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Communication is a two-way process essential in transmitting information. There are two kinds of
communication, verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication also called as spoken communication , it
is conveying ideas using speech while non-verbal communication refers to the use of wordless cues in
order to convey message. The process of communication starts with a stimulus, an idea or a concept
which is activated by a sender. The sender encodes the message and expresses his/her thoughts in
proper sequence. Then the message is heard and interpreted or decoded by the receiver, the receiver
provides feedback and becomes the speaker. The same process repeats.

There are various types of communication model such as: Linear model, Interactive model, Osgood
and Schramm circular model, Transaction model, and Helical model.

Linear Communication Model is designed to present communication as a one way process.


 Listening to the radio

 watching the news on television

Feedback is not needed and the role of the reciever is only to accept information.

Interactive Communication Model is conceptualized for a two-way activity. The sender and the
reciever has the same role coming up with an idea, sending a message and reacting to a concept.


 telephone conversation

This involves feedback, it may also include noise that affect interpretation of the message.

Osgood and Schramm Circuolar Model, communication is presented as an endless “circular” flow of
conversation. It takes into account the same elements as the interactive model but emphasizes the
functions of the speaker or participants in the communication.


 class recitation
The speaker encodes the message, and the listener decodes and interprets it. After interpreting,
the listener then becomes the speaker and decodes another message to make the conversation

Transactional Conversation Model presents communication as a simultaneous activity. Senders and

receivers are called participants since they are both capable of sending and receiving messages.


 an enegetic person talking to a sleepy person.

The environment also takes into account the noise.

Helical Communication Model is the only one who promotes an upward and forward movement,
This model also proposes that communication starts at birth and evolves as one grows up, and one’s
responses depend on the past experience.


*the learning of a new word

So there is a forward movement but also some looking back involved.

Elements of Communication

 Participants
Who may function as both sender and reciever.
 Context
Conditions affecting the message. These includes social, physical, psychological and
cultural factors.
 Message
Idea or information that the sender would like to convey to the reciever.
 Channel
Means of delivering the message.
 Feedback
Response of the reciever.
Intercultural Communication refers to the communication among or between members of
different cultural, social, or linguistic groups.

 Culture
Refers to the learned set of knowledge, norms, behaviors, values, beliefs, attitudes,
costums, and practices that people in particular group share at a specific point.
 Gender
Men and women in general differ in the way they express themselves or in how they
 Age
Persons age or the generation to which he or she belongs influences the way he or she
communicates with others.
 Social Status
A person’s standing or position in society, or social status , can influence whom you talk
and build relationships with.
 Religion
Communication between or among persons belonging to different religions is a
common source of intercultural conflict.

Communication is a one major tool that we use everyday , when greeting your friends and family.
It is one of the things that we can’t live without. It is nice that we have learned a lot about
communication, Such as

 Elements of conversation
 two types of communication
 verbal
 non verbal
 types of communication model.

 Linear communication model

 Interactive communication model
 Osgood and Schramm circular communication model
 Transactional communication mode
Those are the things that I have learned from our lesson in communication. It was very helpful for
us, Humanities and Social Sciences students

 because we are able to learn things that we can use on our future jobs
 and also as a student communicating with my fellow student.

Oral communication as a subject inhancing

 our speaking skills

 fluency in the English language and
 a lot more things

I am glad that I had a Teacher someone like Mr. Mecha

 who has an outstanding humor

 always makes funny jokes makes the whole class laugh very hard.

Sometime I wonder how can we able to learn something from him even if the only thing he did in our
class is to make fun of me and some of my classmates he’s techniques in teaching is outstanding that
even after a very fun class we still able to learn new things.

This also thought us how to communicate properly with other people

 People with different age

 Social status
 Culture
 Gender
 Religion

This helps promote respect to others.

Types of Non verbal communication

 Proxemics
 Kinesics
 Chronemics
 Paralanguage
 Haptics

Proxemics refers to the use of body language in communication. This includes

 Intimate distance (less than 6 inches to 18 inches)

 for embracing, touching, and whispering.
 Personal distance (1.5 to 4 feet)
 for interacting with good friends and families.
 Social distance (4 to 12 feet)
 for interacting with acquaintances
 Public distance (12 to 25 feet or more)
 For public speaking

Example: maintaining a few feet of distance when talking to a person you are not close to.

Kinesics refers to the use of body language in communication. This includes

 Gestures
 Eye contact
 Facial expression

Example: not being able to look someone on the eye.

Chronemics to the role of time in the communication process.

Example: not responding right away to a question.

Paralanguage refers to the tone, speed, and volume of a speakers voice.

Example: using a loud voice and speaking fast.

Haptics is the use of touch to convey meaning in a conversation.

Communication Breakdown

In the course of exchange, the message may not be transmitted exactly as it is in the mind of the sender
is not clearly understood by the sender, or the the message of the sender is not clearly understood by
the reciever. These leads to communication breakdown.

Barriers that may cause Breakdown in Communication

 Language Barriers
 No language in common
 Inability to understand unfamiliar accents
 Unfamiliar words or expressions
 Jargons
 Idioms
 Cultural Barriers
 Discomfort
 Hesitation
 Differences in ways of thinking
 Insensitivity to the culture of others
 Physical Barriers
 Disruptive physical setting
 Noise
 Poor lighting
 distance
 Prejudging
 Jumping to conclusion
 Deciding prematurely
 Information overload
 Too much information at a time
 Lack of interest and attention
 Tuning out information
 Not giving necessary attention
How to avoid Communicaton Breakdown

 Use time-gaining expressions to have tie to think

 Give positive remarks or comments
 Be specific
 Ask for repitition or clarification
 Check for understanding
 Do not jump to conclusion

Developing Effective Communication Skills

 Effective communication is more that just the transmition of information .

 It takes place only when the information is shared and mutually understood.

How you can achieve effective communication

 Keep focused
 Speak intelligibly
 Listen with your ears and eyes
 Minimize distraction

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