prana_ © { Preston, England produce, produce dealers and markets ery 5 prattle Presumptiors (9 » 4m ons of one’s matriage or business prayer, prayers 9 pretending, pretenders, pretenses, pretexts production, manufacturing (¥!) parner 8 preachers, preaching 9 # wx productiveness 11 possessions of the deceased, possessions precariousness (1F) prevarication (a ¥) profanities» (B) gained through others 8 precaution prevention» profession, money fromone’s 1 poscessions, one’s atlitude toward (1, precedence inrank prices ue 2 profession of one’s friends 8 2) precedents (') | Pride @ 4 (19) Profession of one’s marriage partner poscessions, unmovable or fixed 4 precious stones, 8 posessions 2 8 priests #3) Profession of one's parents, aunts, uncles possessiveness {sce individual names} {prime minisers 10. 8 te. [see parents, aunts, uncles} post offices, postal departments, postmen, precipitation, process of; precipitates, Primrose therb] &’s 10-4 ¥9 (0) owl clrke and workers, posimasters (IF) Iminces, princesses @ (10 4) profession, pleasure and cntcrtainment general 33 8 (6) precipitation > {see also rain, snow] principalities (24 ¥) derived from one's 2 postage 9 ¥ precision | principats, school 9 profession, sorrow though loss of one's posterity > CF) precociousness (1) principles 2 9 posters 6 x (2 =) predecessors Tinting, printers, printing presses 8 3 professional offices, professional men of postponement CF >) predestination (>) x05) allkinds 10 potassiam predicaments (4!) | prison, prisoners 12. 3 8 professors eo 7 (5 4) potassium chloride |X predictions *P Prison guards Wo3€ 3 12 profi (sy potassium phosphate" preferment 9 2 (F) 1 privacy Profit, profitand loss 9 a 2% potassium sulphate 1m Pregnancy $9 (2) | privatechanbers C=) profit-sharing plans (1) potatoes (4) prejudice | privateinvesigators Y ¥¢ 12 profiteers 20 4 potency C8) Prejudices, ingrained 3 private life one's; private matters 1, 4, proflgney ur () potential (#) w OF) ; profundity () potions eu private thoughts. 3 progestin (2) potions,tove (#) v privileges 51) prognostication (x) Potions, sleeping > oo privet plant] > & progress the progressive = pottery, potters > 9 prescicnce ‘7 ivy councis, privy councilors (8 ©) probibition, prohibiting poultey, poultry raisers 6 1m > Present, the (1) Prizetighters, prizeighting tenas prohibition of alcoholic beverages poverty > 12 % (2) presents @ (©) prizes 21 1" powder (1) preservation, preservation of food 2 problems (8) projectiles ma power O (18 8) ( e) problems, solu ° projects, one’s (11) power in society, one’s 10 © preserves, game or animal (7 9.) Proceeds” x Proletarians, the proletariat > () 110 1

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