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Name: LEONOR, Allysa Faith F.

Section: BSN 1-B Date Submitted : April 26, 2020

When I was in my primary level, we were given a task to write what job would we like to
do when we grow up. I would always answer that I want to become a Doctor because I want to
help people who are in need. I hold on to what I wanted to do until I step on high school. I am
not a type of student who would stay at the library to study but rather I spend time with my
friends laughing and sometimes skipped classes. I admit, that I used to cheat during exams
because I don’t read my books nor open my notes. When I was in Senior High School, I was
actually thinking if I would still pursue nursing since my dream was to become a Doctor. I
always asked my mom what course should I get that suit for my personality but she response
“nursing”. I choose Nursing, at first, I still had second thoughts, but then I realized that this is
exactly what I wanted so I had to keep going. Now that I’m a college student, at first, it was
easy. When I get home from school, I read a book, open my notes and do my homework so I
can go to bed early. I haven’t had much difficulty since I always follow my schedule for study.
There are times that I was reluctant in my studies because I am having a hard time
understanding other subject and I cannot easily grasp. But even If I had difficulty, it would not
have been a hindrance for me not to continue the course I had begun. I spent a lot of time
studying, times that I couldn’t sleep to study for my exams, bought books and spent money for
my tuition and other expenses. I would still prefer to continue with the course I started even
though I may find it difficult. This is what I am really passionate about and my heart desired, I
also had to work hard for a brighter future. I have learned many things throughout my first year
in College of Nursing. First, I always ask God for guidance that I will become successful in this
field. That when I become a Nurse, I want my patient to feel God’s love under my care. Second,
the fear in my heart disappeared while I am studying nursing. Because there are things I can’t
do. Third, you choose to spend a lot of time studying than having fun. And fourth, you choose
to go home early and sleep so that you can do your homework at night without feeling sleepy.

As a student nurse, I’ve seen our front liners sacrifice their selves for the sake of their
patients not because it is their job but because it is what their heart desire to save dying
I know that I will become successful in nursing. All of these sleepless nights and
sacrifices will be paid off. It is part of the process that we should wait than to choose the things
that’s not the best for us. We choose what our heart desired for a better outcome.

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