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Received: 13 December 2019 | Revised: 10 January 2020 | Accepted: 18 January 2020

DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201900675


Recent advances in the diagnosis of dermatophytosis

Jubeda Begum1 | Nasir A. Mir2 | Madhu C. Lingaraju3 |

4 2
Bidyarani Buyamayum | Kapil Dev

Department of Veterinary Microbiology,
College of Veterinary and Animal Abstract
Sciences, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, India Dermatophytosis is a disease of global significance caused by pathogenic
AN & FT Division, ICAR‐Central Avian keratinolytic fungi called dermatophytes in both animals and humans.
Research Institute, Bareilly, India
The recent taxonomy of dermatophytes classifies them into six pathogenic
Division of Pharmacology & Toxicology,
ICAR‐Indian Veterinary Research genera, namely Microsporum, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, Nannizzia,
Institute, Bareilly, India Lophophyton and Arthroderma. It is because of the delayed diagnostic
Department of Microbiology, Jawaharlal nature and low accuracy of dermatophyte detection by conventional
Nehru Institute of Medical Science,
Porompat, Manipur, India
methods that paved the path for the evolution of molecular diagnostic
techniques, which provide the accurate and rapid diagnosis of dermato-
Correspondence phytosis for an appropriate, timely antifungal therapy that prevents the
Jubeda Begum, Department of Veterinary
Microbiology, College of Veterinary and nonspecific over‐the‐counter self‐medication. This review focuses on the
Animal Sciences, GBPUAT, Pantnagar importance of rapid and accurate diagnosis of dermatophytosis, limita-
263145, India.
tions of conventional methods, selection of targets in diagnosis, and fac-
tors affecting sensitivity and specificity of various molecular diagnostic
technologies in the diagnosis of dermatophytosis. Generally, all the
molecular techniques have a significant edge over the conventional
methods of culture and microscopy in the dermatophytosis diagnosis.
However, in mycology laboratory, the suitability of any molecular diag-
nostic technique in the diagnosis of dermatophytosis is driven by the
requirement of time, economy, complexity, the range of species spectrum
detected and the scale of diagnostic output required. Thus, various choices
involved in the pursuit of a diagnosis of dermatophytosis are determined
by the available conditions and the facilities in the laboratory.

dermatophytes, molecular techniques, sensitivity, specificity, target sequences

1 | INTRODUCTION of diagnostic techniques, these dermatophytes

were classified into six genera, with Nannizzia,
Dermatophytosis is a disease of global significance Lophophyton and Arthroderma as new three genera
caused by pathogenic keratinolytic fungi called [1]. Globally, approximately 20–25% of the population
dermatophytes in both animals and humans. Earlier is affected by superficial mycosis with a pre-
all pathogenic dermatophytes were classified into ponderance of dermatophytosis [2]. However, over the
three genera, namely Microsporum, Trichophyton and past two decades, there has been a dramatic increase
Epidermophyton. However, with the advancement in the incidence of dermatophytosis in humans as a

J Basic Microbiol. 2020;1–11. © 2020 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim | 1

result of socioeconomic problems, large‐scale inter- skin diseases [9], which make the treatment course
national travels, immigration from tropical countries, highly uncertain. The isolation and identification of
and contact with animals, particularly pets. The dermatophytes involved in infections are essential to
increasing age and the use of immunosuppressive prescribe species‐specific treatment regimens. For
drugs are the predisposing factors for the rise of example, Trichophyton tonsurans requires shorter treat-
dermatophytosis‐induced morbidity in humans [3]. ment duration than that of Microsporum canis involved
Due to the zoonotic nature of some dermatophytosis, in tinea capitis, and nondermatophyte infections may not
an interdisciplinary approach, involving dermatolo- respond to the standard therapy used for dermatophy-
gists, paediatricians, primary healthcare physicians tosis [10]. A number of nondermatophyte fungi such as
and veterinarians, is warranted to curtail its Fusarium, Acremonium and Aspergillus have been
spread [4]. recovered as unique infectious agents in many cases of
The dermatophytosis is generally chronic in nature, onychomycosis that did not respond to multiple systemic
and its control requires proper identification of aetiological treatments with terbinafine and itraconazole [11].
agents and its prevalence for the prescription of specific Although an oral treatment with terbinafine/azoles is
treatment [5]. The rapid identification of aetiological well established against dermatophytes in onychomy-
agents from the clinical samples of dermatophytosis and cosis, the cases like above may make one falsely arrive at
route of infection is vital for specific antifungal therapy the conclusion of resistant dermatophyte strains. The
and for the prevention of further dissemination to human isolation and identification of the aetiological agent in
and/or other animals [6]. The conventional diagnosis of such nonresponding cases are necessary to prescribe an
dermatophytosis involves the easily available techniques alternative therapy. For example, in case of non-
of culture and morphological identification of the fungus or dermatophyte onychomycosis [12] or Fusarium onycho-
the detection of fungal elements by the direct microscopy mycosis [13], the topical amphotericin B or
of clinical specimens. Although the diagnosis by conven- photodynamic therapy, respectively, were found to be
tional culture and microscopy is suitable for fresh isolates, efficient, safe and easy to apply. Thus, the accurate
it is difficult to maintain and reproduce the reference identification of dermatophytes at species level de-
strains for standardisation due to rapid degeneration on termines the choice of the most appropriate antifungal
cultures [1]. Furthermore, such conventional diagnostic treatment and helps in tracking sources of infection,
techniques are highly time‐consuming to arrive at a diag- thereby helping avoid reinfection, investigate and control
nosis, and the accuracy of the results depends on the epidemics [14].
expertise of the personnel. Thus, the need for polymerase The isolation of fungi from clinical specimens is pri-
chain reaction (PCR)‐based techniques was felt to increase marily done on Sabouraud's dextrose agar or potato
the sensitivity, specificity and the speed of diagnosis. The dextrose agar supplemented with antibiotics and cyclo-
rapid diagnosis reduces the inconvenience caused to the heximide [10]. The direct microscopic examination of
patients due to delayed diagnosis and prolonged treatment clinical samples and the recovery of the causative agent
course [7]. in culture were the classical approaches used for the la-
boratory diagnosis of the dermatophytosis [15]. However,
the isolation of these fungi in culture requires several
2 | IMPORTANCE OF RAPID AND weeks (even up to 6 weeks) and is often complicated by
S E N S I T I V E DE R M A T O P H Y T E the growth of contaminant fungi normally present in skin
DIAGNOSIS and hair samples from animals, such as Alternaria,
Cladosporium, Mucor, Penicillium, Rhizopus, and so on.
Dermatophytosis is one of the most common commu- However, the growth of these contaminant species can be
nicable human infectious diseases, often chronic in nat- avoided by adding antibiotics and cycloheximide in the
ure, causing considerable irreversible destruction to skin, agar used for the culture. As most of the superficial
hair and nails, if not detected and treated timely [3]. The fungal infections are caused by dermatophytes, their
problem with the zoophilic dermatophytes is that the rapid and sensitive detection is of great importance [16].
clinical lesions it produces in humans are more severe The molecular diagnostic methods offer a significantly
than those by the typical anthropophilic ones that faster diagnosis of dermatophytosis, and in most of the
are always transmitted by direct or indirect contact from cases, they provide the direct species identification for a
person to person [8]. The clinical presentations of targeted treatment to avoid unnecessary antifungal
dermatophytosis such as multifocal alopecia, scaling and treatment and toxicity, and also for epidemiological
circular lesions are often similar to those of other purposes [17–20]. There is an argument that the

implementation of new molecular diagnostic approaches in identification due to morphological similarities among
is associated with an added cost, and the employment of different species or polymorphism shown by dermato-
an expensive rapid diagnostic approach for dermatophy- phytes, which necessitates the molecular techniques for
tosis, a nonlife‐threatening chronic infection, may not be diagnosis [26]. The factors like morphological similarities
appropriate [7]. However, it is noteworthy to consider among fungal species and limited sporulation or lack of
that certain dermatophytosis cases, particularly nail in- sporulation render most of the dermatophytes unidentified
fections (15%), maybe culture negative at the first sam- by the classical conventional methods [10]. Another dis-
pling [18]. This may lead to additional cost and advantage of conventional culture isolation is the prolonged
inconvenience to the patient associated with a second (up to 6 weeks) turnaround time in case of atypical isolates
visit to the physician [7]. Furthermore, over‐the‐counter or slow‐growing species like Trichophyton verrucosum,
self‐medication can significantly reduce the sensitivity of which delays the treatment and may result in overgrowth
culture but not of the molecular approaches [7]. of more rapidly growing contaminating moulds [27].
Although the modern‐day PCR assays have demonstrated
much higher sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis
3 | L IM ITA TI O N S O F of dermatophytosis than conventional methods, the
CONVENTIONAL METHODS researchers have now become severely sceptic to the gold
standard status of conventional methods [7,28]. Rapid
The isolation followed by identification of dermatophytes diagnosis and accurate identification of dermatophytes help
from the clinical samples was earlier considered as a gold in the successful management of dermatophytosis [29].
standard method for diagnosis purpose, even though it Besides the nucleic acid‐based methods for detection of
took a long time to grow in culture and sporulate. The dermatophytes directly from the clinical specimen [30],
outcome of the conventional culture isolation and iden- matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionisation time‐of‐flight
tification in the diagnosis of dermatophytosis is largely mass spectrometry [31,32] and nanoelectrospray ionisation
limited by the quality of the sample collected. For the spectrometry [20] were employed for more accurate
successful isolation of the aetiological agent, the lesion identification of dermatophytes, thereby overcoming
site needs to be cleaned with 70% alcohol before sample the limitations of phenotypic identification. Even after the
collection to remove contaminants. Also, the sample application of the topical antifungal agents, the PCR has the
collection needs to be done before initiating the systemic ability to identify the non‐viable cells with intact nucleic
treatment; however, a withdrawal period of 15 days or acids [33].
3 months is required if a topical or oral antifungal
treatment is already going on, respectively, before sample
collection [21]. The samples from the skin need to be 4 | THE RISE OF ADVANCED
collected from the advancing edge of the lesions, the nail TECHNIQUES
samples should be collected according to the type of
onychomycosis, and hair samples need to be collected The culture‐based dermatophyte identification is limited by
along with their follicles by plucking, not clipping, for a high false‐negative rate with longer incubation time [34],
better results [22]. which has paved the path for the emergence of numerous
The conventional methods, culture and direct micro- sensitive and specific molecular tests [7,17–19,25]. The
scopy, of dermatophyte diagnosis, are plagued by the fact molecular diagnostic methods are becoming widely acces-
that the rate of isolation of fungi from the clinical samples is sible with superior sensitivity, specificity, and shorter
generally lower (even by 30%) than the positive rates ob- turnaround times than the conventional methods. The ad-
tained by the direct microscopic examination, particularly vanced molecular techniques employed in the diagnosis of
in case of nail samples [23], and this has been attributed dermatophytosis are conventional PCR or real‐time PCR
to various factors such as inadequate sample quantity, (RT‐PCR) for DNA extracted from the clinical specimens
presence of dead fungal hyphae, precollection antifungal [7]. The extraction of DNA from the clinical specimens can
treatment and so on [10,14,24]. Furthermore, the limitation be done by traditional phenol–chloroform method or by
of direct microscopy is that being relatively nonspecific, it using more efficient and convenient commercially available
can detect the presence of hyphae but cannot differentiate DNA extraction kits [35]. However, the DNA extraction is
between the dermatophyte species or dermatophytes from hampered by the presence of keratin in the clinical samples,
nondermatophyte fungi [22,25]. Moreover, it has been which is disrupted mechanically or enzymatically by using
found to be falsely negative in considerable number of cases keratin digesting proteinase K or nonenzymatically by
(5–15%) [23,25]. Also, the successful culture isolation of keratin digesting Na2S solution [36]. The DNA extraction
dermatophytes from samples is hampered by the difficulty followed by the application of different methods of

utilisation for the diagnostic purpose has undergone diagnosis. In a study of 107 clinical samples by Gordon
significant evolution over the past 15 years. et al. [3], the conventional PCR could not only detect all
The molecular diagnosis of dermatophytosis requires the dermatophytes from all the culture‐positive samples,
extraction of fungal DNA, followed by its amplification but it also detected the CHS1 gene from seven samples
using PCR. However, the initial study designs allowed for that grew other nondermatophyte fungi or yeast.
the rapid detection of the dermatophyte presence in This suggests that PCR has the potential to detect the
clinical samples by targeting conserved ribosomal DNA pathogens in mixed infections or contamination with
sequences without species identification, whereas, the environmental fungi. They also detected the target gene
successive study designs were aimed at more specific in 10 of the 66 clinical samples from which a fungi was
DNA sequences allowing the identification at the genus not isolated, suggesting the superiority of PCR in terms of
and species level [7]. The application of other molecular sensitivity over conventional culture and microscopy
methods, such as restriction fragment length poly- methods. A number of other studies have reported the
morphism (RFLP) analysis of mitochondrial DNA [37], use of PCR kits in the diagnosis of dermatophytosis
sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) re- increased rate of detection by 10–19.5% compared with
gions of the ribosomal DNA [38], sequencing of protein‐ culture method [14,18,25,44,52]. However, the outcome
encoding genes, arbitrarily primed PCR [29], post‐PCR of the PCR assays may vary, based on the source of the
electrophoresis or hybridisation [7], pan‐dermatophyte clinical sample and the selection of the target sequence.
nested PCR, and PCR fingerprinting [39], considerably For example, a one‐step PCR assay with specificity of
advanced the diagnosis of dermatophytosis to species and 94.4% and sensitivity of 62.5% was found to be moderately
strain level. Although all the molecular methods of der- accurate for cat and highly accurate for dog samples be-
matophyte diagnosis are sensitive by far over the con- cause of the small amounts of fungal DNA in samples
ventional methods, they show considerable differences in from cats, which has been related to self‐grooming habit
sensitivity and specificity among themselves. Thus, there in cats [26]. However, a PCR assay, using ITS primers,
is the need of study designs that not only compare mo- tested on 58 known isolates could identify 42 isolates
lecular assays with conventional diagnostics but also including 35/35 Trichophyton isolates of different species,
make a comparison between different molecular diag- 3/3 M. canis, and 4/4 Microsporum audouinii isolates.
nostics to develop an ideal molecular approach that is However, 2 Epidermophyton floccosum, 11 Microsporum
rapid, economical, and involves less technical efforts for a gypseum, and 3 Microsporum persicolor could not be
reliable diagnosis of dermatophytosis [35]. The higher identified [18]. Although conventional PCR benefits from
degree of phylogenetic relationship among the dermato- simplicity and lower cost, its inability to determine the
phytes from the clinical samples warrants the use of appropriate quantity of sample to assure a positive result
highly variable target sequences such as ITSs, a micro- and to quantify fungal load [52] makes way for the
satellite region, topoisomerase II gene and so on, in a RT‐PCR and other post‐PCR techniques for the derma-
quantitative RT‐PCR and other post‐PCR techniques in tophyte diagnosis.
the diagnosis of dermatophytes [23,35,40].

6 | REAL ‐ T I M E P OL Y M E R A S E

The most widely used conventional PCR is a simple and The RT‐PCR is a rapid and sensitive approach to detect
inexpensive molecular technique for rapid detection of one or several dermatophyte species directly from clinical
aetiological agents accurately in clinical cases pertaining samples using different species‐specific probes, and it is
to dermatophytosis by employing specific primers, fol- conducted in a closed tube system without post‐PCR
lowed by interpretation of the results based on the am- analysis, which limits the risk of contamination [7,41]. In
plicon size in agarose gel [7,41]. The species‐specific dermatophyte diagnosis, RT‐PCR is characterised by
primers, pan dermatophyte primers, or panfungal pri- short handling time, quantification of fungal load, mon-
mers that usually target ITS, 28S region of ribosomal itoring of therapy success, and determination of the ex-
DNA, or the sequences coding for topoisomerase II or tent of inhibitions in clinical samples along with the high
chitin synthase I (CSH1) have been used for the identi- incurring cost. However, in high‐throughput diagnostic
fication of aetiological agents involved in the dermato- laboratories, this high incurring cost can be compensated
phytosis [30,42] (Table 1). However, the sample type, by a lower cost per sample [35]. The feature of quantifi-
sample preparation and laboratory conditions have a cation of fungal load by RT‐PCR would help us differ-
direct bearing on the PCR results in dermatophyte entiate between the infection and the contamination of

TABLE 1 Summary of PCR techniques available for diagnosis of dermatophytes

PCR technique Target sequences Target species Developer Reference

Real‐time PCR 18S, 5.8S rRNA Pan dermatophyte Lab developed tool [17]
ITS1, ITS2 Trichophyton tonsurans Lab developed tool [43]
Trichophyton violaceum
Microsporum canis
Trichophyton rubrum
Microsporum audouinii
Multiplex PCR CSH, ITS Pan dermatophyte Lab developed tool [25]
Trichophyton rubrum
ITS2, CSH1 Pan dermatophyte Statens Serum Institut, [44]
Trichophyton rubrum Copenhagen, Denmark
PCR‐ELISA ITS Trichophyton interdigitale Lab developed tool [45]
Nested PCR CHS1 Pan dermatophyte Lab developed tool [46]
ITS1 Trichophyton rubrum Amersham Bioscience [47]
Trichophyton interdigitale UK Ltd.
28S rRNA Trichophyton rubrum Amersham Bioscience [48]
Trichophyton interdigitale UK Ltd.
CHS1 Trichophyton Lab developed tool [16]
PCR‐RFLP Metalloproteinase‐1 (MEP1) using Trichophyton rubrum Lab developed tool [49]
BsrD1 restriction enzyme Microsporum canis
Microsporum gypseum
ITS2 using BstUI restriction enzyme Trichophyton spp. Lab developed tool [50]
Microsporium spp.
Microsporum audouinii
Athroderma spp.
ITS rDNA using MvaI restriction Trichophyton interdigitale Lab developed tool [51]
enzyme Epidermophyton floccosum
Trichophyton rubrum
Microsporum canis
Trichophyton erinacei
Trichophyton violaceum
Trichophyton tonsurans
Microsporum gypseum

Abbreviations: ELISA, enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay; ITS, internal transcribed spacer; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; RFLP, restriction fragment
length polymorphism.

clinical samples by establishing the threshold of the in- the species and genus level has been reported to be 94.3%
fection. A number of studies have suggested that RT‐PCR and 97.4%, respectively [54]. The RT‐PCR could not only
can be applied successfully for the diagnosis of derma- detect and correctly identify different dermatophyte
tophytosis with much higher precision compared with species, using ITS primers, from culture‐positive clinical
the classical diagnostic methods. In a study, comparing specimens but it also identified a dermatophyte species
RT‐PCR and classical methods, targeting the diagnosis of from seven specimens that were negative on microscopy
Trichophyton rubrum by using species‐specific primers and culture [43].
revealed that considerable misdiagnosis by classical In an RT‐PCR assay, based on the ITS1 primers,
methods was overcome by applying RT‐PCR technique Bergmans et al. [17] and Alexander et al. [53] differ-
[53]. The concurrence between the results of culture and entiated 11 dermatophyte species belonging to Tricho-
the RT‐PCR in the identification of the dermatophytes to phyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton genera from

nail, skin and hair samples with melt curve analysis could detect T. rubrum from paraffin‐embedded material
within a time period of 72 hr. They also could differ- without resorting to culture [57]. A nested PCR assay,
entiate dermatophytes from nondermatophytes with a using multiple primers ITS+ (ITS1 + 5.8S rRNA gene +
sensitivity of 97%, compared with culture identification. ITS2) for the detection of dermatophytes in samples from
In the same year, another study, targeting the same ITS1 cats and dogs, was highly accurate with higher specificity
sequence, also reported a significant increase in the de- (94.4%) and sensitivity (94.9%) for both animal species
tection rate of dermatophytes in clinical samples with a [26]. In this study, one‐step PCR could successfully
sensitivity of 97%, compared with culture [19]. Generally, identify M. canis directly, but it could not discriminate
most of the PCR assays have been designed for the si- Trichophyton interdigitale from M. gypseumand Tricho-
multaneous detection of several dermatophyte species phyton terrestre, which was satisfactorily achieved by the
without considering nondermatophytes as a possible in- nested PCR assay. Thus, owing to its higher sensitivity
fectious agent. However, while studying the onychomy- compared with KOH microscopy, the pan dermatophyte
cosis, an RT‐PCR assay was developed by Miyajima et al. nested PCR was advocated to be considered as the gold
[55] using two species‐specific Trichophyton primers (T. standard for the diagnosis of dermatomycosis under such
rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes) and a pan- settings [16,39]. However, this recommendation was
fungal primer to detect any other possible dermatophyte contested by Petinataud et al. [58] because of the higher
or nondermatophyte aetiological agent. They not only chances of contamination due to the two successive
identified the T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes but also amplification steps involved in the nested PCR. Although
detected the mould species of Fusarium, Acremonium, it increases the sensitivity of fungal detection, nested PCR
Aspergillus and Scopulariopsis as the infectious agents, has the disadvantages of more manipulations, the risk of
not transient contaminants, of onychomycosiswithout contamination, and the prolonged time to get a diag-
species identification and without differentiation with nostic response [56,59].
nontarget pathogenic dermatophyte species.

The application of PCR in any diagnostic laboratory is
Various post‐PCR steps have been performed to increase constrained by the cost incurred and occasionally by
the sensitivity of dermatophytes detection and identifi- the sample volume, which can be overcome by using
cation from clinical samples using panfungal primers multiple target sequences in a single PCR reaction. The
[41]. A nested PCR assay is the modification of a con- use of multiple targets in a single reaction constitutes
ventional PCR approach in which the first amplification the multiplex PCR, which has a considerable potential
is followed by another amplification of a smaller region to save time and efforts within the laboratory without
inside the initial amplified fragment [30]. The nested compromising the test utility [60]. However, the de-
PCR consists of primary and secondary amplification to signed primers should be checked for dimerisation,
increase the specificity and sensitivity of a PCR [56] in which may lead to unspecific amplification. The mul-
which the primary PCR product is used as a template for tiplex PCR increases the efficiency of detection and
secondary PCR to avoid primer dimer artefacts. Thus, it reduces the chances of false‐negative results. A duplex
eliminates false‐positive and false‐negative results as well RT‐PCR was developed by Arabatzis et al. [43] for the
as discriminates between the specific and nonspecific direct detection of dermatophytes in nail and skin
DNA bands or, in other words, nested PCR tends to re- clinical samples by using ITS1 and ITS2 target regions.
duce the nonspecific binding in products due to the The Statens Serum Institute in Denmark developed a
amplification of unexpected primer binding sites. A pan‐ commercial duplex PCR kit for the diagnosis of der-
dermatophyte nested PCR performed for the diagnosis of matophytes in general and T. rubrum in particular
onychomycosis targeting CSH1 gene showed a sensitivity from nail samples within 5 hr by targeting CSH1 and
of 83.8%, which is far higher than the KOH wet mount ITS2 regions, respectively [25], and later the same
microscopy [39]. In 2009, the same protocol directed group applied the multiplex PCR technique in the de-
against CSH1 for the direct detection and identification of tection of dermatophytes from tinea unguium cases
dermatophytes in skin and hair showed the same sensi- [18]. In the same year, duplex PCR was evaluated by
tivity of 83.8% [16]. In the same year, the nested PCR targeting CSH1 and ITS2 regions, and a positivity rate
directed against ITS1 also successfully detected T. rubrum of 44% for dermatophytes compared with 34% by cul-
and T. mentagrophytes in nail and skin samples [47], ture was reported [44]. They also reported that the
whereas, earlier in 2005 a Trichophyton‐specific primer positive predictive value, negative predictive value,

specificity, and sensitivity of the duplex PCR were 93%, 87%, (MS‐ELISA). They observed that the detection rate of
94% and 85%, respectively, when confirmed by either po- T. rubrumwas highest by MS‐ELISA, followed by the
sitive culture or microscopy or both. The multiplex PCR ITS‐ELISA, whereas the detection rate of T. interdigitale was
targeting CHS1 and ITS regions for identification of T. ru- highest with ITS‐ELISA, followed by TI‐ELISA. However,
brum and T. mentagrophytes in nail samples showed a the sensitivity of these molecular assays determined by the
sensitivity of 97%, compared with 81.1% in the conventional serial dilutions of reference fungal strain DNA could not be
methods [30]. The duplex PCR is mostly used for the de- observed when these assays were applied to clinical sam-
tection of T. rubrum from onychomycosis and tinea pedis ples. Furthermore, the PCR‐ELISA technique was tested in
cases in many countries [17,23]. cases of onychomycosis, and the sensitivity of 79% and
specificity of 85.5% has been reported [30,64]. Although a
commercial kit called Onychodiag based on PCR‐ELISA
9 | P OL Y M E R A S E C H A I N technique was launched in the market for the detection of
REACTION ENZYME‐ LINKED dermatophytes in onychomycosis [45], it was its require-
IM MUNOSORBENT ASSA Y ment of elaborative manipulations and time‐consuming
feature that rendered it less interesting for routine use.
Polymerase chain reaction enzyme‐linked immunosorbent
assay (PCR‐ELISA) technique is a hybrid of PCR assay and
ELISA whose application is similar to that of ELISA with 10 | POLY MERAS E C HAIN
the exception that it allows the direct detection of nucleic RE ACTI ON‐ R E S T R I C T E D
acids amplified by PCR instead of the proteins on an FRAGMENT LENGTH
ELISA plate [61]. Initially, the PCR‐ELISA was developed POLYM ORPHIS M
for direct analysis of labelled amplicons, which was
moderate in sensitivity and specificity. Thus, to improve The polymerase chain reaction‐restricted fragment length
the sensitivity and specificity of the detection, a hy- polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP) is a technique that amplifies
bridisation step with specific probes was included in the the specific fragments of nucleic acids containing
technique. It involved the amplification of the gene of small‐scale genetic variations, followed by analysis with
interest in the presence of digoxigenin to make appropriate restriction enzyme and identification by
digoxigenin‐labelled PCR product that binds with biotin electrophoretic resolvement of the fragments. Initially,
labelled oligonucleotide probe. The biotinylated PCR pro- the PCR‐RFLP was performed to identify selected
duct is immobilised on the microplate and detected using infectious fungal species in dermatological samples such
anti‐digoxigenin peroxidase [62]. The other method of as Trichophyton spp. and Scytalidium spp. [65,66] or
PCR‐ELISA technique involves the hybridisation of PCR Trichophyton spp., Fusarium spp. and Aspergillus spp.
product with fluorescein‐labelled oligonucleotide probe, in onychomycosis [67,68]. The identification of two
followed by detection using anti‐fluorescein antibodies different species in mixed nail infections was done by
conjugated to horseradish peroxidase [63]. Although PCR‐ interpreting band profiles on agarose gels or by amplicon
ELISA is more elaborate and time‐consuming, it is less sequencing [56,67]. The PCR‐RFLP has been developed
expensive compared to RT‐PCR, which makes it highly to successfully detect T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes and
suitable for low sample throughput laboratories [35]. It has E. floccosum directly from nails, skin or hair samples, but
been reported that PCR‐ELISA could successfully detect no strain variations were detected among these species
five dermatophyte species, namely T. rubrum, T. inter- [69]. It has been automated to a considerable extent for
digitale, Trichophyton violaceum, M. canis, and E. flocco- the rapid diagnosis of fungal infections in clinical speci-
sum, directly from clinical samples within 24 h by the mens. The PCR terminal RFLP was found to detect fungi
amplification of topoisomerase II gene and detection by in 74% of culture‐negative samples from onychomycosis
hybridisation using digoxigenin‐labelled probes [23]. A with a minimum amount of nail sample required and in
significantly better sensitivity of around 90% was observed, addition to Trichophyton spp., 12 nondermatophyte
compared to control, and no cross‐hybridisation was ob- species were also recovered [70]. The advantages of
served, indicating a better specificity of this technique. The PCR‐RFLP technique are inexpensiveness, easy design,
selection of the target sequence for the PCR‐ELISA tech- and no requirement of advanced instruments, whereas
nique has a significant effect on the results. For example, the disadvantages include the requirement of restriction
Kupsch et al. [35] compared three types of PCR‐ELISA enzymes, identification of desired genetic variations, and
based on three targets used, namely Topoisomerase time‐consuming nature [71]. However, it is its complex
II‐ELISA (TI‐ELISA), ITS‐ELISA, and Microsatellite‐ELISA and laborious nature that prevents its routine use.

11 | S E L E C T I O N O F TA R G E T FO R 28S rDNA sequences were reported to be suitable for

D I A G N O S I S OF dermatophyte diagnosis at the species level [79], but they
D E R M A T O PH Y T O S I S were, later on, declared less discriminating than other
rDNA sequences [80].
Since morphological identification of dermatophyte
species in cultures is often difficult and uncertain because
of variations from one isolate to another and overlapping 12 | FACTORS F OR SENSITIVITY
characters between species that requires considerable AND S PE CIFICITY OF
expertise for correct identification, the DNA sequences are DIAGNOSTIC ASSAYS
very useful for accurate identification [41]. Furthermore,
generally, low quantity of fungal DNA is recovered from There are a number of factors that could affect the sen-
clinical specimens, and the sensitivity of detection depends sitivity and specificity of molecular diagnosis in the
on the selection of a target for amplification and the identification of dermatophytes, such as methods of
molecular technique that could detect the specific ampli- preparation, handling, and processing of the clinical
con [52]. The PCR technique adopted for the direct samples for DNA extraction, choice of technique adopted,
identification of the fungus in collected samples varies presence of inhibitory substances, choice of target
from laboratory to laboratory depending on available sequence, selection of primers and probes, amplicon size,
facilities, DNA extraction methods, PCR primers, and the the volume, concentration and age of template DNA [81].
way of analysing the PCR products. The primer used can Under clinical settings, the presence of the considerable
be species‐specific to detect only one dermatophyte amount of human DNA or other contaminant DNA along
species, pan‐dermatophyte primer to detect any dermato- with the presence of inhibitory substances significantly
phyte species or panfungal primer to detect any fungal hampers the DNA extraction efficiency, which, in turn,
species [41]. Dermatophyte taxonomy has undergone sig- influences the performance of subsequent tests employed
nificant evolution over the recent years as a consequence [82]. Kupsch et al. [35] compared two DNA extraction
of characterisation of the dermatophyte genome [72,73]. methods (QIAamp DNA Mini Kit and Illustra genomic
However, the identification process of dermatophyte Prep Mini Spin Kit) to extract DNA from clinical samples
species based on the traditional NCBI database is highly and observed that all the diagnostic techniques adopted
problematic because of the plethora of identical sequences have shown a slight surplus of dermatophyte positives
under different names or due to the presence of when DNA extraction was performed with the QiaAmp
misidentified sequences [74,75]. This problem can be Mini DNA Kit.
overcome by the use of publicly available new reliable, The specificity and sensitivity of the molecular
up‐to‐date ITS sequence database at the Centraalbur- techniques for the identification of dermatophytes are not
eauvoorSchimmelcultures dermatophyte website (http:// affected by the antifungal treatment of animals 10 days [72] before molecular testing [27]. It has been reported that
or by creating a database for the laboratory gradually. the culture‐negative samples from antifungal treated dogs
However, the availability of sequences in NCBI database and cats were test‐positive in nested PCR, which suggests
varies from species to species. For example, in comparison that this assay could be used for monitoring of the
to Trichophyton species, there are fewer entries of treatment efficacy, persistence of dermatophyte carriers,
complete genome sequences of M. canis and Epidermo- and for the estimation of the posttreatment period
phyton floccosum to interrogate alignments [3]. required for test results to become negative for both
The CHS1 gene has been the target for pan‐ culture and PCR [14,26]. Furthermore, the source of
dermatophyte assays, for several years, because it is a DNA for dermatophyte identification purpose sig-
highly conserved region across all the dermatophytes nificantly impacts the sensitivity of the molecular tech-
[76,77]. However, because of high resolving power and niques applied. The sensitivity of PCR applied to culture
abundance of repetitive elements (multicopy genes), was significantly higher than that of hair samples from
which increase the sensitivity of the diagnostic tests, the Arabian horses for the detection of T. mentagrophytes, M.
current molecular methods mostly target ribosomal DNA canis and M. equinum [81].
region flanking 18S, ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2 and 26S sequences
with the exceptions of DNA topoisomerase II gene [23]
and microsatellite marker [14]. The polymorphism of the 13 | CONCLUSIONS
ITS1 and ITS2 flanking the DNA sequence encoding the
5.8S rDNA is very sensitive and reliable for the identifi- The molecular diagnostic techniques in the diagnosis of
cation of different dermatophyte species [78]. Even the dermatophytosis have significantly evolved over the

recent years, which provide the objective and and azole treatments reveals non‐dermatophyte moulds as
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How to cite this article: Begum J, Mir NA,
Salamin K, et al. Identification of infectious agents in ony-
Lingaraju MC, Buyamayum B, Dev K. Recent
chomycoses by PCR‐terminal restriction fragment length
polymorphism. J Clin Microbiol. 2012;50(553):61‐561. advances in the diagnosis of dermatophytosis.
[71] Rasmussen HB. Restriction fragment length polymorphism J Basic Microbiol. 2020;1–11.
analysis of PCR‐amplified fragments (PCR‐RFLP) and gel
electrophoresis–valuable tool for genotyping and genetic

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