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Seed Science and Biotechnology ©2007 Global Science Books

Cucumber Seed Germination:

Effect and After-effect of Temperature Treatments

Eugeniya F. Markovskaya • Elena G. Sherudilo • Marina I. Sysoeva*

Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushkinskaya st. 11, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russia
Corresponding author: *

In this review an attempt has been made to analyze the results of the studies on the problem of cucumber seed germination under different
temperature treatments published since the 1950s, including papers that have been available in Russian only. The effects of daily
alternating temperatures on cucumber seed germination have been studied for decades. There are different types of temperature pre-
germination seed treatments, i.e. by constant low temperature and daily alternating temperatures (daily temperature gradients and
temperature drop). This review shows that temperature treatments affect cucumber seed germination and have long after-effects on
subsequent plant growth and development. Temperature pre-germination treatments of cucumber seeds can enhance plant development,
increase plant productivity and resistance. The level of plant response depends on the type of treatment.

Keywords: Cucumis sativus L., daily alternating temperatures, low temperature, phytochromes, temperature drop


INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
EFFECTS AND AFTER-EFFECTS OF CONSTANT LOW TEMPERATURES........................................................................................ 25
Pre-germination seed treatments and germination................................................................................................................................... 25
Pre-germination seed treatments and plant growth and development...................................................................................................... 26
Seed freezing ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Seed cooling ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
EFFECTS AND AFTER-EFFECTS OF DAILY ALTERNATING TEMPERATURES............................................................................... 27
Pre-germination seed treatments and germination................................................................................................................................... 27
Pre-germination seed treatments and plant growth and development...................................................................................................... 28
Seed freezing ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Seed cooling ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 28
Temperature drop..................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
TEMPERATURE AND PHYTOCHROME CONTROL ............................................................................................................................. 29
FUTURE PERSPECTIVES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 29
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 29
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................................................. 29


Seeds play a very important role in nature, agriculture and
horticulture. Seeds are a special plant organ with specific Pre-germination seed treatments and germination
properties and functions. Simple in their structure and de-
sign, seeds are very species-specific. Seed germination is a Initial low temperature enhances the seed germination of
complex process and it is regulated by many factors such as many species (Lewak and Rudnicki 1977; Nikolaeva 1967,
nutrient, temperature, water, light and substrate (Shinomura 1979, 1982). Several hours or a few days of low tempera-
et al. 1996; Nikolaeva et al. 1999). Environmental factors ture incubation, referred to as prechilling, promote the ger-
affect seeds during their maturation (Spears et al. 1997; mination of non-deep dormant seeds (Nikolaeva 1999). Cu-
Bettey and Finch 1998), storage (Barton 1964; Rakowski et cumber seeds have an endogenous, non-deep physiological
al. 1998), germination (Simon et al. 1976; Felippe 1980; dormancy that disappears with dry storage during normal
Mayer and Poljakoff-Mayber 1989) and also have an after- handling (Genève 1998). Dormancy of cucumber seeds can
effect on subsequent plant growth and development (Kan- be induced by imbibing in -1.8 MPa polyethylene glycol
dina 1958; Buduryan 1962; Genkel’ and Kushnirenko 1966). solution and pulsing with far red light for 15 min prior
In this review we focus on temperature effects on cu- washing and drying. When re-inbibed with water at 20°C,
cumber seed germination and subsequent plant growth and dormancy is broken by raising the temperature to 30°C for
development. Different types of temperature pre-treatments 6 h. Cucumber seeds with broken dormancy were found to
of seeds are described in the literature: constant temperature germinate in water over a smaller temperature range than
and daily alternating temperature (daily temperature gradi- seeds in which dormancy had not induced (Amritphale et al.
ents and temperature drop). 2000). Cucumber seed germination does not require expo-

Received: 28 February, 2007. Accepted: 20 September, 2007.

Invited Mini-Review
Seed Science and Biotechnology 1(2), 25-31 ©2007 Global Science Books

sure to low temperature, but the survival and performance They also found that lowered cucumber germination due to
of seeds after sowing are affected by many environment low temperatures was: 1) not due to imbibition of cold
factors, including temperature. Low temperature applied water or loss of membrane integrity, and 2) most likely due
after sowing not only reduces germination percentage in to denaturing of proteins, which may cause inactivation of
many cold-sensitive plants but also delays it (Thomas 1981). enzymes. If this is the case, the orderly association of pro-
Cucumber seeds germinate rapidly at temperatures between teins into mitochondria or ribosomes may be prevented
17 and 25ºC, are able to germinate at temperatures below (Simon et al. 1976). These organelles provide the energy for,
14ºC (Mancinelli and Tolkowsky 1968; Eisenstadt and and formation of newly synthesized mRNAs that are re-
Mancinelli 1974; Simon et al. 1976; Staub et al. 1989; quired for commencement of radicle elongation and further
Russo and Biles 1996), but the majority of cucumber seeds development (la Londe and Bewley 1986; Datta et al. 1987).
fail to germinate at temperatures below 11.5ºC (Simon et al. Russo and Biles (1996) suggest that low germination rates
1976). Minimum germination temperature varied from 11.7 at suboptimal temperatures are due to: 1) the leakage of
to 15.0°C for cucumber seeds (Røeggen 1987). The ability minerals, and/or 2) the lack of formation or denaturation of
of cucumber seeds to germinate at low temperatures is cul- proteins of specific weights. The latter appears to support
tivar dependent (Lower 1974; Staub and Wehner 1987). Re- the importance of proteins in activities affecting germina-
search on the physiological aspects of low temperature ger- tion as proposed by Simon et al. (1976). In addition, pro-
mination was conducted by Nelson and Sharples (1980). In teins of specific Kda weights were found, that appear to be
cucumber cultivars fresh seed dormancy can be overcome important in germination.
by removal of the seed coat, infusion of any of several In contrast to the seeds of other Cucurbitaceae, cucum-
regulators or dissipated during storage. Breeding programs ber seeds are able to germinate while completely submerged
have searched how to improve low temperature germination in water. Alhogol dehygrogenase activity of control and
in cucumber (Nienhuis et al. 1983; Wehner 1984). Popula- submerged cucumber seeds were similar. However, the
tions representing 4 cycles of recurrent half-sib selection for ethanol content of submerged seeds was substantially
improved germinability at 15°C in a genetically broad- higher than that of control seeds. Isocitrate lyase activity of
based population were evaluated for seedling emergence control seeds increased following radical protrusion while
and other horticultural characteristics under field conditions. no increase in activity was observed in the submerged seeds
Results indicated that selection improved percentage emer- after radicle protrusion. The oxygen uptake of seeds after 16
gence 7 days after sowing and mean number of days to h submersion was much lower that of the control (Rabie et
emergence without affecting sex expression, seedling vig- al. 1989).
our or yield. Magnetic field pre-treatments (0.2 and 0.45 T) in-
Germination at low temperatures could be improved by creased cucumber seed germination rate, seedling growth
various pre-germination seed treatments. Edwards et al. and development, lipid oxidation and ascorbic acid contents.
(1986) increased germination by fermenting seeds for 4 Also this pre-treatment increased the sensibility of cucum-
days at 25ºC. However, Nienhuis and Lower (1979) have ber seedlings to UV-B radiation (Yao et al. 2005). Osmo-
shown that germination of cucumber seeds after fermenta- conditioning also improved the rate of germination of cu-
tion was reduced at a suboptimal temperature of 15ºC. Nel- cumber seeds (cv. ‘Telegraph’) at 25°C and 15°C in water
son and Sharplers (1980) reported that the soaking of cu- and NaCl solutions of up to 200 mM. At 15°C the total per-
cumber seed in fusicoccin increased germination, and that centage of germination was also increased. Osmocondition-
fusicoccin was more effective than gibberellic acid (GA4/7, ing promoted the rates of radicle extension, seedling emer-
GA3), or ethephon. On the other hand, growth regulators, gence and expansion of the cotyledons and first leaf, but the
which promote germination under prolonged exposure to benefits of treatment did not persist beyond the seedling
suboptimal temperatures do not necessarily promote emer- stage (Passam and Kakouriotis 1994).
gence in cool soil under field conditions (Staub and Wehner Soil-borne pathogen Pythium ultimum can cause severe
1987). losses to field- and greenhouse-grown cucumber and other
Cucumber seed germination could also be promoted by cucurbits. Live cells and ethanol extracts of cultures of bac-
seed pre-treatment with constant negative temperature terium Serratia marcescans N4-5 provided significant sup-
(freezing of seeds). Vladimirova (1952) has shown that pression of damping-off of cucumber caused by P. ultimum
freezing of soaked cucumber seeds (cvs. ‘Nerosimyi’ and when applied as a seed pre-treatment. Live cells of this bac-
‘Nerosimyi-Havsky’) at -2 to -5ºC for 2 days strongly pro- terium also suppressed damping-off caused by P. ultimum
moted germination at +10 to +12ºC and increased cold har- on muskmelon and pumpkin (Roberts et al. 2007).
dening of cucumber seedlings. Freezing of soaked cucum- Cucumber plants irrigated with effluent mixtures from
ber seeds for 12 h at -1ºC increased cold and frost harden- rubber sheet factories had higher yield than control plants
ing of two-weeks-old seedlings (cvs. ‘Muromsky’, ‘Vjazni- (Chaiprapat and Sdoodee 2007). The effect of different con-
kovsky’ and ‘Nerosimyi’) but not in cv. ‘Klinsky’ (Andro- centrations of distillery effluent (raw spent wash) (from 0 to
sova 1940). 100%) on cucumber seed germination, germination rate,
The hypothesis exists that changes in membrane order peak value was studied by Ramana et al. (2002). They show
and lipid composition, reflected in a decrease in viscosity, that the distillery effluent did not show any inhibitory effect
are responsible for the pre-chilling phenomenon (van der on seed germination. At highest concentration (75 and
Woude and Toole 1980). The concept that water entry into 100%) complete failure of germination was observed and a
dry tissues leads to reorganization of membranes and that concentration of 25% was critical for cucumber seed germi-
chilling temperatures interfere with this reorganization, was nation.
first suggested for yeast re-hydration by Herrera et al. Plants need to be included to develop a comprehensive
(1956). The fact that chilling temperatures applied during toxicity profile for nanoparticies. Nanoparticies (multi-
the first water imbibition damage seeds of many species walled carbon nanotube, aluminum, alumina, zinc and zinc
was noted by Pollok and Toole (1966). van Steveninck and oxide) not effected on cucumber seed germination but in-
Ledeboer (1974) suggested on the basis of Arrhenius plots hibited root growth. The inhibition occurred during the seed
that the damage from chilling rehydrating yeast cells was incubation processes rather that seed soaking stage (Lin and
possibly related to a phase transition which caused inter- Xing 2007).
ference with lipid organization at low temperatures.
Simon et al. (1976) noted that denaturation of unspe- Pre-germination seed treatments and plant growth
cified cucumber proteins was the most likely reason that and development
seeds did not germinate well at low temperatures. If this is
true, there may be problems in membrane reestablishment Temperature pre-germination seed treatment is well known
(Simon 1974), which may prevent the formation of orga- as a pre-sowing hardening method. Russian researchers
nelles or compromise the integrity of plasma membranes. have actively studied it in the 1950s. Grachev (1875) was

Cucumber seeds germination and temperature. Markovskaya et al.

the first who used the method of seed pre-sowing hardening proteins, possibly proteases. For instance, the increment of
to increase the development of corn plants in the St. Peters- proteolytic activity, activity of invertase and amylase,
burg region. The method was widely used for promoting accumulation of soluble sucrose and starch already at the
seed germination, increasing plant resistance to low positive early development stage in seeds and then in seedlings and
temperatures and short-term freezing and increasing plant adult plants have been shown by Kandina (1962) and Budu-
productivity, especially in the regions with continental cli- ryan (1962) after cooling of moister cucumber (cv. ‘Tiras-
mate (Strekova 1962; Kushnirenko 1961, 1962; Genkel’ and pol’sky-6’) and melon (cvs. ‘Umir-Vaki’ and ‘Asma’) seeds
Kushnirenko 1966). In seed pre-germination treatment at 0°C for 1 day.
either constant low positive temperature (seed cooling) or Seed cooling promotes subsequent plant growth and
negative temperatures (seed freezing) can be used. These development during the acclimatization of warm-sensitive
treatments have different effects on seed germination and species and cultivars to northern latitudes (Panteleeva 1953;
after-effects on subsequent plant growth and development. Tarbaeva 1957; Buduryan 1958, 1962). Studying the ac-
climation of melon (Cucumis melo L., convar. zard (Pang.)
Seed freezing Greb.) from Central Asian to Moldavia Panteleeva (1953)
observed that cooling of moister seed at 0ºC hastened
Freezing of melon seeds (Cucumis melo L., Melo zard, cvs. flowering and ripening to 6-8 day in compare with control.
‘Umir-Vaki’ and ‘Asma’) at -4° for 6 and 24 h had no ef- Analyzing the biological mechanisms of development
fect on seed germination under laboratory conditions, but melon of Central Asian in region of Siberia (city Novosi-
increased germination in the field (Buduryan 1962). Freez- birsk) Tarbaeva (1957) came to the conclusion that seed
ing of cucumber seeds (Cucumis sativus L., cv. ‘Nerosi- hardening at 0ºC to +2ºC for 2-5 days induced early germi-
myi’) at -2 to -5ºC for 2 days (Vladimirova 1952), melon nation and rapid plant growth and development in compa-
seeds (Melo zard) at -2.5ºC for 2.5 days (Tarbaeva 1957), rison with control, stimulated growth of main root and in-
Melo zard (cvs. ‘Umir-Vaki’ and ‘Asma’) at -4ºC for 6 and creased formation of lateral roots, leaf area, early and in-
24 h (Buduryan 1962) inhibited growth of the main root at tensive flowering and ripening, yield. Buduryan (1962) also
the early stages of ontogenesis, but later increased root suggested that cooling melon seeds (Melo zard cvs. ‘Umir-
development and stimulated growth and formation of lateral Vaki’ and ‘Asma’) at 0ºC for 24 h stimulated root growth,
roots. Freezing of seeds affected Cucurbitacea plant growth abundant root branching and accelerated fruit growth. Cool-
and development viz. increased leaf formation, leaf and ing of cucumber seeds (cvs. ‘Nerosimyi’ and ‘Nerosimyi-
shoot dry weight, and stimulated the formation of female Havsky’) at 0ºC to +2ºC for 2 days increased plant cold re-
flowers. For instance, in melon (Melo zard, cvs. ‘Umir- sistance during the early stage of ontogenesis, induced root
Vaki’ and ‘Asma’) freezing of seeds at -4ºC for 6 h twice development, leaf area, formation of female flowers, has-
promoted increment of leaf formation in compare with tened ripening to 3-7 days and increased yield by 40-70%
control, increased leaf area by 44-67%, induced earlier and (Vladimirova 1952). According to Kandina (1958, 1962)
intensive flowering, increased flower number from 16% (cv. cooling of cucumber moister seeds (cv. ‘Tiraspol’sky-6’) at
‘Umir-Vaki’) to 69% (cv. ‘Asma’), promoted early fructify- 0ºC for 12 or 24 h increased contents of soluble sugar, pro-
cation (for 6-7 days) and increased yield by 37-42% (Budu- tein nitrogen, chlorophyll and ascorbic acid, caused an in-
ryan 1962). Edel’shtein (1949) and Tarbaeva (1957) also crease in respiratory activity of young plant, as well as sti-
showed accelerated development, flowering and yield after mulated formation of female flowers, increment of yield by
freezing of melon seeds at -2ºC for 2-5 days. According to 17.2% and improvement of fruit quality (more content of
Lebl (1954) effect of temperature of -2 to -5ºC during 1 day dry weight, sugar, vitamin C and total nitrogen).
on moister seeds of squash promoted increment of leaf
blade and yield by 10-20%. In cucumber (cvs. ‘Nerosimyi’ EFFECTS AND AFTER-EFFECTS OF DAILY
and ‘Nerosimyi-Havsky’) freezing of seeds at -2 to -5ºC in- ALTERNATING TEMPERATURES
duced the intensive flowering, early fructification (for 3-8
days) and increased the yield by 40-70% (Vladimirova There is much data in the literature proving that seeds ger-
1952). The positive effect of cucumber seeds freezing (cv. minate better under alternating temperatures than under a
‘Nerosimyi’) at -0.5 to -5ºC for 12-24 h was also shown in constant daily temperature (Genkel’ et al. 1955; Tarbaeva
more early experiments (Androsova 1940; Raudsepp 1957). 1957; Buduryan 1962; Felippe 1980; Shin et al. 2006). Al-
Then, Kandina (1958) increased yield by 25.9% after freez- ternating temperature regimes are faster and stronger indu-
ing cucumber seeds (cvs. ‘Berlizovsky’, ‘Nezhinsky-12’ cers of germination compared to constant low-temperature
and ‘Tiraspol’sky-6’) at -2ºC for 12-24 h. Studies with an- regimes and are characterized by the following parameters:
other cucumber cultivar (‘Nerosimyi’) also demonstrated an temperature value, value of temperature DIF (difference
increment in early yield by 22% after freezing of seeds at between day and night temperatures), duration of tempera-
-3ºC for 3-4 days (Genkel’ and Kushnirenko 1966). The ture treatment per day and total duration of treatment (days)
effect of freezing temperatures on seeds induces the chan- (Markovskaya and Sysoeva 2004).
ges in plant metabolism, such as the increase in ascorbic
acid and chlorophyll contents (Buduryan 1962; Kandina Pre-germination seed treatments and germination
1962) that in turn leads to an increase in plant cold resis-
tance (Androsova 1940; Vladimirova 1952; Lebl 1954). Seed pre-treatment by daily alternating temperature regimes
Some authors showed a negative effect of seed freezing including negative temperatures (seed freezing) had no
on subsequent growth and development of cucurbit seeds i.e. effect on cucumber seed germination or decreased germina-
delayed plant development and decreased yield (Zauralov tion under the optimal temperature of 22-25° (Kushniren-
and Tarhanova 1960). ko 1962; Belik et al. 1964; Genkel’ and Kushnirenko 1966),
but significantly increased seed germination under 80% soil
Seed cooling humidity (Genkel’ and Kushnirenko 1966). Seed pre-treat-
ment by daily alternating temperature regimes including
Pre-germination treatment of cucumber seeds by low posi- low positive temperatures had either no effect on cucumber
tive (0°C) temperatures is also a very effective tool to seed germination (Buduryan 1962; Genkel’ and Kushniren-
increase plant cold resistance and productivity (Voronova ko 1966) or increased it (Buduryan 1962; Makaro and Kon-
1953; Genkel’ and Kushnirenko 1966). Seed proteins and drat’eva 1953; Genkel’ and Kushnirenko 1966), especially
carbohydrate compounds have been implicated in a regu- under unfavorable conditions (Genkel’ and Kushnirenko
latory role, with higher oligosaccharide (fructose, sucrose, 1966).
raffinose, stachyose) concentrations lending more cold- The germination response of cucumber seeds to light is
tolerance (Jennings 1999; McPhee et al. 2002). Germina- temperature sensitive. Daily alternating temperatures 25/10
tion at cold temperature also appears to be associated with and 25/5°C in combination with white light fully counter-

Seed Science and Biotechnology 1(2), 25-31 ©2007 Global Science Books

acted the inhibitory effect of light on germination of cucum- Seed freezing

ber seeds (Felippe 1980). The germination is inhibited by
both blue light and far red and promoted by red light and Freezing of cucumber seeds (C. sativus L., cvs. ‘Nerosimyi’,
darkness. The inhibitory effect of far red light is reversed by ‘Nerosimyi-Havsky’, ‘Nezhensky’) at temperatures from -2
red light (Noronha et al. 1978). Darkness is very effective to -5° for 16-18 h during 3-5 days decreased subsequent
in promoting germination of C. sativus when the tempera- plant growth and development, but increased the number of
ture is kept constant at 25°C (Noronha et al. 1978). The leaves, flowers and fruits, the latter by 33% (Genkel’ and
short exposure to high temperature in darkness had no Kushnirenko 1966), earliness and yield by 18-35% (Alex-
effect for germination of cucumbers, but low temperature androv and Brisov 1954; Voronova 1956; Kushnirenko
promoted germination. It was suggested the ecological 1962; Genkel’ and Kushnirenko 1966). Seed hardening by
consideration: alternating temperatures often occur during alternation of negative temperatures of -3 to -5° and opti-
autumn-winter in various regions of Brazil and cucumber mal temperatures of +18 to +20° increased the protoplasm
seeds should germination regardless of the light regime. viscosity at early stages of ontogenesis and decreased it
The germination of C. sativus occurs when far red is given later (Strekova 1960), and increased cold resistance of
together with 5°C followed by white light at 25°C (Felippe plants and roots (Strekova 1960; Kushnirenko 1961, 1962;
1980). Genkel’ and Kushnirenko 1966).
The daily temperature gradient of 15/35°C strongly pro-
moted germination of cucumber seeds (Felippe 1980). Ger- Seed cooling
mination percentage estimated as a fraction of germinated
seed of the total number of sown seeds changed from 30% Pre-germination seed treatments by daily alternating tempe-
at 15°C to 72% at 25°C (Markovskaya 1994). The region of ratures with low positive values (seed cooling) stimulated
optimum temperatures for maximal germination percentage subsequent growth and development of cucumber plants,
involved the range from 21 to 31°C for day temperature and especially under unfavorable conditions. Using the follow-
from 24 to 35°C for night temperature (Markovskaya 1994). ing combination of optimal (+18 to +19° for 6 h) and low
Northern cucumber cultivars had a more pronounced res- temperatures (around 0° for 18 h) for seed of melon (Melo
ponse to pre-germination seed treatments by daily alterna- zard, cvs. ‘Umir-Vaki’, ‘Asma’, ‘ 4464b’) Buduryan
ting temperatures than southern cultivars (Belik et al. 1964). (1962) showed stimulation of root growth and lateral root
branching, increment of top and stem length, increase in
Pre-germination seed treatments and plant growth number of second-order branches. Furthermore, accelera-
and development tion of flowering (to 3-10 days in compare with control),
doubling the number of female flowers, increase of fruit
In Russia the method of seed hardening by daily alternating ripening and enhanced the yield by 35-64% were shown.
temperatures was first introduced by Voronova in the 1950s. Early work by Tarbaeva (1957) also indicated positive ef-
She conducted research in Northern Ural, a region with fect of melon seed cooling by daily alternating temperatures
continental climate, where sharp diurnal temperatures fluc- (+18 to +20°/+2°, day/night) on enhancement of root
tuate and where there are frequent morning frosts from growth and acceleration of ripening. To increase the yield of
April to June and in August create many problems for cucumber (C. sativus L., cv. ‘Leningradsky teplichny’) Lu-
growing heat-loving plants. Pre-germination seed treat- govkin (1957) recommended cooling cucumber moist seeds
ments by daily temperature alternating regimes resulted in at daily alternating temperatures (0° for 18 h and +20 to
enhanced plant development, increased cold and/or frost re- +25° for 6 h during 14 days): increment of early yield was
sistance and improvement of plant productivity. The method 11.8%, of total yield, 16.8%. Cucumber seed cooling also
proposed by Voronova has been extensively used in the increased stem length (Genkel’ and Kushnirenko 1966), en-
1950-1960s in Russia for growing resistant seedlings out- hanced root growth (Tarbaeva 1957; Buduryan 1962), leaf
doors and studying after-effects of seed pre-hardening on a formation (Buduryan 1962; Genkel’ and Kushnirenko 1966)
plant’s physiological status (Kushnirenko 1962; Belik 1963; and dry matter accumulation (Belik 1963). Seed cooling in-
Genkel’ and Kushnirenko 1966). The method was based on duced biochemical changes in plants by changing the acti-
the use of daily alternating temperatures, which included vity of proteolytic enzymes, invertases and amylases and in-
combinations of optimal and negative temperatures (seed creasing the content of soluble sugars, starch, chlorophylls
freezing) or optimal and low positive temperatures (seed and ascorbic acid (Kandina 1958; Buduryan 1962; Kandina
cooling). As a rule the temperature has been decreased from 1962), and affected physiological processes by increasing
+18 to +20° to -3 to +9° for 12-18 hours during 3-30 the activity of redox processes, intensifying plant respire-
days. Seeds were soaked for 12 h at +18–+20° for swell- tion (Shutov et al. 1955; Kandina 1962; Buduryan 1962),
ling before hardening. Duration of soaking and hardening increasing plant cold resistance (Vladimirova 1952; Tarba-
depends on the plant species and even on the cultivar. For eva 1957; Genkel’ and Kushnirenko 1966), vascular wilt
instance, Kushnirenko (1962) has recommended to use the plant resistance and anthracnose resistance (Buduryan
daily alternating temperatures for hardening of tomato and 1962). Low cucumber germination rates at suboptimal tem-
maize seeds: temperatures from -3 to -5° for 18 h and peratures were related to leakage of minerals and/or the lack
from +15 to +18° for 6 h; duration of seeds hardening was of formation or denaturation of proteins associated with ger-
7-10 days for tomato and 14 days for maize. A combination mination and radicle elongation (Russo and Biles 1996).
of low (-3 to +1° for 18 h) and optimal temperatures (+15 Seed cooling by daily alternating temperatures and en-
to +18° for 6 h) during 3-5 days was used for cucumber hanced the yield by 18-64% (Buduryan 1962; Makaro and
(C. sativus L., cv. ‘Nerosimyi’) (Kushnirenko 1962; Gen- Kondrat’ev 1953; Belik 1963; Genkel’ and Kushnirenko
kel’ and Kushnirenko 1966). Duration of seeds soaking 1966).
before hardening was 2-12 h for cucumber, 12 h for tomato
and 24-48 h for maize (Kushnirenko 1962; Genkel’ and Temperature drop
Kushnirenko 1966). The following combination of optimal
(+18 to +20° for 6 h) and low temperatures (0° for 18 h) Temperature drop is now widely used in the modern techno-
was used for tomato seeds with total duration of hardening logies of greenhouse production at the seedling stage (Moe
of 16 days and duration of soaking – 24 h (Shutov and and Heins 2000) but not intensively used as a pre-germina-
Belyaev 1955). According to Belik (1963) seeds of southern tion seed treatment. Short exposure of cucumber seeds from
cucumber cultivars (C. sativus L., cvs. ‘Azovka-5’, ‘Astra- 25°C to 0°C for 55 min promoted germination in white light
hansky-136’, ‘Donskoi-175’) should harden at the combina- (Felippe 1980). Pre-germination treatment of cucumber
tion of optimal (+18 to +20°C) and low positive (+2 to +5- seeds by a 2 h temperature drop from 23°C to 10°C for 6
9°) temperatures than seeds of northern cultivars (C. days and a long-term pre-germination treatment at 10°C in-
sativus L., cvs. ‘Muromsky-6’, ‘Altaisky ranny-166’). creased plants’ resistance to cold by the end of the first

Cucumber seeds germination and temperature. Markovskaya et al.

week after sowing, but the level of cold resistance was three peratures as well as negative temperatures. The mechanism
times higher after the temperature drop treatment than after of cold-tolerant germination is complex and only partially
the constant low temperature (Sherudilo et al. 2006a). understood. It is Nleya et al.’s (2005) opinion that an alter-
Therefore, temperature drop treatment at the seed stage can nating temperature signal around the base temperature can
enhance cold resistance in plants (Sherudilo et al. 2006a). achieve equivalent results to exposure constant temperature
Pre-germination seed treatment by a temperature drop is and, possibly, an alternating temperature signal for less time
an effective technique not only for increasing cold resis- may achieve the same response as a more lengthy exposure
tance but also for promoting plant growth and development to a constant but higher temperature. Seed appears to res-
(Sherudilo et al. 2006b). Pre-germination treatment by a pond to several degrees above the base temperature for
temperature drop of Tagetes patula L. and Petunia seeds sti- several days, or a larger jump in temperature for less time.
mulated seed germination by 30%, hastened plant develop- It is very important that temperature pre-germination treat-
ment by a week, increased plant dry weight, and promoted ments of cucumber seeds by constant low temperatures and
flowering by 33% in both species (Sherudilo et al. 2006b). daily temperature gradients can enhance plant development,
Pre-germination seed treatments by a temperature drop increase plant productivity and plant resistance. Recently, it
is an effective tool for improving plant quality and promo- has been shown that seedlings can remember the tempera-
ting plant growth and development. tures and photoperiod prevailing during zygotic embryo-
genesis and seed maturation (Johnsen et al. 2007). An epi-
TEMPERATURE AND PHYTOCHROME CONTROL genetic memory of plants from embryo development should
be the focus of future studies.
Most seeds germinate when incubated in absolute darkness
(Ranjan 2002). This indicates that the phytochrome in far- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
red form (Pfr) is already present in the seed and/or that ger-
mination does not require Pfr. Cresswell and Grime (1981) Study was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Researches,
have shown a negative correlation between germination in projects  05-04-97515,  07-04-48029.
darkness and chlorophyll content in extra-embryonic tissues.
Those seeds that retain green tissues around the embryo for REFERENCES
a prolonged period have most of the phytochrome in the red
form. The red/far-red ratio experienced by the mother plant *In Russian
can also be important for the germination of dark-imbibed
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