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Voice Action Design Sprint  
Sample 3-Day Agenda 
DAY 1 

9:00  Arrival and Breakfast 

9:30  Welcome & Introductions  
❏ Overview of Sprint and rules - 5 min 
❏ Ice Breaker/Meet the team - 15 min 
❏ Introduce the Challenge - 3 min 
❏ Directions for How Might We’s - 2 min 
10:00 Understand: Lightning Talks 
❏ Business Goals & Existing Product  
❏ User Research 
❏ Inspirational Examples  
❏ Principles of Conversation Design (video) 
11:30 HMW Sharing and Affinity Mapping 
12:00 Value Proposition Canvas 
Brand Persona Definition 
12:30  Lunch 
13:15 Boot up Note taking 
13:20 Sketch: Crazy 8’s for Use Cases 
13:28 Crazy 8’s Sharing  
14:00 Assumptions & Sprint Questions  
14:20 Voting to select a Use Case 
14:40 Role Playing 
❏ Round 1: Role Playing & First Critique 
❏ Round 2: D ​ ialog Documentation Role Playing​ & Final Critique 
15:30 Break 
15:45 Discuss Error Recovery  
❏ Round 3: Create error recovery flows & Review 
17:00 End of Day Reflections & Notes for Day 2 

Voice Action Design Sprint Agenda ​- continued 
DAY 2 

9:30 Open with Recap of Day 1 

9:40 Technical Limitations 
10:00 Finalize Conversation Flows 
10:30 Decide between Dialog Flow or Wizard of Oz  
10:50 Begin Prototype  
User Test Script Writing 
12:30 Lunch 
13:30  Prototyping  
17:00 Close of Day 

DAY 3 

9:30 Opening with Recap of Day 2 

Finish Prototype 
Prepare script for user sessions 
11:00  User testing session 1 
11:45  Debrief 
12:00  Lunch 
12:30  User testing session 2 
13:15  Debrief 
13:30  User testing session 3 
14:15  Debrief 
14:30  User Participant 4 
15:15  Debrief  
15:30  User Participant 5  
16:15  Debrief  
16:30  Final Share out 
17:00  Congratulations! Sprint Complete! 

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