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Never Be Closing Presentation

Mohamed’s Teaching Points:

● 1. No one wants to be called a sales guy but everyone is really a salesman: you are
never done selling
● 2. Can’t sell anything without understanding and connecting with people: creating long
lasting relationship, not manipulating people, planting seeds

● 3. You must gain credibility in order to be able to ask questions: an equal understanding;
business connection; solving problems. Credibility comes from referrals, company
reputation, and business savvy
● 4. Preparing for meeting includes researching the person and writing scripts
● Research & assemble an industry profile
● Structure your meeting
● Research using:
○ Google
○ Social networks
○ Websites
○ Blogs
○ Annual Reports
○ Network
● 5. Tools & Principles
● After Action Review
● Before Action Review (DRIVE)
● Desired outcomes
● Risks to Avoid
● Investments not to Exceed
● Values or Vision
● Essential Outcomes
● Take notes during meeting
● Q Notes:
○ 1st Quadrant: Questions (before during)
○ 2nd Quadrant: Ideas (before during)
○ 3d Quadrant: Client (during)
○ 4th Quadrant: Follow Up (after)

Ideas/Points for Class Presentation
● How to gain the confidence to sell to someone
● Idea for presentation: Sales training course outlining the preparation for a meeting
● Emphasize the need for preparation
● Tools to utilize in order to structure a meeting
● Emphasizing the understanding that sales means planting seeds that will grow
Everyones a seller we are never done selling


● Come up with a product that solves a problem

● Having one person trying to sell his project
● Selling two different projects

● Identify and solve problems
● Become familiar with client
● Productive thinking
● Solve problems in order to sell
● Utilize tools to sell more
● Get clear and
● +fic qustion that needs to be addressed
● Easy to apply principles and tools
● Long term relatoijnship: not just manipulate
● Aim to always be useful.
● Spend more time trying to help solve solve problems and seize oppurtunities.


Skit representing 2 kinds of selling: marker vs. problem solving

Skit: \

Training a group of bad salesemen;

Mohamed’s Outline for Presentation:

Things we will need:

-blindfold( igot onee just remind me on thursdsy-saurav...PERFECT

-we need to rehearse you walking down stairs with blindfold

1. Introduction to 5 major themese

a. Activity: Who’s a saleseperson? Lead into first major theme
b. You’re all wrong because you’re all not fully right
2. Everyone Sells
a. Biggest misconception of selling: I’m not a salesman
b. Activity: Need volunteer,
i. Can you sell me this pen?
ii. Doesn’t work
iii. Can you sell me an idea?
iv. Give person a dollar
c. What is selling?
d. Selling means delivering value to another person.
e. So I’m going to ask you again? Which one of these people is a salesperson?
f. I’m going to show you a video. You ready?
3. Plant Seeds
a. Always Be Closing: Video 3:11
b. How stupid can you possibly be
c. The days of cheesy, slick haired loser car salesmen is overe
d. You don’t want them to just be signing the dotted the line
e. A sale is like a plant (draw on board)
f. It starts off as nothing, you plant a seed, get a lot of resistance and need
patience and time to grow.
g. Here’s the mistake that losers like this guy make: they smile and say please and
thank you, make a sale, and think it’s closed.
h. You are constantly developing your relationship with your clients just like you are
always watering and feeding a plant.
4. Credibility
a. I need two volunteers
b. Ask Lizzie and Saurav to get up
c. Shake each other’s hands and ask each other how you both are
d. Have Lizzie guide Saurav with a blindfold down a set of stairs
e. What was hard about that Saurav? Why did you Listen to Lizzie?(mohammed)-->
it wasnt hard,i listened to her because I trusted her.
f. Why did you put your trust in her ?
g. Because i know she cant do any harm to me.
h. See that is what you gotta do If you want to sell to a potential client, you have to
gain trust from the other person.
i. If you get trust then you find yourself with a currency more important than money.
j. Okay nothing is more important than money...sorry guys.
k. Anyone know what the most important currency is?
l. I’ll give you a hint, it starts with C
m. Cashh maybe
n. Credibility!
o. Lizzie why is credibility important in sales.
p. Because credibility means that your client will care about you and know that you
care about them.
q. If you have credibility, the client will do anything for you because they know you
are honest and genuine.
r. Where can we get credibility while making a sale?
i. Business savvy
ii. Company
iii. Referrals
5. Preparation = Execution
a. How do you think you gain credibility?saurav?
1. First we need to know who the person is?
ii. And How do you do that?
1. Ahh Research.
2. Sites like Google, Linkedin, Blogs and Websites.
iii. Is it enough to just know who the person is?
1. No? Not enough.
iv. Why?
1. Because facts and figures don’t make up someone’s personality
and character?
v. And why is that important? I thought we are talking about money and
1. Well sure, but in order to get to the money and numbers, we have
to go through people with emotions and biases. People who we
need to communicate with and convince. As you said earlier
selling is all about connecting with people.
vi. Very good! So how can you go beyond just knowing facts and numbers?
vii. Maybe create a profile for the person, know what they like, dislike, know
their history. As much as you can.
viii. So you know who you are going to talk to. But do you know what you are
going to say?
1. No mot really.
ix. So what are you going to make?
1. Scripts to prepare and rehearse?
x. And why is that important?
1. BEcause reducing the amount of clutter in between the
messenger and the recipient can make communication better.
xi. Great so what happens if you can prepare effectively?
1. You can execute effectively?
6. Tools & Principals (LIZZIE)
a. Now Lizzie, I know you have some prepared. Lizzie is very studious everyone,
she will talk to you about specific techniques that are crucial to executing a sale
b. BAR
c. Q Notes
d. AAR
7. Conclusion
a. So Suarav what are some things you learned about selling today
i. Reiterate 5 points:
1. Everyone Sells. Don’t be afraid to admit that
2. Plant Seeds to form long lasting relationships with clients
3. You have to Gain credibility first
4. Preparations allows you to be more successful
5. And we need to Utilize the tools and principles available to us to
be a successful salesperson


Saurav Tuladhar
1. Use the Class as our presentation stage.
a) Tell them Welcome to our learning program.
b) Say why you are all here
c) Introduction to what we will be learning and 5 major themes.

2. Everyone Sells(theme1)
-Biggest fault while selling something selling unnecessary things that don’t solve
-Define selling
-Volunteer to try to sell a pen to everyone (something everyone has)
(actors reply we already have pens) (Nobody wants to buy the pen)
-Show video (person selling things to solve problems- Woolen hat or gloves during
-Define selling to deliver a value and to solve a problem. (More value to Winter
accessories than pens during winter.)
Now same actor tell him to sell something that has value(not sure) in the class and
everyone raise their hands.
Conclude Selling means to deliver value to somebody not just try to sell stuff. You got to
sell stuff the right way.

3)Plant seeds.
-Premise Selling is not about art of persuasion
-Instead the best kind of selling emerges naturally from your genuine interest in the
person you are working with.
--Don’t manipulate (DOOR TO DOOR sale person Example photo)
-And people lining up outside apple photo
Who do you want to be?
-Losers like the door to door people try to manipulate , they have a smile on their face
and say please but products. Products that people don’t need and don’t try to buy.
These losers manipulate people and then they may sell the product once by luck but
there will be no repeated purchases.(PHOTO DOOR TO DOOR)
-On the other hand Look at apple. Hats what value and meeting the need is. The new
products get lines even before they are released that’s what a good relationship is.
REPEATED PURCHASES. EVEN Blind repeated purchases. Faith in apple.
-Apple Planted seeds and constantly meeting their satisfactions with every product
providing more value and satisfaction. Built a Great customer based relationship.

Mohameds GOOD>
Example TRUST Chinese company like (something that produces Chinese phones) Or
choose apple.
Who would you trust more.
Feel safer with and feel can meet all your need.

Social media
Who Do you want to be like.
What did you learn
Show them photos of door to door seller and a person who sells
stuff without lifting a finger.
AND ASK WHO DO you want to be and show book this book can
help you but only if you let it help you..

Lizzie’s outline for presentation: Training a group of bad salesmen (I think everything we
talk about should be accompanied by a slide show).
1.) Open up presentation by fun examples of us trying to sell to audience. Activity:
a) Wolf on Wall street pen example
b) Come up with 2 more examples
c) Close by saying something along the lines of “And this is why we’re here,
because whether you know it or not, everyone is a salesman, so why not be a
good one?”
2.) Bring up one of our main points:
a.) Bad stigma/misconceptions of salesman.
b.) How are we all salesmen?
c.) What is selling anyways?
3.) Slideshow activity:
a.) Show various pictures of people and ask the trainees every time: Would you
buy from them?
b.) Discuss why we would or wouldn’t (Credibility, reputation, connections).
4.) Now say you actually get a meeting: Are you ready for it?
a.) Research
b.) Structuring your meeting
c.) Social networks
5.) The meeting itself:
a.) The whole meeting is planting seeds
b.) It’s never done
c.) Constantly comparing meetings and a sale to planting a seed
6.) Why the meeting is never done- tools and principles
a.) BA
b.) RQ Notes
c.) AAR
7.) Conclusion:
a.) Reiterate the main points
b.) Plant someone in audience to do bad job selling at the beginning and
successfully sell it at the end to show our program works.

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