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Pakistan’s First E-Magazine for Civil Services Aspirants No-till 10740 be) cette Day for the Elimination of Nite) Tee Ut Mere Primary & Secondary Pollutant Day by Day Current Affairs (October 2019) Ose ene nbn een ter Att CMe seme MMe ccerey Profession, Work or Study Idioms perio 73 ‘The Shannon-Weaver Model of - Coren Reon nN nes Se aera, —EASONS)TO BUY : 2 5 3 A A 9 A Cy 73 PN ce Per eat eth for complete range visit us at Pakistan’s Leading Publisher for Competitive Exams & Military Test Books GS ws Gm MILITARY TEST BOOKS | GOVT. RECRUITMENT WORKBOOKS ENGLISH GRAMMAR BOOKS: HM GES Study Material for ORC eee el 2) tS} International Day for the Elimination of Violence ‘against Women (IDEVAW) is observed every year across the world on 25 November. ‘The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day. It was started by activists at the Pees inaugural Women's Global Leadership Institute in 1991 and continues to be coordinated each year by the Center for Women's Global Leadership. Itis used as an organizing strategy by individuals and organizations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls. In support of this civil society initiative, under the leadership of the UN Secretary-General, Anténio = 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence . ps GENERATIC Me Hv GESTS Pakistan's Bestseller Ca GayHT TAY Cea tosh er ia Guterres, the United Nations Secretary- General's UNITE by 2030 to End Violence against Women campaign (UNITE campaign) calls for global actions to increase awareness, galvanize advocacy efforts, and share knowledge and innovations. Aim: To raise awareness about violence against women and girls, end violence against women. It also seeks to show that prevention is possible againstviolence of women. In 2019, the UNITE campaign will mark the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, from 25 November to 10 December, under the theme, “Orange the World: Generation Equality Stands against Rape!” Background: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was instituted by United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in December 1999. This dayis commemorated in memory of Mirabal sisters who were three political activists from Dominican Republic. They were brutally assassinated during the Rafael Trujillo dictatorship (1930-1961) in 1960. Thess a pee Pat Caer a errr 7 ern Why We Must Eliminate Violence Against Women? Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today, remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma and shame surrounding, it. In general terms, it manifests itself in physical, sexual and psychological forms, encompassing: . Intimate partner violence (battering, psychological abuse, marital rape, femicide). . Sexual violence and harassment (rape, forced sexual acts, unwanted sexual advances, child sexual abuse, forced marriage, street harassment, stalking, cyber- harassment). . Human trafficking (slavery, sexual exploitation). . Female genital mutilation. . Child marriage. Violence Against Women- Definition: The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women issued by the UN General Assembly in 1993, defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurringin publicor in private life.” Alarming Figures: Su] CSS/Times . 1 in 3 women and girls experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, most frequently byan intimate partner. . Only 52% of women married or in a union freely make their own decisions about sexual relations, contraceptive useand health care. . Worldwide, almost 750 million women and girlsalive taday were married before their 18th birthday; while 200 million women and girls have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM). . 1 in 2 women killed worldwide were killed by their partners or family in 2012; while only 1 out of 20 men were killed under similar circumstances. . 71% of all human trafficking victims worldwide are women and girls, and 3 out of 4 of these women and girls are sexually exploited. . Violence against women is as serious a cause of death and incapacity among women of reproductive age as cancer, and a greater cause of ill health than traffic accidents and malaria combined. Pakistan Ranked Sixth Most Dangerous Country for Women A staggering 32 per cent of women have experienced physical violence in Pakistan and 40 per cent of ever-married women have suffered from spousal abuse at some point in their life (The Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2012-2013). However, these statistics do not accurately represent the full extent of cases. One (Bigital Magazine) |) Py) in two Pakistani women who have experienced violence never sought help or told anyone about the violence they had experienced. While the Government of Pakistan has passed various laws to prevent violence and support those affected by it, the conviction rate for violence against women sits at only 1-2.5 per cent. Resources and services for women survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) remain scarce. A recent survey carried out by Thomson Reuters Foundation (TRF) has mentioned Pakistan as sixth most dangerous country for women Pakistan was previously ranked in the top 5 unsafe countries for women in the world in 2011. According to the new ranking, India has been mentioned as the world’s most dangerous country for women due to the high risk of sexual violence, Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries for Women * India © Afghanistan © Syria © Somalia © Saudi Arabia * Pakistan © Democratic Republic of Congo * Yemen + Nigeria ‘* TheUnited States of America Protection against Harassment HM GEY/AS of Women at the workplace Act, 2010 Government of Pakistan has approved the Act titled, “Protection against Harassment of Women at the workplace Act, 2010. The purpose of this Act is to provide safe and secure working environment to the working women in the public and private sector. This law would give confidence to women that they are no more on the discriminatory position in the society and they can do something for themselves also they will not have to bear the whistling, leering and unwanted words from the people. They can get complaints registered against such persons. The C al Law Amendment Act, 2010 This law was a milestone for the protection of women rights and protection of women in Pakistan. In our society most of the people think that the place of women is in the four walls of home and they need nothing to do outside. The women who want to take part in economic or ‘other social activities, they have to face many hardships. This segment of the society think that if women came out they should harass and block their way to come out of their houses. Sherry Rehman was the architect of this law. In this law sexual harassment was declared a crime which would be punishable by law. This law was not mentioned asa crime in the PPC of 1862. This law brought amendments in section 509 of the PPC iSM CSS Times which were relating to sexual harassment of women at work place. This was a marvelous of law which was only for protection of women rights. The Prevention of Anti-Women Practices (Criminal Law Amendment Bill 2011) The Senate passed this bill on December 23, 2011. This law made three offences unlawful against women (1) to make a woman deprived of her rightful inheritance by using illegal and deceitful means (2)To give the girls in badl-e- sulha to settle the disputes which are civil or criminal .(3)force the women to marriage with Quran according to the traditional values Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Act 2011 In Pakistan The National Assembly on Tuesday unanimously passed ‘The Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Bill 2010' which recommends 14-year to lifetime imprisonment sentence and fines up toRs 1million for those who commit the crime. The Women in Distress and Detention Fund (Amendment Act) 2011 This is another bill to provide financial and legal help to distressed women languishing in various jails of the country. This bill was passed by the upper House of the parliament on Tuesday 13th December 2011. This act was to amend women in Distress and Detention fund Act 1996. Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari moved this bill in the HM GEA House. Before this law, another act entitled women in Distress and Detention fund 1996 and these funds were being administered by the Human Rights wing of the Ministry of Law, Justice and Human Rights. But now the Ministry of Human Rights was formed as a separate entity after the eighteenth amendment to the constitution. The previous ministry was evolved. The funds were also transferred to new Ministry of Human Rights. This bill was earlier promulgated by an ordinance by the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari on 18th April 2010 with the purpose that the mandate of Ministry of Human Rights is to provide legal and financial assistance to women in distress and detention Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act, 2012 Under this Act the court also holds the powers to order the respondent to pay monetary relief to the victim of domestic violence. The respondent would have to bear imprisonment for six months with a fine of Rs 100,000 or more, if he will breach the protection order. Who willbreach the order will have to face imprisonment enhanced Wes es for two years with a fine of 200,000 on the violation of second time of the orders. National Commission on the Status of Women Act, 2012 National Commission on the Status of Women Act was passed by the Pakistan senate on 2ndFebruary, it was unanimously approved by the senate to protect the women rights against every type of discrimination. This bill was signed on International Women's day on 8th March. President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari expressed his views that the Commission now will play an instrumental role in ensuring protection of women's rights. National Commission for Human Rights Act 2012 The process to introduce legal reforms for the empowerment of women has been taken seriously by the government. For this purpose National Commission for Human Rights Act was enacted on 4th May 2022 by the parliament of Pakistan and was passed by the President of Pakistan on 30th May 2012, mais cus 2019-20 Cad HM GE9/ Rem ad CSS English Precis & Composition PROFESSION, WORK OR STUDY IDIOM ‘An agony aunt is a newspaper columnist who gives advice to people having problems, especially personal ones. Allinaday's work If something is all in a day's work, it is nothing special. Bad workers always blame their tools "A bad worker always blames their tools" - If somebody does a job badly or loses in a game and claims that they were let down by their equipment, you ‘can use this to imply that this was not the case. Baker'sdozen Baker's dozens 13 rather than 12. Bean counter Abean counter isan accountant. Beggars can't be choosers This idiom means that people who are in great need must accept any help that is offered, even if it is not a complete solution to their problems. Busman'sholiday ‘A busman's holiday is when you spend your free time doing the same sort of work as you doin your job. Don'tgiveupthe dayjob This idiom is used a way of telling something that they do something badly. Game plan Agame planisa strategy. Give someone their cards Ifsomeone is given their cards, they lose theirjob. Give someone their marching orders If you give someone their marching orders, you ask them to leave a place or fire them from ajob. Glass ceiling The glass ceiling is the discrimination that prevents women and minorities from getting promoted to the highest Peessmies levels of companies and organisations. Good offices Good offices is help and support, especially in mediating  in a dispute. Have your work cut out If you have your work cut out, you are very busy indeed. High-flier ‘Someone who rises quickly to a position of wealth or success is a high-flier.('High- flyer*isanalternative spelling.) Moversand shakers Dynamic, important people who can get things done quickly and are influential are the movers and shakers. New brush sweeps clean "Anew brush sweeps clean’ means that someone with a new perspective can make great changes. However, the full ENGLISH $ Syed Mottin Raza Hv GESTS version is'a new brush sweeps clean, but. an old brush knows the corners’, which warns that experience is also a valuable thing. Sometimes ‘broom’ is used instead of brush’ Noddy work. (UK) Unimportant or very simple tasks are noddy work. Number cruncher A number cruncher is an accountant or someone who is very good at dealing with numbers and calculations Ontheline If somebody's job is on the line, they standa very good chance of losingit. Pointy-heads Pointy-heads are supposed intellectuals or experts, but who don't really know that much. Pullrank A person of higher position or in authority pulls rank, he or she exercises his/her authority, generally ending any discussion and ignoring other people's views. Realtrouper Areal trouper is someone who will fight for what they believe in and doesn't give up easily. (People often use ‘Real trooper’ as the two words sound the same.) Slavedriver If someone is a slave driver they work you very hard, often with unreal expectations of what you can achieve. ‘Speak to the organ grinder notthe monkey Talk to the boss notthe subordinate Sie mus Stagerat A stage rat is someone who enjoys doing, any work connected with live theatre-- acting, set design, lighting, stage managing, ete. Swearlikea sailor ‘Someone who is foul-mouthed and uses bad language all the time, swears like a sailor. Swear likea trooper Someone who is foul-mouthed and uses bad language all the time, swears like a trooper. Teacher'spet The teacher's favorite pupil is the teacher's pet, especially if disliked by the other pupils. The shoemaker's son always goes barefoot A skilled or knowledgeable person often fails to use their skills for the benefit of their family and people close tothem. Top brass Inthe army orin other organizations, the top brass are the people in the highest positions Tread the boards When someone treads the boards, they perform onstage ina theatre. Trick of the trade Atrick of the trade is something used by people experienced in an area that helps them. Workthe system If people work the system, they exploit the state or similar setup to their advantage. HM GSS 1. Stop ironing my head! The Armenian Qnufuu uh’ wpnniyhp (glukhs mi ardukeer), or “Stop ironing my head,” means “Stop annoyingme!” This idiom is so useful that it actually appears in other languages as well—for example, the Turkish Kafr dtuleme means “Don't iron my head!” 2. Are youstill riding the goat? Cheyenne is a fascinating language that's now highly endangered, with only a couple thousand living speakers, mostly on the Northern Cheyenne indian Reservation. It's also the source of a rather catchy way of asking someone whether they're separated from their spouse, Ménés6'tahoendtse ‘kosa?—literally, “Are yousstill riding the goat?” 3. Walk around in hot porridge AL IDIOMS FROM AROUND THE WORLD | won't walk around in hot porridge, I'll tell you right away: Chodit kolem horké kase is the Czech equivalent of “beat around the bush.” As if the phrase “walk around in hot porridge” wasn't already perplexing enough, the Finnish and Norwegians have also brought cats into the picture, using “pace around hot porridge like a cat” to mean the same thing (kiertdidi kuin kissa kuumaa puuroain Finnish, 4 gé som katta rundt den varme grauten in Norwegian). 4. Emit smoke from seven orifices The Chinese “to emit smoke from seven orifices” means to be extremely angry. You might be wondering exactly what the orifices in question are, so just to clear things up: eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth. 5. Have other cats to whip The FrenchJ'aid'autres chats @ fouetter!is ISM New Arrival ou [ET Ayres CSS Past Papers CSSmca COMPULSORY SUBJECTS Solved MCQs with Explanation and latest Development \ Why a be "Le ‘salad Ar) Nae nN Nf ae ii iy Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore Phone: 042-373532510 Hv GESTS analogous to English’s “I have other fish to fry!” but literally talks about whipping cats instead. Between this idiom and “pace around hot porridge like a cat,” you might be sensing that a disproportionate number of idioms include cats. 6. God bless you and may your mustache grow like brushwood You might think “bless you” is a perfectly adequate response to a sneeze, but Mongolians would beg to differ—they prefer the more comprehensive 6ypxaH opuioo Gyrsin wMH3a caxan ypra (burkhan orshoo butyn chinee sakhal urga) which wishes a fine blessing upon your mustache as well. 7. Have the cockroach In English, we sometimes say that to be feeling down is to “have the blues.” The expression in French is pretty much the same except, well, you replace “blues” with “cockroach”—avoir Je cafard, 8. Live like a maggot in bacon You might think it doesn't sound very appealing HSM CSS Times to live like @ maggot in bacon, but you'll think again when | tell you the German Leben wie die Made im Speck refers to living luxuriously. 9. Inflate a cow To describe someone as “inflating a cow” in Chinese, (chuinii) is simply a way of saying they're bragging or talking something up to be bigger thanit actuallyis. 10. Hang noodles on someone's ears To hang noodles on someone's ears in Russian, Beurars nanuyy Ha yun (veshat' lapshu na ushi), is tofoolthem or BSthem. 11, Dumplings instead of flowers The Japanese (hana yoridango), translating HM GESTS literally as “dumplings instead of flowers,” refers to choosing something useful over something pretty and decorative. It's equivalent to English's comparatively unimaginative “function over form” and “substance overstyle.” 12. You can't ® pluck feathers = off a bald chicken EAR _| No, you certainty VT can't, it just ain't = gonna happen. As the Dutch say, van een kale kip kan je geen veren — plukken, 13. Ride an elephant to catch a grasshopper If you've been reading the FluentU blog for a while, you might know a thing or two about an elephant named Butterfly. But you probably haven't heard about riding an elephant to catch a grasshopper. The Thai refers to putting in a lot of work and getting little in return. 14. As clear as dumpling broth ay It turns out something is klar wie Klofbrithe in German if it's absolutely clear—that is, easy to understand. Now, you might argue that dumpling broth isn't actually clear, and you'dbe correct. Cees sme) Somewhere along the way, this idiom switched from meaning “not at all clear” to “totally clear,” sort of like if “clear as mud” had come to be synonymous with “crystal clear” in English. 15. Pedal in sauerkraut You might not be surprised to hear that a plate of sauerkraut isn't the ideal locale for riding a bicycle. Accordingly, the French pédaler dans la choucroute means to get absolutely nowhere. 16. Agerm across the sea can beseen, anelephanton the eyelid can't The key to understanding this Indonesian idiom kuman di seberang lautan tampak, gajah di pelupuk mata tak tampak is not taking it too literally. Essentially, it means that it's easy to see other people's mistakes no matter how small they are, but it's hard to see your own even when they're very large. 17. Get stuffed with hay The Polish wypchaé sie sianemis, in literal terms, an instruction to “get stuffed with hay.” Needless to say, this isn't an expression you'd direct at someone towards whom you feel fondly. 18.Adoginchurch The dog may be man's best friend, but at least in Italy, that friendship does not extend to places of worship. The Italian un cane in chiesa refers to an unwanted guest. a a EUR ats * , 2016-2019 =o eons a3 poop . F, : € ae oy rn * ee HM nil lL oT me Te HM EE9 ean ees Es. force Win an d/ Me 1) Structure of Essay. Sualeha Sehar 2) Expression of ideas. 3) Understand the argument and critically analyze the evidence. Essay writing in CSS needs special attention Ree a cueeekcinieer iE peeparation but it does not means that it 5) Basic Grammar Accuracy. isnot possible to pass. 6) Correct Vocabulary. This article encompasses all the essentials of 7) Proficiencyin written English essay writing for detail It focuses on all aspects of “Essay Writing’. This paperisa key determiner 1) Structure of Essay ‘of your overall score in CSS and PMS Exams most AStandard essay has three parts of the Aspirants score less in this paper, the 1) -_Introductionor Background candidate must also learn various dimensions of 2) Body producing an impressive and appealing essay. 3) Conclusion or Summary Important points of Essay Introduction aa This first paragraph should introduce your topi pyctings Your first sentence should be very attractive one. Read the following essential points for essay je should ay fal the reader he (ni ocineny iyriting so est hish scales part can be of one, two or more paragraphs depending upon the topic. It should be written in ‘a way that should compel the reader to continue reading further about the topic. General structure of introduction should be: Topicsentence (Addressing the topic directly) Supporting sentences (6-8 Sentences comprising explanations, examples, statistics, quotations “© etc. in support of topic sentence i.e statement of essay). It should be a composite line enclosing a major idea of the topic. Body Pees Hv GES This is the major part of your essay. It consist of many paragraphs. It starts after introduction The body of the essay should include separate paragraphs discussing evidence that supports the thesis writing, The body of the essay plenary depends upon the essay topic. Some of the topics are plain and simply require explaining its un- directional aspects. You must try your level best to explore its aspects as much as possible and some topics require explanation of its both dimensions. You must include good astounding ideas as well as opposingideas. Conclusion Conclusion is the part of essay which ties everything. When it comes to how much evidence should be included in an essay, A good guideline is to include solid points that direct supports your thesis. Summaries your all points and suggest ways in which your conclusion can be thought of ina larger sense. 2) Expression of Ideas Follow proper sequence for presenting your ideas. Avoid repetition of ideas, Avoid informal language for expressing your ideas. Unity «All the ideas and views should must be related to the topic. Each paragraph should have one idea explained init. * Avoid mixing up ideas in same paragraph. 3) Understand the argument and critically analyze the evidence In the process of writing an essay. You should always have your main argument in mind. While it might be tempting to go off on a tangent about some interesting side note to your topic, doingso. can make your writing less concise. Always question any evidence you include in your essay; Ask yourself, “Does this directly support my thesis?” If the answer is “no” then that evidence should probably be excluded. When you are evaluating evidence, be critical and thorough You want to use the strongest research to back up your thesis. Everything you include should have a clear connection to your topic and your argument 4) Outline making for the Essay Make an outline. You must know what you are going to write about before you even start writing an essay. It is important to know what you want to say. The easiest way to narrow down a thesis and overall a proper argument is to make a basic outline before you begin writing your essay. For making an outline for your essay, start thinking to explore various aspects. Write down each idea. In the form of a short line, in correct sequence. You can give a number to each line. Outline refers to a sketch or full skeleton of aspects. Outlines helps youa lot in writing your (Gigital Magazine)! Py) 7 S| CSS/Times essay. It provides you with range of aspects to discuss. It keeps you on track for writing your essay. Following its sequence you can give an attractive shape to your essay. 5) BasicGrammar Accuracy Grammatical accuracy refers to usage of words {i.e verbs, nouns, adjectives, phrasal verbs etc) to make a correct sentence. Hence, you should study the basic of grammar in order to express your idea in standard English. Besides that idiomatic usage in writing makes your essay look attractive ‘Acquire a Solid understanding of basic grammar style and punctuation. Grammar Style and punctuation are incredibly important if you want your research to be understood and taken seriously. Before writing an essay, make sure you have a solid understanding of basic grammar. It includes verb and subject agreement. Proper article and pronoun usage and well formed sentence structures. Make sure you know the proper use for the most common forms of punctuation. Be mindful of your comma usage and know when a period is needed. Ensure your language is concise. Avoid transition words that Pees mcs don't add anything to the sentence and unnecessary wordiness. That detracts you from your arguments. 6) Correct Vocabulary Use the right vocabulary know what the words you are using actually means. How you use language is important; Especially in essay writing. When writing an essay, remember that your are trying to persuade others that you are an expert who can make an intelligent argument using words just to sound smart often results in the opposite effect It is easy to detect when someone is over compensating, in their writing. If you aren't sure of the exact meaning of a word, you risk using it incorrectly, Using obscure language can also take away from the clarity of your argument. You should consider this before you pull out that thearus to change that perfectly good word to something completely different. 7) Proficiency in written English Your competence and proficiency in written English should be a must thing. You should acquire scholarly andliterary writing skills. eee iicte Essay Writing Important CSS Essay’s Outline Replaced Essays 2000-2019 &All Other Competitive Exams CURRENS a ca teeny Dereon ' " Soe Des rT oT aS oe * HM GEY Kas (cae a AAT KOLATUN ALCL) ENVIRONMI ITAL SCENE PRIMARY & SECONDARY POLLUTANT Definition primary pollutantis an air pollutant emitted directly froma source. A secondary pollutant is not directly emitted as such, but forms when other pollutants (primary pollutants) react in the atmosphere. Examples of a secondary pollutant include ozone, which is formed when hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) combine in the presence of sunlight; NO2, which is formed as NO combines with oxygen in the air; and acid rain, which is formed when sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides react with water. Primary Air Pollutants and their Sources Primary air pollutants (PAPs) are those that are emitted directly into the air from sources. Examples - Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, volatile organic matter, particulate matters, lead, ammoniaete. How PAPs Impact Environment? They can have effects both directly and as precursors of secondary air pollutants (chemicals formed through reactions in the atmosphere), which are discussed in the following section. Whatare Secondary Air Pollutants? secondary pollutant is not directly emitted as such, but forms when other pollutants (primary pollutants) react in the atmosphere. Examples of a secondary pollutant include ozone, which is formed when hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) combine in the presence of sunlight; NO2, which is formed as NO combines with oxygen in the air; and acid rain, which is formed when sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides react with water. HSM CSS Times [ite s=ceol) KM GSAS Common Air Pollutants Volatile — — Sulfur dioxide ($02) ‘502 is a gas formed when sulfur is exposed to oxygen at high temperatures during fossi fuel combustion oil refi Shang Woz ieonc ot hghconcetouons bulk pinch pluton eects oe sacle wah he oration 502 dissolves ncloud droplet and oxidize to frm sulfuric acid (H2504), which can fal Earths acid ain or snow or form slate frost particles nthe atmosphere 2.Nitrogen oxides NO and NO2 referred together as NOx) Noxare highly reactive qases formed when oxygen and nitrogen estat high temperatures during combustion orightring tikes, Nevo lesen in ful earn be emttcg Nn during contousdon Emssnons ae dominated By fous! fuel ombsston ot notin mid lattudes nd by biomass burning inthe tropics In the atmosphere NOx reacts with volatile organic compounds (VOCS) and carbon moneride 1 produce ground-level ozone inners NG eat tern empower ees nates gn ne ore Contibutesto acid deposition and aerosolformation 3.carbon monoxide (€O) COisan odorless, colores as formed byincomplete combustion of carbon nfl The ainsourceismotorvehide exhaust along Sithindvatal processes and biomass burning. Carkon monoride binds to hemoglobin in red blood cls, reducing ther ably to taneport and release oxygen throughout the Body. Low exposures can aggravate cardac aments wile high exposures cause envalnetvous system impavintor death alg plays oein the generation of ground:-evelozone. 4Volatile organi compounds (VOCS) \ocsincuding hyéroarbons (ity but alo othe organic chemicals are emitted from» very wide range of sources including oes Ket combistd dst cnt and natal emsons Wom vegetation anes Some antropugent Woes such as basane Betoun carcmogens, VOCs ae also of interest as chemical precursors of ground level ozone and aerosols Large VOCs oxide inthe atmosphere to produce nonvolatile chemicals that condense fo fort aeosolshor-ived VOCe interact wth NOx to produce hgh ground level Brame in polted enstonments Methane Hy, he snes and most ong ined VOC, of portance bth ssa resnnouse got dha a Sue of baroun ope cone Mr andvopogenc Sues freon bee nail gos produto sd ite coalmining,vestock andnce pades. S.orticulate Matter Particle pollution (lo called particulate matte or PM isthe ter for a isture of soli partlsand liquid droplets found nthe ac Somme parides sutnss dust drt soot orsmoke arelarge or darkenough tobe seenvth the nakedeye Olver aresosmal hey cn anipbe detected sing an lecronmnesope Particle pollution includes ‘inlable coarse pote wit diameters larger than 25 micrometers and smaller than 10 micrometers Sd tng particles’ wth Gametes hatore 28 microtiter andcmaee ‘These particles come in many sizes and shapes and can be made up of hundreds of cifferent chemicals Some particles, known as primary partes are emt ety om a sure such as construction ses unpaved eas elds smotestacis or fes. Oat fom in compiteaed reactions inthe smosprere of chemical such as sufur clowaes and nitogen oxiges tat ae ented rom powerplants ncusties and automobiles. These partles know as secondary particles make up ant of eine article poluton frthe count. 6.¢round Level Ozone Sround-eve ozone is not emitted direct into the atmosphere. results from photochemical reactions between oxides of trogen (NO) and volatile organic compounds (WOCS) in the presence of sunlight igh levels typicaly occur from May to September, ennoonandesty evening, Cees smc HM GSAS NATURAL SOURCES OF AIR POLLUTION Apart from the anthropogenic (man-made) sources, there are also natural sources of air pollution. The natural sources of air pollution emissions includ 1. Volcanoes: Volcanic activity produces smoke, ash, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and other air pollutants. 2. Geysers: The air pollutants emitted by geysers include hydrogen sulfide, arsenic and otherheavy metals. 3. Digestive gases: Methane and other gases generated by the digestion of food and emitted by animals such as cattle. 4. Oceans, Rivers and Estuaries: These are sources of methane emissions thought to be caused by the digestive systems of marine life, methanogenesis in sediments and drainage areas along coastal regions, and possibly seepage from methane hydrates on the ocean floors. 5. Dust: Windblown dust from areas with little or no vegetation such as desert areas. 6. Sea salt: Wind-blown sea water which evaporates in the atmosphere and releases sodium chloride and other particulates into the atmosphere. 7. Radioactive decay: Radon gas is released into the atmosphere by radioactive decay occurring in the Earth's crust. 8. Forest fires: Forest fires created by lightning, or other natural causes, result in the formation and release of smoke, ash, dust, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and other air pollutants. 9. Plants. and trees: Biogenic sources such as pine trees and certain other plants and trees which release volatile organic compounds (VOC). About 80% of the overall emissions of VOC are from biogenic sources. 10. Wetlands: Microbial action in wetlands result in significant amounts of methane being formed and released to the atmosphere. In fact, wetlands are the largest natural source of methane emissions. 11. Termites: Termites are the second largest natural source of methane emissions. The methane is produced by their normal digestive process. 12. Lightning: Lightning converts atmospheric nitrogen to nitrogen oxides. 13. Soil outgassing: Another biogenic source wherein microbial action in soils result in the formation and release of significant amounts ofnitrogen oxides. hermpublshersce CS Reo Mosse aed 4 Best Agriculture & Forestry MCQs Book For ta | CSS/PCS/PMS and Other Competitive Exams NN KS x iy Si S iS i) 5 iy 7 ew, oa: To Panel Praia L " iS Ettzisuccess Aad ne Multiple Choice Questions 3 non a aad The Shannon-Weaver Model of Organizational Communication One of the first widely accepted comprehensive models of the communication process was the Shannon and Weaver model. Since they were information theorists, the model stressed the transmission of information. Figure 6.2 shows this model. The major parts of the model can be summarized as follows 1. Information Source: This is the logical beginning of the communication process. The source consists of RECEIVER “The Shannon Wenver model of communication SENDER 1 (Digital Magazine) raw information and includes some form of intent and purpose on the part of the sender. Accounting. Statistics, and Computer data are examples of raw information which must be given meaning and purpose in the information source, 2. Transmitter: The transmitter encodes the data into a message and sends t on to the receiver. The major form of encoding is language, which can be defined as any systematic pattern of signs, symbols, or signals. The raw data from the source are encode Into a meaningful language, e.g., the accounting, statistics, and computer data are translated into a message. This message is then transmitted by means of sound waves, electrical impulses, light waves, or pieces of paper. 3. Noise: Noise is any interference that takes place between transmission and reception. It can be electrical static, semantic problems with the language, or deliberate distortion of the message. Noiseis a'black box’ concept. Any HM SSA communication problem that cannot be fully explained can be categorized as noise. Under this step of the model, the communication hhas passed from the sender side of the process to the receiver side. Decoding of the message now takes place. An interpretation must be made and understanding must be gained of the accounting, statistical, or computer information. Besides knowledge requirements, perception and listening enter the perception phase of the process model. Just as the information source is a requirement for the communication process to begin. a destination is necessary in order for the process to be completed. In the organization, the accounting, statistical, or computer information is most likely destined to go to line managers to assist them in accomplishing their unit's objectives or to top managers for use in evaluating performance. Claude Shannon el a-iconisat) Talcolsas-ilela Pe Although the Shannon and Weaver model extended the classical structural approach to organizational communication by recognizing that it was a process, it still stressed linear information flows and was too static. As was pointed out in the discussion of the concept of communication, the process involves behaviour's, it is a personal process. For example, receiver acceptance and expectations are vital to organizational communication Merely sending and receiving information, the transmission is a necessary but insufficient condition for communication to take place in an organization. A FLAWLESS Book for PESO rae SES ae Som TTD) Major Highlights ¢ Coverage of each topic in the syllabus with clear explanation. Coverage of additional material that has relevance to the syllabus. ¢ Completely Solved Previous Years' Question Papers. e Revised & Updated 4th Edition. et IOC ease rel aga a Sheraz Sohail _ Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore i Phone: 042-373532510 HM GE9/A Introduction Concentration of authority at the top level of the administration system. Decentralization means dispersal of authority among lower levels of the systems. In centralization the lower levels can't act on their own initiative. They have to refer problems to the higher levels. Decentralization allows field officesto act on their own initiative in specified matters. Decentralization thus allows field offices to deliver public service from local centers to client locality. It allows establishment of direct y relationship between client and administration and bring administration to doorstep. Decentralization allows local planning, development using local resources. It allows local participation in development activities with, intensive response and paves way for meaningful articulation of local demands. Planning becomes more responsive, realistic. It increases local capacity to govern local areas using local decision, making, Decentralization will release local energies, enlist local support for development activities. Thus Mit (Digital Magazine) |= 7) 27 HM CSAS local community can attain political, administrative maturity. Types of decentralization There are four main types of decentralization: Political, administrative, fiscal, and market decentralization. 1, Political decentralization Political decentralization aims to give citizens or their elected representatives more power in Public decision-making. Its goal is to introduce more participatory forms of governance by giving citizens, or their representatives, more influence in the formulation and implementation of health policies and plans. Political decentralization often requires constitutional law reform as well as changes to otherlaws. 2. Administrative decentralization Administrative decentralization involves redistributing authority, responsibility and financial resources for providing public services from the national government to local units of ISM CSS Times government agencies, sub national government or semi-autonomous public authorities or corporation. There are three major forms of administrative decentralization: deconcentration, delegation, and devolution, Each form raises different legal ues. Deconcentration involves redistributing decision making authority and financial and management responsibilities among different levels of a national government. For example, it may involve shifting responsibilities from government officials working in the head office of a health ministry, to ministry staff working in regions, provinces or districts. Deconcentration does not usually involve any changes to existing laws. Though in some countries, changes to who may exercise a legal power have to follow a specific legal procedure. Delegation involves a national government transferring responsibility for decision-making and administration of public functions to semi- autonomous public sector organizations such as hospital corporations. These organizations usually have separate legal status and have a great deal of discretion and autonomy around management decision-making. Delegation usually involves extensive legal changes including passing laws to establish the new public sector organizations and specify their duties, powers, accountabilities and relationship to national government. It also may involve introducing new regulatory controls. This is because independent decision making may and all other competitive exams ADMINISTRATIO Pa GOs ee Notes A Kabir Street, Urdu Bazar, Lahore HSM -ILMI Kitab Khana — 949.37748129 - 042-37353510 H-™ GESTS generate a need for state regulation to ensure that decisions made by autonomous bodies are made in line with government's broader health policy objectives. Devolution is where national governments devolve functions to sub national government. Ina devolved system, sub national governments often have clear and legally recognized geographical boundaries over which they exercise authority and within which they perform these functions. Devolution may involve constitutional law reform as we as law reform to formalise the devolution of powers, roles and accountabilities. 3. Fiscal decentralization Financial responsibility is a core component of decentralization. If sub national governments and private organizations are to carry out decentralised functions effectively, they must have an adequate level of revenues either raised locally or transferred from the national government- as well as the authority to make decisions about expenditure. Law changes are likely be required to give effect Advantages of centralization to the fiscal devolution, to authorise the transfer of revenue and to authorise local decision makingand revenue raising, 4. Market decentralization Market decentralization involves shifting responsibility for health functions from the public to the private sector including businesses and non-government organizations. Market decentralization may involve constitutional law reform as well as the passage of newlaws to: . allow the private sector to perform functions that had previously been performed by government; and * to regulate the performance of those functions, Effective Decentralization 1 Only possible if decentralization of functions, finances and function: a 2. Field offices should report to one central agency. 3. Jurisdictional lines should be meticulously drawn. Disadvantages of centralization ‘Maximum control over organization delay and red tape all work is done in same manner and in accordance to same policies. overburden head office avoids duplication of work autocratic control over subordinates active role in personal leadership not conducive for diversification, development of second line of executive suitable for emergencies anti-peoples participation head office acts without information of local jon of resources a conditions. ‘Advantage of Decentralization Disadvantage of decentralization Reduces delay, HQ is less burdened ‘Complicates coordination, integration of activities of multiple units policy making and execution are separated ‘communication is difficult between various units. national policies are adopted to local conditions. Facilitates peoples participation. Administration is expensive second line of executives is developed cant handle emergencies reduces communication overhead ‘encourages divisive forces encourages competition and comparative standard among field offices increases corruption, nepotism enables experimentation in decision making and iplementation by field units without committing whole organization to untried course of action weakens national perspective by breeding local- ism, parochialism ees smc Hv GESTS 4. Common standard of procedure. to field offices and prefers direct control over 5. Sufficient flexible physical and them. psychological structure to permit it to Administrative: adjust to local condition. Old organizations with stable procedures favor 6. System of ready appeals. Free decentralization whereas frequent changes channelization of suggestions from favor centralization; Higher pressure for speed, fieldsto the center. autonomy, competent staff favor 7. Adequate reporting, inspection decentralization. methods should provide central head Functions: with knowledge of field operations. Uniformity of functions favors centralization; If Factors governing centralization technical nature of work and multi-functional rf organization then decentralization s favorable. or decentralization External: Responsibility: People participation, interest groups, grass root AAs the central authority is held responsible for democracy, demand for planning from below all failures. It doesn't delegate discretionary powers encourage decentralization. 3) THE CONCEPT OF "BOUNDED RATIONALITY" WAS GIVEN BY: (CSS-2019) ee ee Cc Herbert Simon >} Tshilidzi Marwala Answer: (c) Explanation: Herbert Simon introduced the term ‘bounded rationality’ (Simon 1957: 198) as a shorthand for his brief against neoclassical economies and his call to replace the perfect rationality assumptions of homo ecanomicus with ‘2 conception of rationality tailored to cognitively limited agents, Broadly stated, the task isto replace the global rationality of economic man withthe kind of rational behavior that is compatible with the access to information and the computational ‘capacities that are actually possessed by organisms, including man, inthe kinds of enviroriments in which such organisms exist. (Simon 1955a: 99) {NOVEMBER 2019 | For Fr . a Od sureRIaaass Geog (4 fel ace eLESISUCCESS HM Gaines Qualitative a.to8 OG ° oO @ O00 Gooss Quantitative Qualitative and Quantitative Research In sociology, (and in other social sciences) the terms “quantitative” and “qualitative” refer to two different approaches to doing research Sociologists use one or the other, or a combination of the two, while conducting research, Qualitative research has a long history in sociology and has been used within it for as long as the field has existed. This type of research has long appealed to social scientists because it allows the researchers to investigate the meanings people attribute to their behavior, actions, and interactions with others. While quantitative research is useful for identifying relationships between variables, like, for example, the connection between poverty and racial hate, itis qualitative research that can illuminate why this connection exists by going directly tothe source—the people themselves. Qualitative Research Qualitative research is a broad term that encompasses a variety of approaches to interpretative research. It can be historical, sociological, education and much more. Qualitative research style in social researchis not much related to the scientific logic of research, but more close to the world around. Quantitative research focus upon human behavior for better understandings about the world around them. So the emphasis given by quantitative researchers in their studies involves an examination of the perspectives of the people or groups; e.g. their ideas, attitudes, motives, and intensions. In qualitative research, the researcher's primary goalsare an understanding of social processes Sul CSS/ Tues rather than obtaining a representative sample. The study of one or small number of cases, often overalengthy period of time. Qualitative research methods such as in-depth interviews and participant observation have some of the following characteristics, Research is carried outin reliable settings. In qualitative research, the objectives are to take detailed descriptions of people behavior and thought. The focus of the research may change during the course of research. The qualitative approach involves theory construction rather than theory testing In qualitative research, when compared to quantitative based research, research designs are often relatively small, loosely structured, encourage research participants to talk in detail about the meaning that they have of the world, There will include one to one in-depth interviews focus groups and qualitative observation based studies. Some of the methodological issues of qualitative research designs are the questions of validity and reliability, objectivity and subjectivity and ethical matters. Quantitative Research Quantitative approaches are typically associated a ees smd 44 Hv GESTS with positivist perspectives in social research. Hammersly (1993) provides a useful definition of thisapproach. “The term quantitative method refers in large part to the adoption of the natural science ‘experiment as the model for scientific research, its key features being quantitative measurement of the phenomena studied and systematic control of the theoretical variables influencing those phenomena”. Thus, the major characteristics of quantitative researchis, a + Using standardized approaches to i AI Sa coed, UNS ‘© Explaining casual relationship between p SO variables. ' SSD SF © Testshypotheses or given theory. © High degree of pre-conceptualization. * Adopting theory then research approach. ‘The sample survey and experimental method are the most typical example of quantitative research. Sample survey is the most commonly used technique with specific tools and methods COMPARISON OF QUANTITATIVE & QUALITATIVE RESEARCH to gather information about a particular question Quantitative approaches differ from qualitative approach in a number of ways. E.g. in terms of objectives of the study, research design, toolsand methods etc, PNY aba) QUANTITATIVE QUALITATIVE RESEARCH RESEARCH GENERAL Objective approachto Subjective approach to NATURE seek precise seekin-depth measurement in description in numerical form narrative from KNOWLEDGE Variables are clearly Researcher may have OF STUDY understood & defined only rough idea about VARIABLE in advance by the variables in advance. researcher 0% Peritie. ese oh. Wey WL oo” HSM New Arrival Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore Phone: 042-373532510 HMGESATLES RA md Oe CA OCUN ACW email lity . Inu Dahiet Why Pakistan Su Introduction Syrian war was started form 2011 When the people of Syria stand against the government. ‘They protested against the government of Syria the bout was started when the government cease fire on people of Syria. Thirteen-year boy was killed at that time so. this rebellion promise that they will change the government with their powers, They made “SFA” Syrian Free Army against the government with the passage of time Kurds declared that they will be destroy the government of Syria and gain freedom form Syrian government. iran and Russia supported the government of Syria and SFA supported by Tukey, USA, and Suadia. Kurds fought against the Syrian government as well as Turkish government. Kurds stayed in Iraq Iran Turkey and Syria Kurds back ground The Kurdish population is spread across four countries ~ tran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria. Kurds Cees L~ port the Turkey make up between 7% § and 10% of Syria's population, For decades, they were suppressed and denied basic rights by President Bashar al-Assad and, before him, his father Hafez al-Assad. Before the uprising against Mr Assad began in 2011 most Kurds lived in the cities of Damascus and ‘Aleppo, and in three northern areas near the Turkish border ~ Afrin in the west, Kobane and Qamishli in the east. In late 2014, the jihadist group Islamie State (IS) launched an assault on Kobane. The battle sparked alarm across the world and a US-led multinational coalition against IS intervened by carrying out airstrikes, After the militants retreated, the Kurds became Nie saceae aca Hv GESTS the coalition's most critical partner on the ground in Syria. The biggest Kurdish militia, the People’s Protection Units (YPG), formed an alliance with local Arab militias called the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in 2015 Initiative of USA and Turkey The United States is poised to evacuate about 1,000 US troops from northern Syria amid an ongoing Turkish offensive into the region, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said on Sunday, calling the situation “untenable” for US forces. The withdrawal of the troops from the region comes after US President Donald Trump abruptly shifted policy and withdrew some US troops deployed to support Kurdish forces in the fight against the militant Islamic State group. Syrian Democratic Forces That decision in turn helped open the door for Turkey to launch an offensive against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).“In the last 24 hours, we leamed that {the Turks] likely intend to extend their attack further south than originally planned, and to the west,” Esper said in a pre-taped interview with “Face the Nation” on CBS. (dawn, 2019) President of Turkey also said that if we lunch the operations against the Syria we face lot of problems like economic sanction and suspend the arms export by the Germany and France. Role of Pakistan Pakistan world 1° rank in Muslims state to became a nuclear power and also Pakistan support the Muslims states in every circumstances. Pakistan and turkey has special relations based on Islamic ideology and brotherhood. History tell us that Pakistan and turkey relations based on defending phenomenon because Pakistan respect the Khilafat in Turkey. In 1953 Governor General of Pakistan Milk Ghulam Muhammad and then President of Pakistan Iskandar Mirza visited the Turkey. ‘Turkey and Pakistan also partner of RCD regional cooperation for development. Pakistan also member of CENTO along with Turkey. The Gen. Zia —ul- Haq visited turkey twice in 1977-83 and signan agreement with Turkey. The main thing is here that when Pakistan recognized the Turkish republic of North Cyprus . Economic cooperation organizations (ECO) in 1983 the new shape of Regional cooperation development Pakistan and Turkey member of this platform. Turkey and Pakistan worked for economic integration . This cordial relation beneficial forboth states. Then the awful incident took place in USA in 2001. USA blamed on Pakistan that Pakistan serve the terrorist and look after them. Turkey rejected the blaemd of USA and support the Pakistan. Turkey also supporting Pakistan in Kashmir issue. In 2013 to 2018 Pakistan offered the Turkish business companies to come and invest in Pakistan and they invested in different sectors of Pakistan like energy , transport scommunication, agriculture, oil, and gas Pakistan will maintain strong bilateral ties with Turkey and never commit cursory in this relations. (Digital Magazine) = Y) 39 pibYKO)\a MO) s i Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore Phone: 042-373532510 HSM Paper | & Il The Political science optional subject is a very dynamic and constantly evolving subject. This book contains the elaborate coverage of textual and non-textual aspects of the subject. The book is featured with Description and analysis of the concepts with necessary illustrations and models. Information on relevant Key Concepts and Smart Facts has been boxed and also, answers given in the book are updated with authentic latest information to serve as models for the upcoming exam HSM Paper | & Il Chapterwise Explanatory Questionnaire HSM Political Science Paper | & II () MCQs is a ready reckoner that includes chapter wise Explanatory Questionnaire with Answer Hints. Based on latest syllabus prescribed by the FPSC for Political Science Optional Paper Sclved Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions Including Sted QS of| lamer Shahzad Past (SS Papers with Explanations HM GEY/A Complete Coverage of All Important National & International Events aid a“ Useful for Preparation of Different 7, Competitive Exams like CSS/PMS/PCS Which city is hosting the UN Climate Change Agreement, is an island country of which Conference (COP 25) after Chile withdraws? ocean? (a) Beijing {a)AtlanticOcean (b) Madrid (b) PacificOcean (€) Tokyo (©)Indian Ocean (4) Karachi (d) Noneofthese ‘Answer: (b) Answer: (a) What is the theme of 2019 edition of World The 2019 meeting of Council of Heads of ss Day (WCD)? Government (CHG) of SCO was held in which (a) Promotinga better urban future city? (b) Changingtheworld (a)Tehran (c) Designed living together (b) Islamabad (d) Noneofthese (c) Tashkent (d) Moscow Saint Kitts and Nevis, which recently signed c) International Solar Alliance (ISA) Framework On which date, the 2019 World Thrift Day (WTD) (Digital Magazine) <==) 42 HM CSAS Isobservedin Pakistan? was the noted actor and comedian of which {a) October 13 country? (b) October 31 (a)UK (c) October 29 (b) France (d) None of these (c)USA Answer: (b) (d) Canada John Witherspoon, who passed away recently, Answer: (c) | Rural Women's Day is observed on 15 October smphasize om a factor that Tuture is not possible without rural ‘Around 3,000 of women from 126 rural districts in the country will participate in the 12th annual Rural Women’s Conference Starting today (Tuesday) at Lok Virsaisamabad, The conference has been organised by the Potohar Organisation for Development Advocacy (PODA). { ao ME PTT ta Pa) inpresilenceagelnst climate change: LD © SUIRI © SEHD “There are many sectors where rural women play 2 Significant role in food security. agriculture and nutrition. These women also work in resource management, domestic care work and other ‘Unpaid jobs. United Nation says that rural women and irishave {critical contribution to the rural economy But they ag behind ruralmen and urbon women. They have to face several gender discriminations in agriculture:based jobs. UN believes that an Smpowered woman has greater capacity to respond to climate change. Rural women are always a the front of battle when ‘Soriculture ancl natural resources are threatened | There are 67 percent women involved in aoricateural workinthe of unpaid werking adies in agriculture is than other sectors 67 of them are work in diferent sections arming, 60 percent in ly 3 percent url women have college degrees 's7 percent of them are employed ss primary {achers. The average wages of these women are Bsi6a per mont = nly ane percent women are entrepreneurs in the ry while 20. percent rural women are {lassfiedas own account workers. ‘The literacy rate among the rural women between the ages of 15-64 years 35 percent while tis ratio ‘among the urban areas s 69 percent. HM GSAS THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 2019 THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 2019 THE NOBELPRIZE THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE IN LITERATURE 2018 2019 Bess maid Which cyclone recently became first Super Cyclonic storm in Arabian Seain last 12 years? (a) Vayucyclone (b) Kyarrcyclone (c)Fanicyclone (d) Hikka cyclone Answer: (b) ‘The Punjab Regiment can trace its origins to the Madras Army of the British East India Company. The Punjab Regiment inits present form was formedin (a) 1947 (b) 1948 (c)1956 (a)1971 ‘Answer: (c) Sadako Ogata, the first female UN refugee chief passed away. She was from which country? {a)China (b) Japan (c) Vietnam (a) Thailand ‘Answer: (b) Recently, Paralympics champion Marieke Vervoort ended her life through euthanasia at the age of 40to end her sufferings due to degenerative muscle disease. She was from which country? (a) Norway (b) Belgium. (c)Estonia (4) Poland ‘Answer: (b) What is Pakistan's rank in Global Health Security Index, 2019? {a)110/195 (b) 105/195 (98/195, (a)67/195 ‘Answer: (b) Don Valentine, the founder of Sequoia Capital has passed away. He was from which country? {a) Spain (b) Malta (c) United states (d) Mexico Answer: (c) A school located in which Indian city has won the Guinness World Record for becoming the ‘world's largest school in terms of strength of students? (a) Mumbai (b) Hyderabad (India) Hv GESTS COMPETITION IN) FOCUS 2019420 Complete Coverage of All Important National & International Events World CIIRRENT AFFAIRS Useful for Preparation of Different 7 Competitive Exams like CSS/PMS/PCS HSM @ (Digital Magazine) Ty 45 Hv GESTS (c)Lucknow Ease of Doing Business 2020 report? (d) Patna (a)98 ‘Answer: (c) (b) 106 On which date, World Day for Audiovisual {)108 Heritage is celebrated? (a)113 {a)27 October ‘Answer: (c) (b)290ctober Which organization awards Sakharov Prize 2019 {c)300ctober for Human Rights? {d)17 October {a)UNO ‘Answer: (a) (b) ASEAN ‘What is the Pakistan's rank in the World Bank's ()EUParliament NEWS CLIPPING Thursday Ot 2090 ® Important for CSS Current Affairs / Pakistan Affairs / International Relations India-Pakistan Nuclear War Could Kill 100 Million, Trigger Global Cooling The year is 2025 and militants have attacked India's parliament, killing most of its leaders, New Delhi retaliates by sending tanks into the part of Kashmir controlled by Pakistan. Fearing it wll be overrun, Islamabad hits the invading forces withits battlefield nuclear weapons, triggering ‘an escalating exchange that becomes the deadlliest conflict in history and sends millions of tons of thick, black smoke into the upper atmosphere, This scenario was modeled by researchers in a new paper published ‘on Wednesday, which envisaged more than 100 million immediate deaths followed by global mass starvation as the planet enters a new period of cooling, with temperatures not seen since the lastIce Age. They currently each have about 150 nuclearwarheads at their disposal, with the number expected to climb to more than 200 by 2025, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi scrapped the autonomy of the part of Kashmir controlled by New Delhi in August, with his Pakistani counterpart warning last week that the dispute could escalate into nuclear war The two countries last fought a border conflict in February, but they pulled back from the brink after Pakistan returned a downed pilot to India. = Catastrophic cooling - Based oon their current populations and the urban centers that would be likely targeted, the researchers estimated up to 125 million could be killed if 100 kiloton weapons were used -- that is more than six timesias powerful as the bombs dropped on Hiroshima. For reference, some 75-80 million people were killed in World War l.. " HisM NN te New Arrival HM EEY/A VTS RS aera ole SRP ‘The International Ci has rejected Indi refusal to allow Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi touseits airspace E> cackcrounn | India has approached ICAO (International Aviation Organization) after Pakistan denied permission forindian PM Modi to.use itsairspac This was not the first time Pakistan denied India’s request to use its airspace. The government in September had also denied India’s request for Modi to use Pakistani airspace for his flight to Germany. The request came at a time of high tension between tan and India following the Indian government's decision to unilaterally revoke Article 370 of its constitution, which granted special autonomy to ‘occupied Kashmir. A communications blackout and heavy restrictions on movement imposed by the Indian authorities from the eve of this development have been in place nearly three months now. > BACKGROUND | ‘The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a UN specialized agency, established by States in 1944 to manage the administration and governance of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention). (Digital Magazine) == 7) 1. ICAO works with the Convention's 193 Member States and industry groupe reach consensus on international’ civ aviation Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and policies in support of a safe, efficient, secure, economically Sustainable and environmentally responsible civilaviation sector. These SARPs and policies are used by ICAO Member States to ensure that the local civil aviation operations and regul ‘which in turn permits more than 100,000 daily flights in aviation's global network to operate safely and reliably in every region of theworld. | ICAO also coor capacity bullding coordinate multi progress forsafety and air navigation. | Also monitors and reports on numerous fand audits States" civil a 48 HV GESTS (d) sco ‘Answer: (c) ‘Who won the 2019 Sakharov human rights prize of European Union (EU)? (a) Brett. Scharffs (b)itham Tohti (c)W.Cole Durham Jr {d) None ofthese Answer: (b) On which date, the 2019 edition of World Development Information Day (WDID) is observed? {a) October 22 (b) October 24 (c) October 27 General Assembly All193 UN members. One vote per member Security Council 15members 5 permanent, 10 serve 2year terms Veto power for permanent members UNITED NATIONS (d) October 31 Answer: (b) Which country will host the first edition of expanded 24-team FIFA World Cup for Clubs in 2021? (2) South Korea (b) China (0) Brazil (d) Peru ‘Answer: (b) On which date, the 2019 edition of International Snow Leopard Day (ISLD) is observed? (a) October 22 (b) October 22 ® International Court of Justice 15 judge serve 9-year terms Economic and Social Council 54 members serve 3-year terms ‘One vote per member Associated Agencies 17 Intemational organization such as World Health Organization, World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization Secretariat Headed by secretary-general, serve 5:year terms The United Nations is a complex organization. It has six major organs and 17 @ SM CSS Times Trusteeship Council Task completed No longer meets eee MoS Mey F a fe 7 Kabir Street, Urdu Bazar, Lahore LLL ELE Bey keyed irr Bey peyeceta( Hunger Index 2019 ‘The Global Hunger Index or GHI scores countries oma 100-point “severity scale”, where zerois the best score (no hunger) and 100 {isthe worst. Pakistan scored 94th outof 117 countries 43 countries out of 117 countries have levels of hunger that 4 countries Chad, Madagascar, Yemen, and Zambia suffer from hunger levels that are alarming and 2 country Central African, Republic froma level thatis extremely alarming India has ranked 102 among 117 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHD ~below Pakistan (94), Bangladesh (88) and Sri Lanka (66)-asitcontinues toslide down the rankings. The Central African Republic finishes lat In the Hist at 1170h trot oS ae ay eect) ‘The Global Hunger Index (GHI isa multidimensional statistical tool that measures the progress and failures inthe ight against hunger on a global level and is used to describe the state of countries" hunger situation. GHI is released by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) based in Washington in association with Concern Worldwide of Ireland and Welthungerhife (German non-profit organization). GHI ranks countries ona 100 point scale, Orepresenting zero /mohunger. oO ey il ‘The GHI scores are based on four indicators. Taken together, the component indicators reflect ceficir oe Ce is PEEL In the 2019 Gobel Hunger Index, Pakiston ranks ‘94th out of 117 qualifying countries. With a score '0f28.5, Pakistan suffers rom alevelof hunger. calories as well as in micronutrients. Thus, the GHI reflects both aspects of hunger (under nutrition & malnutrition) Undernourishment: the share of the population whose cal Child Stunting: the share of children under the age of five who have low height for thei ldren under the age of five who have low weight for their eight Child Wasting: the share of Child Mortality: the mortality rate of children under the age of five (a reflection ofthe fatal mix of inadequate ition and unhealthy environments). @hampubishers comm 51 HM GSAS (c) October 23, The world's oldest known natural pearl has (d) October 24 recently discovered in which Island? Answer: (c) {a)Malta Bhashan Char Island, which is in news recently, (b) Cyprus islocatedin which country? (c)Dubai (a)india (d) Greenland (b) Bangladesh Answer: (c) (0)Sritanka The researchers of which country have (¢) Maldives developed renewable energy storage device? Answer: (b) (a) Russia ‘On which date, the 2019 edition of World Polio (b) France Day(WPD)is observed? (c) Britain (a) October 22 (d) Poland (b) October 22 ‘Answer: (c) ()October 24 Onwhich date, the 2019 edition of World Iodine (d) October 25, Deficiency Day (WIDD) is observed? ‘Answer: (c) (a) October 20 A Ae OLYMPIC LOGO REVEALED Renae IR to eRe eRe ee eee ats} PCPA resiie—) “flame” in the middle, Pecan Rahat rears tate at a Carre ae oo Biel eoe ha scene ean Ruansokd sa PARIS 2024 Sere Raia frac are ecu ac) Peace autores Pi Radel iano raat the only difference will be aca cela oan Mi eseawcle cea Cote Naal sciences car lis Cay enyatota te ncon) {NOVEMBER 2019 | For Free Children, food and nutrition erronUi RUC MMe ae Lye Tate mode] UNICEF released its State ofthe World’ Children report for 2019. Over 8.8 lakh deaths — India on top in UNICEF report fon under-5 child mort Pakistan 4.09 lakh, UNI mortality rate per 2,000 live births in Indi Nigeria saw 8.66 lakh deaths & F report says [Nigeria's 120 2 Pakistan's 69. Se UNICEF's SOWC report analyses the global state of children’s health vis-a-vis malnutrition, obesity, anaemia and other health izes. The report has ranked countries in the order of ighest bburden of death among children of under-5'to the lowest burden of death among children of under-5 Ss © One in three children under the age of 200 mil years — around jon children worldwide — are either undernourished or overweight. ‘This puts them at risk of poor brain development, weak ning, low immunity, increased! infections and, in many cates, death att dese bes a triple burden of malnutrition: idelen hunger caused by lack of essential ind overweight among children under the age of 4 [Nearly half of al children in Pakistan arechronically ‘malnourished (stunted) while 11 per cent af acutely malnourished (wasted). Pakistan's Commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 SDGs (see Annex A) marks fof the child. Unanimously adopted by UN Member ‘States in 2015, the 2030 Agenda pledges the global community to end poverty, fight inequality end Injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030. Four bbeen found stunted and another two in 10 suffer from wasting im Khyber Pakhtunkhwva, according % ‘National Nutrition Survey 2038 Bhampebiherscom and all other competitive exams All Exam GURU S = Drove ucts GENERAL enon aig Rsirlecao\d Qs) One) NS to Reus ecu cilicd faces) o Carnal We 4 i PL Pal es a5 aed oe ae HM GEY/A (b) October 21 (d) Manila ()October 23 ‘Answer: (b) (d) October 24 ‘Who has been sworn-inas the new President of ‘Answer: (b) Indonesia? The 18th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) (a) Megawati Sukarnoputri ‘summit 2019 is beingheldin which city? (b) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (a)Tehran (c) Sjafruddin Prawiranegara (b) Baku (4) Joko Widodo (€)Cairo ‘Answer: (d) Indian State Manipur Announced — ,x% Separation From India alway On Tuesday October 29, 2019, the representatives Maharaja Leishemba Sanajaoba announced separation from India, forming the Manipur State Council in London, (> BACKGROUND ‘On Tuesday October 29, 2019, the representatives Maharaja Leishemba Sanajaoba announced separation ‘rom India, forming the Manipur State Council in London. Leishemba Sanajaoba is constitutional head ofthe State (king) of Manipur since 1996 to present. Manipur isa state in northeastern India. With 3 million population, majority of the people belong to the Meitei community andits capitalis Imphal ity. Manipur borders Myanmar from the east and other Indian states Nagaland to the north, Mizoram to the southand Assamto thewest. It covers an area of 22,327 square kilometres. Other ethnic groups of Manipur include the Pangals or the Pangans (Manipuri Muslims), Naga tribes, Kuki/Zo tribes and other communities. In 1947, Maharaja (King) Budhachandra of Manipur signed document called the instrument of accession joining India, Instrument of accession isa legal document for princely state rulers under British rules to join either India or Pakistanat the time of partition, Two years later, the Maharaja signed merger agreement with India. Many groups in Manipur disputed over thisagreement andsincethereisstruglein the State forindependence from India. HSM CSS Times Hv GESTS AR ‘According to a research, By 2025, companies will generate ‘and process more than 75% of their data outside of traditional centralised data centres — that is, at the “edge” of the cloud. As the use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices expands and the need to process IoT data quickly increases, many IT leaders are considering or beginning to employ edge computing options. fe Cloud computing — b Edge computil GF Edge computing has many nuanced definitions, but the simplest is that edge computing brings the processing closer to where datais created. The idea is that you improve throughputand get better performance and real-time experience when you move both computing and data closer to the user. The more data generated, the better to process it closer to the point of generation. Edge computing enables data to be analysed, processed, and transferred at the edge of a network. Meaning , the data is analysed locally, closer to where itis stored, in real- time without latency, rather than send it far away to a centralised data centre Itallows for quicker data processing and content delivery. (Gisital Magazine) |= Py) Interchangeable technologies that cannot replace one another. Edge computing is used to process time-sensitive data, while cloud to process data that is not local storage, similar to a mini data center, wi ‘edge computing providing the perfect solution forit. Edge computing is also benefic and intelligent devices. While these devices are ‘akin to PCs, they are not regular computing devices designed to perform multiple functions. These specialized computing devices are intelligent and respond to particular ss in a specific way. However, this fawback for edge lifference between edge computing ‘and cloud computing lies in where the data processing takes place. Internet of Things (loT) systems perform all of ‘their computations in the cloud using data In Edge computing, massive amounts of d generated by IoT devices are stored and processed locally. That data doesn't need to be ent over a network as soon as it processed; ‘only important data is sent — therefore, an ‘edge computing network reduces the amount of data that travels over the network. You regret the things you did’nt do when you had the chance. Now! it is your chance. Grab it! ee TEST PRACTICE WORK BOOK ee ees erase ee 2656050, 03331523901 Saeed Ree ec HM ESAS HSM Agriculture & Forestry MCQs Species refer to wi that indirectly protect many other species in the wild that makes up the ecological of which casts an “umbrella” over other the ecosystem. These do this by being more sensitive to habitat changes than other species in the ecosystem. Why are they useful for conservationists? Umbrella species are selected for conservation-related decisions because the conservation and protection of these species indirectly affect the conservation and protection of other species within their ecosystem. Umbrella species help in the selection of potential reserve locations, as well as the determination of the composition of the reserve. For eg. the Tiger. Efforts have been made to save the populations of wild Tigers in order to save other species that are present in the same ecosystems such as Leopards, Monkey, Hares, Boars, etc. When Tigers survive well in the wild, other species along the food chain are also thriving asa result. For this reason, measuring the health and functionality of tigers can help conservationists measure the health of the ecosystem they are in. Pakistan Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program Pakistan is home to many unique wildlife species. Pakistan may be home to around 200 snow leopards, living in three mountains provinces: Gilgit Baltistan (GB), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPk) and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Like their brethren elsewhere in their range, Pakistan's snow leopards face severe threats such as poaching and retaliation killings and the loss of prey and habitat. The Global Environmental Facility (GEF) funded project “Pakistan Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Program (PSLEP") was officially launched in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Seat Messer KM GES WORLD BANK’S EASE OF DOING BUSINESS ranking has rated Pakistan Claketepured top ten improv in the World. | Pakistan's score improved to 61 from 55.31 last year. Ta poeany World Bank's ease of doing business ranking 7 re are Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Togo, Bahrain, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Kava, China nd ana Niger Ce oa BUSINESS PROJECT: 1 provides objective measures of business forcement across 33 ‘Shreginalevcl LGunched in 2002, looks at domestic small and redid ec ewan ond mene fhe ‘gle ping tem rough ter Me fe worcarors:, study covers 12 indicator sets and 190 Departmentreistrationfe. Pakistan's economic hub Karachi made property registration faster by making the Otis ofthe Sub Registrar Whereas, mares regulation 2° ahore made registering propery easier included nthe ese of by Increasing the transparency of the ina landadminitation system (iit Magazine) 39 Among all other training centers in the market we distinguish ourselves by our faculty and personal attention towards students. We prepare students for all types of competitive exams offered by FPSC and P PSC along with CSS and PMS. Seo Breeze Homes, D-2, Sher Shah Block New Garden Town, Lahore 0321-4991005 - 0423-5911787 HM Gaines SEE lj 2 ae pyglobe ecb SE thelr g Te Keresr” LR ei, coli ee ASML IL Sb Le RINE IL Jnl Gioitedsseeiyirig : dst PBL CeiSmieyLoustrer fol ip ste Bre Usual Pobfeuifarey Www Adl foie sive thas : , bh ei Vor IS inp bed Lisle Uris Gone Oo AVE HL SA te SepRol-Z LP Ered ee SIL ure sia SL STAI ar HSM CSS Times ow: OWiertud Sarg Bui HebeS ome svespesd SU FO Sine ate SRL LA EE SPL esi boi atKerLuM ie Aten otip- IAL LS (out, 1800, PL UALuaa ons bg 6A3 HEH ‘i ae PEA Valea torrent Abu ati798 ete re chi Mua Z Lar ect Potion d fet wer BL HM GSAS Anh Melealfe Teal! Caleta 0S Levbreud roseLiuvitte MaiPfopbyes Sb oboe Fit LL Oh eH i F 6d HLS hid SILO wl Loy PA ew Onto Sensi cdueiésr Serres pire ks Libre mPa ao" 23 tus pba ppl eb Lie SikKasivor A Labi So Keres Luo uc AS ite Wir tre Gap bi Soy ASE fbeF SOUS PK Aah hitg er pis E ls Le ed SRI ge win Fol gaigosker ee Se Selle in beheFL bye bx Crt SpLoulg See bursrerLivur Ulecsileeel Suh PU put Prealine ode PrhlBrbotyD SPC ike CLEGLd Bus Loe Luprguydemndne Myyyparal WE Ashu Leer Le sunsasotib EU ste LUG Sr eT WL ASesihyrac8 Fo KAD cat Ortitenp Se Sol BLS wz 6Oriental Seminary it 1799 abrcst cabbies af wld Obener ib Fuhr L PUL WW ead Cw LE tL Indio BPP IIL IF le BUC Preg tabi Eirrelnse Feline Surly Pre dipins octet Et BSS we BA REL wtolle eg MUU SA Lu Surdgwl wr cAturlL YF ttl i dere 2LL Pp Gok Put US 25 Sox tote mr Fut eet ) jdabedes Lal WGA Guid ceileF Lot | SE SAP MAST Aern ce | HL gn PU pre Luge rte Peta trcd 62D ley Ae Ci G5 Air ferionPnd rive Lisi SH WPL eee SUES Cees sme eee eee aa 200+ Wee a PPSC New Sylabus for General Ability MCQs Tes Sao Soc ort Cad Ee General Ability MCQs Te General Knowledge Bee Pakistan Studies 3 Getta Islamic Studies ‘ PLUS BONUS Current Affairs Renae eit) Geography) reertconnaseaaii Mathematics = English g Urdu Everyday Science Computer Skills PMS General Knowledge Papers io) ) sa Va alt Solved MCQs with ats Explanation eee eel Sea HM SAS Gunes Vote oa, nl a n Ber Fata Put, eae ets Auysiibanz ty Keni bat fe A: Ve frie Ayoviss Breton Se Ale Cottle UI eb SEE LE rb uid Sui tbtsetir! ent tht tbe ME Re ASF bbe breb KHL il ue MESA Ht ted A Lt nite Sorfettbe Huiitibelg LSPA wx F wile Sigs tiise xe We Ar£ Pip se LL hid HK ZLveptLerynidy SSL ve pox Suter bese she LOW SS Ly iL Shee -2uf Lu siuS pew Ler bir SerortL ap ate bres be igth SL LS Poetasur! 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Pov sSartbyd astute red. yp eA Ofte FL tL ees ar See sei tw Wa tor 6 Pik Se Sepa Bar gaE on 2 ie EP eee K RSL Liat AL ez MwlLemLlivor 28 Stine h tbo Al elt FS bx 6 wr ELL 2 be seit 1820 O21 BorvedPeuved ee wbipuidetr dei Mobipuletie soar dye pL ile iL SASL Bd atte ph EY Pu! Sexe SEPT S Lbs Gm i CURE EIT WL ALL ert BIS FBE BI ASSEN Ie os he enisaprr ig to eS gel Lopes Suid uw il herb Piieegeet roo S| CSS/Times 677 — Caloutta. Rampart Barrack Fort William. VII TPS GA SAG fete 6WoLbrerdut ant rete Suet L ot aidteser Ae LPL ARAL OSU iS» etal fir Ler tne SUR ewe ebb, Peery th afi Estee Wl F) LOE SOY Kv AG mW Ler pS UOole reli, wtoe GUT hes Se Fb weit, Lt hoot gu SoinS bec be. Sei PL bepress UWE Fey BL OL Pauigudig tober bho ae fbr adel CE BLA IL pL biped BEL rte ALAA LOPE Brees HSM CSS Times NWS tocrptaed Pr iene tir Soiered Heeb YS evil ivr Sate AT Soaring AMSA ISA ConA BO ae 3h O Sud uit dysbhee-btcsigle Prt Pred Atyo® EOP iF Sod vhixe prez elt bie eA kK Su Pie: utes does cbir ce uucd ee cE WuAdec AD hy(6er5w5r Aide) Bi ye EF Cus BA) ue bee Got we MUR TUE (O21) Uta LF (FPA gWwHO Se ten PLE e te be ue ul ML soles Re LEiwdiior bibrebrn£ Lp Linc uirndy Sub UF RET d 2ST CTO TEST a oF | oF Colas Kents deen dire ibubebiped 4 and all other competitive exams Tour for All Competitive Exams LP isa sheraz Sohail _ Kabir Street, Urdu Bazar, Lahore ULL UE Ut Beye mere d iP eae Paeyecela() Hlete Guide for Psychometric Testing Minky Seer ome Psychological Tests For CSS, PMS, Defence Services Oye Senne ROliCa ennui nce ICT PT ORES bet Fae Book _ Sellers to ..the Nation Leading Book Seller of Pakistan Founded in 1955 by Mr. Saeed Jan Qureshi Drea ae Dee om Cee cea ae Bem eae cue a Pea eae ul cence oes ist ea Cee Li Saeed Book Bank has gained a reputation for providing and distributing new/best seller books, CDs, magazines/Journals on Academic, Scientific, Technical, Medical, Computer, Reference and General subjects as well as ‘text books, ISLAMABAD OFFICE & SHOWROOM : Al-Rehman Centre, F-7 Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad, Pakistan. 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