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Learning Diary 16

1. What have I done and who have I met?

● Finished the Flow: Find Yours business plan with Andrea and Lilla.
● Worked on thesis with Lilla.
● Met with Rose to discuss information for NCSD’s event on May 17th.
● Celebrated easter with my family and joakim’s family and traveled all over Skåne
during the weekend.
● Applied for the Creative Business Competition.

1. Why did I do what I do?

Business Plan was do this past week! It was one of the biggest projects required by the program for
us to graduate, however, we were constructing it for internal use so that my team and I can utilize it
for future benefits.
I worked on thesis with lilla, where we finished constructing our interviews for the thesis. We also
ended up testing out the interview structure on each other. This allowed us to experience the
interview as an interviewee, give feedback on how each of us interview, and to come up with
suggestions for editing.

I met with Rose to discuss our Nordic and Chinese Startup event we are having at ideon on May 17 th.
We have to get start ups to compete for the competition to pitch and find judges that want to judge
the competition. I am doing this for Rose because I think it would be an awesome experience for
myself and beneficial for the start up community in Lund to bring together the Nordic and Chinese
communities together.

I celebrated easter with my family and my boyfriends family because it was time we introduced each
other to them. It was the first time that Joakim has stayed for a long time since this past Christmas
break. His family lives in Lomma and Södra Sandby, while my family lives in Svarte.

I applied Flow into the creative business competition because I felt like the competition was perfect
for us. I called Lars to see if we are eligible to apply and he said we are!

2. Observations and reflections in regard to point 1 and 2?

It felt so amazing to finally turn in the business plan. I have been very stressed about getting it done
because my partners were very engaged in the business plan for only one revenue stream: the card
game. I am very passionate about helping kids in schools and helping businesses with team-building
and creativity. My partners especially got very stressed when they were creating the finance
projections for the cards by themselves. I was very irritated to see their shock and discouragement
about something I have been warning them about for weeks. However, we were able to get over it
and continue with the idea of finishing this project to get our masters before we continue with the
business idea in the future.

Meeting with Lilla for thesis was a great experience. Its been a stressful period with this program
coming close to the final days, and we are very behind in the thesis process. I am a bit upset that Lilla
is putting all the responsibility on me to book the interviews and thinks that 10 interviews can be
booked in one week. However, I will work my hardest to get these interviews scheduled with the
right people so we can successfully collect the data we need!
It is such an honor to be able to work with Rose on such a big event. I have been so busy prioritizing
the business plan, the thesis, and my relationship that I was neglecting this process and shocked by
how big it is supposed to be. I do feel like I bit off more than I can chew, yet I am willing to work hard
to make this a successful event because it has a really cool purpose in bring high-tech startups
together and bringing two diverse communities together.

It feels amazing to finally apply for a creative competition. I have been feeling a bit insecure that
Flow is not your “Silicon Valley” kind of contender in all these competitions. Even though we made it
to the finals for Dragons, I want to be contending in competitions that truly focus on what our game
is trying to do: Push people out of their comfort zone to be brave enough to be creative. If people
can do this with music, they can do it with other fields in life.

3. Reflections in regard to entrepreneurial theory, linking it with point 3?

Team Dynamics: Testing out the thesis interviews with Lilla blew my mind. We were asking
each other about how we’ve dealt with recent conflicts and it was enlightening to have to sit
down without interrupting or giving our input when discussing recent conflicts we’ve had to
deal with. However, we were able to be very honest with each other and simply listen. It
brought so much clarity and showed so much about our team and things that were
unnecessarily draining us of our energy while other things were clearly upsetting one of us
while the others had absolutely no idea. This brought Lilla and I together as people and it
taught me a lot about myself and how to handle conflicts and communication in the future.

1. What are my goals for next week?

● Complete as many interviews as possible
● Help make this Valborg the cleanest Valborg ever.
● Be open to love and take risks.
● Get start-ups to apply to Rose and my competition while finding us one more judge for the
● Enjoy being a student.

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