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MIS107 Lab: Formatting & Referencing Using Microsoft Word

1. Format the text including the following:

● Use a cover page with appropriate title for this assignment
● Two different heading
● Use Bullet(s)
● Use Numbering(s)
● Create a footnote (automatically numbered)
● Header- include your assignment number
● Footer- include your name, date and page number

2. Create a table
● Create any table with 3-4 columns and 3-4 lines.
● Use a alternating colored theme
● Apply all borders- 1pt, black

3. Create bibliography

Individual Assignment:

The use of IT (Information Technology)

Guideline to prepare the assignment:

1. Demonstrate the characteristics of Information Technology.
2. Why Information Technology needed?
3. What are the challenges of Information Technology?
4. Recommendations.
5. Conclusion.
6. References.
7. Page limit 10
8. Letter size 12

Try to relate any chapters of your Book.

Provide, diagrams, maps, pictures wherever relevant.

Compile your work in a report. The report should follow the basics of a report with cover page, table of
contents, executive summary, main report and references. Use MS Word Referencing and Table of

Submit your Soft copy of Assignment on or before April 16, 2020.

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