Eimt Special Test Question

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Time Allotted: 1 hours Full Marks: 30

Group – A
F i ll i n th e b la nk s i n t he fo ll ow in g s ta te me n t ( an y fi ve ) 5X 1 = 5

1. Clearance between conductors of two system is _________ upto 66kv.

2. Best conductor for overhead transmission line is_________.
3. For safety of operating person __________ earthing is used.
4. Colour of slice gel becomes________ when absorb moisture.
5. Tap changer is placed on the __________ side of a distribution transformer.
6. Construction of a.c transmission lines are_________ than d.c transmission line.
7. Plate earthing is used for__________ capacity motor.

Group – B
(Short Answer Type Question)

Answer any two of the following 2X 5=10

1. Briefly explain back to back test of three phase.
2. Difference between the function of an isolator and a circuit breaker.
3. How temperature and moisture affect the quality of insulating oil?
4. Define step potential and touch potential. What are their safe values?
Group – C
(Long Answer Type Question)

Answer any one of the following 1X 15=15

1. what is crackle test of transformer oil? Show with a neat electrical circuit how break down test
of transformer oil is performed?
2.Short note(any 3)
a.Bearing puller
b.Time delay relay
c.Earth leakage circuit breaker
d.Crackle test on insulating oil

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