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Southeast University

Course Title: HR Strategy

Course Code: MGT4127

Assignment On:

Summary of an Article

Submitted To:

DR. Farhana Ferdousi

Southeast Business School
Southeast University

Submitted By:

Name: Mehazabin Alam

ID : 2017010000084

“A Literature Review on Training Need Analysis”

Arti Bansal, Dr. Jai Prakash Tripathi
(Research Scholar, Department of Management, Sri Satya Sai University on Technology &
medical Sciences, Sehore)

(Dean, Department of Management, Sri Satya Sai University on Technology & medical
Sciences, Sehore)

Training needs analysis is the prime step in the training process which contributes to the overall
training and educational strategy of staff in an organization to identify the learning needs of the
population contemplate through course planning, delivery and evaluation. This paper will focus
on various aspects of Training need analysis.

Keywords: Training Need Analysis (TNA), Training Process, Organization

Effective training is crucial to any organization and workers because it gives an organization the
ability to compete. To bring long-term remuneration to business, training should be recognized
as repeatedly renewed constant process with defined, observed, refreshed and improved
objectives. Training needs analysis is essential to convey effective training which meets the
needs of individuals and the organization and represents value for money. Training, as any other
investment, needs to match the business’s needs and be supported with a view of objectives
defined by the organization. Training is needed when there is a gap between the current and the
desired performance and the grounds behind the gap is lack of KSA. Training needs perhaps
individual or collective. The purpose of a training needs analysis is to close the gap between the
desirable performance and actual performance. Training Needs Analysis (TNA) determine
current employee level and improvement possibility. Training need analysis (TNA) is a vital tool
to assess organizational and individual needs. When an organization changes in the system or in
work, Introduce new technology or new government standards, Decline in quality of work and
when employees lack of skills, knowledge, motivation its necessary to perform TNA.

Ethical Issues
Training need analysis has two major ethical issues. The first one involves in senior management
support where certain supervisors don’t value their staffs’ needs and second issues is the
objective nature of the analysis process. Ethical issues can be solved if organization imply the
value of training and provide proper KSA to the employees.

Literature Review
A Study on TNA Process among Manufacturing Companies found that out of six, five
organization relative variable has a relationship with TNA factors. To make an organization
successful , performance improvement need to be achieved through skilled, knowledgeable and
dedicated workers (Johnson (1993).The organization should persuade more facilities like off the
job training to motivates employees to develop skills through training and development program.
Before providing any employee training, all organizations must focus on conducting training
need assessment. TNA plays a vital role in Organizational change (Jacqueline Reed(2003). It
needs great effort to develop a needs analysis process and the easiest part is to use specific
methodologies of all. Effective training identifies and analyzes the performance problems and
conduct needs assessment to determine solution. Training materials must be developed,
implemented, evaluated and feedback is needed to see the effectiveness. Some methods of
conducting a needs assessment and analysis are: task analysis, job analysis, performance
improvement, competency-based needs assessment, strategic needs assessment, and knowledge
and skill assessment. TNA is a vital assessment procedure to determine if training should be
employed to solve the problems or not. Training needs must be evaluated from the perspective of
both solving problems and investment. TNA practice and research based on literature on skill
and skills management are rare and it investigates methodological or practical problems and
solutions related to TNA systems.

This study explores training process and effectiveness of the Training Needs Analysis that
contributes in enhancing the employee efficiency through training. Training Needs Analysis is
very important activity for employee development. TNA identify gaps and eliminate the gap and
boost employee efficiency. The organization’s investment in its people is the most important
investment it can make. Identifying training needs is not easy; it requires a good understanding
of the business and of future developments of the organizations.

[1] Aartichahal “Study of Training Need Analysis Based Training and Development,
International Journal of Business and Management Invention, Volume 2 Issue 4 ǁ April. 2013ǁ

[2] Arshad, Yusof, Mahmood, Ahmed & Akhtar “A Study on TNA Process among
Manufacturing Companies Registered with Pembangunan SumberManusiaBerhad (PSMB) at
Bayan Lepas Area, Penang, Malaysia, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 6 No 4
S3 August 2015.

[3] ShulagnaSarkar “Competency based Training Need Assessment – Approach in Indian

companies, Organizacija, Volume 46, Number 6, November-December 2013.
[4] Angelina Messne “Needs Assessment and Analysis Method, American Psychological
Association, 5th edition, The Graduate School University of Wisconsin-Stout ,April, 2009

[5] Jacqueline Reed(2003) “ What a role can a TNA plays in Organization change?

[6] Jen,Tseng&Chen “The Systematic Construction and Influential Factors of Training Needs
Assessment” International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 24 [Special Issue –
December 2012].

[7] Cecilia Nfila “Training Needs Analysis ForBachibanga Company in Botswana” American
Psychology Association, 5th Edition, August, 2005.

[8] Mike Morrison(2017), How to do a Training Needs Analysis – TNA (Learning Needs
Analysis LNA),

[9] Admin(2015), Importance of training needs analysis,


[10] Arindam Nag(2011), Importance of Training Needs Analysis in Today’s Organizations,

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