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[Solar, craft charms] World Within a Picture Style & expansions

World Within a Picture Style

Cost: 10m, 2 gxp; Mins: Craft 5, Occult 3, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Handiwork Method

A Solar who has truly mastered some form of representational art -- most commonly
painting, but tapestry-weaving, carving, and metal-casting are all possible -- can
create an image so lifelike that it may as well be real. The physical matrix of the
picture need not be "life size" -- a metal brooch engraved with an incredibly
realistic miniature scene would still work.

Normally, the World Within a Picture cannot exceed one acre in size, although it
may appear much larger. (A person who tries to step out of the simulated area
either steps out into the real world, or goes in a circle.) The image may contain
plants, animals, or even people, but the people are not real -- they react only in
simple, stereotyped ways, like automata. Adding realistic sapient beings to the
World Within a Picture would require a sorcerous working; trapping an actual
sapient being within the still life as a permanent resident might be possible with
a spell of the Celestial Circle. All manner of sorcerous workings are possible, if
the sorcerer wishes to add strange effects to the environment inside, such as an
image which allows visitors to fly or transforms them into different forms.

Entering a World Within a Picture costs 1 mote; leaving is free. One person may
spend additional motes on the behalf of others to allow them entrance. Damaging the
picture causes visible cosmetic damage to the world within; if the picture is
actually destroyed, any real people inside are ejected into the real world, each
suffering one unsoakable level of lethal damage from having the world destroyed
around them (a small price to pay, all things considered).

Creating a World Within a Picture is a major project, and takes as long as the
Storyteller judges it would normally take to make a painting or tapestry or
whatever. Once created, it lasts until destroyed.

An Essence 4+ repurchase allows the Solar to spend 10m. 2wxp in place of the usual
cost, in exchange for increasing the size limit from one acre to (Essence) square

A few notes:
- In the original version, if the picture gets damaged anyone inside is trapped
until it's repaired, and if the picture is destroyed they're all just dead,
consigned to Oblivion. I really didn't like that so I changed it, but figure out
what works for you and your group. (Personally, I think that if you want to create
a painting-world that acts as a trap and makes it easy for you to imprison or kill
anyone who enters, you should need a sorcerous working, or possibly one or more
additional Charms.)
- The original version cost 20 motes. I figured that a cost in craft XP made sense
in 3e. I didn't want to make it require white XP (requiring characters to make
actual artifacts first seems unfair -- if major projects are enough to prepare you
to make a daiklave, they're enough to prepare you to make a World Within a
Picture), and then I hit on the idea of using white XP to expand on the one-acre
- Flawless Handiwork Method is the same prerequisite it had in 1e. I suspect if it
showed up in a 3e product it would have a much longer prerequisite chain, but I
couldn't decide on anything appropriate so whatever. I did consider adding
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery to the prerequisites, since it already required Occult
3, but eh. A Solar doesn't need to be a sorcerer to master painting to a
supernatural degree.
- The original version had a listed duration of "one day or more." I assume that's
a mistake, because it would require committed Essence then.

Drawing the Portal

Cost: 25 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Permanent
Type: Simple
Minimum Craft: 5
Minimum Occult: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: World Within a Picture Style

Once a Solar can create art that resides in Elsewhere, further refinements are
possible. One of them is this Charm. The Solar must draw, etch or carve a
representation of a portal or door. It must be a duplicate of another door, portal,
or window. This normally takes a few days, but this can be compressed using
Craftsman Needs No Tools, as per usual. When the Portal is complete, someone wise
in the ways of Essence can step through, opening it into wherever the original door
stands. It costs 3 motes to step through a Portal. The original door can be no more
than 250 miles away per dot of Essence. The Solar must have seen the original
portal before, well enough to draw a picture of it. This will not transport people
into areas warded against teleportation. One of the main uses for this Charm is in
conjunction with World Within a Picture.Style. A Solar can create a Portal from
within one of the magical still lifes that leads to another still life, or the
outside world. It was held to be unsafe by some to be dependent on one door in or
out of a magical realm. In the First Age this lead to some Twilights having houses
that extended across many realms, some real, some imagined and many in far flung

Ikselam's Craft Charms

All of these Charms branch off from World Within a Picture Style, which can be
found in Time of Tumult (page 96). The first two will be familiar to anyone who has
read Roger Zelazny's Amber novels; the last two draw from several sources, but my
primary inspiration was the hazy recollection of a children's book I read long ago.
I believe it was an adaptation of a Chinese fairy tale, and it featured a boy who
drew pictures that came alive. I don't remember how it went, but I do remember that
I liked it.

back to SolarCraft.
back to Ikselam's Charms.

Window on Distant Landscapes Style

Cost: 20 motes, 1 willpower

Duration: One day plus
Type: Simple
Min. Craft: 5
Min. Occult: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: World Within a Picture Style

Truly skilled Solar artists can create representations so detailed that they form a
spiritual link to the real location being depicted. The picture will act as a
window, perfectly mirroring changes which occur in the real landscape (although it
will not show people or spirits).
Anyone capable of channeling Essence can use one of these pictures as a doorway,
instantaneously travelling to faraway places. It costs 1 mote to step through the
picture and arrive in the location depicted. If the picture is portable, expending
an additional 4 motes will bring the picture with you.

The artist must have actually seen the location depicted (magical scrying works
just as well as physical presence), and damage to the picture will permanently
sever the link. Catastrophic change to the depicted landscape (e.g., the creation
of a shadowland or Wyld zone, complete destruction by a First Age weapon) will also
render the picture useless. This Charm cannot be used on existing works, or on ones
which are of less than exceptional quality.

Flawlessly Lifelike Portrait Method

Cost: 20 motes, 1 willpower

Duration: One day plus
Type: Simple
Min. Craft: 5
Min. Occult: 5
Min. Lore: 3
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Window on Distant Landscapes Style

What Window On Distant Landscapes Style does for locations, this Charm does for
people. The Exalt who creates such portraits acquires an almost infallible method
of instant communication (and transportation, if need be).

Only those capable of chanelling Essence are capable of using the picture's magical
properties. It costs 1 mote to talk to the person depicted. An additional
expenditure of 1 wp is necessary if you do not wish the person to recognize your
presence (they still detect it automatically). Using any Charms or other magical
powers on the person depicted requires an extended Willpower contest. If the target
accumulates 5 more successes than the Exalt, the connection is broken and the
portrait will not work for a full day. If the Exalt accumulates 5 more successes
than the target, he is free to use any powers he wishes as though the target was
physically present. The target can still break the connection by expending a
permanent Willpower.

Expending 10 motes allows you to step through the picture and join the person, or
pull them through to your location, but only if they agree and neither party is
physically restrained. If the picture is portable, spending a point of willpower
(in addition to the 10 motes) allows the Exalt to take the picture with him when he
steps through.

Damage to the portrait negates the Charm. Death of the person depicted does not,
unless they fail to leave a ghost behind. Stealth Charms (such as Vanishing From
Mind's Eye Method) which obfuscate the user's identity will baffle the connection
for as long as they are in effect. This Charm does not work on existing portraits,
or ones of less than exceptional quality.

Magical Realism Technique

Cost: 20 motes, 1 willpower, 1 xp

Duration: One day plus
Type: Simple
Min. Craft: 5
Min. Occult: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prereqs: Window on Distant Landscapes Style

An Exalt who learns this Charm can create artwork which becomes real. All the
artist need do is draw (or sculpt) the item she desires; once the work is finished,
she reaches out and grasps the object she has depicted.

This Charm can create exceptional items easily, but it cannot create magical items
or living things. It can create items of the Five Magical Materials, but these
items are not enchanted and provide no bonuses beyond their basic ones until a
craftsman bespells them as usual. Creating 5MM items costs an additional 1 xp, plus
a permanent willpower point.

This Charm can only create single, finished objects. It cannot be used to create
raw materials. There is no limit on the size of items created by this Charm, but
they must be drawn life-size. The artist must also be careful to draw exactly what
he wants; what you see is literally what you get. This Charm cannot be used on
existing works, or on anything which is less than masterful.

Living Portrait Creation Discipline

Cost: 20 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level, 1-2 xp

Duration: One day plus
Type: Simple
Min. Craft: 6
Min. Occult: 5
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 7
Prereqs: Magical Realism Technique, Flawlessly Lifelike Portrait Method

This mighty Charm gives the power of life itself. Its users can cause living beings
to step, fully-formed, from the frames of portraits, or transmute sculpted clay or
stone into living flesh. Such mighty artists were among the most learned,
respected, and feared individuals in the First Age. More than a few were driven mad
by the power this Charm granted them -- some say that this Charm is an affront to
the Celestial Gods, and that its users are sure to earn their enmity.

People created by this Charm are normal mortals, and cost 2xp in addition to the
mote cost. If the user also expends a permanent willpower point, she can create
heroic mortals. Creating normal animals or plants with this Charm reduces the xp
cost to 1. Animals or plants with special powers cost the same as normal mortals.
This Charm cannot create demons, elementals, spirits, fey, or Exalted. It could
create a person who looked exactly like an Exalt or an incarnate spirit, but the
person would not have any special powers.

Note that while the user of this Charm has total control over the creations'
appearance and physical attributes, their personalities may have unexpected quirks.
There is no guarantee that the creations will be completely loyal to their creator
(especially plants and animals).

This Charm works on both portrait and sculpture. It does not affect existing works.
Only one subject can be brought to life at a time, and the work which is animated
must be without flaw.

Yay! Amber meets Exalted! Very well executed. A question: how well do these Charms
work in contacting people and places in other realms? Can you still communicate
with someone in the Labyrinth, Malfeas, or the deep Wyld? Also, when will we see
your writeup on the Jewel of Judgement Hearthstone, or the Charm description for
Primal Pattern Inscription Style? :) - Quendalon

I'm inclined to think that Trumps would be better of created as one to two dot
Artifacts that as the effects of a Charm - that matches the feel better, both of
Exalted and Amber, IMO.

And, farther down the tree, "It can create items of the Five Magical Materials, but
these items are not enchanted and provide no bonuses beyond their basic ones until
a craftsman bespells them as usual. Creating 5MM items costs an additional 1 xp,
plus a permanent willpower point." - Even with a Permanent Willpower Point, this
seems like a not so good idea. Even Sorcerery can't just conjure the Five Magical
Materials out of nothing, nor can but jade be crafted from Ambrosia. It's not as
much a matter of balance as thematic appropriateness.

Finally, I'd actually up the utility of the Living Portrait Creation Discipline. I
don't know precisely how yet, but a good model would probally be the Sidereal Ride
Charms- especially the ones that turn one of your Familiars into a little god. -

well just my two pennies worth but with regards to the following statement

Creating 5MM items costs an additional 1 xp, plus a permanent willpower

point." - Even with a Permanent Willpower Point, this seems like a not so good
idea. Even Sorcerery can't just conjure the Five Magical Materials out of nothing,
nor can but jade be crafted from Ambrosia. It's not as much a matter of balance as
thematic appropriateness.

strictly speaking thats not true, the solar Lore charm 'wyld shaping technique'
allows a solar to conjure the 5MM (amongst other things like warstriders etc) out
of the fabric of the wyld for use in creation. it costs 20 motes per casting and
while it has its own inherant dangers, none the less it is doable by an experienced
Solar. esp if he takes his mates along to protect him from the creatures living in
the wyld, leaving him free to concentrate on the charm. Eldmar


Weapon Tracing Method

Cost: 4 or 8 motes
Type: Simple (DV-1, Speed 6)
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Minimum Craft: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Craftsman Needs No Tools, Durability-Enhancing Technique

�I am the bone of my sword.�

This charm summons forth a weapon and grants an attack, effectively designing it
within the mind and crafting it into existence in a mere second. Such weapons are
often extravagant and take the form of artifacts, though their power is lesser and
not lasting, as they last only long enough to make one attack before shattering
back into nothingness. Any ability matching the weapons form can be used for them
and melee weapons can be thrown to a range of 30 yards if wished, but otherwise the
shape of the weapon is irrelevant, its statistics generated by the design they are
built from. Similar to glorious solar saber, divide the sum of the Exalt�s
Intelligence + Craft score between accuracy and damage of the weapon. The exalt may
pay 8 motes rather than 4, to summon forth a second weapon, which allows them to
make two attacks at no penalties. Alternately, a bow and arrow may be formed, which
allows a single attack with an extended range of 150 yards. This charm can be
combod with charms of other abilities, depending which ability you are using to
fight with the traced weapon(s).

Craft The Enduring Image

Cost: 4 or 8 motes, 1wp

Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Scene
Minimum Craft: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Weapon Tracing Method

�Steel is my body and fire is my blood.�

This charm works similarly to Weapon Tracing Method, except it does not grant
attacks, and the weapon(s) formed last for a scene. All weapons formed by this
charm have Speed 5 and Rate 2 and the user must split his Intelligence + Craft
score between Accuracy, Defense and Damage. These weapons may still be thrown as
normal, and bows may also be made, in which case divide the users Intelligence +
Craft score between Accuracy, Damage, and Range, starting with a base Range of 150
yards, and adding 50 yards to it with each point dedicated. Note however, that this
charm does not provide any arrows to use with such a bow, though the later Endless
Weapon Technique can. This charm can be combod with charms of other abilities,
depending which ability you are using to fight with the traced weapon(s).

Strengthen The Image

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Minimum Craft: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Craft The Enduring Image

�I have created over a thousand blades.�

The exalt has grown accustomed to tracing weapons, and can now enhance them during
the creation process, rooting out impurities and weakness to make the image
stronger. This charm permanently enhances both Craft the Enduring Image and Weapon
Tracing Method, letting the exalt add his Perception to the Intelligence and Craft
pool before it is split up into statistics.

The Seven Rings That Cover The Fiery Heavens

Cost: 8 motes
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Minimum Craft: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Craft The Enduring Image

�Unknown to death, nor known to life.�

The exalt summons forth a mighty impenetrable shield, manifesting a prismatic
arrangement of seven flower petals, each capable of perfectly blocking various
means of attack. This charm provides a perfect parry against an attack, even if
they cannot normally be parried, such as if the attack is immaterial.
This charm has one of the four flaws of perfection.

Endless Weapon Technique

Cost: 1 or 2 motes
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Minimum Craft: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisites: Craft The Enduring Image, Strengthen The Image

�Have withstood pain, to create many weapons.�

With this charm, an exalt with mastery over tracing is hardly never without a
weapon. While Craft The Enduring Image is active, he may reflexively activate this
charm (which does not count as a charm use) and re-trace the weapons back to his
hands, thus making him practically immune to disarmament and incapable of having
his weapons permanently destroyed. Each use of this charm costs 1 mote, or 2 if
tracing two weapons. Alternately, if Craft the Enduring Image was used to summon a
bow, this charm may be used to summon arrows for it at a cost of 1 mote per arrow.

Reality Marble

Cost: 20 motes, 2 willpower

Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Scene
Minimum Craft: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisites: The Seven Rings That Cover The Fiery Heavens, Endless Weapon

�So, as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works.�

This charm is the ultimate technique of tracing, allowing the creation of a world
as a perfect aid to the exalt. When activated the solar�s essence spills out into
the surrounding area, dragging any sentient being within Ess * 5 yrds into the
reality marble, which takes whatever form the exalt wishes, and is practically
infinite in size given its nature. However, it must obey the general trends of
creation, and thus a world made of acid would not be allowed. Examples include a
clockwork world with massive gears and forges in the distance, and an infinite
number of bladed weapons resting in the floor.
Mechanics wise, this charm creates a demiplane in elsewhere where the exalt may
battle his enemies. The nature of the plane is perfectly suited to the solars
tracing magic, and lowers all costs of tracing charms by Essence motes, to a
minimum of 0. Against a high essence reality marble, the best tactic may be simply
evading the exalt, or of course, not getting caught in the area of effect at all.-

Flight of the Broken Phantasm

Cost: 10 motes, 1wp

Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Minimum Craft: 6
Minimum Essence: 6
Prerequisites: Endless Weapon Technique

This charm enhances the exalts previous skills of tracing, allowing imaged weapons
to be altered as they are created, transforming them into ammunition for other
weapons, while simultaneously keeping all their original strength and powers. This
allows an exalt to trace a weapon as per the standard guidelines for Weapon Tracing
Method. Instead of being used normally however, this weapon is then modified into a
form of ammunition, allowing an equivalent of a daiklave to be fired from a bow,
shot from a sling etc, for massive damage. Creates ammunition with stats equal to
your normal tracing pool of intelligence, craft (and perception), these stack with
the statistics of the weapon they are fired from as normal.

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