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Department of Management

Assignment on “The Use of Information Technology”

Course : MIS-107

Submitted By
MD. Zahid Hossan
Section: 21

Submitted To
Abu Sayeed Arif (ASA1)
Department of Management
North South University

Submission Date: 18th April, 2020


❖ Table of Contents
THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY .................................................................................. 2
❖ Information Technology ..................................................................................................................... 2
❖ Characteristics Of Information : ....................................................................................................... 2
❖ Use of information technology: .......................................................................................................... 2
❖ Reasons why Information Technology needed ................................................................................. 3
➢ Information Technology is needed in Business: ........................................................................... 3
➢ Information Technology is needed in Education: ........................................................................ 4
➢ Information Technology is needed in Finance.............................................................................. 4
➢ Information Technology is needed in Healthcare ........................................................................ 5
➢ Information technology is needed in Security .............................................................................. 5
❖ Challenges of Information Technology: ............................................................................................ 5
➢ There are a lots of challenges that IT needs to face ..................................................................... 5
1. Security ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2. Privacy Issues .............................................................................................................................. 6
3. Copyright Infringement ............................................................................................................. 6
4. Increased pressure on IT specialists .......................................................................................... 7
5. Digital isolate ............................................................................................................................... 7
❖ Recommendation: ............................................................................................................................... 7
Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................................. 8
REFERENCES: .......................................................................................................................................... 9

MD. Zahid Hossan


❖ Information Technology: Information Technology is the utilization of PCs to
store, recover, transmit, and control data or information. IT is concerned about the
utilization of information in overseeing and preparing data, particularly in huge
associations. IT is normally utilized inside the setting of business tasks instead of individual
or amusement technologies. Also, IT is viewed as a subset of data and correspondences
technology Commonly, IT is utilized with regards to enterprise business tasks rather than
individual or diversion advancements. The business utilization of IT incorporates both PC
technology and communication.

❖ Characteristics Of Information :
➢ There ought to be few characteristics of information technology. These
characteristics are must:

1. Easy to access and high access productivity.

2. It must have great precision.
3. Fast working velocity. 1
4. Operate inside certain time allotment.
5. Completely extensible and adjustable to an association's needs.
6. Able to deal with all sort of information and data.
7. Less intricacy in utilizing.
8. Straightforward or easy to understand.
9. Moderate and ease.
10. Great exposure. And so on.

❖ Use of information technology:

1. The improvement of IT has made guidance system less
troublesome, more straightforward, and wide. By and by, people
of remote zones can similarly use advanceme1nt for their
adolescents' preparation and moreover benefit the upsides of
adult guidance. Dispersion of e-administration for an enormous
2. Development of rustic regions and they can get to it without any

3. Technology that makes quick financial advancement.

MD. Zahid Hossan

4. The judges and other authoritative administrations can likewise

take the assistance of innovation to make work tranquil and

5. Highly gainful for the average folks, as they can get to their
privileges and can make lawful move against the individual who
abuses his/her privileges.

6. It expands the joy and success of an individual, but instead the

general public in general. Moreover, there are numerous
different favorable circumstances too that can be benefited in
our regular daily existence just with the further improvement of
data innovation.

❖ Reasons why Information Technology needed:

o Information Technology is needed in everywhere in our present world. IT has
become a significant part of regular day to day existence. Individuals in about
each vocation are required to have some information on PCs and programming.
Information Technology is utilized by associations for an assortment of reasons.
Data innovation assists associations with working all the more effectively so
they can improve.

➢ Information Technology is needed in Business:

• With the presentation of PCs, the business world was changed until the finish
of time. Using PCs and programming, associations use information
development to ensure that their claims to fame run without any problem. They
use information development in different workplaces including HR, record,
collecting, and security. Using information advancement, associations can see
changes in the overall markets far faster than they for the most part do. They
purchase programming packs and hardware that causes them complete their
action. Most Biggest associations have their own information advancement
office planned to upkeep the item and gear. Data advancement has empowered
associations to remain mindful of the market enthusiasm as buyers grow
continuously nervous to have their things right away. Using information
advancement, associations like Amazon are endeavoring to help involved
purchasers do their looking for nourishment. Just two or three snaps on a site
empowers the client to introduce a solicitation, and information advancement
sends that solicitation to the association.

MD. Zahid Hossan

➢ Information Technology is needed in Education:

• The universe of preparing is changing as the front line world continues creating.
With so much advancement happening, it's huge that preparation have the
alternative to show up at understudies in new habits so their understudies are
set up for what's to come. The understudies of today are the pioneers, creators,
teachers, and businessmen (and women) of tomorrow. Without the most ideal
aptitudes, these understudies won't have the game plan expected to persevere.
• With so much spotlight put on guidance, it can to a great extent be difficult to
keep work and still get the readiness expected to give indications of progress
work. Information development expect a key activity in understudies having the
choice to keep their occupations and go to class. By and by, most schools offer
online classes that can be gotten to on PCs or workstations, tablets, and even
phones. A clamoring understudy at work can without a lot of a stretch check in
or submit assignments while on their early afternoon break.
• Teachers ought to be set up by keeping conscious to date with information
development, and this can mean more than jus Using advancement, instructors
can set up their understudies for a future flooded with gadgets including tablets,
mobile phones, PCs, hence generously more.
• Information development is deflecting even more optional school and school
dropouts too. Life events can happen at whatever point, and even auxiliary
schools are misusing on the web classes with the objective that understudies
can continue with their guidance rather than considering dropping out.

➢ Information Technology is needed in Finance:

• With all the online purchases going on, it's critical that banks and security
screen everything to monitor everyone. Information advancement might just
working its hardest with web trades. As more trades are done, the web requires
more frameworks, more PCs, and more prominent security ventures to ensure
its purchasers. Without information advancement, these purchases would be
unfathomable, and it would be incomprehensible for banks to keep these
purchases secure.

• Information advancement has furthermore made it snappier and more

straightforward than whenever in late memory to send or get money. It's directly
moreover less difficult to begin an online autonomous organization to sell
whatever you may require. If you would favor not to need to appeal to for a
region name, set up a website, and the different advances required for enrolling
an online business, you can use various destinations like Amazon, eBay, and
Etsy to sell things.

• Information development moreover makes it straightforward for cash to chip

away at an overall level. Right now age, your FICO rating and FICO evaluation
MD. Zahid Hossan

is available online securely. This licenses advance pros, protection offices, and
associations to run a smart credit mind you making it far less difficult to open

➢ Information Technology is needed in Healthcare:

• Overhauls in information advancement have thought about phenomenal change in
human administrations. Most remedial work environments would now have the
option to send and get propelled therapeutic information from masters you've had
already. Changes like this empower costs to be cut down furthermore, increase the
proportion of time authorities can go through on patients stood out from regulatory
• Security redesigns with information advancement have made it so your therapeutic
information is secure paying little mind to where it's sent. You can even have cures
sent cautiously to close by medicate stores everything thought about remedial work
• Close by the changing the proportion of work area work required at your helpful
office, information development has also invigorated the advancement an expert
can use to break down or treat you. Using motorized center point tomography
(CAT) or appealing resonation imaging (MRI) channels, the authority can use a PC
to make separated photos of your organs close by making ;pictures that show
changes in your body science and circulatory system. This can be helpful to find
disorders that aren't found with blood tests or other therapeutic tests.

➢ Information technology is needed in Security:

• With such countless trades done on the web therefore a great deal of information
available on the web, it's basic to keep the whole of that safe. Information
development makes it plausible for your online data to stay secure until got to by
the most ideal channels. Using passwords and encryption, information
development hides your own propelled data away, and the primary way it will in
general be gotten to is by associations who have approval from you.

❖ Challenges of Information Technology:

➢ There are a lots of challenges that IT needs to face:

1. Security: With gadgets like the web, developers have believed that it was
definitely not hard to hack into any PC or system as long as it is related
on web. Software engineers can without a lot of a stretch use an IP
(Internet Protocol) address to get to a customer's PC and assemble data
MD. Zahid Hossan

for intolerant reasons. In like manner the wide spread of web treats which
accumulate information at whatever point we use the web , has introduced
IT customers to high perils of distortion and conflicting interests. Various
enormous associations use these treats to make sense of which things or
organization they can announce to us. Concerning web banking, the
trading of money can without a lot of a stretch be obstructed by a software
engineer and all the money will be moved to their optimal records , which
impacts both the bank and the customers who is using electronic
budgetary development.

2. Privacy Issues: As much as information development has enabled us to

share and find appropriate information on the web,. It has in like manner
abused our chance of security. Their such countless ways our security is
abused, (1) usage of web webcams, experienced PC customers can turn
on any webcam of any PC on the web and they will move toward your
private life, various enormous names have been losses of these online
stalkers. A veritable model is Dharun Ravia past Rutgers University
understudy who was watching out for his level mate through a webcam.
Scrutinize more on this story here … . (2) use of relational associations,
the essential thought of these frameworks is to connect with new and old
allies by then offer your reality with them, regardless, the proviso right
now that at whatever point someone get to your shared life data like photos
, they can like it and send it their mates who are not your friends, which
may open you to customers with wrong desires to use your data, in like
manner a couple of associations are known for watching out for their
laborers by methods for these casual networks.

3. Copyright Infringement: As much as information development has

enabled us to share and find relevant information on the web,. It has
similarly abused our chance of insurance. Their such countless ways our
security is mishandled, (1) use of web webcams, experienced PC
customers can turn on any webcam of any PC on the web and they will
move toward your private life, various VIPs have been setbacks of these
online stalkers. An authentic model is Dharun Ravia past Rutgers
University understudy who was watching out for his level mate through a
webcam. Scrutinize more on this story here (2) usage of relational
associations, the central thought of these frameworks is to connect with
new and old partners by then offer your reality with them, in any case, the
loophole right now that at whatever point someone get to your common
life data like photos , they can like it and send it their colleagues who are
not your friends, which may open you to customers with wrong expects
to use your data, in like manner a couple of associations are known for
watching out for their laborers by methods for these casual associations.
MD. Zahid Hossan

4. Increased pressure on IT specialists: Since data innovation frameworks

need to run constantly, pressure is mounted on IT specialists to guarantee
the precision and accessibility of these frameworks. Numerous large
associations which need to work 24 hours will require a backup IT group
to provide food for any issues which may emerge over the span of activity.
This weight results into pressure and work over-burden which a few times
results into Imperfection.

5. Digital isolate: Information innovation has numerous chances and it has

formed numerous enterprises in created nations; in any case, creating
nations experience issues of getting a charge out of similar advantages of
Information innovation. To get these advantages they need to prepare their
work and clients ought to likewise receive the new culture which is
somewhat exorbitant in these creating nations. In some remote zones they
don't have power, so data innovation apparatuses like PCs can not be
utilized. In different areas like instruction, the vast majority of these
creating nations have poor old training frameworks, so an understudy
won't know about new data advancements.
On the off chance that these things or difficulties can survive, at that point
data innovation will be transformed into gift. Presently, it's up
to us that how we use it and how we conquer this battle.

❖ Recommendation:
The present cloud-based applications require high information throughput which is more
perceptible than the fundamental web association merchants have introduced. Those sellers that
have not enough idea to switch over or moving to a fiber optics alliance ought to consider doing
so now. This will oblige the speed or devoted quality for all the information to process. Bringing
fiber won't just mull over a progressively weighty relationship for information throughput, it will
in addition help your business profit by having speedier systems.
➢ There are two or three different techniques for guaranteeing about your dealer
information and foundation. The broadest is setting up your representatives on
these suspicious dangers and how to deal with any potential messages that
should navigate your system. Having a recorded security process procedure is
a verifiable need in giving your workers rules of what is permitted and not to
guarantee the thriving of your business resources. Dealers ought to besides have
firewalls set up with critical programming for obstruction contradiction. This
will set up prosperity tries from an equipment viewpoint and will screen most

MD. Zahid Hossan

outside dangers. A shaped and point by point security desire plan may even
diminish the top notch cost of IT Security Insurance.
➢ Most sellers today are being locked in for studies by Microsoft alone. Those
vendors that are not in consistence are being hit with colossal fines by the
Business Software Alliance. To keep up a key decent ways from these fines,
dealers need to guarantee that their workers are not utilizing unlicensed
programming. A few different techniques for keeping up a key decent ways
from this is through reasonable preparing of the operator on the "do's and don'ts"
of programming downloads. Another path is to appropriately "lockdown" the
PC and endorsements of the end client to not permit downloads of any ".exe"
report. The fines identified with a potential programming review can be in the
millions. Venders can't stay to upset this. Without the best reliability and
systems set up, this is essentially one more hazard your business could drive
forward. Best to be as mindful as could be normal the situation being what it is,
guarantee your business is made sure about by these potential risks to your
fundamental concern.

In conclusion, information technology plays a big role in our life. However, if you’re not in the
field of information technology yourself, you might not know just how information technology
touches your life. Every sector in our life, IT helps us to bring innovative things. Progress in huge
numbers of the fundamental processing and Information Technologies has been quick as of late,
and the board doesn't anticipate that the pace of progress should back off within a reasonable time-
frame. While a few innovations are arriving at the development now, numerous significant
advancements have gigantic future potential. As a greater amount of the world's data is digitized
and more individuals and things are organized, the financial aspects of the advanced, arranged
economy will turn out to be always significant. This incorporates the capacity to make duplicates
of products and ventures at right around zero cost and convey them anyplace on the planet quickly.
Moreover, digitization of items, administrations, procedures, and associations makes it
conceivable to gauge and oversee work with unquestionably more exactness. Information driven
dynamic and AI give huge chances to improving profitability, productivity, precision, and

MD. Zahid Hossan


MD. Zahid Hossan

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